Chapter 2032: All off

The dark golden clan raft pushed forward quickly, countless beams, missiles, and fire snakes turned into bullets flew from the front to form a dense barrage, but under Xiao Ran's control, the dark golden clan raft Shrouded in a green curtain of light, the fast-forwarding figure also dragged a long trail, quickly interspersed in the dense attack barrage of the combined fleet with an elusive way of action, and easily moved towards the combined The fleet advanced quickly.
In the process of advancing, the multi-functional weapon held by both hands of the clan raft has been raised. This multi-purpose weapon can be used as the Ougang Great Sword, Ougang Ship Sword, Ougang Rifle, and Ougang Heavy Artillery. Very much in line with Xiao Ran's usage habits, the two weapons began to condense green energy in the gap between them.
Then, under the powerful energy supply of the Eurosteel extractor, two green beams burst out like meteors in the night sky between the stars. They flew towards the two frontmost warships in the combined fleet respectively. Under the dodge, he watched as these two attacks were about to pass by the warship, but suddenly they changed their angles like eyes, and they slammed into the two warships.
The fragile armor of the battleships of the United Army was unable to resist the long-range bombardment of the clan raft. The bridges of the two battleships were easily pierced by Xiao Ran’s attack, deformed, twisted and then exploded. The battleship that lost the bridge started to move towards with black smoke. The ground fell.
The two battleships were taken directly between Xiao Ran's attack, which also gave other battleships more movement. Countless missiles flew out from the fleet, and these missiles did not fly in the direction of Xiao Ran's body. , But quickly exploded after flying away from these warships, turning into countless light spots spreading over the fleet.
Trying to use this kind of reflective beam blasting mine to reduce the threat of clan raft attacks to them, but it is a pity that the United Army's fleet is not aware of the particularity of Ougang Energy. Reflective beam blasting mines do treat general beam weapons. It has a very good effect, but the Ougang energy weapon is completely another matter. It is a special energy that can be condensed into a crystal. The reflective beam explosion is of no use to Ougang Energy.
However, the combined military fleet used the anti-beam blasting mine, which will also have a certain impact on them. Since the opponent uses the back-beam blasting mine, although it will not affect the attack of the clan raft, Xiao Ran still stopped. The plan to continue using shelling.
The two weapons that originally presented the rifle prone position instantly shrank and bounced, turning into huge swords releasing the blade of light. Facing the dozens of ma that were already in front of you and quickly spreading out, the clan raft suddenly burst out. With the red flash of light, his body shape was more than doubled as the speed of a ghost again, and his rapid actions brought up afterimages, which were completely beyond the scope of those Ma pilots who could capture with the naked eye.
Countless fires burst out in a flash, illuminating the entire universe in front of Copernicus like a firework fire, and the line of the coalition army was completely torn apart by the raft of the clan like a sharp blade. The clan raft approached the warship behind the combined defense line.
Seeing the raft of the clan approaching the fleet, the coalition forces who had dispersed and blocked the raft of the clan also started rushing towards Xiao Ran as if they were crazy, but how could Xiao Ran, who had already dreamed of entering the flock of sheep, be killed? Intercepted, not to mention that for this fleet, Xiao Ran is not just a tiger, but a god.
After that, Xiao Ran didn't fire a shot, but just used two ship-cutting knives to directly destroy all the propellers of those warships one by one, and for those ma, it was easy to solve in twos or twos.
In the end, a fallen battleship and ma were left next to the city of Copernicus with billowing black smoke, and within ten minutes, all the defense forces of the entire city of Copernicus were completely wiped out. If this defense force hadn’t fought desolately With the idea of ​​playing with them, it is estimated that with the full burst of the clan raft, it is a matter that can be solved in two or three minutes at most.
After cleaning up this part of the coalition army, there was no obstacle when it went to Nigal Heavy Industry. After Xiao Ran’s body left, the two fleets 307 and 308 were ordered to arrive at the moon city Copernicus. , What I saw was the picture of the countless warships falling to the ground without power, all the warships were completely annihilated, all the ma was completely annihilated, what was displayed was an extremely majestic picture.
The battle near the lunar city of Copernicus was also known by the joint commander, Free, Nigal Heavy Industries, and those other forces that have been paying attention to the situation on the moon, such as Orb, also quickly learned about it. This matter.
In less than ten minutes, a strengthened and reorganized fleet was completely destroyed under the attack of a single body. Orb and some people on the side quickly guessed who was driving the dark gold body.
On Xiao Ran's side, he stopped strangely while facing the Nigal Heavy Engineering Corps, and confronted dozens of summer flowers in the sky. At this distance, even without zooming in on the screen in the cockpit, he could clearly see The summer flowers made by Nigal Heavy Industries are in front of the screen, and the Nigal Heavy Industries factory behind these summer flowers can be clearly seen.
The sudden stop of the clan raft also made Nigal Heavy Industries not dare to make any rash actions, and Xiao Ran did not really intend to do anything to Nigal Heavy Industries, but just wanted to warn Nigal Heavy Industries.
I saw that the dark golden clan raft suddenly spewed out rich green energy, and the right hand was slowly raised horizontally. The weapon in the form of the great sword split again from the center and fully opened into a hilt. After the full-power output mode, violent energy is ejected from the hilt, forming a column of energy like a beam cannon that has been releasing energy.
As the arm of the clan raft slowly waved, the powerful energy beam also left a long direct trace on the surface of the moon in front of the clan raft.
After doing all of this, the weapon energy in the hand of the clan raft slowly dissipated, and the weapon returned to its normal state, and Xiao Ran just said nothing to manipulate the body with the weapon in his hand gently facing the direction of Nigal Heavy Industries. After clicking twice, he turned and shot out white and green light again, which turned into a meteor and disappeared in the eyes of everyone at Nigal Heavy Industries.
Everyone of Nigal Heavy Industry looked at the clan raft that had left, and also saw the traces left on the ground. Even if Xiao Ran didn’t speak, these people understood that the people of the moon who lived in Freeh had come here. For what.
When he came over, Xiao Ran directly destroyed an enhanced version of the reorganized fleet, and when he returned, the joint side had not sent any troops to stop Xiao Ran's body.
Knowing that this machine can completely destroy their entire strengthened fleet within ten minutes, sending troops to intercept it will only end in the same way.
Comparing the combat power shown by the two sides, the high-level joint leaders have been very clear that once a war with Freeh, it is simply irresistible in the end.
The anxious coalition quickly began to contact people who could help Heavy Industries was one of them, and at this point, the panicked coalition even forcibly ordered Orb to send troops to supplement the lunar defense line. Contact zaft and ask for help.
Not only that, even the Great Demon God of the Photonic Power Research Institute in the Far East has also entered the list of forcibly recruited by the coalition army, and has fully recruited the combat power of various organizations to put up a posture to fight Freely. This kind of posture has never appeared before when other alien forces attacked the earth, but it is the only posture to Freeh.
There are actually many reasons for this. Lunar bases are the most important military bases in the universe, and they are the biggest guarantee for them to control the universe. If the core of the earth is the military base of the Joint Army Headquarters, then the moon bases in the universe. That is the joint headquarters and their lifeblood.
Secondly, Freeh’s strength and the danger to the unity demonstrated by Xiao Ran’s relationship far surpass the alien beasts. The Gulast Army appears from time to time, and now it’s an increasingly loud mechanical beast army. He disclosed his position and attitude towards uniting as an enemy.
It is equivalent to the previous relationship between Zaft and the United. Even if there are other threats, the United will still attack regardless of the use of nuclear bombs.
From the perspective of United now, the alien beasts on the earth are still able to resist and can be considered under control. Although the Gullast Army is also a threat, the army is not very powerful. The United also believes that once it has production The ability to create ms can also solve the Gullast Army.
Although this kind of self-confidence did not know where it came from, almost all the senior executives of the United had such thoughts, but now Freey's Moon People really made the United feel threatened and nervous.
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