Chapter 201: Break

A weak point identification is to directly identify the weaknesses of the four units, and mark the weaknesses of the four Gundam teams at the same time. Based on the current experience and level of Xiao Ran, the tail of the main angel Gundam is at the weak point. It can be understood that, as a high-speed assault type body, destroying the thruster means that the most powerful place of the Lord Angel Gundam has been destroyed by half.
The weakness of De Angel Gundam's chest is because De Angel Gundam recharges the main weapon on the chest, which is a key node.
The sight of Li Angel Gundam is on the head, and the right shoulder is the key position to control the long-range sniper rifle for sniping. These weaknesses can be understood by Xiao Ran.
But for the Angel Gundam, the weak point is actually at the waist. Xiao Ran doesn’t understand this too well, and the weak spot in the four-machine coordinated battle will be the German Angel Gundam with the highest defense and firepower. About this Xiao Ran I don't understand even more.
However, for the trust of Prometheus' skills, Xiao Ran still set the primary goal on De Angel Gundam. Faced with the front and back flanking attacks of the Angel Gundam and the Lord Angel Gundam, the high output of the mid-range German Angel Gundam, and the long-range sniper attack of the Angel Gundam, especially after the four fighters began to attack at the same time, Xiao Ran also suffered quite a lot. pressure.
In the first time the four fighters began to attack, Gundam Gundam avoided Xiao Ran's continuous shooting, of course, he only used a beam rifle. The dodge action of Gundam Gundam also made Xiao Ran aware of some differences from direct computers. , Become faster, and have a strong ability to predict their own attacks.
After seeing the movement of Angel Gundam, Xiao Ran couldn't help but raised his eyebrows: "The movement is completely different from the computer just now."
The main angel Gundam is still in the range of backwards. A light beam shot by Li Angel Gundam makes Secret Angel Gundam keep evading, and Angel Gundam can block Secret Angel once with the shield on his left arm. After Gundam's shooting. The gn sword on the right arm also bounced out instantly, and a sword swung towards the beam rifle held by the secret angel Gundam in his right hand.
Xiao Ran just moved the machine back to avoid the attack of Angel Gundam. No Angel Gundam's left arm instantly picked up the beam saber that popped out from under the shoulder of his right arm, and once again swung his left hand at Secret Angel Gundam. The Lord Angel Gundam also successfully circled behind the Secret Angel Gundam and turned into a ms form holding a beam submachine gun and started shooting at Secret Angel Gundam.
"Hush." ​​The alarm in the cockpit caused Xiao Ran to blow a whistle. The front is the coordinated attack of Li Angel Gundam and Neng Angel Gundam, and the back is the attack of Lord Angel Gundam, plus the German Angel Gundam who has not yet begun to attack. Suddenly, the Secret Angel Gundam fell into a passive state.
Under Xiao Ran's operation, Secret Angel Gundam directly released the beam rifle held in his right hand, replaced it with a beam sword and mounted it on the beam sword of Angel Gundam. And following a displacement, he put his left hand on his side, blocking a force of Angel Gundam's sniper. At the same time, the displacement will also make Angel Gundam and itself form a straight line that cannot be crossed by Angel Gundam, avoiding it. While the main angel Gundam attacked in the first wave, it also used the Angel Gundam as a shield to prevent the main angel Gundam from attacking the second wave.
Seeing that he couldn't continue to attack Secret Angel Gundam in this position, the Lord Angel Gundam transformed again and began to change position with Secret Angel Gundam.
Secret Angel Gundam used the beam sword to hold the beam sword of Angel Gundam, blocking the attack of Angel Gundam and forcing the main Angel Gundam to change position, but Xiao Ran's reaction was quick, and the reaction of Shina and Tielia was not. Slowly, just after Xiao Ran changed position. A beam of light stronger than the Secret Angel Gundam flashed from a distance instantly, and the Neng Angel Gundam also used the gn war sword again to cut the Secret Angel Gundam's lower body again, trying to make the Secret Angel Gundam retreat or ascend. Force the secret angel Gundam to enter the shooting track of De Angel Gundam.
The sniper of Li Angel Gundam and the shooting of Lord Angel Gundam also came from two directions at the same time, completely blocking the actions of Secret Angel Gundam.
"It's rare to see four angels fighting an enemy at the same time in the animation. The data used by these four units should be theirs. I didn't expect such a tacit understanding." Xiao Ran squinted his eyes, his eyes instantly again Burst: "It's just a computer, but you can't just be underestimated!"
"Spiritual burst!"
"Hand speed burst!"
"Quick lock!"
In the state of mental explosion, Xiao Ran's hand speed exploded, making his hand speed completely turned into an afterimage, and the movements of Secret Angel Gundam also changed instantly as Xiao Ran's skills were activated.
In Xiao Ran's thinking. The light beam from the shooting slows down, and the movement of the angel can also slow down. Time seemed to be speeded up on him, and even the movement with Secret Angel Gundam speeded up more than a few levels.
Faced with the sword-swinging movement of Angel Gundam. I saw the Secret Angel Gundam’s left hand instantly popped out the beam saber, blocking the front of the gn war sword at a faster speed than the Angel Gundam, kicking the foot directly on the Angel Gundam, and the Angel Gundam would kick back unsteadily Open a lot.
The ten large gn-s behind him also popped up instantly. Two of them quickly flew to the rear left and right sides of Angel Gundam, one on top of Angel Gundam’s head, one at the foot of Angel Gundam, and Two are located at the front left and front right of the Angel Gundam.
Of the ten large-scale gn-six, six directly locked onto the Angel Gundam, and the remaining four were aimed at the main-angel Gundam. Under Xiao Ran’s operation, the ten large-scale gn- seemed to be controlled by a quantum computer. Appeared exactly where Xiao Ran hoped.
While aiming at the Angel Gundam and the Lord Angel Gundam, the Secret Angel Gundam also made a quick evasive action, and then rushed towards the De Angel Gundam, and swiftly followed the huge beam emitted by the De Angel Gundam.
After Xiao Ran made evasive actions, the beams of light beams with the thickness of the torso began to shoot at the same time. The six beams directly sprayed out and rushed to the Angel Gundam, and the moment sitting in the Angel Gundam cockpit also appeared at this moment. A few drops of cold sweat, only time to move the body sideways, was directly penetrated by six beams of light across the head, legs and right arm, and even a beam of light completely melted away the waist that can reach the height of angels, and spread to the position of the torso. , At this point, the angel can be as high as defeated.
The beams of the other four large gn- shots were avoided by the main angel Gundam, but these four large gn- chased the main angel Gundam after the shooting, and Xiao Ran completely gave up these four. The control of a large gn- is completely handed over to Harrow, only the amount of data processed by four gn-, Harrow's computing power plus the ability of the main computer of the body is completely sufficient.
And Xiao Ran can perfectly operate large-scale gn-, in addition to c-level general-purpose mecha driving skills, the space recognition ability given to him by space warfare is also the most critical. With Xiao Ran’s mental explosion, he can operate It's not surprising to this point.
While Secret Angel Gundam rushed towards De Angel Gundam, the six large gn- that could be defeated by Angel Gundam also caught up with Secret Angel Gundam and recombined to become the accelerator of Secret Angel Gundam, making Secret Angel Gundam the accelerator. Turned into a meteor, suddenly appeared in front of De Angel Gundam.
The main angel Gundam is currently entangled by four large-scale gn-, and Li Angel Gundam has no melee ability. He can only watch the Secret Angel Gundam facing him, the slowest German Angel Gundam in front of the four machines. Launch an attack.
De Angel Gundam faced the Secret Angel Gundam in front of him and reflected very quickly. The double-barreled gn cannon on his shoulders instantly raised and shot four beams towards Secret Angel Gundam, facing this under Xiao Ran’s spiritual burst. The four slowed down beams were easily avoided, and the six gn-s also broke away again, and they started to rotate slowly while aiming at De Angel Gundam.
This time Xiao Ran did not use quick lock. When the six red aiming circles directly locked the De Angel Gundam, Xiao Ran pressed the trigger again, and six beams of light spouted out, but he was caught by the German Angel Gundam body. The green particle shield that emerged was blocked.
The particle shield and the large gn- began to The six beams of light were also gradually eroding the shield of De Angel Gundam. Xiao Ran also wrinkled his eyebrows, causing Secret Angel Gundam to pop out his beam saber again. , The violent acceleration directly pierced the particle shield of De Angel Gundam. The penetration of the two beam swords was like the last straw that crushed the camel, directly piercing the German Angel Gundam’s gn shield. The six beams of gn- also hit the body of De Angel Gundam at the last moment and then began to disappear. Although only the heavy armor of De Angel Gundam dissolves a few huge traces, it can't hold the Secret Angel Gundam in his hands. His beam sword pierced De Angel Gundam's chest.
When a ray of light appeared and burst of smoke, it also announced that De Angel Gundam's destruction had been completed.
Seeing the German Angel Gundam that exploded on the screen, Xiao Ran once again manipulated the body to rush towards the Force Angel Gundam with a z-shaped maneuver. Originally, the four bodies were taken by two in a short time. Xiao Ran didn't feel any surprise either. Seeing the main angel shown alone on the screen and the power angel in front of him, Xiao Ran also shook his head slightly.
"The main angel Gundam has too little firepower, and the fighting initiative is not enough. Although the melee combat of the Angel Gundam is not weak, it is too aggressive in action. The speed of the Angel Gundam is too slow. Although the firepower is large, the attack interval is too long. Once Angel Gundam misses an enemy, it will become a unilateral target." (To be continued)
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