Chapter 2055: Cavina and Ofan (Part 2)

[Title: War Machine unlimited first chapter Ka Weina 2055 and ofan (at) Author: also drunk]
Welcome to the latest chapters of 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k fiction", easy to remember! Good novel
Highly recommended: The Lord of the Snow Eagle, the Supreme Sacred Market of the Heavens, Yi Nian the Eternal Dragon King, the Legend of the Primordial God, Wulian Peak, the Gate of the Five Elements, the Gate of the Profound Realm. I want to take a break, but the result is still updated. Although it was a little late, it was just in time. The result of yesterday's game was unexpected. However, it seems that the overtime in the Croatian game is a common practice.)
Freeh was becoming stronger day by day, and more and more people were awakened from sleep, but as Xiao Ran said, Guranton actually ruled Freeh for a long time. Guranton has a lot of support in Freeh. Except for those who behaved very obviously, Guranton's party members were arrested. At present, Freeh really doesn't know how many people are still supporting Guran in his heart. The set of
So those people who woke up during Guranton’s reign are not available to everyone, and not everyone can be placed in a suitable position, but it is precisely these people who are the best for Freeh now. Those who understand Freeh and the earth are also the true core class of Freeh, and they are also the group of people who have been most affected by Grantton. They are also the most capable group.
The majority of those sleeping are civilians, and there are people from all walks of life, but the best arrangement for awakening them all is to allocate them to the corresponding place according to that person’s expertise. It also takes a long time to train the pillars of the house.
People with ability can’t use it. People with potential need time to cultivate. Facing the current situation, Freeh must quickly cultivate his internal skills. Xiao Ran also hopes to get out of Freeh’s countless things as soon as possible. The appropriate approach is to gather a group of trustworthy people from outside of Freeh to take over more work, and then slowly change those who have been affected by Guranton.
However, in the following conversation, Cavina did not clearly answer that Xiao Ran would join Freeh, only that she hoped to resolve the doubts in her heart and discuss this matter.
But before Ofan bandaged the wound on his body and entered Xiao Ran's office, Xiao Ran used another method to temporarily make Cavina a member of Free.
In the same employment situation as the Nadeshiko, Kavina was hired to become Free’s pilot. For this, Kavina did not choose to refuse. After all, this kind of employment is not completely joined, as long as Kavina does not want to continue to be free. She could just shake her hand and leave as long as she stayed, instead of tying herself to Freeh completely without any way out.
It didn’t take long for Ofan to bring the bandaged wound to Xiao Ran’s office. After first explaining to Xiao Ran the current situation of the earth, he also formally proposed to Xiao Ran that the middle-level commander Freey’s military strength was seriously insufficient. Situation, I hope Xiao Ran can solve this problem.
But when it comes to this issue, Xiao Ran also has a headache. Xiao Ran is also very helpless. Freeh’s rapid development is forced by the situation, but in the final analysis, it is actually because there are still many alternates in Freeh’s prison. Knights, there are many other members who belong to the Knight Order even though they are one level lower than Ofan and Fleur, as well as many slayers.
If all were released, it would be able to greatly solve many of Free’s current problems, but these people are more or less deeply involved in Guranton, which is the one that Xiao Ran just revealed that it can’t be used or not. Batch people.
Ofan also knows that it is indeed a bit embarrassing for him to raise this issue now, but according to the current development speed and expansion speed of Freeh, the problems faced by the military in Ofan’s view are already in a situation that has to be resolved immediately. Besides, Ofan knew that although he was a knight, he was definitely not a qualified high-level commander. He also wanted to break free from those tedious things.
Xiao Ran walked back and forth in the office two times, but finally looked at Ofan and asked, "Those who are locked up, how much do you think they can use."
"Less than one-third." Ofan also lowered his head, feeling a little unspeakable, and said: "Those people are all strong supporters of Guranton, and even those one-third need to use it. A lot of time for them to change their minds, but also to ensure their interests within Freeh."
Xiao Ran sighed and said, "That's just not applicable, right? You should discuss with Fulu about the middle-level commander. At the same time, the high-level commander also needs to be supplemented. These people will be promoted from the lower level and the existing middle level. "
Ofan raised his head to look at Xiao Ran, and said, "But my lord, if you are promoted from the middle level, those people don't have enough abilities."
"What can be done? The ability is exercised. If they are not given a chance, they will never grow." Xiao Ran waved his hand and said, "In fact, this should have been done a long time ago. I believe that there are still many People have the ability to become real high-level and middle-level personnel, but in your opinion, more people just fail to meet the alternate knight, fail to meet the requirements of the knight, and their personal combat power is not enough."
"But what we need now is a commander. A commander who has a strategic vision and analyzes the battlefield situation does not necessarily have to fight the enemy at the forefront. I know that Freeh’s style is one of the capable, and as a commander, You should fight on the front Every knight is almighty. This style is very good, but we must make appropriate changes according to the current situation and restore it to the original shape in the future. it is good."
"During the period of military changes, the offensive against the alliance has slowed down slightly, but the removal of alien forces, especially alien beasts, must continue to persist until it is completely stabilized. You knights, and those who can use it. The Cavaliers also need to think more at this stage, and teach those who have been promoted to teach them some experience."
"I will also invite some instructors from Aub and Zaft to help train middle-level personnel. As for the high-level personnel, you need to personally lead them. For the two apprentices of Fleur, your apprentices can almost mention Coming up, after this period of time I will ask the princess to officially grant them the people of knights."
The expression on Ofan's face finally changed, and he stood up and said to Xiao Ran, "Thank you for your appreciation to Zhuyamu and the others."
"Well, and Zaft also told them to slow down a little bit and stabilize the newly occupied turf. As for the united side, I will solve it by myself after I take time out, otherwise the united side will have the last desperate one. Bo still doesn't know how much loss it will bring us. You can pass this sentence to Zaft as it is."
Xiao Ran nodded, glanced at Ofan and Cavina, who were a little embarrassed with each other, and said: "I am going to invite Cavina to Freeh to become a new knight, but Kavina may still have a chance for us Freeh. Some misunderstandings, especially for you Ofan, I hope you two can have a good talk after leaving here, get rid of those unnecessary misunderstandings, and explain to Kavina what Freeh really thinks now. "
"Yes." 2k Novel Reading Network
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