Chapter 2063: Unbeaten in the east

[Title: War Machine Unlimited Chapter 2063 of unassailable: also drunk]
Welcome to the latest chapters of 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k fiction", easy to remember! Good novel
Highly recommended: Guns dominate the Holy Market, Lord Snow Eagle, Yi Nian Eternal Dragon King Legend, Primordial God, Wu Lian Peak, Five Elements, Heavenly Profound Realm, Chosen Tian Ji, Eternal Night King Xiao Ran, leaving Tessa to let Hoshino Ruri take him to the bridge is purposeful , Informing the Apocalypse troops to speed up has become a secondary matter, because the earth has a neutron jammer. The communication situation is actually very bad. It is possible to communicate with facts within a certain distance, but this time Xiao Ran wants to contact. But it was Freeh, and Orb, the factual video communication was a little unworkable.
But it is not that there is no other way to make contact. Use the relay point to contact Orb, and then Orb informs Freehe. Xiao Ran contacted the three parties to let them investigate and contact Mithril. Since Mithril has now jumped out In Xiao Ran's view, instead of waiting until the amalgam is broken, it is better to see if he can put the opponent under his control before then.
And it is precisely because the main goal of this communication is the relationship between Mithril, that Xiao Ran will leave Tessa aside and come to the bridge first. As for visiting the Nadeshiko, it is indeed difficult for Xiao Ran to raise any interest.
More than an hour later, all the pilots of the as team of the Danu son also arrived on the Nadeshiko. Sagara Sosuke, Cruz added Melissa hair that had come in advance, three secrets in the all-metal frenzy. The main silver pilots have all arrived, and the Nadeshiko is also ready to welcome them.
Xiao Ran walked out of the room prepared for him only after both parties had entered the Nadeshiko multifunctional restaurant, and the last one entered the multifunctional restaurant.
When Xiao Ran entered the restaurant, the original lively restaurant suddenly became quiet. All the people inside looked at the last Xiao Ran who came in for the first time, and the same Xiao Ran also used masks to take everyone in the first time. I saw it all in my eyes.
All dressed in brightly colored costumes are members of Nadeshiko, except for Chidori who came with Sagara Sosuke, and the other people wearing sergeant uniforms are from Danu noko. Although the clothes are distinct, everyone is mixed. It looks so lively together.
And after seeing everyone looking at him, Xiao Ran smiled and nodded towards the crowd. The people on Nadeshizi's side immediately began to salute Xiao Ran, and the sudden movement made those from Dannu's son The person on the number was a little at a loss, and finally raised his right hand towards Xiao Ran and placed it on his forehead.
After seeing Xiao Ran coming, Yurui Baihexiang and Tessa hurriedly greeted Xiao Ran. In any case, Yurui Baihexiang is Xiao Ran's subordinate, and although Mithril has no affiliation with Freey, it is one of them. A soldier and just a major, naturally also need to give Frie's actual ruler Xiao Ran reasonable respect.
Xiao Ran smiled and waved his hands at the saluting crowd, and said, "Relax, everyone. Now is the time to make everyone happy. Don't disturb your nature because of my presence. I also know that everyone hasn't gotten it during this time. For real rest, no matter what happens today, you have only one mission, relax and have fun."
Xiao Ran's words caused a lot of applause in the restaurant, and Xiao Ran also smiled at the crowd and looked at Yutong Baihexiang and Tessa, and said: "Very good, everyone's interest is very high, this should It's a good start."
Yutong Baihexiang also has a smile on her face at this time. Since joining Freeh, the Nadeshiko has been participating in various battles. This kind of relaxation has indeed not been seen for a long time. This time, I can enjoy Xiao Ran's promise. Having fun, Yurui Yurixiang is still very happy, not only for herself, but also for all the members of Nadeshiko who have been under pressure for a long time.
Although Tessa felt that it was not appropriate, the entire Nadeshiko had fun like this, what should we do if an enemy came, but Nadeshiko was not her Danuzizi, so she was inconvenient much. Say what.
Perhaps Yutong Yulixiang saw Tessa’s thoughts, bent over and hugged Tessa, who was too short, and said familiarly,
Don’t worry, even if the enemies of the world are running with this guy, We won’t have any problems here."
Xiao Ran looked at the wine glass held by Yutong Baihexiang in the other hand, shook his head and looked in one direction in the crowd. A young man with a red bandage on his head was eating something on the table. Next to him stood a girl looking helplessly at the movements of the young man's hands.
In addition, there is a middle-aged man wearing a practice uniform, just like the young man. He didn’t even care about the big hunger in the world’s eyes, and on the same table, Tania, a small girl who looked like a girl, was also rushing towards it. Hussein Hesse in his own mouth.
"Domon...the East is unbeaten..."
Xiao Ran said the names of the young and middle-aged in his In fact, when Xiao Ran entered this restaurant just now, Xiao Ran saw them both, but when he saw these two people, his heart was still I was a little surprised. I didn't expect these two people. No, if I added Sen Cunling, they would be three people. Xiao Ran didn't expect that the three of them would appear on the Nadeshizi at this time.
Although Xiao Ran wanted to say hello to the three in his heart, and even wanted to have a good chat with Luo, Graham, Basac, Uzès, Zeng Jia and their masters, but now the opportunity is obvious. Not suitable, so I resisted this thought in my heart.
At the same time, Xiao Ran did not stay in the restaurant for too long, ate something casually, took a glass and drank a glass of wine with everyone, and left the restaurant without saying much, because he was here. In the restaurant, it is obvious that something has affected the original lively atmosphere of the restaurant.
After Xiao Ran left, the members of the Nadeshiko really let go this time, eating and drinking to the extent that Xiao Ran said to have fun and having fun. Cruz easily integrated into the lively environment of Nadeshiko. Here, he began to wander around the female members of the Nadeshiko, and was the only drunk among the guests of the Danuzizi.
The time soon arrived late at night, and the number of people in the restaurant was gradually decreasing. Finally, under the announcement of Yutong Bailixiang, this lively cocktail party that lasted for several hours was completely ended, whether it was from Nadeshiko or Danuzizi. More or less, I drank a lot of wine in this cocktail party, but also because the relationship between the two sides of the wine bureau has directly evolved from unfamiliar to familiar.
At this moment, Xiao Ran walked out of his room, walked to the door of the Dongfang Unbeaten room that had already been inquired, and gently knocked on the door of the Dongfang Unbeaten room. 2k novel reading network
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