Chapter 218: All participants

The Secret Angel Gundam broke through to a level b-level body with only one difference. With a pilot that can operate perfectly, the Secret Angel Gundam has demonstrated the performance that even the pilots of the four angels of heaven and humans are stunned, and has already flown. The far away Skymaster Gundam disappeared to the horizon, and the Secret Angel Gundam chased up at a faster speed. ¥℉ small,
Everyone witnessed the escaping Skymaster Gundam and the chasing Secret Angel Gundam. In the farthest Power Angel Gundam, Lok Ang blew a whistle and shrugged his shoulders: "Alex was caught from behind. An attack that can't even hide, seems to be very angry."
The orange Harrow listened to Lok Ang's self-talk and shouted, "Alex is angry, Alex is angry."
"Haha." Rookeon laughed and patted Hello: "Okay, we should also officially debut, and we will deal with the other people before Alex returns. The operation of the body is under your control and I will be responsible. attack."
When Xiao Ran drove the Secret Angel Gundam to pursue the Skymaster Gundam, he changed his goal and fell from the sky. The physical short swords on his legs ejected directly, held by the hands of the dark heresy, and battled the Gundam. Dive away, after the Jet Black heresy changed into the Destiny-00 backpack, the speed was already extremely fast, plus the force that fell from the sky and the speed increase, so that the pilots of Land Combat Gundam did not have any The way to resist, had no choice but to block the shield in front.
In the next second, the dark heresy double swords were directly inserted into the shield of Gundam Landing, and the shelling of German Angel Gundam also struck towards Landing Gundam. The bombardment from a distance that was enough to directly damage Land Gundam made Land Gundam have to let go of the shield in his hand, and then quickly retreated to avoid it.
But in the next moment, the dark heretical Destiny-00 backpack was lifted instantly, and the two beam cannons on the backpack burst out of light, and went directly towards the landing battle.
After a loud explosion, the shoulders of Land Combat Gundam were completely destroyed by two beam cannons, and the body itself was abandoned high due to the shelling and finally landed on the ground. Seeing this opportunity, a few banners rushed directly towards the Landing Gundam, and they fired countless bullets at the Land Gundam that fell on the ground. All of a sudden, smoke and dust flew up. The head and intact feet were completely broken into pieces after the smoke dissipated.
Among the participants’ twelve fuselages, three were directly damaged by Xiao Ran at the beginning, and then they were controlled by the banner squad that went to rescue the hostages. The Angel Gundam smashed a storm dagger. In the ensuing battle, Because that shot of Torukis made Xiao Ran stunned, an incomprehensible combat ability broke out directly. It directly smashed Torukis and Trust, and the Dark Heresy killed another one, and that Zagu had turned into a pile of under the suppression of the number of banners.
Only the remaining body is left, scarred-Gundam, the Skymaster Gundam that has escaped, is in a state of enthusiasm and no one is allowed to intervene, while Graham is entangled in the modified Leo, and the Angel Gundam. Under attack. With the support of De Angel Gundam and Li Angel Gundam, the Leopard Gundam with its left arm destroyed and damaged in many places.
Participants who originally had an absolute advantage fell into an absolute disadvantage after the appearance of heaven and man. When the body's performance completely surpasses the general body in this world, when there is a hostage in hand. Unless you give up the lives of more than a thousand people, even if you send more than five times the number of participants, it will definitely not be the opponent of the participants, even if there is a trump card like Graham.
The reason is the weak performance of the body. The lack of ace pilots made it impossible for everyone except Graham to barely resist part of the participants' body. Even the emergence of orders of magnitude will only become a target for participants.
The combat ability of an ace pilot to drive s in these worlds dominated by s, the destructive power and deterrence caused is absolutely huge, a ace can shoot down dozens or even dozens of mixed-aircraft units , Even if there are elite-level pilots, driving a hybrid aircraft is definitely not the enemy of these players with trump card strength.
After the appearance of the heavens, Xiao Ran's five aces were counted, and he directly defeated and contained more than half of the bodies of these participants. This allowed the banner style, which was completely miscellaneous, to play its numerical advantage. , And also rescued the hostages who made them restrained. It is precisely because of the appearance of heaven and man that the situation will change instantly, and these participants will fall into a moment of disadvantage.
Soon, as the strongest of the participants were defeated one after another, the performance advantages and technical advantages were leveled, and the banner-like quantitative advantage was the last straw that crushed the bodies of the remaining participants. It didn’t take long-take the initiative After surrendering, the Spotted Leopard Gundam was directly destroyed, and Graham also cut off the modified Leo, leaving the escaped Skymaster Gundam.
When the Secret Angel Gundam landed on the base with a Gundam head, and threw his head to the ground, bounced and landed on the ground. After there was no movement, the entire battlefield fell into a strange calm.
Among the five planes of the heavens and humans, the one standing in the front is the Secret Angel Gundam. Some positions behind him are the Angel Gundam standing on the side. At the end is the De Angel Gundam. The Li Angel Gundam and Lord Angel Gundam are floating in In the air, there was no response.
"After clearing the enemy, retreat after thirty seconds."
On the other hand, all the banner styles stopped their movements, but they were guarded against the five units of Celestial Man. Someone also asked Graham:
"Major, what should these units do?"
Without even thinking about it, Graham said directly: "Until the enemy is identified, all are not allowed to attack."
Someone also said: "They should be with us."
"Is it from which special unit?"
"Then leave them alone."
Suddenly, there was a cry in the communication channel: "Brother! Where are you, brother!"
I saw a banner in the fleet suddenly flew out and flew towards a banner that fell on the ground and landed directly in front of the banner. The pilot inside was still crying. Yelling: "Brother, what's the matter with you, brother!"
"Damn it!" The flag-style pilot cried and shouted, and directly raised his weapon and aimed at Gundam, the only ship alive among the participants. It seems that an attack will be launched in the next second.
Graham was also shocked when he saw this situation, but a few beams flew by in the next second, directly hitting the head and weapon of the banner, knocking the banner directly to the ground.
Noangel Gundam retracted his raised hand, began to float slowly, and started flying towards the sky as soon as he turned around. De Angel Gundam, Li Angel Gundam, and Lord Angel Gundam also followed behind No Angel Gundam. Secret Angel Gundam also ejected ten large n-bs. Flew into the sky.
Instantly sat in the cockpit expressionlessly, reporting calmly: "The final mission is complete, start returning."
The move of the Angel Gundam made the banner style start to change, and the next one, Xiao Ran's voice sounded in the cockpits of all the units: "I am Brigadier General Xiao Ran, the commander in charge of this operation. I order all s units to stop. , Guard all the prisoners."
"Graham, come with me, and the rest will stay where they are."
After Xiao Ran's words fell. The pitch-black heresy chased towards the sky, and Graham's banner style followed closely behind, and soon disappeared into the sky.
After leaving the fighting area, Li Angel Gundam suddenly stopped. Lok Ang looked at the two reds that appeared on the radar and suddenly said: "Someone is following, what are we going to do?"
Tieria said lightly: "Don't do anything other than the task, speed up and leave."
She didn't say a word, just rushed. But the Secret Angel Gundam stopped. Secret Angel Gundam's stopping action also made the other four machines a little confused, and they stopped and turned around.
Xiao Ran opened the communication and said to the four of them, "Don't be nervous. Those are my body and subordinates."
"Your body?" Lok Ang cried out in surprise.
Xiao Ran's head: "That's right, this black machine belongs to me. My future status may be the highest military commander of the Japanese Special Economic Zone. It is not convenient to leave with you now."
Lok Ang was taken aback for a moment, and then whistled in an incredible way: "How much shock do you have to give us enough? How did this machine come from?"
"Many years ago, the family accidentally obtained some Gundam information. Later, I spent money to find someone to perfect and build this machine." Xiao Ran looked at the picture of the four people on the screen and said with a slight smile: "It appears today. I’m afraid that these organisms also came from this way. If nothing else, these data should have been leaked from the heavens and humans in a certain period of time. I don’t know exactly what happened."
"We also have doubts about why those organisms have so much in common with Gundam." Tieria frowned, and slowly said, "Now it seems that there is an answer. It seems that I must ask after I go back. Ask a what the is going on."
"Then you take the Secret Angel Gundam back, and contact me again if you need me to join." Xiao Ran patted his hello: "Secret Angel Gundam please send it back."
Xiao Ran smiled, unfastened his seat belt and opened the cabin door, and saw the pitch-black heresy flying to the position where Secret Angel Gundam stretched out his hand towards the cockpit, and Xiao Ran also said to the set of four people: "Just See you next time."
Xiao Ran walked out of the cockpit and jumped directly onto the palm of the pitch black heresy. Then he was sent to the opened cockpit by the pitch black heresy, and sat back in the pitch black heresy cockpit. Xiao Ran also operated the pitch black heresy against the quadcopter. After waving his hand, he took Graham and turned and left quickly.
The four of Setsuna and others watched the pitch-black heresy and the banner style leaving, and they didn't act for a long time.
Setsuna looked at the record of the pitch-black heresy just now on the screen, and couldn't help but muttered, "This is also Gundam..."
"No... the body without the solar furnace, although it has the appearance of a Gundam, it is not a Gundam." Tieria said what was in his mind.
Lok Ang took off his helmet, tossed his hair and said incredulously: "Whether it is Gundam or not, have you noticed that Alex is really getting more and more mysterious, the family elder, senior commander, and His body actually brought a subordinate to meet with us. Could it be that his control over his troops has reached this level?"
Hallelujah suddenly smiled and said, "Locoon, we are not waiting for you."
Lok Ang yelled in anger, and drove the main angel Gundam to chase the four machines that had left: "Hey! Where are you going?"
When Angel Gundam turned around and left, Shina answered indifferently: "Go to the predetermined place."
Along the way, the four of them all seemed very quiet. Thinking back to the machines with the appearance of Gundam, they suddenly squeezed their fists and said firmly in their hearts: "They are not Gundam, I am Gundam!"
Tieria was also full of doubts in her heart: "Where did these organisms come from? As Alex said, they were perfected and constructed because of some information? This can explain why they appeared. Although these units are similar, they are completely different, but how did the Gundam information leak you know?"
Hallelujah also thought: "Something unplanned has appeared, which has caused the plan to be deviated. Are there only these or more of these units? Those units already have the ability to compete with Gundam. If you get more, it depends on whether a few of us can deal with it."
Lok Ang also thought: "Alex, this person is really too mysterious, why did he choose such a person to become Gundam's pilot, and why should he be equipped with a machine we never knew as a landline? The most powerful body of the three generations, the high-ranking officer, the pilot of the heavenly man, which one is your true identity?"
Xiao Ran, who left the Secret Angel Gundam, drove the pitch black heresy and headed back in the direction he came. It seemed relaxed, but a picture appeared in his mind. When he was chasing the Skymaster Gundam, a plane was also sprayed with green particles. The light body appeared in front of the Skymaster and blocked the Skymaster.
"The sixth solar furnace, angel organization, Goddess of Judgment, Goddess, Feng En?" Xiao Ran squinted his eyes, and the corners of his mouth pulled out a margin: "Acknowledge that I am the pilot of Gundam, huh, this guy." To be continued...)
ps: The second chapter will be late.
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