Chapter 220: afterwards

After saluting Xiao Ran, Brigadier General Mork also showed a rare smile: "Major General Xiao, you are the person I have ever seen the fastest promotion."
Xiao Ran shook his head when he heard Mok's words, and said honestly: "Although it is so, but the reason is only a profit transaction. I can sit in this position not only because I took the base back today, but also There are other reasons."
   Brigadier General Mok nodded, and looked at the dark heresy parked on the deck through the bridge glass. He knew what was going on, but he didn't say it again.
This is a typical exchange of interests. What Xiao Ran has in his hands is what he needs. Although the gains in a few days are not small, the wreckage is always just wreckage, not comparable to a good MS, especially ※▼ ωáń※▼Book※▼Roba, w≈ww.wa≌nshu●︾om has a complete set of technical MS. Nowadays, the situation in the world is constantly changing, and having a strong force is the basis for maintaining one's own interests. Paying the price of a regional commander in exchange for the full set of new mobile suit technology, both parties will be successful in this transaction.
However, for Xiao Ran, it is difficult to say whether it is an enemy or not to hide in the enemy to trade with the enemy, and to trade MS technology. But if Xiao Ran speaks for himself, he treats it. The market transaction is extremely confident. Even if you get the heretical design drawings, those things will never be complete. If you really need to manufacture according to the information given by Xiao Ran, the level of the manufactured machine will only be mass-produced. M1 heretical level.
   And what Xiao Ran will get will be the actual military command power of the Japanese Special Economic Zone, and... in addition to the body, the most important thing-this world's elite and even ace-level pilots. Because of this incident, it can be said that more than one third of the elite pilots are temporarily under his command at this time. As for how many people he can stay in the end, it depends entirely on his eloquence.
   Not long after talking to the president, except for the base commander who had died in battle. Except for the commanders of the other three military bases in the Japanese Special Economic Zones, Mok was with him, and the other two later contacted Xiao Ran and met him, the highest commander of the future Japanese Special Economic Zones.
Afterwards, Xiao Ran began to deal with the things of the base that was about to be in ruins. After retaking the base, the work was numerous and messy. The placement of the wounded, the approval of the deceased's opinions and signatures, etc., were all things that had to be done and were very trivial. , Although the specific matters will be arranged by the people below, at this time Xiao Ran has the exception of the pilot Graham. There are really too few available subordinates, but these things are no stranger to Xiao Ran, and the processing speed is not slow.
   Fortunately, Brigadier General Mork is still here. Some things can be handled by Brigadier General Mork, but he also shared a lot of work. Before dealing with these things, Xiao Ran also ordered people to use E-carbon armor to make a special cage to hold participants who are not earthlings at all. E-carbon armor is the armor currently used by MS in this world. solid.
   If you want to be detained in an ordinary cell. Xiao Ran thought that he could all run out of that kind of prison, let alone those participants who might have awakening skills. Therefore, before the E-carbon armored cell is built, the participants can only stay on the wide tarmac, with ten mobile suits and a brigade of soldiers on guard at any time.
   Can you eat and drink? Sorry. The commander did not order, we cannot give you anything, nor can we have any contact with you. To the restroom? Sorry, you must stay in place within our sight. If there is any change, we will shoot you immediately. See the chief? Sorry, we just received an order from the chief. No right to contact the chief.
These captured participants enjoyed the same treatment they treated the hostages once, but at that time they treated those hostages as a hostage, so that they did not dare to send a large army to encircle and suppress them, and they would not open fire at the hostages at will. Similarly, the MS can fire at them at any time without any pressure.
And while Xiao Ran was dealing with the affairs of the base, the high-level officials also seemed a bit distressed because of the news media. The occupation of the base was directly stabbed out. When the party was well prepared, the news control was carried out as soon as possible. The occurrences of the Celestial Units were concealed, and then press conferences were held.
On Xiao Ran’s side, the perimeter of the base that had been under full martial law was also surrounded by reporters from all over the world. Some reporters even cleared the ship by the side of the fleet, and the long guns and short artillery were kept against the fleet. Taking pictures, naturally also took the pitch black heresy.
Soon, pictures of unknown new models appeared on the Internet and on TV. The dark heretical appearance and the appearance of the participants’ bodies revealed directly set off a lively discussion online. The most discussed online in the world is also About today.
  Although Xiao Ran, who has been busy, knew that reporters were visiting, he did not expect things to pass so quickly. He started broadcasting directly around the world, and was always busy with his own affairs.
   Xiao Ran didn't know this until someone reported to Brigadier General Mok. After Brigadier General Mok found Xiao Ran.
"Are you saying that there are reporters on the periphery of the base cordon and around the fleet?" Xiao Ran was taken aback when he heard Brigadier General Mok's words. He rubbed his head and stood up and walked outside to look at the sea. In the past, dozens of hundreds of small yachts and boats have densely enclosed the fleet at this time. Because the sky is already dark, you can see the flash of photos that appear from time to time.
   "Why are there so many reporters?" Xiao Ran asked Mok in surprise, "Is there no news control in the local area?"
Mork shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Why didn't it control it, but I don't know how it leaked out the video record of the attack on the base before. You can control the news organizations of your own country, but you can't control the news of other countries. It is the news control that only suppressed the matter of the unknown organisms that appeared later, and put all the credit on ourselves."
   "嘁." Xiao Ran let out a sigh of relief, frowned and asked, "Have you leaked any information about my identity so far?"
   Brigadier General Mork shook his head: "There is no huge press conference yet, and no specific information has been revealed."
"Huh, it's a misstep." Xiao Ran shook his head, which had been a little dizzy after dealing with the copy for several hours, and said to Brigadier General Mork: "Please inform the Presidential Palace for me. Don't reveal my name. At that time, only my family name...Stark would be fine."
Xiao Ran suddenly thought that the name used in the last world was Xiao Ran, and he used this name when speaking before the attack, and there seemed to be participants in this world who participated in the previous world. If the name Xiao Ran was exposed, maybe he would bring it. It was unnecessary trouble, so I put a surname directly on my head, Stark, is it very familiar?
   "Okay." Brigadier General Mok nodded and suggested: "In your situation, you should have one or two deputy and secretary at the end, otherwise there are many things that nobody will notify you, but it will be very troublesome to deal with."
   Xiao Ran nodded tiredly: "I know, both the deputy and the secretary already have candidates, let's talk about it later today."
   Brigadier General Mok said to Xiao Ran, "By the way, in about an hour, people from the local area will arrive. The old man who came is not ordinary. You'd better take a break to meet him in person."
"Okay." Xiao Ran nodded, rubbed his temples, and said in his heart: "It seems that it is time to transfer the red dragon over. This kid is still capable of doing things. There is nothing wrong with being a secretary. Graham is ready."
Brigadier General Mork left and handed over to the president for Xiao Ran, and Xiao Ran returned to his previous office and sat in a chair sleeplessly. An hour later Xiao Ran opened his eyes, and the technical experts from the mainland also arrived on the main ship. Also coming were those who re-planned and designed the military base, and the envoy who delivered the appointment letter to Xiao Ran.
Xiao Ran, the leader of the technical expert, learned that this person is Billy Katagiri’s teacher. Rafael Eifman, who has a high status in technology, is also the current director of the MS development department and an MS expert. Quite wise old man.
When the plane landed on the deck of the main ship, Xiao Ran personally greeted him in front of the plane, not only because of Mork’s reminder, but also because of the Chinese thinking of respecting the old and loving the young. It is not embarrassing to run so far and not to meet some people personally, and Xiao Ran himself doesn't think the general he has become is so great, and he doesn't take it very seriously, so of course he won't have any airs.
   After all, Raphael is Billy’s teacher. In order to show Billy’s fancy, it is normal to come to meet him in person.
Thirdly, Xiao Ran wanted to personally contact this old man to see if he could also be brought to the Celestial Organization. Xiao Ran still understands the fact that there is an old man in the family, and the professional ability of this old man is very good. It's great, maybe there will be some unexpected gains.
   When the door of the plane opened, Raphael appeared in Xiao Ran's eyes with a cane. When the door of the plane opened, Billy hurriedly greeted him and held him, and shouted: "Teacher."
"Yeah." Rafael nodded, and with the help of Billy, he stepped off the plane steadily. He walked to Xiao Ran's body, looked at Xiao Ran up and down, and smiled: "So young The real power general, I have only seen you in my life, not bad."
"Mr. Raphael praised, there are many young people who are more capable than me. I just had better luck." Xiao Ran smiled at Raphael. The old man Raphael's mental strength and body are still good. After listening to Xiao Ran's words, he smiled heartily: "Luck is also a kind of ability, without your luck." (To be continued...)
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