Chapter 2236: (2 in 1)

Dimensional jumping and spatial jumping are different, but the same thing is that they seem to have to pass through such a long passage, colorful, gorgeous and eye-catching.
The dimensional jump is not the first time. Whether active or passive, it has always been experienced, but it has never been so colorful before my eyes, more like a space jump with different colors.
Nazi's body followed closely, a body that looked like a knight, the red unicorn knight, the unicorn knight burning like a flame, to the extent that it was a bit like a unicorn Gundam, changed its color, and More knight styles were added, and the combination became another completely different special style, which looked a bit like the style of the body that Na Zi originally drove.
It's just that, this machine is a real S-class machine, a brand new machine that surpasses the past, but completely inherits everything before, the Red Lotus Knight, named after Nazi herself, the appearance of the machine It was also made after Nazi and Luo communicated with Luo. It was a machine made by fusing the technology of the Burning Legion, and like Xiao Ran's Dragon God machine, there was a red crystal that was as bright as a flame on the chest of the machine.
Except that this machine is not made of Zfeld crystal, the technology used is similar to that of the Dragon God machine, except that the equipment and weapons are different, and it is compared with the Dragon God machine used by Xiao Ran. Mainly firepower, and this red lotus knight is really just like its name, it is a fighting type machine that is really charged.
The size of the machine is less than 50 meters as large as Xiao Ran's Dragon God machine, but it is also 28 meters high from beginning to end. The weapon in his hand is a special kite shield and something similar to a knight's gun, but This is not all the weapons of the Red Lotus Knight.
Nazi once had two bloodlines. The first is the inherent racial abilities, which greatly increases her own recovery ability, and she has a higher physique. Nazi likes to drink, but she does not rely solely on rescue. It is the participants' strong physical fitness, but she can quickly break down, absorb, or excrete those harmful to the body.
The second bloodline is the bloodline strengthened after coming to Prometheus. Berserker, yes, they are berserkers like Basac, but they are different from Basac’s Berserker bloodline, Basac’s Berserker. The bloodline is its own racial bloodline. Once it becomes a berserker, it will lose its sense, and its combat effectiveness will be improved by several times.
And this kind of berserker of Nazi enhances her fighting ability and consumes her stamina faster when using it. The improved combat power is constant and does not have the ability to be mad, but with the first bloodline, Not only can it improve the combat capability but also ensure a longer-lasting combat capability. It is also because of the strengthening of this bloodline that Na Zi's hair will become red now.
The same berserker, but they have two completely different bloodline abilities, and the difference between them is still very large, but the third bloodline Na Zi has never had a choice. Like Xiao Ran, Na Zi also hopes to find a better one. The right bloodline is strengthened, and the key is that a really good bloodline serum is priceless in Prometheus. What's more, even if a big pot of rice army once really got a good bloodline, Na Zi is more inclined to make friends. Use it for other people who are more suitable to improve your overall combat power and share your pressure.
I didn’t get the bloodline, but just happened to clash with the original legion and then left, and finally missed that bloodline, and re-established the Overlord Legion with a group of people willing to support her, and the word Overlord was also written by Nazi. Obtained from combat performance.
Na Zi once relied on her own and relied on her own ability to enter the S-level. This relied on pure personal ability and grew up after countless battles little by little. This is even Xiao Ran's opinion. Where he is not in Nazi, he is skilled and stable, with superb consciousness and quick response. He is a pilot with a solid foundation and strong strength, so he doesn't need blood to supplement himself.
Later, Nazi's requirements for the third bloodline became lower and lower. Now that the Burning Legion has the ability to produce blood serum on its own, Nazi really began to consider the issue of the third bloodline. Adjusters, changes. The new human being, the magician, the Tejaman, the power of mind, and finally Nazi chose power of mind as her third bloodline, which can be regarded as a more advanced supplement to the spiritual direction.
The changer is not adaptable. Although the magician is similar to the immortal body, but the ability is slightly repeated. After the Techaman armor is equipped, it is of little significance, especially for an S-class pilot, unless It is the kind of person who carries out the Tegaman transformation from the beginning and then upgrades to S-level, thinking about it, that is, thinking about the motivation, the two new humans are more suitable.
The difference between new humans and mind-powerers is also quite big, but they are both bloodlines that can increase their ability. As a combat pilot, mind power needs to be more in line with the current situation of Nazi, but now the bloodline is strengthened. For Nazi, the power of mind is estimated to be only between level 0 and 1. There is no way to feel the difference brought by the blood of mind power in a short time.
Similarly, the body is called the Red Lotus Knight, so how could it not have a mount that belongs to it, so among the remaining Super Robots, Nazi has also booked one in advance. Look at this for every pilot who enters the S-level in the future. It is estimated that maybe, especially the power pilot will choose a super robot as a backpack and auxiliary.
In this case, the next step in Luo's work plan might be to hold Durandal and copy the Super Robot together...
The speed of crossing the dimension is not slow. It seems that only a short period of time has passed. The dragon machine, the Red Lotus Knight of Nazi flew out from the dimension channel, and entered the other universe from one universe, one full of darkness. , A brand new universe of depression and death, surrounded by countless stars, in a seemingly vast universe but there is something wrong with it.
As soon as he entered this universe, Xiao Ran's brows frowned unconsciously. As an already very powerful changer and motivationalist, he is also a spiritual S-level participant. After entering this universe The surrounding space made Xiao Ran feel a dull pressure.
Countless resentments, countless souls, and darkness and depression swept over, as if the entire universe was full of a consciousness watching him and watching him, but in addition to these, Xiao Ran had a deeper feeling, then It is a sense of falsehood in this universe, as if everything you see in front of you, including the entire universe, is false. This feeling is vague and difficult for people to grasp the real clues.
However, in just a few seconds, Xiao Ran's brows stretched. It seems that he has not yet touched the Infinite Emperor, but he has vaguely felt the existence of the Infinite Emperor, which has integrated the entire universe or the dimensional infinite empire. Wang, and this feeling of pressure and peeping is completely inferior to the pressure given to him by the original BOSS.
"This is the world of the infinite empire?" Na Zi is not a spiritual pilot. Even though she has strengthened her mind power bloodline, she just vaguely feels the depression given by this world, but she won't feel like Xiao Ran. So sensitive.
"It should be correct." Xiao Ran sat in his body, put his hand on his mask and took off, revealing those eyes that sparkled with distinctive light, and put the mask away and looked at the world on the screen. Picture: "Be prepared, the other party has discovered us and is now looking at us."
Na Zi nodded, she has entered the most serious state since entering the dimensional jumping channel. Although she can't feel more sensitive like Xiao Ran, she has experienced countless battles, large and small, as an S-class pilot. She also felt the impropriety of this space.
Xiao Ran squinted his eyes and looked at the planet that was shrouded in black on the back of the screen: "The planet in front, all the faults in this space started from that place. The other party seems to have prepared a welcome ceremony for us. As far as possible, before the arrival of the large forces, all threats should be resolved."
Xiao Ran seems to be very arrogant to say this, but there is really not much arrogance when two S-rank pilots said this. They stepped on their feet and pushed their hands on different levers. Dragon God Behind the fuselage, green particles and white rays of light were suddenly ejected, and a pair of colorful lights and wings appeared. After exploding a white aperture, it turned into a light and rushed towards the darkness. The planet underneath.
The Dragon God machine flew out, and the white aperture behind it quickly expanded and then slowly disappeared. The red lotus knight in Nazi also instantly followed. A pair of beautiful butterfly-like wings also appeared behind the machine, just like the Dragon God machine. An aperture burst and followed closely behind the Dragon God machine.
Dragon God Machine has an energy backpack. After opening, it will be like a halo-like energy backpack. This energy backpack is also owned by the red lotus knight of Nazi, but once opened, this energy backpack is more like a pair of wings than a symbol, but the color is It is completely connected to the color of the Dragon Power Pack.
It’s not that Xiao Ran’s Dragon God machine is bad, it’s just that the Dragon God machine is the first experimental model after all, and Nazi’s machine is the official version. Of course there will be a little improvement in the energy backpack, but there is no difference in functionality. Besides, it was originally the body driven by a woman. Sometimes Luo’s mind did not know what he thought, but it was indeed a lot more beautiful, but Xiao Ran’s round-shaped one was not unsightly, on the contrary it was a little bit more. Domineering and holy feeling.
The aura that burst out behind the two fuselages is not an energy backpack, but simply because of the energy diffusion phenomenon left after the explosion at full speed.
It didn’t take much time. The Dragon God Machine and the Red Lotus Knight rushed into the planet one after another. The inside of the planet was not completely covered by darkness as it looked outside, but the gloomy dark sky was barren. The dry earth also seems to indicate that this planet has begun to fail.
The two machine bodies had just entered the planet, and there were countless huge energy bodies in front of them that looked like the wrong souls, endlessly rushing towards the Dragon God Machine and the Red Lotus Knight, and more wailing sounded in their ears. ll.
This kind of unjust soul Xiao Ran can be said to be a pure energy body that can see the essence at a glance, full of endless evil thoughts, but at the same time it is composed of real dead souls. Xiao Ran didn't know that this kind of dead soul would pass the Dragon God Machine and the Red Lotus Knight. What kind of attack effect came, but Xiao Ran didn't even plan to take it personally to see the attack power of these dead souls.
The eyes flashed brilliantly at the same time, and a huge stream of GN particles spewed out from all over the body, covering the dragon machine and the red lotus knight. With one arm, the body's empty hands suddenly Two huge weapons appeared, and at the same time they lifted up and released a dazzling beam of light forward.
The red lotus knight behind accelerated past the Dragon God machine, the shield of his left arm was raised, and the knight's spear in his right hand stretched forward, turning into a red sword like a red meteor rushing towards the endless souls that came forward~www.mtlnovel .com~ The shield lights up and spreads out a larger energy shield. The spear burst not only to launch a beam of tens of meters in diameter, but also to condense an energy spear that is more than ten times larger than the body. After the countless souls, they brought up the unwilling wailing, sprinting, sprinting, sprinting, tearing everything into the planet and falling to the ground.
After the Dragon God machine released two huge beams, it also annihilated countless souls, but the next moment, a wave of inexplicable fluctuations passed from the Dragon God machine, obviously nothing existed, clearly nothing was seen, but That wave of fluctuation is like the nemesis of these wronged souls, gradually dissolving all the wronged souls, and the Dragon God machine has also become like a small sun, capable of destroying all the dark sacred light, seemingly slow, but quickly falling to the kingdom. Landed on the ground.
When the Dragon God machine fell to the ground, Nazi had already driven the Red Lotus Knight to destroy at least hundreds of enemies. These enemies had various shapes, but they were all weird. Obviously, most of them were pure. The mechanical structure, but the appearance looks like a real giant monster, capable of releasing light beams, capable of releasing missiles, and some also use all kinds of strange cold weapons.
At a glance, the number of these monsters is quite a lot. Even if there are not one hundred thousand million, there are at least tens of thousands. It is clear that there are so many, and the body looks even larger than the Red Lotus Knight, but But it was crushed and beaten by the Red Lotus Knight body.
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