Chapter 23: Lightning Gene, strike!

When Xiao Ran hurried to the bridge, all he could see was the flashes of light coming through the windows of the Archangel bridge, and what he heard in his ears was the sound of sirens in the bridge and the sound of locking the enemy. . Slightly squinting his eyes, Xiao Ran pushed back with both hands, and landed lightly beside Maru who was sitting in the captain's seat.
   Although he knew exactly what happened, Xiao Ran still pretended not to know anything, and asked in amazement, "What happened."
   "The advance fleet is under attack." Maru raised her head suddenly with a hesitant look, and looked at Xiao Ran with a little bewildered eyes: "There is news that makes us retreat, but..."
   Bucky Lulu clenched his fists and gritted his teeth to remind: "Captain! Time is running out, please make a decision as soon as possible!"
   Looking at Maru's confused eyes, Xiao Ran was also slightly taken aback. He never thought that Ma Liu, who had always been extremely strong, would show such an expression at this time. It was completely unlike the Ma Liu who Xiao Ran knew, and made people feel that he couldn't help but want to pity.
   "Captain, an enemy ship started to turn forward, determined to be the Nazca class, with a distance of 300, and the forward direction is the ship!"
   The words of the radar controller caused Xiao Ran to be taken aback. He turned and lowered his head to face the control room below and asked loudly: "Comparison of enemy and our combat power."
In response to Xiao Ran’s question, the radar controller did not hesitate to answer loudly:
The enemy’s NASCAR class 1, Lorasia class 2, Gene 9, and Aegis. Our army Nelson class 1, Drake class 6, MA36, no, 34."
   "Just kidding! How could there be so many Zafts in this place!?"
Xiao Ran was shocked when he heard the answer from the radar controller. The three Zaft’s warships are already quite powerful. Ten MS and three warships are enough to fight a fleet battle, and they can win with elite members. The possibility is still high. What's more, in the animation, the entire advance fleet was wiped out with just one NASCAR-class battleship. Now the number has tripled. The current Archangel and those completely useless advance fleets are simply not rivals.
"It's like this every time. The difficulty has increased so much and the plot is completely different. Facing enemies with this configuration, it's no wonder that Maru will be so confused. If I don't know whether to rescue my comrades or to abandon My comrades flee, damn, this game is really hard to play." Xiao Ran thought to himself that he started to play drums in his heart. If he supported Maru to step forward and support, Xiao Ran doubted whether he could survive such a battle well, but fortunately Xiao Ran had his hands. There is another thing to ensure safety, and there is a final trump card on the Archangel.
"You can't just run away like this for the first time! At least before descending to the earth, the plot can't be changed anyway!" Xiao Ran squeezed his fists, biting his teeth and turned to look at Maru: "Even if you turn now, you can't escape the same speed. The battleship’s NASCAR-class hunt, come on, if it doesn’t work, I have a way to protect the safety of the Archangel."
Ma Liu listened to Xiao Ran's calm and firm words, her confused eyes slowly regained their luster, and after taking a deep look at Xiao Ran, she gave a loud command: "The first battle configuration for all members, the Archangel will go to assist and advance. The fleet, MS, and MA launch timing is determined by Lieutenant Bucky Lulu."
   After Maru finished speaking, Xiao Ran directly pressed the call button beside Maru: "Sergeant Maddock, can MS attack?"
  Gnakuli, Sergeant Maddock looked at Gene just about to weld the flight pack completely, and sighed helplessly: "It's not possible now, we will hurry up and complete it in the shortest time."
   "Understood." Xiao Ran took a deep breath and disconnected from the communication, and cursed inwardly: "Would you not have encountered this situation if you dragged it before? I rely on it."
   shook his head to suppress the dissatisfaction in his heart, Xiao Ran tried to keep himself calm, and smiled flatly at Maru: "I will also attack, rest assured, there will be no problems."
   "Well, be careful." Xiao Ran, who had already flown to the gate of the bridge again, heard Maru's seemingly unremarkable response, and there was a touch of warmth in his heart. Along with Bucky Lulu's hasty command, Xiao Ran also entered the elevator.
"Clints (air-to-air missile for space use) is loaded 7-12, 19-24, sledgehammer (anti-ship missile) is loaded 1-6, 13-18, back-beam thunder preparations, Barriant turns on, Balkan guns Turn it on, let Strike Gundam, and Mobius strikes in zero form."
At the moment when the elevator doors closed, Xiao Ran only felt that his eyes suddenly turned black, and his heart was pounding like a drum in his ears. He only felt his head faint, dragging some numb feet, confused how to go. None of the people who came to Ganakuri knew.
"Xiao Ran." The shoulders suddenly sank, and the feeling that came made Xiao Ran shiver reflexively. He turned his head stiffly and stared at him for a few seconds before he breathed out like suffocation. With a wry smile, "Sergeant Maddock, you are so scared that I am confused."
   Sergeant Maddock tapped Xiao Ran's chest lightly: "I'm okay, kid, I just looked at you with a ugly face."
   "Me? Oh, it's okay." Xiao Ran shook his head and asked, "How is the body?"
Sergeant Maddock laughed and patted Xiao Ran on the shoulder again: "It will be done soon. Genn has modified the speed to the highest level according to your requirements, and the speed is about three times that of ordinary Genn. But you have to remember that speed does not equal the flexibility of the body."
   "I understand this." Xiao Ran nodded and looked at Gene, who was about to complete the transformation.
The head of the machine body is exactly the same as the normal Jean, even in color. The two arms have a tall palm and Jean's arm as mentioned before. The only difference is that the beam has been connected to the left shoulder. The shield, and on the right shoulder, Xiao Ran didn't expect Sergeant Maddock to install the green shoulder parts of the artillery equipment.
On Jean’s back, the flight backpack that originally looked like two chicken wings has been completely replaced, and replaced by something similar to the Strike Gundam flight bag. It is said that it is similar because this backpack is originally a Strike Gundam flight. The backpack is remodeled. The difference is that the original extension to the two sides of the head is cut off, the hang gliding wing is half narrower and half shorter, and the position is slightly rearward, but compared to the original, the modified version The hang gliding wing seems a lot thicker. The fixed wings that originally extended from the two thrusters under the backpack have also been chopped off. The two longest ones are also cut off, so as not to affect Jean's angle of movement. The position of the beam saber has also been changed from the shoulder to the rear skirt. .
What made Xiao Ran a little bit stunned was that Sergeant Maddock even removed the two turboprops originally belonging to the Genn chicken wings separately and fixed them to the hang glider of the backpack, suddenly making the flight backpack extra. No wonder the two propellers cut and thickened the original hang gliding wing.
Six large propellers are equivalent to three Genen’s original flight backpacks. This is not to add the small jets protruding from the back of the legs. If this is to be propelled at full speed, it is almost comparable to equipped with an air combat backpack. Strike up to it. But the mixture of black, red, and green colors looks really ugly.
Seeing Xiao Ran's astonishment, Sergeant Maddock also laughed: "That's right, but limited to the tools and equipment on the Archangel and our technical limitations, only the speed has been improved. If you make too exaggerated The joints may be broken due to excessive force, so you have to pay attention."
As soon as Xiao Ran was about to speak, he heard a loud noise from the Archangel, and Ganakuri began to shake violently. Ganakuri, who had lost its gravity, would fly away without fixed tools and equipment. As a result, Xiao Ran was thrown up and fell heavily on the wall of Ganaku.
   Sergeant Maddock was also shaken and thrown to the other side, leaning his hands on the wall and shouting anxiously at Xiao Ran: "There is no time to waste, you hurry up and change your clothes!"
Xiao Ran nodded, enduring the pain in his back, turned and rushed to the waiting room with a strong kick under his feet. In less than three minutes, he changed into a blue driving suit and hugged his helmet and hurryed out. Flew all the way to Jean's cockpit.
Along the way, Xiao Ran saw that almost all the people in the maintenance squad were surrounded by the interface between the flight pack and Jean. What's more, the bloodshed caused by the shock just now could not take care of the last one. When the work was completed, Xiao Ran couldn't help but clenched his fists when he saw this scene.
In the cockpit close to Jean, Sergeant Maddock, who had been waiting here for a long time, reached out and grabbed Xiao Ran, and pushed Xiao Ran directly into the cockpit: "There is no time, the modified system in front contacted me. It has been set up, but the equipment on the right shoulder has not been set. It is best not to use it indiscriminately. You can quickly start the body to link the backpack and the power supply!"
"Understood." Xiao Ran nodded heavily, and immediately activated the body at the same time as he touched the chair. There were also sounds of dripping in the originally dark cockpit. With these sounds, the display screens on both sides and front also turned on. , The speed of the quantum computer can fully start up the body within a few seconds, and the display system also showed a prompt for component changes.
   Looking at this prompt, Xiao Ran, who should have never understood at all, under the instinctive memory in his mind, he pulled out the keyboard without hesitation and crackled on it:
   "The component system is changed, the shoulder 120MM Vulcan gun, 350MM rocket launcher link, parameter setting OK."
   "Weapon settings change, main weapon 57MM high-energy beam rifle, secondary weapon, beam saber, right shoulder weapon parts, the change is completed, the parameter setting is OK, the power distribution setting is OK, and the system link is OK."
   "Backpack change, high-power assault backpack, parameter adjustment three gears OK, power distribution setting is complete, system link OK."
   "The weapon takes out the action parameters, the body parameters...wipe, there is no time to debug these slowly! The original parameters are skipped, skipped, skipped!"
Xiao Ran felt that the vibration interval of the Archangel was getting bigger and bigger, and the frequency was getting higher and higher. Using his fastest speed, it took almost five minutes to understand and change all the places. Xiao Ran, who had finally finished everything from UU reading, directly raised his head and shouted outside the cockpit: "Sergeant Maddock!"
   "Okay!" Sergeant Maddock also replied loudly: "Remember, the beam shield cannot resist live ammunition weapons!"
   "I know!" Xiao Ran replied loudly. After speaking, he pressed the communication button and connected to the bridge of the Archangel: "My side is ready, now I can attack."
   "Teacher, wait a minute." Miriaria's panicked voice reached Xiao Ran's ears, and Xiao Ran couldn't help adding: "Miriaria is calm, there will be nothing wrong, trust the teacher."
   "Yeah." Milia Riya responded softly, and then her voice resounded throughout the entire Genaku: "The auxiliary transportation system is activated, the movement begins, and Genn is ready to attack."
"Get out of the way!" As Miriaria's voice sounded in Gnakuli, Sergeant Maddock quickly yelled to his men, and Xiao Ran also saw through the screen in front of him that they had gathered together. A dozen people scattered all at once, feeling the Genn under him slightly shaking, Xiao Ran quickly closed Jean's cockpit door and brought the helmet on, and suddenly the narrow space was given to Xiao Ranyi. A feeling of depression.
   "The ejection slot is connected, the system is normal, the light speed gun is configured, and the line is unobstructed. Gene attack, please be careful, teacher."
"Received, Miriaria's body has been modified. It's not too bad to be called Genn." Xiao Ran smiled at Miriaria in the communication screen in the upper right corner. With a touch of operation with both arms, Genn said Bend down: "Lightning Gene, Xiao Ran, strike!"
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