Chapter 2344: Power, mission

In order to help his friend Shumu Suzaku, Lelouch’s price was relatively high, although from the very beginning Lelouch knew that his sister, Nanali, must be sent to Xiao Ran. Come, but taking advantage of this opportunity to put his sister in Xiao Ran's place, Lu Lu Xiu also made his request to Xiao Ran, and at such a time, it is more like Lu Lu Xiu put his sister in order to benefit his friends. Same as sent here.
Although Lelouch also knew that this feeling was just an illusion, and it would make him feel a little uncomfortable, who loved his sister so much. Of course, Xiao Ran would not regard Lelouch’s request for help to rescue the Suzaku as a single one. The exchange, and this is originally a cooperation between the two parties, one of the trivial parts of the transaction, in fact, there is not much big deal.
But in any case, Lu Lu Xiu heard that Xiao Ran had chosen to help without hesitation, at least he felt relieved in his heart for this inexplicable collaborator.
As for why Xiao Ran agreed to Lulu Xiu’s rescue of Suzaku, it was actually a very arbitrary decision. After all, he and Lu Lu Xiu belonged to the stage of cooperation. Since both parties are partners, it is difficult for Xiao Ran to provide support. It's normal, not to mention that even if there is no Xiao Ran, Lu Lu Xiu will still try to rescue the Suzaku. Such refusal will add to Lu Lu Xiu's dissatisfaction and ill feeling out of thin air. It is not necessary to directly agree to it, at least this way. In the future, Lu Lu Xiu will be more cooperative.
It happens that in the following arrangements, Xiao Ran will need to take advantage of the Suzaku Suzaku, and it happens to take this opportunity to get in touch with Suzaku Suzaku, and try to exert some influence and control on the Suzaku now. When there is no other way to successfully join the empire, it is a very appropriate and appropriate choice to replace the Suzaku as the knight of Princess Yuffi. It is also necessary to contact Suzaku in advance, and this contact is also Not just a normal contact, it will be a more interesting contact for Suzaku. In addition, Xiao Ran must also guard against other participants. In order to ensure the safety of Lelouch, even Lelouch can’t come. Asking for help from Xiao Ran, Xiao Ran had already made up his mind that he would appear at the rescue site to ensure the safety of Lu Lu Xiu.
The reason why Xiao Ran attaches so much importance to Lelouch is not to say how much Lelouch’s ability is worthy of Xiao Ran’s fancy, although Lelouch’s IQ is indeed extraordinary, and he does have a good ability in tactics and planning. But this does not mean that these abilities of Lelouch must be indispensable, even if he joins the legion, he may not be so good.
And the reason why I really like Lelouch is because his name is Lelouch, he is the absolute protagonist in this world plot, and is an important person who can cooperate with him to fool other participants in this mission. The helper has a very special identity in this world, as well as his purpose. These are what Xiao Ran really looks after.
In addition, Xiao Ran has never had the habit of cleaning up others casually. If he is more willing to do things in a cooperative and coordinated manner, it is estimated that risk factors such as Lelouch would have been thoroughly cleaned up by another person. In addition to not having the above-mentioned habitual means, the reason why Xiao Ran didn't clean up was another important reason why Xiao Ran felt that he could control Lulu Xiu.
However, if Lelouch is really about to get out of control one day, and will choose to be his enemy, as long as it becomes a threat, Xiao Ran will never be merciful and directly deal with Lelouch, even if he loses his current temporary ability. The same goes for Wang Zhili. Of course, Xiao Ran is not willing to do this if it is not necessary. Therefore, it will be a good thing for both parties to be able to be honest with each other to the degree of true cooperation.
"Your plan."
Lulu Xiu glanced at Xiao Ran and said: "The frontal will directly rescue the Suzaku from the enemy's hands. As long as you can use the power of Geass to control some people, you can use their power to escape and complete this. This is an impossible thing. Of course, this also requires the cooperation of some people, and also needs to arrange the steps of action and the route of retreat in advance."
"It's okay." Xiao Ran groaned and said, "Your geass ability is very suitable for doing such things. I will help you to ensure that you can rescue the Suzaku and escape safely. In addition, I think you can borrow By the way, the previous resistance organization was completely subdued by the rescue of Suzaku. After all, we must truly achieve our plan. Some like-minded companions with the same goals, or subordinates and powers who can completely follow their own orders do exist. Necessary."
Lelouch paused, then glanced at Xiao Ran and slowly lowered his head. After a thoughtful flash in his eyes, he said to Xiao Ran, "I have been in contact with the previous resistance organization today. The person who went back happened to be the leader of the organization. Originally, he simply wanted to use their power. Since you said that, I will pay attention to this."
Xiao Ran looked at Lu Lu Xiu and nodded gently: "Well, whether it is the Resistance Army or other forces, if it can be completely subdued and turned into a power that both of us can use, it will change for what we are going to do. Cheng is very convenient to help, so you have to pay attention to more than just this resistance organization."
"In addition, your identity is not suitable for appearing on the surface, you also need to pay more attention to the confidentiality of your identity, because once your identity is leaked, it will only cause greater trouble."
"I know that in order to be able to overthrow the current tyranny of the empire, it is necessary to have her own power. When Nanali becomes the emperor of the empire, she also needs power that can protect her and make her rely on and believe in." Lu Lu Lu Xiu’s attitude towards Xiao Ran is much better now, at least in the current exchanges with Xiao Ran, it is quite cooperative. As for why Lu Lu Xiu is not too clear about this, but at least at this time Lu Lu Xiu only feels Xiao Ran. It was pleasing to the eye a lot, willing to believe and listen to what Xiao Ran said.
And this is naturally because Xiao Ran has been temporarily upgraded in this world and has a special title of Lie Leader with a magical effect. With the addition of the power of Geass obtained from cc, the power of the king, the power of the two is in contact Lu Lu Xiu always had a special impact on Lu Lu Xiu all the time, which would not make Lu Lu Xiu aware and feel, so that he would trust every word Xiao Ran said, but the true and false Lu Lu Xiu Being able to stay awake and judge naturally, as long as you don't find that Xiao Ran is malicious towards him, it will naturally increase Xiao Ran's goodwill, and when the goodwill gets higher, you will believe in Xiao Ran more and more.
At that time, he will be willing to stand on the same front with Xiao Ran completely. At least until now, although Xiao Ran did threaten Lulu Xiu, after all, he did not really hurt him. Instead, he would force him twice in a row. Give it to him, and Lelouch will think about it and will naturally realize that Xiao Ran has not really hurt him from the beginning, but has been helping him.
"If this is the case, it is not just a resistance force outside the empire." Xiao Ran smiled and patted Lulu Xiu on the shoulder. With such an action, Lu Lu Xiu was moved closer to the two, but his eyes flashed. After passing a color that Lelouch could not notice at all, he was also testing his abilities, slowly and actively influencing Lelouch in a less conspicuous and obtrusive way, so as to test it. Seeing whether he can truly subdue Lelouch, it seems that at least Lelouch's attitude has become better enough to explain the effect of the title and ability.
When Xiao Ran patted Lelouch's shoulder, Lu Lelouch turned his head again to look at Xiao Ran, and heard Xiao Ran say, "In addition to the powers other than the empire, those who oppose the empire, also I need another force that can check and balance these forces. I am going to try to join the empire and unearth a group of people who have the same goals as ours from within the empire, to change those who have status, rights or It is people who have the ability to join us."
"At that time, the two sides will face each other on the bright side, but in the dark, they will be a force of the same root and the same origin. Everyone is a comrade with the same goal, and even the outside forces can deliberately create some movement to make the position low. People get credit and get promoted quickly. When it’s about the time, maybe we can control the entire Eleven District inside and out, completely affecting the entire Butalia Empire. After all, even within the empire, we also need There are so many loyal and determined people to support Nanali to become the emperor of the empire, and to for this."
Lelouch’s eyes appeared a little surprised, but soon he began to think about the feasibility of what Xiao Ran said. The more he thought about it, the more reliable he felt, and he felt that he should do so, and could penetrate into the empire to achieve their goals. This incident is also of great help. Even if Suzaku is rescued, it seems that it can be used a little bit.
Lelouch said, "But, it's not easy for you to join the empire, what would you do?"
Xiao Ran did not conceal his thoughts from Lelouch: "There are two new governors who will soon arrive in the 11th district. This time the governors are a very powerful woman and a very gentle woman. The goal is on these two women. I will try to become the exclusive knight of one of them. As for how to gain their trust and use their rights to achieve what I want to do at the beginning, I naturally have my own. Methods and capabilities."
When Lulu Xiu heard Xiao Ran's words, he also murmured two names: "Cornelia...Eufelia...can it be done, exclusive knight?"
"As long as you can show enough ability." Xiao Ran rubbed his chin and looked into the distance thinking and said: "It shouldn't be too difficult, I feel like it's quite easy."
"I see, the immediate goal is to rescue the Suzaku Suzaku and subdue the resistance organization." Lelouch's mouth curled up and said, "The next step is to send you into the empire and become the knight of the two."
"Yeah." Xiao Ran suddenly squinted his eyes and said, "Then even if our alliance is truly established now, you should gather as much power as possible, but in the future, we must also have external A proper title can also be regarded as representing that we belong to a common camp, so we must also establish an organization in order to achieve our goal, so that Nanali will eventually become the emperor of the Butalia Empire, the Black Knights, although nothing special Meaning, but it’s okay to have to give some other meaning to this name."
"Such things like meaning are not needed all the time." Lu Lu Xiu turned to face Xiao Ran, cocked his mouth and raised his left hand to cover his left eye, believing himself: "Then let this black knight group be named from today Began to resound in this world, and welcome us to be a member of the Black Knights."
Xiao Ran smiled at Lu Luxiu, "You are also welcome to join."
"Ding, number 8, you have chosen to join the Black Knights camp, are you sure?"
"No. 8, your chosen faction is: Black Knights, co-founder, you have joined the faction, the main mission is open, this mission is a special mission, the mission mode is modified, you can return to the general after completing the three phases of mission Michels, this mission is a multi-legion melee mission. You don't need to complete any personal goals."
"Mission Phase 1: Join the force and grow the force. You have become the co-founder of a and growing the force is your first priority now. Improve the strength of the legion as much as possible before the second phase , Scale and prestige, the completion of this phase of the task will affect the final evaluation."
The voice that sounded directly in his mind relaxed Xiao Ran's heart slightly. After designing and guiding for so long, the issue of power was finally achieved easily, and he officially opened his own mission, finally freeing Xiao Ran from being like nothing. Like the flies, they have a more specific goal to do things, and the phased task of growing the Black Knights is actually quite willing.
And because it is a special mission, even people like Xiao Ran who enter the mission world alone must act in accordance with the mission mode of the special mission. The absence of regular personal missions and team missions also means that Xiao Ran will be here. There is more freedom in this mission, and things like growing the power are just basic operations after joining the power.
For the Black Knights, which currently has only two people, there are many ways to grow, but Xiao Ran also thinks of the missions of other legions from this mission. Will they also have the same mission, and if they join the bigger one It is even more difficult to strengthen the power of the power, and even said that it is not possible that a direct conflict between the legions will erupt in the first stage, which makes Xiao Ran feel a little bit interesting.
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