Chapter 2348: Reason, irony

Shaking his head denied Saki’s guess about Nanali. Nanali is not a natural spiritual power. In the world of Lelouch, there does not seem to be a spiritual power born with special abilities. There may be a higher spiritual strength. People, but still have to use asss to get their own special abilities.
At best, Nanali can be regarded as relatively firm-willed, particularly strong in perception, and slightly stronger in spirit. It is not unique, but it is definitely not particularly ordinary. Compared to the real ordinary, it is a little different.
Regarding the changes in Xiao Ran’s body now, the whole room was filled with green particles, and the vast majority of these images shrouded Nanaly’s body. It was a bit stunned for CC. Perhaps CC could remain cold in front of others. He was calm, but in front of Xiao Ran, cc had forgotten how long he hadn't let his mentality lose balance as easily as in these short days.
Previously, Xiao Ran told her that the eye was because of the external manifestation of too strong mental power, but now with the green particles, the hair has completely turned into a light band. These things can’t be simply made with mental power. Explanation is a more special ability, different from the special ability of code and ass, a special ability that cc cannot understand at all.
And now Xiao Ran did not pay attention to the stunned cc, controlled his mental power and gn particles and started to check Nanali's body, scanning every unusual place in Nanali's body from top to bottom. , But didn't pull Nanali into the world of spiritual communication at the beginning.
For Xiao Ran, using mental power or mind power to examine Nanali is just a very simple matter. Scanning with gn particles and mind power, it is easy to find out what Nanali's body is. How is it different from normal people? As for personal mental fluctuations, everyone has different characteristics of fluctuations. Therefore, when Xiao Ran met Nanali for the first time, it was difficult to directly explain the current mental fluctuations of Nanali. It must not be normal.
But soon, Xiao Ran groaned lightly. Nana Li’s physical condition is no different from a normal person. The only difference may be that she is weaker than a normal person, but in Xiao Ran’s perception Nanaly’s body is absolutely normal. Those invisible and blind eyes, and those legs that can’t stand up, there is no problem at all, and there is no special force to control it. The eyes and legs, at least from the perspective of the body, do not have any strange power entrenched in the position of the eyes and the spine.
In other words, Nanali’s appearance is not due to physical reasons at all. Lelouch has taken Nanali many times to find a cure but there is no cure at all. This, this is exactly the same as what Xiao Ran had learned and thought at the beginning.
Nanali’s problem is caused by the ability of ass. If there is no problem in the body, the reason is completely from both mental and spiritual aspects. This is where the ability can make a real impact, and it is also the aspect that Xiao Ran is best at. .
With a violent moment, the light in Xiao Ran's eyes turned again, and directly pulled Nanali in front of him into the spiritual space, forcibly covering all senses of Nanali in the spiritual space, and began to treat Nanali again. The spirit was checked.
For Xiao Ran, the examination of Nanali must be done in a softer way. Otherwise, such a weak little girl would not be able to resist the impact of his spiritual power at all, and she passed out in a coma for an instant, but This does not mean that Xiao Ran cannot unilaterally find what he needs from Nanali's spiritual consciousness.
It can be said that the dazzling time passed in just one minute. After Xiao Ran's appearance returned to normal, Nanaly, who was forcibly cut off her consciousness and senses, also regained control of her body. Na who closed her eyes Nari didn't seem to realize that she had completely lost all consciousness in less than a minute to others, and she sat still obediently, waiting for Xiao Ran to start checking her.
"Okay, Nanali." Xiao Ran gently touched Nanali's head with a smile, and said, "The examination has been completed, so you don't need to be so nervous."
Nanali was taken aback for a moment, and a daze appeared on her face: "Mr. Xiao Ran, is this the end of the examination? I don't seem to feel anything, it's completely different from before."
"Didn't I just say that my method will be different from others." Xiao Ran smiled and said, "I already understand your situation, and I have found the reason why any of your treatments did not work. Next, I will analyze the cause of your illness and slowly start to treat you. I believe it will not be long before you can see the world with your own eyes again."
Nanali looked stunned: " this true, Mr. Xiao Ran?"
Xiao Ran deliberately said in a very affirmative tone: "Of course it is true. In fact, I already have a little idea about the cause of your illness. If Nanali can cooperate obediently in the future, I will definitely be able to see the world again. This time will not be too long."
Hearing Xiao Ran's words, Nanali's face was dumbfounded and turned into excitement and joy. She originally wanted to say something to express her current feelings and thank Xiao Ran, but before she spoke, Xiao Ran held it down with a finger. Nanali’s mouth chuckled and said:
Okay, I know what you want to say, thank you and excitement, or wait until you can actually see it. Now you need to keep calm of your mind and mood, don’t The ups and downs will affect the next treatment. If it is Nanaly you, I think you should be able to control your mood."
"Yeah, yeah." Nanali squeezed her little hand and nodded vigorously. Her body became a little trembling from happiness and excitement. Even if Xiao Ran kept her calm, she believed that she could keep calm, but then After many years, I finally heard the news that she could be treated. Given her age and mentality, it is still difficult to truly control herself.
Xiao Ran just smiled and didn't say anything, but she was using her own power to soothe the excited and excited Nanali, so that Nanali gradually calmed down, and finally she nodded slightly at Saki, and Saki took I stood up with a smile, walked behind Nanali and held the wheelchair Nanali was sitting in: "Alright Nanali, if you are too excited, it will affect the treatment effect. Now I think you should Take a good rest, go, I will take you to rest for a while."
"Yeah." Nanali nodded and said softly, "Thank you, Sister Saki."
When Saki left with Nanali, Xiao Ran looked at c.c who had been staring at him, frowning slightly: "Why, have I noticed anything after seeing me for so long."
c.c's chest rose and fell slightly, forcibly to keep himself calm, shook his head, and asked, "The situation in you just now was because of too much mental power?"
Hearing the irony in cc's tone, Xiao Ran also laughed indifferently, and said: "The strength of mental strength is the primary key to the state just now. It is essentially the external manifestation after the rise in life level. In fact, the one just now Appearance is my true form, the conventional form that will appear after completely letting go of my mental power, and it is also one of the forms that humans may obtain after evolution."
"In this world, there can be coders like yours, and abilities like Lelouch. Isn’t there a person with other special abilities? And my special ability is nothing more than It's just being ahead of everyone on the evolutionary level."
"It's like the medicine I injected into Lulu Xiu. The essence is a kind of east to west that allows the user's bloodline to change and evolve. The difference lies in the evolution direction of the two. Depending on the difference in genes, even if it is Ordinary people have been in a special environment suitable for him for a long time, and they can also evolve to obtain extraordinary abilities, and are more able to adapt to different special environments to exert greater power in the current environment."
"Humph." c.c snorted softly, and said: "I haven't heard or seen the existence of any evolutionary in the years since I was alive."
"Then I can only say that you are ignorant and ignorant." Xiao Ran said in a hurry, "But I believe you will have the opportunity to see more in the next time, and on this point, I suggest you have If you are empty, you can read more about genetic modification or genetic mutation."
c.c After taking a look at Xiao Ran, she turned her head away. She always felt that Xiao Ran's words were mocking her, and she was still illiterate after living so long...
After snorting again, cc said: "I will go and see, I think you should be able to solve the problem of Nanaly just now. If you show this unique ability, can you not solve it, or you don't want it on purpose? Solve Nanaly’s problem now?"
In the face of CC, Xiao Ran did not hide his thoughts, and said lightly: "It is of course possible to directly solve Nanali’s problem, and it will not bring any side effects to Nanali. The cause of Nanali’s problem is not in the body, it happens. It’s in the spiritual aspect that I am best at. I can restore her to light and stand up again in an instant, but what good is it for me to do this now."
"Since I have found the reason, I can treat Nanali at any time, and I hope that at a suitable time, I can let Lelouch recover Nanali when I am grateful to me. Don't forget, although I allow You gave him the ability to ass, and I also gave him another strength, but this does not mean that I truly trust Lelouch."
c.c curled his lips: "Dark mind, old and cunning."
"Whatever you say." Xiao Ran didn't care about cc's thoughts, just said: "But to treat Nanali, in my opinion, of course, it is best to treat Lelouch in front of Luloxiu, and it will also make Lelouch more clear. I know that I have the power he can't resist, and I can heal Nanali in an instant, and I can also restore Nanali to her original state in an instant."
"And since this is a deal, it has to look like a deal. It is impossible for Lelouch to want me to treat Nanali without doing anything. He should also be clear about what he wants. Yes, then you have to pay what I need. This is the basis of fairness and cooperation."
Although CC knows that Xiao Ran is right, but when the two parties in the cooperative transaction do not have her, CC will naturally show some unnecessary pity to the weak Nanali, not to mention that Nanali is the same as Lelouch. , Are also the people she fancy and care about, but cc cares more about Lelouch than cc, although Lelouch and Nanali did not have this self-consciousness.
c.c was silent for a while, then asked: "Then what is the reason you found."
"Ass." Xiao Ran looked at cc and said with a faint smile: "There is a power that does not belong to Nanali entrenched in Nanali's brain and spirit, which interrupts Nanali's normal perception of the outside world. Of course it is not. By physical means, but purely spiritual isolation, as long as the mental power is erased, Nanali can naturally recover. It happens that I am very good at spirituality, so it is necessary to be clear that there is no any way to remove that power. Difficulty."
"And I also found something else. Nanali’s memory seems to have been changed. Although Nanali’s eyes have no problems, she actually has no problems with her eyes, but the memory, the subconscious, and the spirit are separated. The role of the three aspects makes Nanali able to see everything even if she opens her eyes, but because of the common influence of the three aspects, she instinctively ignores all the pictures that can be seen."
"I see." CC stood up from where she was sitting, and chose to leave directly instead of staying with Xiao Ran to continue talking nonsense here. She would rather stay with Saki than with Nanali than to sit alone with Xiao Ran. At the same time, until he was about to walk out of the living room, CC stopped and said with his back to Xiao Ran, "No matter what, that child has already suffered a lot. I hope you can get her back to normal as soon as possible."
Xiao Ran smiled faintly: "Of course."
Now that the cause of Nanali’s blindness and inability to stand has been found, and it is still a spiritual influence, it is indeed very simple to solve for Xiao Ran's mental power, but as Xiao Ran said, the current situation He didn't have the need to restore Nanali to normal immediately. Even if he had to undergo treatment, he would have to look at Luloxiu's next performance.
And instead of treating Nanaly, she was forced to stay here like a wicked person to prevent her brothers and sisters from reuniting. It's better to take your time and let the parties feel grateful willingly. Of course, Xiao Ran will choose the latter one. In Xiao Ran’s eyes, this approach is actually more suitable for both parties. If Lelouch knew about Xiao Ran’s approach and figured it out, he should also Will have the same idea.
The old witch of cc doesn’t know why Xiao Ran chose to do this, but when she was an irrelevant partner, she naturally felt sorry for Nanali. Of course, CC hoped that Xiao Ran could treat Nanali as soon as possible. He was cured, and then managed to take Nanali away, which ultimately made Lulu Xiu out of Xiao Ran's control.
But how could Xiao Ran be excited by cc's two or three sentences to change his decision, not to mention that Xiao Ran is already a very dangerous person in CC's heart, so even if he really has such an idea in his heart, he dare not be so impulsive He showed his purpose, but how could Xiao Ran not notice cc's plan.
At midnight the next day, Xiao Ran put on an ordinary dress and brought his own sunglasses and left the house by night, and then left before Xiao Ran, two of the three in the house opened their eyes. CC, who was sleeping in a room alone, sat up from the bed, looked at the locked door of his room with a faint look, fell silent for a while and then slowly closed his eyes.
On the other side, Saki was accompanying Nanaly who was already asleep, smiled and slowly closed her eyes.
Xiao Ran's departure is a perfect opportunity for CC to escape, but Xiao Ran leaves but there is still a saki who does not know the depth. Although CC can choose to escape, but there is no way to escape with Nana. It is impossible to truly escape from Saki’s hands. It is precisely because he clearly knows this. Although cc has always wanted to get out of Xiao Ran’s control, he has never really implemented such an action in so many days. Once you do this, you will really put yourself on the opposite side of Xiao Ran and Saki. CC doesn't dare to imagine the consequences of doing this. At least for now, although it can be regarded as a loss of freedom, at least there is no real danger.
Xiao Ran, who had left, went directly to the place agreed with Lelouch, on a must-travel road for the Empire to the Shuque, but Xiao Ran did not directly meet Lelouch, but got into both sides of the road. Among the crowd that the dead prince saw him off, quietly awaited the arrival of Lulu Xiu and the team.
This time is Lu Lu Xiu’s performance on stage as zero, and it is also his first pretense to the world, so Xiao Ran is not going to distract Lu Lu Xiu from the attention he should have received, but as a supporter in Lu Lu Xiu. Lu Xiu will only officially appear when he needs help.
This wait took almost half an hour. In the process, Xiao Ran and Lu Lu Xiu didn’t even make any contact. They just briefly exchanged the so-called plan before, and it can be counted as such. It was deliberate, Lulu Xiu's deliberate.
When taking Nanali to Xiao Ran's place, Lulu Xiu did not leave Xiao Ran any communication tools. Things like mobile phones are definitely not usable in such occasions, the only way to communicate. Yes, it is estimated that only the encrypted communication with a special frequency is adjusted, but Chacha Lulu Xiu did not leave this communication tool to Xiao Ran, but only told Xiao Ran's plan that the agreed time was nothing more.
This is actually a test of Lu Lu Xiu against Xiao Ran. More or less he has the idea to test Xiao Ran's ability, but more is to test whether Xiao Ran is worthy of trust and whether he is really considered him. Under this premise, even if Lu Lu Xiu invited Xiao Ran to help, he would still prepare for other safe evacuation. Xiao Ran's role in this operation was just in case and the icing on the cake. , Lu Lu Xiu never put the real hope of rescuing the Shumming Suzaku on Xiao Ran.
When the team escorting the pivotal Suzaku appeared in Xiao Ran’s eyes, Xiao Ran only glanced in the direction of the convoy, and then moved his gaze to other places, completely not looking at the several kf and chariots. The convoy formed did not look at the special transport aircraft carrying the kf above the sky, but at their feet, as if their eyes could penetrate the road under them, and saw the countless imperial troops lying under the road and bridge. And more kf.
With the presence of these ambushers this time, Xiao Ran confirmed that the blue-haired man who is now the commander of the team's real purpose is to use the pivotal Suzaku as a bait to attract eleven. The rebel organizations in the district came to rescue, and many people were actually ambushed up and down. If someone was so courageous to come and rescue the Suzaku, they would be very enthusiastic. Welcome and stay here forever.
Of course, the rescue mentioned here refers to the conventional rescue force, and if it is replaced by Lelouch or Xiao Ran, who does not follow the routine and even has the ability to manipulate others to rescue, then all these ambushes Encirclement and siege simply cannot play much role, and for Xiao Ran, it is even impossible to play a small role.
If Xiao Ran is willing, he can even jump out now and wave a few gn particle beams to destroy all the kf, and leave with the pivotal Suzaku generously. This is what can ignore any tricks when the power is strong enough to a certain extent. If you change to Lulu Xiu, you still have to act honestly according to the plan.
First shock the team, try to get close to the team, and then use the to control everyone in the team as much as possible, and use other arrangements to leave safely, but this kind of plan is actually very risky, even Lelouch I'm not sure whether the people who escorted the team would give him this opportunity to use ass, but he had to send an arrow on the string, and Lelouch could only respond to the situation to complete the plan of rescuing the Suzaku.
However, if Lelouch now knows about the big idiot who seems to have a problem with Shuque, after taking countless risks to rescue him, and finally chooses to return to the empire for trial, it is estimated that Lelouch will not be so. He firmly wanted to rescue the Suzaku, but would change the way to remove the suspicion for Suzaku.
At the beginning of the drama, Xiao Ran did not continue to wait for too much time. Not long after the team passed Xiao Ran’s position, the team stopped due to an inexplicable situation, and Xiao Ran retreated at this time. After the crowd, I walked slowly to the front of the convoy that stopped, and saw a hearse slowly approaching opposite the convoy. The appearance of a hearse seemed reasonable, but it was messy and even used in many places. Hearse fixed by tape.
At the back of the hearse, a huge box was hung on it. Lulu Xiu, dressed in black, stood on the roof, seemingly calm and indifferent, as if he did not fall into the ambush of the Imperial Army at all. There was the slightest surprise and worry, but Xiao Ran could clearly'see' the intensive sweat on Lulu Xiu's face, who was not too far away from him.
"I am Zero, the leader of the Black Knights, and the murderer who killed Kurovius. No, it should be said that it was because of my sanction that Kurovius' death was brought about.
This is the first word that Lulouch, who has changed into zero costume and put on a mask and helmet after the hearse stopped, and also made his own voice here through the loudspeaker installed on the car. The ears of everyone on the road rang.
"Interesting." Xiao Ran also smiled lightly when he heard what Lu Lu Xiu said. The Black Knights were just the name of the organization negotiated with Lu Lu Xiu during the day before, but now after a short time, Lu Lu Xiu had already said the name of the Black Knights, and naturally he wanted to publicly announce the existence of the Black Knights.
The blue-haired man who escorted the convoy, Jeremia Goldbald, the Count of the Empire grinned his teeth, raised his pistol and fired a shot into the sky: "Asshole! Coward with his head hidden, no matter what. Say zero, your performance time is over."
Along with the gunshots, countless kf guards along the way began to gather in this direction, and a special carrier in the sky also began to descend quickly, dropping several kf, and more hidden under the road The imperial soldiers all jumped out at once, and completely surrounded the hearse that Lulu Xiu was standing on, which was invisible in the day.
Surrounded by countless military forces, it can be said that it is difficult to fly with wings. The muzzle in Jeremya's hand suddenly pointed at the unprotected Lelouch, and sneered: "Heh, first of all. Take off your ugly mask."
"Haha." Lelouch, who was transformed into a zero, gave a chuckle, and raised his right hand to cover his mask. It seemed that the mask would be taken off in the next second, but the next second he snapped his fingers. From the zero mask sounded, behind the place where Lu Lu Xiu stood, several foam boards fell in all directions, revealing a huge circular device behind the vehicle, a device that Xiao Ran is very familiar with.
In the eyes of the resistance organization, this device is a terrorist weapon that threatens the Eleventh District. It is a poison gas that can instantly kill countless people. However, in the eyes of the insider, they know that this thing is just a restraint device at all. A prison for a woman with green hair.
For those who don’t know the inside story at all, this circular device appears here as a sealed cabin equipped with poison gas. People watching around don’t know what it is, but as Jeremya who has participated in the additional poison gas operation, This thing turned everyone around, including him, into hostages.
Suzaku was also surrounded by the Imperial Army at this time. When he saw the device exposed from the back of the hearse, the expression on his face suddenly changed from silence to surprise. A pair of stunned eyes swept through the'poisonous gas' device. It was staring at the zero in front of the poison gas device, that is, Lelouch.
Zero, that is, Lulu Xiu did not notice the gaze and expression of Suzaku Suzaku, and said to himself: "You should be very clear about what this thing is, and you know the consequences of this thing after it is released here."
However, Xiao Ran could clearly see the expression on Shumu Suzaku's face, the shock in his eyes, and the thoughtful flash in his eyes.
"Is this kid guessing something? Did he leak too much before?" Xiao Ran touched his chin unconsciously, but shook his head randomly: "These two fools just saw the poison gas device familiar, maybe it is. I guessed that Lelouch helped the rebels after he was in a coma, but he would definitely not be so smart to guess that the zero in front of him was Lelouch, let alone believe that Lelouch killed the guy named Kulovic The prince, even because of Lelouch’s relationship, he can’t even tell what happened in the car...Wait, doesn’t this kid think that zero is me? Maybe he thinks I’m killing Ku The murderer of Prince Loves?"
"Haha, interesting." Xiao Ran squinted and smiled, and said, "If this is the case, these two fools will not disclose information about me once they have a chance? After all, they are the loyal dogs of the empire. It would be The corners of his mouth were raised, Xiao Ran said in his heart: "But, I won't let you leak out things about me so easily, such as forcing Lelouch to help the resistance organization I’m very curious if you know that zero is Lelouch, and the person who killed Kurovís is Lelouch, what kind of choice you will make? I don't know if the mentality of these two fools will completely collapse, it seems very interesting to think about it. "
"But if these two fools are stubborn, they can only use some special means to completely control this guy. Although letting these two fools disappear is the best choice, now you can see This guy has become my most loyal subordinate. At least these two fools still have a lot of brilliance in some aspects. After strengthening and getting a suitable body for him, it might be really useful. indefinite."
Next, everything was carried out according to Lelouch’s plan, because the deterrence of the poison gas device made Jeremia dare not act rashly. Lelouch seized the opportunity to use the ability to control, and finally under the ability. Assisted Lelouch’s escape, and in this process, Xiao Ran basically didn’t play any role. In addition to using mind power to help Lelouch, Suzaku and the girl named Honglian blocked a few shots. Beyond the more dangerous bullets.
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