Chapter 2388: Thank you

? There is no need to waste too much energy in the arrangement of the guards. The guards created by Kurovís in the 11th district are actually the strongest single-army organization here, and it was originally created by Jerry. The personnel and materials led by Mia are extremely sufficient, and they are basically managed by pure-blood officers, and they are the most loyal supporters of the royal family.
Rather than breaking up such a team, it would be better to just stay and serve as Euphelia’s guard team. You don’t need to spend a little more effort to directly inherit all the over-standard guards created by Kurovís himself. At the same time, they can get the gratitude and sincere support of the guards who should be punished, and the guards can be put into use within a day, and no one can say a word about Yufeili on this matter. Ya's wrong.
After Xiao Ran arranged for the handling of the guards, within ten minutes, in addition to those who protected Euphelia selected by Veretta at night, dozens of female guards were selected. All were charged into the guards that Xiao Ran appeared in a word, becoming a personal guard that completely took over the safety of Euphelia, and at the same time it would become the core defense line of the Governor's Mansion where Euphelia now lives.
When the members of the Guards who were called to leave to prepare for work, including Jeremia, they also hurriedly left the Governor's Mansion and began to arrange today's Euphelia's itinerary and prepare all the information about the Guards.
And Xiao Ran went upstairs again. As he got closer to Euphelia’s room, every few meters apart, Xiao Ran could see a man in the red uniform of the Guards standing in the corridor to guard, and wait until Xiao Ran left. Outside the door of the room where Euphelia lived, I saw a female guard standing on each side of the door, and Veretta who was also waiting outside the door.
After seeing Xiao Ran, Veretta hurriedly walked towards Xiao Ran's side. After saying hello, she said, "His Royal Highness has woken up and is preparing with the help of his attendants."
Xiao Ran nodded: "Is it all arranged."
Veretta said: "I have contacted Jeremya just now. The itinerary arranged yesterday has been prepared except for the guards. You can set off after breakfast. By that time, the guards will be able to complete the preparations."
"Yeah." Xiao Ran looked at the two female guards standing outside the door, and said, "Did Jeremya tell you that I have assigned a group of personnel to serve as the guards of your Royal Highness. I will hand over the guards at that time. Responsible to other people, your main task is to assist your Highness as a clerical officer, arrange your itinerary, work and life, and ask me if you don’t understand anything."
Veretta has never served as a clerk before, and even the work of secretary has never really come into contact with it. Although she has a little ability to deal with things, she suddenly became Euphelia’s affairs. The officer, personal secretary, indeed, did make Veretta not knowing what to do. Now that I heard Xiao Ran’s words, although I had some doubts about Xiao Ran’s aspects in my heart, Verita felt like someone would help. Relax a little.
However, according to Veretta's own wishes, although it seems to be a happy thing to be promoted, under the internal structure of the military, her position will not change because of becoming a clerical officer, just saying She is a little bit bigger in power, but she doesn't care about these powers, and prefers to work with Jeremya.
After hesitating for a while, Veretta also said: "Knight, I don’t think I’m too suitable for the job of a clerical officer. I am just a simple soldier. I am worried that I will not be able to complete the job of a clerical officer well. It's not suitable for dealing with those Archon Yuan, and there is no way to arrange her life well for His Highness, so can I find another person to replace my current job?"
Xiao Ran looked at Veretta and asked, "The truth is or the kind."
Veretta raised her head, stood up straight and said seriously: "This is the true thoughts of the subordinates."
"Okay." Xiao Ran was silent for a moment, and said, "Someone will take over the job of the clerical officer within today. After that, you and Jeremia will help me manage the guard team. I don't have much time to deal with the guard team. Thing."
Veretta breathed a sigh of relief. Although she felt a little self-seeking loss in her heart, she was more sincere: "Thank you, Lord Knight, for your understanding."
Xiao Ran shook his head, and didn't care too much about Veretta's unwillingness to be a clerk. Veretta was unwilling to become a clerk because she felt that her personality was discordant and her ability was insufficient, no matter how true it was. How polite, but Xiao Ran can also see that Veretta wants to work with Jeremia in the Guards, and it's not that there is no more suitable person to serve as the secretary. Veretta is not familiar with it. Some people are familiar with this aspect of work, and they are still very familiar.
It’s just that Xiao Ran has become an exclusive knight. It stands to reason that even if he doesn’t stay in the governor’s mansion, he still needs to spend most of his time with Eufelia. The arrangement of Ryukino has been confirmed, and Nanali should How to make arrangements.
It doesn’t seem appropriate to bring the three girls here directly. The identity of Nanali is too sensitive, but the arrangement is to take over the Guards. Now Veretta will become Yuffi if she is unwilling to become an officer. Leah's affairs officer, asked to do this not only because she can protect Ephelia, but more importantly, she also has this ability and is the real one.
Veretta was unwilling to be a clerical officer. The first thing Xiao Ran thought of was that he would not arrange for anyone else to take over this job. In this way, he would spend more time in the Governor's Mansion. Basically It is impossible that at the time of going back, and Nanali would have to starve to death without being "unattended", and "unattended" with Nanali's side.
"Just move all over." Xiao Ran thought for a while and said, "Okay, let's do it according to the current arrangement. I will pick up a few people and come back as soon as possible before I leave."
"Are you going to pick up someone?" Veretta was taken aback for a moment, and asked hesitantly: "Do you need to prepare?"
Xiao Ran said: "Prepare three rooms and arrange them near my room. Help me prepare a helicopter and come back as soon as possible before breakfast."
"Three people? Going to live in the Governor's Mansion?" Veretta looked at Xiao Ran in a daze. He didn't expect Xiao Ran to bring three people to the Governor's Mansion. This made Veretta feel a little embarrassed. How could he be a knight under his servants? Bring three people who are not important to your Highness to live in the Governor's Mansion?
Seeing Veretta, Xiao Ran said: "They are all girls, so it shouldn’t matter, and one of them is the secretary and the captain of the guards I chose for your Royal Highness, so she must always live in the Governor’s Mansion, one is me One of my servants, one is my sister who is taking care of my friends. Life is not very convenient and needs to be looked after at all times. By the way, about my mansion, just choose the one closest to the Governor's Mansion. If your Highness does not allow it, the mansion will be prepared I will take them out after finishing."
Upon hearing Xiao Ran's words, Veretta nodded in agreement: "I know, I will prepare a helicopter immediately."
At this moment, someone suddenly came to report that the guy named Kilford had come to the Governor's Mansion again and wanted to meet with His Royal Highness Euphelia. Veretta was also quite good when he heard the report from the servants of the Governor's Mansion. Embarrassed, if Kilfort wanted to see Euphelia, she would definitely not be able to stop her, and she could only report the matter to Euphelia.
But now there was Xiao Ran in front of Veretta, so after Veretta let the reporting subordinates leave, she put a pair of eyes on Xiao Ran, and looked at the closed door next to him from time to time, and was also considering whether to immediately. Report to Euphelia.
"Don't waste this time, it's not the time to see him." Xiao Ran said without hesitation: "But I have to tell your Royal Highness about this matter first. As for that Kilford, you personally tell him about his itinerary today. The arrangement is full, and the meeting time is changed to the evening, and he will be invited to the dinner."
Veretta nodded. She could see that the person named Kilford came here for a purpose, but she was really not good at this kind of intrigue. When Xiao Ran said this, she quickly knocked on the door and entered Yu. Filia's boudoir, and Xiao Ran turned around avoiding suspicion before the door opened.
Within two minutes, Veretta walked out and said to Xiao Ran: "I have already reported to His Highness, and His Highness agreed to meet Kilfort at the evening banquet, and His Highness will let you in now."
Xiao Ran nodded, walked to the front of the door and knocked twice. After a sound came in, Xiao Ran opened the door and walked in, and Veretta also turned and left to notify the uninvited one. The time of the Gilford meeting.
When Xiao Ran walked into the room, Eufelia was sitting in front of the mirror in a formal suit and was waiting for several maids to adjust her makeup and hair. From the corner of her eyes, she saw Xiao Ran walk in and she did not have a happy smile on her face. However, the only thing that didn't move was a slight wave of his hand towards Xiao Ran.
Xiao Ran walked slowly to Euphelia's side, and noticed several maids who were peeping at him with curiosity, and also noticed the smile on Euphelia's face. He stroked his chest and slightly bent over and said, "Your Highness, morning it is good."
"Good morning, Mr. Cavalier, too." Euphelia pursed her lips and asked, "Is it okay to rest at night? Is it still accustomed to being a knight?"
Xiao Ran smiled slightly: "It's still a habit, thank you for your concern."
"You are welcome, you are my exclusive knight. If you are not used to living in this place, I should be the one who has the headache." Euphelia smiled softly and said: "I heard Veretta say that you accepted the library. Brother Lovis’s guards came to reorganize my guards, and also set up a guard, which is also good, otherwise those people might be punished by the empire and sent to some very dangerous places.

Xiao Ran bent down slightly again: "I didn't explain the situation to your Highness in advance, and I hope that your Highness will forgive me. The formation of the guard team is very good, and it has not been broken up yet, so the time to take over the guard team is the fastest. They can also use it without any learning and preparation. They are also familiar with the work of the Guards, and almost everyone in the Guards is now panicked. His Royal Highness's willingness to accept them will not only give them peace of mind, but also give His Highness their gratitude and loyalty , Protect His Highness wholeheartedly, and become the first force to truly loyal to His Highness."
"The appearance of the Guards took into account the gender of your Highness, so we reorganized a team composed entirely of women, so that it can be more convenient to protect Your Highness."
Euphelia blinked: "It's okay. Since I handed over to Mr. Cavaliers to form the guards, I can accept any guards, that... Veretta also said the captain of the guards. Mr. Knight has also been selected, is it Mr. Knight's relative?"
"Yeah." Xiao Ran nodded and said, "He is a very trustworthy person with excellent abilities. He can serve as both the captain of the guard and the secretary of the Highness at the same time. It is also the one I was planning to introduce to his Highness as a knight. people."
"Is it her?" Euphoria suddenly realized that Xiao Ran had told Euphelia before that he wanted to introduce another person to help her, but now Xiao Ran has become a knight, but the person Xiao Ran wants to introduce will eventually come. Beside her.
"Then I am looking forward to it." Euphelia said seriously. After finishing her hair, she waved her hand to indicate that the maids could stop. She stood up and let the maids leave before she walked to Xiao Ran and pulled her. The skirt made an aristocratic gift towards Xiao Ran: "Thank you Mr. Xiao Ran, thank you for everything you have done for me."
Xiao Ran took Euphelia's hand and asked her to stand up again before saying, "Why do you say that?"
Eufelia looked at Xiao Ran with those shiny with gentle gazes: "I know all of what happened yesterday, Mr. Xiao Ran, you let all those chiefs who are causing headaches. They made a pledge of allegiance to me and made them willing to help me achieve the desire to make the 11th district a better place. They also helped me win over the guards who originally belonged to His Royal Highness Culovis and have their own weapons. Power also gives me the right to speak in the 11th district."
"In just one night, Mr. Xiao Ran, you pushed away all the obstacles that stood in the way, allowing me to truly have the foundation to develop the 11th district according to my wishes. You have done so much for me in front of you. I don’t want to be a princess who only obeys other people’s arrangements. It also gave me the courage to say no to Sister Cornelia, Mr. Xiao Ran, thank you for being with me and helping me achieve my dream. ."
Xiao Ran was silent for a moment: "These are my own opinions. I didn't discuss it with you or get your permission. I just hope you don't blame me for it."
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