Chapter 2430: What the hell?

Xiao Ran asked CC to grant everyone present the ability to GEASS. This was to completely pull Lloyd from the boat. Sehir among the three was only incidental, and Suzaku naturally had nothing to say. , In a certain circle, it has been circulated that in order to promote the development of the 11 districts, His Royal Highness Euphoria accepted an ELEVEN as a disciple, represented by Xiao Knight, and he was the one who was suspected of killing Kurovius. .
It’s also a bit funny. One of Xiao Ran’s two disciples happened to be the two key figures in the Kurovís incident. One was Jeremia who caught the suspect and forcibly planted the crime on Suzaku. It is Suzaku who is regarded as a suspect. In short, until now, after Jeremya and Suzaku were rescued from that ZERO appearance, the two have never met again, and they have also linked up with the brother and sister. Junior's label.
One who accepts the ability of GEASS is Suzaku. Lloyd and Sehir are curious to watch CC actively hold Suzaku's hand, wanting to see what Xiao Ran's special ability is like. Stuff.
The moment Suzaku met the CC hand, his face suddenly became a little red, but suddenly the whole person's expression became sluggish, and he fell into the spiritual world, and between Lloyd and Sehir What was even more incredible in the eyes was that the girl in her eyes shone a green light unscientifically, and her long green hair floated against gravity.
   Looking at the scene that did appear before them in disbelief, Lloyd and Cecil used the same movements to look at Xiao Ran next to them with confusion and shock.
"Shhh." Xiao Ran put his hand in front of his lips and blew lightly. The doubts of Lloyd and Sehir were suddenly suppressed, causing the two of them to flush unnaturally. The Suzaku in which state is in, and the CC glowing with green light, do not know where the thoughts are floating.
   In less than a minute, the green light disappeared. C.C also opened his eyes with a weird face and turned to look at Xiao Ran. This expression made Xiao Ran stunned for a while, and asked, "What abilities did he gain?"
CC glanced at the Suzaku who was still in a daze. It was obvious that the eyes of the Suzaku also showed the same flying bird rune as Lulu Xiu: "It is a very strange ability, at least for so many years I have never thought of it. Such a GEASS ability would appear before."
   Xiao Ran frowned slightly: "What the is it, and what contract you signed with him."
"The contract is a powerful force that assists the Black Knights in achieving a change in the world, and is eager to protect and change the heart." CC's chest ups and downs twice, and said: "Your ability is to make others unconscious in long-term contact. Loyal to your power of the king, the power of ZERO is the power of the king who forcibly order others to execute the current command. I also know a mind-reading ability that I hope to understand, but all the same is that your abilities are all acting on others... but……"
"But this guy's ability is acting on himself." CC said with a weird look: "His ability is to make himself stronger by guarding and changing his mood. To put it simply, it is to hypnotize himself to gain more powerful power and react. Speed, enter the state most suitable for combat to improve your strength, and you cannot use it on anyone except yourself."
Xiao Ran also showed a weird expression when he heard CC’s words, that is to say, the abilities gained by Suzaku Suzaku acted on him, just like putting a buff on himself to make himself stronger and more suitable for fighting. Using this power to guard the person to be guarded, to change the things that need to be changed, is a GEASS ability that is completely aimed at oneself, should it be said that it is really an ability developed by a second fool?
Of course, this is not to say that this ability is not good. It is like Xiao Ran’s own mental explosion of skills. They are all abilities that can greatly enhance their strength. However, the vast majority of GEASS abilities are used for the purpose of other people. Top offensive skills, but now there is such a strange thing? Why use all the experience points to upgrade the level and then tie A with no skills?
"I see." Xiao Ran glanced at the Suzaku who was gradually recovering, and said to CC: "In fact, this is not bad, at least it can increase personal reaction speed, strength, and agility. It also has great advantages in body driving. , This ability is very suitable for him."
"ZERO has the ability to forcibly control others to execute orders. Your ability is to make others loyal to you during long-term contact with you?" Lloyd pushed his glasses and suddenly said: "It turns out that there is such a special power in this world. , That time when ZERO rescued Suzaku, Jeremia’s abnormal behavior was for this reason, right? But why didn’t I feel that I considered you my master?"
Xiao Ran shook his head and said, "Because I didn't use that ability against you, and even if I used it against you, you wouldn't be able to notice it under the subtle changes, because this is not changing your mind, but burying it in your heart. The next seed of loyalty to me, absorbing my ability as a nourishment, will naturally take root in your heart. Other than that, it will not bring any change to you, and it is naturally impossible to discover it."
"The collective name of these abilities is called GEASS. In the empire, many people are GEASS capable. The first knight Bimax, the eyes of the seal can predict the future for a short time, and your emperor, the ability is to change Others’ past memories can also be used in this way to change and control others.

   "Of course, there are also some other GEASS abilities, such as mind-reading, affecting others' perception of time, etc., which are basically the GEASS abilities used on him."
"Interesting." Lloyd nodded with a smile, and pointed his finger at himself: "Now it's my turn. I'm curious about what kind of abilities and inner pursuits I will get? What I pursue is to create something more. A powerful body and more advanced technology."
   C.C just gave the Suzaku the ability to GEASS, and at this time he took Lloyd's hand and did the same thing again.
   When Lloyd woke up, Suzaku Suzaku grabbed his hair and walked to the side, watching her open and then clenched fists, as if she was feeling the brand new power she had gained.
This time, Xiao Ran did not ask CC Lloyd what kind of abilities he had acquired. Lloyd himself took the initiative to speak with great interest: "Pursuing the things and pursuits that he desires most in his heart, and obeying the special characteristics of his heart. Power Geass, interesting, really interesting."
Xiao Ran didn’t speak, but just watched Lloyd’s excitement muttering to himself: "What I pursue is the development of technology. The essence is also the acquisition of knowledge. I want to learn more and master those things faster. After applying those new technologies, is the final ability to be accelerating learning? No, not really accelerating, but a two-way, spiritually accelerated communication."
"The GEASS ability that I have acquired enables my thinking to operate several times faster than normal, so that I can quickly master and learn technology. In turn, through what I have mastered, I can also allow others to enter similar situations when teaching others. The state allows one second to stretch from the spiritual level to more than several times, but in this way, although the mind can keep up, the body cannot keep up with the movement of the mind."
The corners of Xiao Ran’s eyebrows were raised. The abilities that Lloyd had acquired were a bit strange. In Xiao Ran’s memory, there was a person who could temporarily shield others’ perception of the world. Then Lloyd’s abilities were completely equal to that person. On the contrary, strengthen the sensitivity to time and extend every second on the spiritual level.
  If this ability is used in battle, it is really of great use, just like when Xiao Ran starts his mental explosion, there will also be a feeling of time passing slower, and it has also brought Xiao Ran a lot of help.
But Lloyd’s ability is so exaggerated that it can not only affect himself but also others. Of course, in Xiao Ran’s view, the so-called influencing oneself is just a special manifestation of the use of spiritual power. Many people with strong spiritual power You can do this, but it's not something a person who is just new to mental power can get to influence others.
However, the abilities of GEASS are always flawed. Unless someone with strong mental power and control ability like Xiao Ran does not need to worry about the runaway of GEASS's ability, and if Lloyd's ability runs away, then it is probably mentally Roy De Ye will be trapped in that second forever, watching the stagnant picture in front of him sink into endless eternity forever.
   Xiao Ran was silent for a while, and asked, "What are the conditions for use?"
   "Conditions of use?" Lloyd looked very strange, and asked puzzledly: "Isn't that something you can use if you want to use it?"
  C.C said to Xiao Ran on the side: "It should belong to the domain type ability, the scope of influence and the duration, and the methods used need to be tried by himself. It should be the same as most other abilities, with some restrictions."
Xiao Ran nodded and reminded Lloyd: "You'd better not use this ability often. Once you use the GEASS ability, it will continue to grow. The more you use it, the faster it will grow, until it grows beyond your ability. The degree of control, at that time, maybe you will be permanently trapped in that one second, and you will never be able to return to normal again. It is impossible to do it if you want to."
   Xiao Ran looked at the Suzaku who was holding his head with a weird gaze: "But the guy Suzaku...If his ability goes violently, doesn't it mean that this guy will always be in a strengthened state?"
The excited expression on Lloyd’s face fell as Xiao Ran’s voice fell and followed him in amazement, and then Xiao Ran’s voice sounded in his ear: "But there should be no problem in a short time. I will use it for you next. Strengthening medicine can greatly enhance your physical fitness, and your ability to control will also be improved, and the mental aspect will also be improved to a certain extent. Just pay attention to the ability to use, but don't overdo it."
   Lloyd first heaved a sigh of relief, and then nodded seriously, "I will."
Finally, it was Cecil. When Xiao Ran turned his head to look at Cecil, Cecil seemed to have noticed Xiao Ran's gaze, CC's gaze, Lloyd's gaze, and the gaze of Suzaku Suzaku gathered on him. , Immediately raised his hands and shook his head constantly, "I don't need it anymore. I don't need such ability. There is no need to waste such opportunities on me."
   C.C shrugged, and Xiao Ran also said: "Since you are unwilling to accept this ability, then forget it. We enter the room. I have a few more words to say before the next step of strengthening.
After several people followed Xiao Ran into the room and sat down, Xiao Ran spoke to several people and said: "About the Black Knights, this organization was jointly established by me and ZERO. It's just that the Black Knights are basically all done by ZERO. In processing, he is responsible for outside the empire, and I am responsible for the empire. The goal of this organization is to stand on the side of the weak as a messenger of justice, as declared by ZERO before. Whoever dares to confront the common people With a butcher knife extended, it will be the enemy of the Black Knights and be sanctioned by us."
"For now, whether you are a member of the Black Knights or not, and whether you have anything to do with the Black Knights, but you have also been involved with me. It is inevitable that you will be regarded as black by common sense. A member of the Knight Order, there is no way to get rid of the relationship, so from now on, then we will be regarded as a real family."
"As a family, I can tell you now that the Black Knights are not really outsiders to the empire, and you don’t have to think that you have betrayed the empire, because ZERO’s true identity is a prince. The position and behavior are nothing more than standing on the side of the prince, excluding other competitors for him and finally sitting in that position. It is only a family matter, not a state Ran’s words are very straightforward. , Cecil dropped his head in silence, the corner of his eyes was at the same silent Suzaku, and Lloyd, who was holding his chin and squinting, jumped back and forth, and Xiao Ran suddenly gave She is a very stressful person, so that Sehir does not even have the courage to look directly at each other.
But what Xiao Ran said shocked Cecil even more. ZERO, the man who killed the prince Cullovis, was also a prince. When did an unknown prince appear in the eleventh district, and even made Brother killing is such a thing, this kind of person who doesn't even care about family affection, really wants to do something for him?
Lloyd could understand how many terrible things had happened over the years for the throne, not to mention just killing a brother, even more terrible things did not happen, but Lloyd felt that he could understand Xiao Ran and thought Xiao Ran is not the kind of person who is willing to help evil people, so Loyd thinks there should be some secrets in it.
   Lloyd thought for a while, and then suddenly asked: "I just want to know what kind of relationship is between you and the prince."
Xiao Ran glanced at Lloyd and said with a smile: "Equal partnership, but if I have to say that the leader in this partnership is me, once I wait for the right opportunity, it won't be the one who really sits on the throne. This prince is another prince. People on both sides of the cooperation also understand this very well."...
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