Chapter 2452: experiment

From the mouths of these three participants, Xiao Ran learned something about the mission of the legion. This mission was not a simple head-on attack for the legions that entered this world, but a time at Lulu. To repair a strategic mission in a low-level world like this requires development and strategy. Legions that can obtain more cherry stones will also gain more advantages in the mission.
Taking Sakura Stone as the material development measurement for this mission is because the world level of this mission is too low, and it is also the real difficulty of this mission. Without Sakura Stone, the body cannot be unblocked, and without Sakura Stone, it will be unblocked. The body is also unusable. Sakura Stone is everything. The fastest possible unsealing of the body and a legion that can support Sakura Stone for combat will also develop faster and faster, step by step.
However, there are ten legions in this mission, so even if one legion is really ahead, it may not necessarily be the ultimate winner, because the subsequent legions can form alliances, as long as they sign a suitable alliance contract, two or even three. One, the four legions unite together and use the resources they have together to launch several high-level pilots. That same legion that can suppress the first name wins together. Because of this, it also allows the development of these ten legions. And the relationship will become more complicated.
At the beginning of the mission, that is now, because the legions did not have enough resources, there was no way to come up with high-level units. As a result, the dominant force in this world will still be the current aboriginal power. Even if the strength of these aborigines is too low, they can't stand the huge numbers of them, and they have all kinds of weapons. If they don't fight well, they will cause the participants to stumble.
This also explains Xiao Ran's doubts when he knew that there were participants, but only piloted low-level units to fight, because the current regiments simply did not have enough resources to unblock high-level units, and could only unblock these low-level units with low consumption. The body, as soon as possible to obtain more rights and support from the forces that you have joined, in order to unblock the high-level body as soon as possible, and then make a final decision, and finally achieve the current situation of using the forces and then controlling the forces. The whole world will be completely plunged into the most terrible war.
The first phase of the mission requires each legion to obtain a territory. From this point of view, there are also various possibilities. Will the tasks in the subsequent phases require tasks such as developing territories, or establishing a base in the territory and losing the base? For failed missions, these are completely possible, but if a legion is to win the final victory, how to grow the currently joined forces will also be the most important scoring condition. Various situations can be compared to simple melee missions. It’s a lot of trouble, but it’s known that the current legions need time and resources to develop, so they dare not blindly start a full-scale war and be picked up by others.
It is for this reason that the ten legions have also fallen into a strange balance. No legion dared to break this balance blindly, forcing other military units to unite and allies to deal with themselves together, which also led to the largest number of cherry blossoms in the world in the 11th district. Where the amount of stone was mined, no legion dared to reach out with a big fanfare, but Xiao Ran was sure that there were definitely more than three participants in the 11th district at this time. No matter which legion it was, it would send a certain number of personnel. Enter the eleventh area and monitor the actions of other legions, so that it is possible to respond to the first time when the eleventh area really changes.
Not only in District 11, maybe even him, Eufelia, Zero, and the Black Knights should have entered the eyes of the various legions at this time. Maybe the knight role that Xiao Ran currently plays will also be affected by this. The legion is regarded as the most oss guarding the eleventh district, a boss that must be pushed down, and the Black Knights may become the main assisting force in the eyes of these legions that can push the boss off.
Or the other way around, thinking that Xiao Ran can cooperate to become another powerful force in their legion. As long as Xiao Ran and Euphelia are attracted, it is equivalent to indirect control of the 11th district. The Black Knights will become a threat instead, but no matter it is In either case, more participants will appear in the Eleventh District, either choosing to join the Black Knights, or choosing to stand on Xiao Ran's side.
It’s just in terms of power. After all, the Eleventh District belongs to the Empire. Few legions should choose Xiao Ran. If you really want to choose Xiao Ran’s non-imperial legions, you must be a long-sighted and capable leader. The regiment led, because this regiment will definitely try to get the eleventh district out of the empire. It can not only strengthen itself, but also weaken the empire and join the empire’s participating legions, but under normal circumstances, it will choose the Black Knights that have nothing to do with the empire. There will be more, but to join the blood knight army on the side of the empire, I chose the third method, preparing to control Xiao Ran and Euphelia by force. I can only say that this confidence is too blind, Xiao Ran dares. Assure that the Scarlet Knights will not die as he loses.
After asking some questions, Xiao Ran took one of them and walked out of the truck. For these three participants, even if they use geass to control them to do things or answer, it is ok. After all, they don’t have the ability to resist geass, just want to follow They knew the entire situation of their legion in their mouths, and there was nothing to do with confidentiality. These were things that couldn't be done even with the geass ability.
If you change to Lelouch and ask them who they are, there will be more questions. These three participants will only answer the identities that Prometheus has arranged for them, and they will never say that they are participants, as if Prometheus is also restricting the three participants who have lost themselves from revealing any information about Prometheus.
When Lu Lu Xiu saw Xiao Ran walking out with a person, he also asked: "Is the question to be asked?"
"It's almost done. I can't ask other questions." Xiao Ran nodded and said, "Your geass ability can only be used on the target once, but as long as the power of geass is eliminated, you can use it on the same target again. I Clear out the geass ability in this guy's head, you are casting his ability once and order him to kill anyone in the car."
Lelouch frowned slightly: "What's the point of doing this? Just now you were saying that you sent a bullet and wanted them to die whenever you want. Why do you still do this extra thing now."
Xiao Ran squinted his eyes and said, "These people are a bit special. They couldn't answer many of the questions I asked just now. They didn't know it but because of some kind of restriction that we don't know clearly, like being rooted in a core command that cannot be betrayed. , The priority is higher than your command of the king. You should also be very clear that your geass ability cannot allow others to do things that they cannot do. As a result, they didn’t say anything about the secret information of the army behind them, so I want to see See, under your order, this kind of betrayal like killing one's own companions, can they do it."
"If you can, it means that your command can at least control their bodies, or that the betrayal of killing one's own companion is not subjectively counted on them, and it is not a betrayal to them. , It just becomes a tool under your control, you will be safer with these people in the future, and there will be more things you can do with these people, and if you can’t..."
Lelouch nodded thoughtfully: "Then, without the power to fight back, I can only use the only opportunity of Geass to give other orders, and then personally solve them."
Having said this, Lu Lu Xiu glanced at Xiao Ran: "Try it."
Xiao Ran's hand was placed on the head of the guy who was raised, and the head of the guy who was surrounded by the green light that made Lu Lu Xiu a little bit astonished was lit up all over, but in a few seconds all the light disappeared, and Xiao Ran also turned towards Lu. Lu Xiu nodded.
Geass's ability was eliminated. The participant just woke up and saw an eye flashing red bird rune again, and then he knew nothing in the next second.
"Go and kill anyone in the car."
The participant who was controlled by Wang Zhi’s command fell to the ground with a little struggling expression on his face, but the red light in his eyes did not recede because of this. The expression in his eyes was still full of woodiness and madness after being controlled. He stood up and shook it twice, dragged his feet and crawled towards the car. His trembling hand directly pinched one of the two participants in the car, and his paws squeezed and squeezed, and the one he caught Participants' necks just crooked and they no longer breathed.
"Interesting, only on the spiritual level? The behavior is uncontrollable? Only stop what should not be said, but not stop what should not be done? Doesn't that mean being blocked under the control of geass? Prometheus and the Legion’s confidential information? In essence, it still means that you must obey the king’s order?" Xiao Ran turned to look at Lulu Xiu, and said in his heart: "I also said that this situation is actually because of him. In this world, as the only force to resist participants? Or is Geass force the only vitality to resist participants?"
Lulu Xiu glanced at Xiao Ran: "It seems that they can't completely resist my order, but this order also made him struggle. As you said, there may be some restrictions. If the mental power is higher , I should ignore my orders and wake up quickly. The only way to be safe is to kill quickly after issuing other orders."
"Just pay attention to yourself." Xiao Ran nodded and said: "These people's goal is undoubtedly the Eleventh District. They need a large number of Sakura Stones to develop themselves, and more people should follow me in the future. And Euphelia, maybe it will affect Nanali."
Lu Lu Xiu stagnated, but instead of speaking, he waited for Xiao Ran to continue.
"But in the same way, as the zero who rebelled against the empire in the 11th district, they will be 100% within their attention and will definitely look for you. In the end, there are two results. The first one is willing to join the Black Knights. Use the Black Knights to seize the rule of the Eleventh District to get more Sakura Stones. There are also people who join me to deal with the Black Knights for the same reason."
"The second possibility is that they do not choose to join, but choose to control, but the goal will still be the same, just to get more cherry stones, they can't control me, but it won't be easy to control you, you The geass ability is sufficient for countermeasures. It is more likely that we and them will fight for food with the tigers, and see who has been caught. Our advantage is that they don’t know that we are actually a group."
"So we really want such a person to join both of us. We can completely consume their power. It is not that they use us, but we use them to make them steal chickens and not lose money, but there is a sincere kind of need. Those who join the Black Knights can actually absorb it."
Lelouch nodded slowly: "If this is the case, we may need a way to connect, and we must ensure that my true identity will not be revealed."
Xiao Ran stretched out his hand and threw a personal communicator to Lu Lu Xiu: "I will use this connection in the future. If it's you, I don't think I need to teach you how to use it. In addition, I still need to establish the factory as soon as possible and hold the power in my hands. That is the real power."
"Don't Lu Lu Xiu took the communicator and received it, and said: "The factory's business has been implemented. I have made arrangements in Osaka. Then, as long as the materials are in place, I can start immediately. However, the personnel is still being collected, and it is estimated that it will take some time. "
"I will also help you find it." Xiao Ran groaned and said, "I will try to provide you with a batch of supplies as soon as possible."
Lulu Xiu looked at the two fools and one of the four in the car, and gently waved his hand at Xiao Ran, then turned and left: "I'll go first, Nanaly will be safer with you, please. Continue to take care of it."
Xiao Ran nodded and watched Lulu Xiu's departure. He glanced at the two people behind him and used it again to faint the two people who were still alive. He went in and checked and found that the strangled fellow happened to be the monitor. The guy at the Governor's Mansion, after thinking for a while, Xiao Ran sat in the cab again, and sent the two guys back to the special station.
These two guys were all under the geass and forced orders to forget everything that happened today. If this is the case, you don’t have to worry too much about what happened today because of this, but even if Xiao Ran is exposed, he doesn’t feel that If it has anything to do with it, it just happened to knock the mountain and shake the tiger, to frighten the scarlet knight of the empire.
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