Chapter 2466: Ready to dig

"It turns out that deciding whether to hand over the body by a gambling game is also a step for both sides. Of course, this also requires both sides to have sufficient confidence in their own strength. Not to mention them, the Bimax Knight still treats me very much. Have confidence."
Xiao Ran smiled politely. These remarks were only polite, but he had already guessed that the matter of the body would ultimately be decided by the takeover of this battle. It is self-evident what Charles thinks, but at least Using this method to determine whether the Scarlet Knights will surrender the body is indeed a more acceptable method for both parties.
But Xiao Ran believes that no matter which side wins, Charles must have given something else, and only by agreeing to some other conditions of the Scarlet Knights will the Scarlet Knights ‘retire’ that step.
However, in Xiao Ran’s view, this is basically the Scarlet Knights’ plan to retreat to Butaria. He said that Xiao Ran joined a certain force when performing tasks, regardless of what he was actually in. It’s not that he has a peek at this entire force, but in order to increase the strength of the force, but also to increase his own strength, so the body and technology, Xiao Ran can be said to be very generous to the forces he joins, and suitable people will Give a suitable body, and also give technology to create a standard body that can be used by more people. After all, once joining the power, it means that Xiao Ran and this power will be honored and shameless.
Xiao Ran didn’t believe that the Scarlet Knights would really hide the technology they possessed and never take it out. It’s normal not to take out the core technology, but it’s normal to take out some units and give them to the right people. Just making Butaria stronger is also helping themselves.
The reason for hiding it like this, is that the Scarlet Knights actually wanted to get more resources from Butaria to make a special arrangement, the purpose is to make Butaria pay more resources Coming to exchange with them, Xiao Ran didn't quite understand the actions and thoughts of the Scarlet Knights.
Of course, it cannot be completely ruled out that the current relationship between the two parties has not really entered the honeymoon period, or it may be that the Scarlet Knights have a purpose for Butaria and do not want Butaria to become stronger and lose. Rely on their possibilities.
But Butaria doesn't fully trust the Scarlet Knights. Both sides feel that the other is unreliable. Similarly, the Scarlet Knights' style of doing things is somewhat domineering and selfish.
But this is what it deserves. This is a problem with the Scarlet Knights’ own style of doing things. If it is open and honest at the beginning, no matter if it is employment or transaction, it will come up with a little pattern, and more or less can get some trust and support from Charles. I clearly mark what I do and what you give to both parties will not have any problems or conflicts, because this relationship is established from the beginning, and everyone is just an equal transaction. I need you to have the needs, and the prices of both parties. Make sure how appropriate.
Originally, Butaria was a country where the sovereign rights were supreme. The Scarlet Knights had to make themselves equal partners, but they wanted to join Butaria to accept the Scarlet Knights’ organization in name. This is okay, but the general situation is that the Scarlet Knights have accepted the reorganization, enjoying all the materials, support and benefits provided by Butaria, but they have to bargain and collect additional payments, and they still don’t accept any. command.
It is equivalent to putting oneself in the position of subordinate and not giving absolute support to the monarch. It is still the face of taking money to do things, not to say that eating butaria and drinking but not Talia, secretly still calculating butaria , The key is to behave so blatantly. If there is no problem with this tm, then there is a ghost. People like Charles can tolerate the Scarlet Knights. It is already a very restrained behavior. Maybe now Charles is probably thinking about how to disintegrate. The Scarlet Knights then truly received the power of the Scarlet Knights into their own hands. Today, the canonization of the Knights of the Round Table might not have been shown to most people in the Scarlet Knights.
But Charles doesn’t know what’s going on with the participants, so it’s useless to have this kind of thought. In the eyes of the participants, they will jump up and down like a clown, which will make the Scarlet Knights look down upon. He then derives more small problems.
But to sum up, it is that the pattern of the Scarlet Knights is really not big enough, and the small family is inexplicably proud of it. It puts itself in a position that is not superior. If you replace it with other forces, such as a council like eu If it is a kind of force, then their approach will not have so much influence, but the problem of a monarchy like Butaria will be very obvious.
Charles does not doubt his good intentions, and he is not allowed to have such a powerful armed force under him who listens and does not listen. He is always thinking about suppressing them, disintegrating and dividing them. There is a fundamental conflict between the two. Now that the current model can be maintained, it is really because the situation in Butaria now makes Charles have to suppress a lot of ideas.
But once the situation is stable, as long as Charles feels confident and has enough power, he will definitely turn his gun to the Scarlet Knights first, but it is estimated that it should be impossible to leave such an opportunity to Charles, because in the future this world The situation will only become more chaotic. As long as the participants do not leave, there will never be a day of calm down.
Xiao Ran felt that if he were to dig a few holes in the situation on both sides, it would really be able to completely separate the relationship between Charles and the Scarlet Knights, and the Scarlet Knights could also have greater use value. .
Once the Scarlet Knights join Butaria, as long as Butaria is not destroyed, according to the usual practice, the Scarlet Knights have no possibility of betraying Butaria. It is not against Charles, but the whole of Butaria. Facts If allowed, they would kill Charles and support an obedient emperor to go up.
That is to say, Lelouch and Nanali can completely appear in front of the Scarlet Knights and seek the support of the Scarlet Knights as the prince and prince. Anyway, they will not betray Butaria, but support Lelouch to make Nana. It should be feasible for Li to become the new emperor. This is only an internal turmoil and not external, so that the Scarlet Knights can also be used by Xiao Ran.
And based on Xiao Ran’s understanding of the participants, once the two parties really reach a cooperation, it will definitely start a long honeymoon period, and will flicker the entire Scarlet Knights to concentrate on their work, making them willingly do things 'Butaria' plays well.
In one sentence, Xiao Ran thought of a lot of things. On the other hand, Bimax also laughed when he heard Xiao Ran's words: "I have seen your battles. It is not easy to have no confidence in you. This time I believe you will To win, you must also win."
Xiao Ran nodded and said, "It is not difficult to win, but if the airframe driven by the opponent is much better than the airframe I am driving, then I can't do much."
Bimax said: "Don't worry, the other party will only use kf made by the Empire. Although it is not Lancelot, there should not be much difference in performance from Lancelot."
"Then I'll be fine." Xiao Ran nodded, and smiled at the other knights: "Sorry for the adjournment, I have to make some preparations."
The knights didn’t say anything, Xiao Ran smiled and then turned and left. Bimax immediately called someone to take Xiao Ran to Lancelot, who had already been transported, and then Xiao Ran saw Lancelot with Lancelot. Arrived in the capital of Sehir.
The expression on Cecil's face when he saw Xiao Ran was really a bit complicated. An anti-Butarian, or someone who is anti-Emperor of the present Empire, would even get the emperor's canonization as a Knight of the Round Table. For Sear, it was not an unacceptable problem, but a feeling that what was going on in this world, that everything was so dark, and the basic trust between anyone could not be found.
Xiao Ran didn't mind the expression on Cecil's face and what was in his heart. After seeing Cecil, he beckoned to her and said in a gentle manner: "Fortunately, you didn't need to take Lancelot. Bring it here, but I didn't expect it to be shipped in the end."
"It's okay." Sehir took a deep breath and said to Xiao Ran: "This time I am the only one who will follow Lancelot to make adjustments. If you need anything, please tell me as soon as possible."
Xiao Ran nodded and looked at Lancelot behind Sehir. He also noticed the weapon that appeared in Lancelot's hand. He raised his eyebrows and asked: "This weapon is the new weapon that Lloyd has been talking about? "
Cecil hurriedly turned to take a look at Lancelot’s weapon, and quickly said,
Yes, this is an electromagnetic weapon specially made for Lancelot. Although it is a single-shot weapon, it is very powerful and has a very fast rate of fire. Fast, compared to the previous kf assault rifle, this weapon can destroy the target with only one bullet. At the same time, the powerful electromagnetic stand released during the shooting process also has the effect of smashing the live bullets that appear on the front. , Although it is only effective at a certain moment within a short distance, it is indeed a weapon with both offensive and defensive properties. Lloyd said you can definitely grasp the short moment that can bring defensive effects. ."
"And knowing that this competition is very important to you, you have to ship this weapon together."
Xiao Ran smiled at Cecil: "Thank you Cecil."
Cecil shook his head quickly: "'re welcome."
Xiao Ran groaned, "How is that done?"
Sehir was stunned when he heard Xiao Ran's words, and quickly saw that there were no people around him. He lowered his voice and said, "It is the final stage, and it can be completed in a day or two at most.
Xiao Ran nodded slightly, and then said after a pause: "Sehir, I will ask you to conduct a final check on Lancelot. The competition is about to begin. Hurry up."
Xiao Ran did not help Cecil to conduct self-inspection on Lancelot, but went to a corner and took out his personal communicator. After waiting for almost a minute, a voice rang from the communicator: " What's the matter? You will contact me at this time?"
Xiao Ran said softly: "There are some things that you need to arrange right away. Contact Lloyd and ask him to complete the machine before ten o'clock tonight. After that, you will come to me immediately with Lelouch. There is a good opportunity here that Lelouch needs to appear in person."
Did not ask why, just simply said: "Okay."
After a few words, Xiao Ran put away the communicator and returned to Cecil, waiting for Cecil's inspection of Lancelot to complete, before Xiao Ran walked to the stairs behind Lancelot to get into Lance. Lot's cockpit.
Sehir saw Xiao Ran driving Lancelot several times, but did not see Xiao Ran wearing any special pilot uniforms. In fact, there is nothing special about pilot uniforms in this world, but it is easier to move around than ordinary clothes. One point, so it's not surprising that Xiao Ran boarded the driver's cab with a well-dressed appearance.
As soon as he sat in the cockpit, Xiao Ran pulled out the keyboard inside the body and began to compile Lancelot's parameters again, but this time was different from the previous time when he faced two Knights of the Round Table at the same time~www.mtlnovel. com~Xiao Ran first adjusted Lancelot's parameters to the extreme under normal conditions. This state is enough for Xiao Ran to fully utilize Lancelot's performance, but it will not bring too much to Lancelot. The heavy burden is no longer the eight-minute combat limit, but only normal extreme performance can be displayed.
Then he quickly applied the second set of settings and modified a key in the cockpit. Once the key was pressed, the body’s performance would be fully exploded. This was the eight-minute burst mode used by Xiao Ran before. In this case, the performance of the body will be doubled, but it will also greatly reduce the time of the body itself, and once it is turned on, there is no way to turn it off. This problem can only be solved by completely turning off the body.
The reason why the two modes are invoked is also because it is the participants who are dealing with this time. It takes a little more preparation, because Xiao Ran doesn’t know how the next battle will unfold. Xiao Ran doesn’t know how to extend the duration of the battle. Just in case, otherwise, once the eight-minute mode is turned on, and the other party has to avoid the eight-minute time, then Xiao Ran really has nothing to do.
Before starting the real battle, it’s better to contact in normal mode, and it can be transformed into burst mode in an instant as long as necessary. This is the safest way when the performance of the machine is similar. .
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