Chapter 2544: Lelouch comes on

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For a long period of time before, because there was no suitable body in his hands, Xiao Ran could not use the most convergent method to slowly develop, immersed himself in development, and did not take the initiative to intervene in too many events. All choices are basically carried out in the most secure way. The development and draw-up of those available forces is based on procrastination as a whole, until the special agent finally manufactures the body he needs.
Now Pendragon has proven the powerful strength of that machine on the battlefield. Under Xiao Ran's operation, combined with GN particles, the absolute crushing effect shown by the GN Dragoons on the participants gave Xiao Ran a face-to-face confrontation. And defeat the strength of the participants, and this participant does not refer to the individual participant, but refers to the entire group of participants, all legions.
Before Pendragon appeared, Xiao Ran had no such ability. Even an S-rank pilot could not use his body to fight under the deliberate encirclement and suppression of the participant's legion, and use his body to deal with the demon Caesar. For a body like the soul, there is only one possibility of running away. A wave of continuous bombing may not kill Xiao Ran, but in turn, Xiao Ran will not kill the enemy.
If Xiao Ran is a participant, and at the same time is a pilot with mythical strength without a body, leaks out, 100% will be focused on by all the participating legions, and those in the opposing camp will definitely devote all their strength. All possible development opportunities for Xiao Ran are suppressed at all costs, and no matter how much sacrifices they make, Xiao Ran will be killed directly, because once Xiao Ran obtains the corresponding body, then they will not have any victory in this legion melee. may.
Deliberately flicking, guiding, and disguising one's identity by using the supernumerary characteristics brought by the cross-regional task card, this is not only for the purpose of considering the task, there is a bit of evil, but it is more about the measurement of security. Do, and later joined the 19th district to fight according to the situation, borrowed the body of the Scarlet Knights and put the Howler Legion into the bag, it can only be said to be taking advantage of the trend.
The risk is not small, the process is not so interesting and easy, and there is no way to use and integrate more Butaria's resources. If you want to use Butaria's resources to do something, you must first Plan and arrange for a long period of time. For example, Xiao Ran and Lloyd also planned for a long time, and then quietly created Pendragon.
In the nineteenth area, although there is a body provided by the Scarlet Knights, quantum assimilation was used when dealing with the Howler Legion. When dealing with EU participants, it was lame and difficult to play. It was also because of the limitations of both parties. Restraint can only stay in the command post to arrange and command behind the scenes. Every day, I am entangled in countless chores. It is not tired to say that it is not tired because of the physical quality of Xiao Ran's S-class pilot. In that kind of environment, there is indeed a sense of depression, and there is really nowhere for Xiao Ran to tackle in this world, and the entertainment is not as good as the previous time when he entered the all-metal frenzy. Shang was truly involved in the mission of the entire world, and there was no cooperation and development with Butaria, and Xiao Ran actually wanted to end this boring day as soon as possible.
Then the opportunity finally came. Pendragon was made. Xiao Ran drove the Pendragon into the battlefield. He vented happily on the battlefield, and directly suppressed EU and Butaria with one man and one machine. The vast majority of the fighting power on the African continent on both sides, most of the participants on both sides knelt under his gunfire. The joy of cutting melons and vegetables can be described by the word cool, and it vents like this. He also reached his predetermined goal.
Until this time, Xiao Ran was considered to have the power to confront all the participating legions. Finally, he did not need to suppress himself in the Tibetan and Tibetan tuck, and finally he could take the initiative to make trouble, intervene in the other legions of participants, and actively understand. They took the initiative to go to war, let Butaria, let the Black Knights, let the whole world begin to operate under his will.
Charles, this little ball, ceased fighting in Butaria’s largest battlefield. Now that the world has died down because of Pendragon’s appearance, Xiao Ran no longer wants to continue wasting time, without continuing to pretend to be in front of this self-righteous guy. , Can finally kick the ball away, and the boring monarch game can also end here.
Xiao Ran controlled Charles, controlled Bimax, controlled Luziano, and everyone in the entire council hall except Schneider was under the control of Xiao Ran, that powerful thought drive It is used on all people whose physical fitness is only the level of ordinary people. It is like a boulder pressing on them, making it difficult for them to make any movements. Even if Charles has the ability of GEASS, and Bimax has the ability of GEASS, he can't do it. Any resistance.
The emperor was controlled, but the situation in the council hall was abnormal and was not known outside the council hall. The whole country was also due to the roaring lion legion and the Scarlet Knights teaming up under the direct command and arrangement of Lelouch. The country was in chaos, suppressed one important facility after another, and controlled a lot of people like ghosts under the rain of guns and bullets.
The main garrison of the capital was also under the small amount of combat power invested by the Scarlet Knights, and was completely suppressed. From the overall situation, the whole country has fallen into the hands of Lulu Xiu, but this does not mean the capital. The resistance ended here, and after the initial chaos, more forces belonging to the empire slowly began to gather under the command of some people.
Suddenly something like this happened. Of course, someone would report and ask Charles for instructions. But the reporter didn’t even see what was happening in the Council Chamber, so he was directly caught by Xiao Ran’s mind and pulled in. Press On the ground, and what happened later was much simpler. Schneizer took the initiative to leave the Council Chamber. It didn’t take long for Schneizer to return to the palace and the whole palace became even more eerie and quiet. Schneizer used his own power to be killed by Charles. After taking control, he took over the palace easily, until Lelouch walked into the assembly hall under the protection of several participants, and the voice reappeared in the assembly hall.
Under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes in the Assembly Hall, Xiao Ran gave Lu Lu Xiu more respect without caring, stroked his chest and greeted him, put Lu Lu Xiu in the main position, and then stood on Lu Lu Xiu. Behind him, Lu Xiu used actions to express his position, although these actions were just poses in the eyes of others.
Lelouch strode towards Charles, who was completely immobile. Without a mask belonging to ZERO, he wore a luxurious dress. The white gold-rimmed dress was inlaid with gems. This is the costume that the king will use for boarding. Charles is even more noble now in his outfit.
Walking up to Charles's body, Lelouch glanced at Schneizer with a calm face, then stopped to look at Charles with complicated eyes, his chest was slightly ups and downs, and he could speak in an indifferent tone. : "Father... Your Majesty, I haven't seen you for many years. I didn't expect that we would meet in this way at the end. I wonder if you have ever thought of this day."
Charles wanted to speak, but because of Xiao Ran's relationship, he couldn't say a word. He could only let out a cold snort from his nose without any fluctuation in his eyes.
Lelouch looked at Charles with hatred, indifference, and a little bit of sorrow, but there was no child who had all the feelings that a father should have, and he didn't care about Charles' cold snort. He said coldly: "I will let you tell me about the mother and concubine, what happened in the first place, and I will let you feel the pain that Nana has suffered over the years, but now the most important thing is...I want you to see me with your own eyes Take the place that originally belonged to you and let this country operate according to my wishes from today."
Lelouch turned around and glanced at Schneizel with a dispassionate smile: "Isn’t this my respected brother Schnezer, the prime minister of the empire, the best candidate for the next emperor, but look You have made the right choice."
Schneizer didn’t care about the cynicism in Lelouch’s words, and he respected Lulu’s courtesy without much fluctuation: "Schneizer LI Britaglia see your Majesty, the palace is in control. , Your Majesty is suitable to start the enthronement ceremony immediately. I have arranged for your Majesty to make preparations for your majesty's enthronement."
"Heh." Lelouch laughed. He didn't know how many complicated emotions there were in his laughter. After taking a deep look at Schneizel, he turned to look at Xiao Ran, and after seeing Xiao Ran nod his head. Putting aside other thoughts, he waved his right hand and said in a deep voice: "Notify all the nobles in the capital, the heads of all departments, and all members of the royal family immediately. Notify the news media organizations to enter the palace and I will ascend the throne here."
Among the people present, no one is more suitable to do this than Schneizel, but now many important institutions and personnel in the capital have been controlled by people from the Howler Legion and the Scarlet Knights, so these words are the same. The guards who followed Lelouch had to notify the people of the two legions to bring all those who were under control.
Schneizer turned around and left. A security guard also used a communicator to notify the other members of the two legions. Lulu Xiu walked in front of Xiao Ran, nodded to Xiao Ran, his mouth cocked: "Fortunately Suffering, we have finally come to this point, but Euphelia just didn’t know what you should explain. The person who personally invited and gave full trust, ended up destroying the current imperial rule and carrying out a coup. Eufelia will be sad for the person who put her father under house arrest."
Xiao Ran glanced at Lu Lu Xiu: "When is this kind of boring meddling in your range of concern?"
Lelouch raised his head slightly, completely ignoring all the people around him, as if these people did not exist at all: "I just look forward to seeing you in a hurry. From knowing you to now, you will always be the master. After all, I have never seen your panic and panic before. Compared with me, the soon-to-be-emperor, I have shown a panic in front of you many times."
After speaking, Lelouch lowered his voice, so low that only Xiao Ran and him could hear him, and said,
And I’m even more curious that Euphilia was one step ahead when she learned about her favorite sister. You said she would Wouldn't it be more sad?"
Xiao Ran no longer wanted to answer Lu Luxiu's question, and glanced at Charles and others and said, "What are you going to do with these people."
"The level that should be used, the one that should be used." Lelouch didn't look back, and said in a deep voice, "With the power we have, these people will be the best servants."
The red light was revealed from Lu Lu Xiu’s eyes. Xiao Ran smiled indifferently and used the power of mind to lift everyone up and gather together, forcibly opened their eyes, and waited until Lu Lu Xiu slowly turned around. The red light flashed from the eyes and poured into everyone's mind, giving all these people the power of GEASS, brainwashing all people and making these people his most loyal servants~www. Even Bimax couldn't escape.
Today's Lelouch is not the Lelouch in the original plot. His abilities are uncontrollable and he will go violently. Up to now, Lelouch's control of his power is quite complete. The one-eyed Geass has developed to the double-eyed Geass. Therefore, there are some problems. The ability to run wild is still insufficient in control, but Lelouch is not an ordinary human, but a strengthened adjustment, with stronger physical fitness, stronger mental power, and better control. Strong.
Seeing that Lelouch had taken control of all the guards that originally belonged to Charles, including Bimax and Luciano, Xiao Ran naturally let go of the restraints on these people, allowing these people who were still somewhat dull-eyed to recover. As soon as they resumed their actions, these people directly knelt on the ground and expressed their loyalty to Lulu Xiu. Whether there is anyone in there who pretends to be controlled, Lu Lu Xiu may not be able to feel it. I got it, but Xiao Ran could clearly feel the enthusiasm in these people's hearts.
As for Charles, also under the influence of Lelouch's GEASS ability, he also became one of them, kneeling down on one knee, numb and sluggish, and became one of them, but as time passed, these people's eyes gradually began to regain their agility.
Seeing this situation, Xiao Ran did not keep his eyes on these people, but said to Lelouch: "You are going to control him with GEASS, and then, what are you going to do."
"Knowing about my mother from him." Lelouch sighed slightly when he saw Charles' appearance, and said, "I'll talk about the rest."
Xiao Ran patted Lulu Xiu on the shoulder and reminded: "Charles and other collaborators, among the power in their hands, seem to have something that can remove GEASS."
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