Chapter 2586: tourism

This world’s money or something, Xiao Ran himself can say that he can’t even get a penny, but Xiao Ran doesn’t have it. Leonard is already considered a rich man after he has taken over part of the amalgam industry, even Xiao Ran and the others. The money for the house I live now is partly provided by Leonard, but there is still a part of it that Al Elf did not know where he got it.
Because of this, Xiao Ran dared to say all-inclusive words even when he couldn't even get a penny. It didn't matter to Xiao Ran to repair schools or something. An engineering team from the fortress was estimated to be around one day. Can restore the school to the original.
And the reason why Xiao Ran proposed to travel is not to be boring, the real purpose is actually to have Chidiao, so close contact with Chidori, Xiao Ran can more clearly feel that Chidori is going to exist at this time The problem is that the mental fluctuations emanating from Chidori are very mixed. It is like mixing other things in the water. It has been eroding the spirit that belongs to Chidori, and this is not belonging to Chidori. The power seemed to spread from a deeper place in her spirit, but when she pursued it, she found that these powers had no roots and no source at all.
That’s why Xiao Ran came up with travel on a whim. It was considered that before taking coercive measures, he had to contact Chidori in a more gentle way and observe her situation. Xiao Ran was not proficient in the soul, so Now I can’t find anything through the soul, I can only say through the spiritual power to understand and see. Through this trip, Xiao Ran can also arrange for Saki to get close to and observe the Chidori. If it’s not possible, you can let Kai Well, come and take a look, not like there is no good opportunity to really implement means to check, and it is still in the stage of observation from the side.
Of course, Xiao Ran can also use coercive means to control Chidori right now, but after all, the two sides have had a lot of contact before, and Xiao Ran is not the kind of unreasonable person, so I should first confirm what Chidiao wants. After the situation, the decision is made whether to solve Chidori's problems in a gentle way, or to deal with it with strong means.
Hearing what Xiao Ran said, Qiandiao's eyes widened suddenly, and asked in surprise, "Mr. Xiao Ran, you said you want to help our entire school travel?"
"You heard it right." Xiao Ran smiled and said, "Let's do it, you can sort out a copy of the school staff and give me a document. I will arrange for people to contact the school tomorrow morning. The first thing is to deal with the school's current situation. The second question is to discuss the travel. I will also let you know the specific arrangements tomorrow. Do you think it’s okay?

"Yes, yes, of course." Qiandiao nodded quickly, then bowed to Xiao Ran: "Then I will thank Mr. Xiao Ran for all the students."
Sending away the happy Chidori, the cautious Sagara Sosuke, and the dazed little Tsubaki, Xiao Ran turned to look at Okonomiyoshi who was still like a rice dumpling, and took out the communicator with a deep groan. After communicating, he said directly: "Captain Silver, please help me contact the top and ask them to send an engineering team down to my current location. Two medical personnel are being sent from your ship. I want to collect some samples. , You can send me to the genetic research department."
Putting away the communicator, Dongfang Undefeated walked to Xiao Ran: "It's arranged?"
"Someone will come over to take a rest on the damaged place, and we need to take a biological sample of this guy and study it."
Invincible Dongfang nodded, glanced at the direction of the campus gate, and said: "That girl's condition is a bit wrong, as if an evil force is eroding her, if she really has the power to destroy the world, Then she must not be affected by that power."
It’s not surprising that Xiao Ran is not surprised by the Eastern Unbeaten. Although the Eastern Unbeaten is not a spiritual master, he himself is a big man who can achieve the unity of nature and man. He has excellent sensing ability. He could perceive it when Xiao Ran started quantum assimilation. Whatever happened, let alone the Chidori who could not have a secret in front of him, he could see it at a glance.
"Yeah." Xiao Ran nodded and said, "So I want to take advantage of this opportunity to arrange them to travel and investigate."
Dongfang Unbeaten glanced at Duomen, and suddenly said: "That kid was a bit interesting just now. He actually mastered the use of Qi. After that, I will not act with you. I am going to take Duomen and Ling to touch the martial arts in this world. Fighter, let us know what's going on."
"Okay." Xiao Ran replied and pointed to Daguan Shanzhi who was still a rice dumpling over there: "But the master can't run away now, otherwise I can't take this guy."
Dongfang Invincible glanced at Xiao Ran speechlessly, and shook his head: "I will guard him until the sun appears. The young people today are really not worthy of the elderly at all."
"Ha ha."
After waiting for a while, the engineering team did not arrive. Yin first took some people to the school on a small transport plane, maintaining the mirage system and landing on the campus. A group of people looked at the school that was damaged everywhere. Surprised, he walked to Xiao Ran and said, "My lord."
"The person who was subdued by the master and craftsman over there took as many biological samples as possible from him, but be careful not to cause any harm to him. Now take one sample and save it, and wait until the sun appears and take the second sample. , And send it back after marking it."
Yin nodded, turned around and ordered the two medical staff he had brought with him. The two young girls carried their suitcases and quickly ran towards Zenji Okanji, and the Oriental Undefeated also walked over. , Reminded the two girls: "Be careful, this person is very dangerous."
The two girls said thank you, and quickly began to operate, but the first movement they did made them stunned. The needle that was originally intended to be used to draw blood was unable to pierce the skin of Dakan Zenji. , The scissors couldn't cut off the opponent's hair or nails, and they couldn't leave such a trace on Ouki Zenji's body with no amount of force.
"This kind of physical fitness is simply terrifying. What kind of power makes him like this, I am also a bit curious now." Dongfang Invincible shook his head and sighed, and as the longest time facing Daguan good governance Meng also showed a helpless look on the side, no matter what kind of attack he made before, he couldn't hurt Okan Zenji at all, but his hands hurt.
"Let me come." Dongfang Undefeated's right hand quickly ran across Daguan Zenji's body. His hair and nails fell off instantly, and a small blood stain appeared on his arm. The two medical staff hurriedly acted and were unbeaten in the East With the help, he collected all the biological samples that belonged to Daguan Zenji.
On the other hand, Xiao Ran arranged a new task for Yin: "You will arrange the restoration of the school, and you will communicate with the school. In addition, I promised the student council president of this school to let the whole school The people in the college asked them to travel during the restoration of the college. This is also up to you to communicate with the school. As for the location... Contact Leonard and ask him to make arrangements to spread out the students."
Yin was a little dazed, but still nodded: "I see, Master Xiao Ran, I will arrange it."
The next time is a group of people waiting boringly, waiting for the arrival of the engineering team, waiting for the sun to rise, and waiting for the person in charge of the school to arrive, while Xiao Ran and Dongfang Invincible gradually recovered in Daguan Shanzhi. After losing consciousness, they left directly. The two medical staff who took another biological sample from each other's body effortlessly after Daguan Zenji recovered also took the transport plane and left first, leaving the Yinhe engineering team behind. Deal with the next step.
In the afternoon, Xiao Ran's communicator, who was lazily basking in the sun in the courtyard, suddenly vibrated. After the communicator was taken out and connected, Durandal's image appeared on the screen.
"It looks like you look quite leisurely." Durandal didn't rush or slow down. Seeing Xiao Ran's lazy appearance from the communication screen also made a joke, and then began to talk about the business: "You were brought back by someone. I have already checked the samples. These two samples were taken from one person. Is there anything special about the owners of these samples?"
Xiao Ran slightly straightened his body, and said, "Can you ask such a thing, that means you didn't find anything special when you checked the samples?"
"Very ordinary human samples, the two are exactly the same, there is no difference at all, and no special place has been found." Durandal smiled leisurely, and said: "On the contrary, if you say that, it seems that the owner of these samples is really special. Up."
Xiao Ran said:
Of the two samples given to you, the first sample was taken by the masters and craftsmen by himself, while the second was taken by ordinary medical staff with ordinary tools. The first sample was taken. At the time, the person would not suffer any harm even if he swallowed the grenade, and when the second sample was taken, the opponent returned to normal and he was a completely ordinary person."
"That's really interesting." Durandal showed a thoughtful expression on his face. He can fully understand what Xiao Ran said, and imagined what it would be like, and said: "But in the body Nothing unusual was found in the sample, and the comparison of the gene chain is exactly the same as that of ordinary humans. What kind of characteristics can cause such a change, but now you can at least exclude it because of genes and the human body. The reason is."
"And if you want to get the answer, my suggestion is to bring that person back for more detailed inspection and testing. If we can really study something from that person, maybe we can really gain something. ."
"I'll arrange it." Xiao Ran nodded. After knowing from Durandal that the two samples taken were nothing special and exactly the same, Xiao Ran knew that using these simple methods from Da Guan Shanzhi, there was nothing to study. The best way is of course to bring Otsuki Zenji into the fortress for further investigation.
The special feature of Da Guan Shanzhi is indeed a very good research sample. Xiao Ran also wants to study this to see why and whether this power can be used by others. Of course, Xiao Ran just made a decision and then Waiting for the results, there are others who really want to conduct research.
Durandal took the initiative to end the call. Xiao Ran thought about how he wanted to get Daguan Shanzhi to cooperate. After thinking about it for a while, he decided to act by chance. After all, it is not clear what Daguan Shanzhi is interested in or What is needed, money, power and color, anyway, as long as the other party has the Xiao Ran they want, they can take it out, not afraid that the other party will not cooperate.
However, the school year is on the side of the school, and Yin has already negotiated with the school. Although the destruction of the school is not a small matter, Yin as a representative has already begun to repair the school and proposed a series of compensation conditions. This included the study tour arranged by Xiao Ran, and it was easy to get the understanding of the school.
Through arrangements and plans, the study tour starting tomorrow will last three days, and three days will be enough for the college to be completely restored. As for the location, Yin, who is not familiar with this world, contacted Leonard, and then Reynard quickly arranged three places with the right in his hands. It is considered a good place, and all of them are arranged on the beach. There is a sea and a hot spring. For the students of Zhendai High School, they can’t give a point. Money then went out for a luxury three-day tour or something, of course there is no reluctance.
On the arrangement of the personnel list Xiao Ran slightly moved his hands and feet, and asked Chidori, Sagara Sosuke, Yuken Meiya, Saki, and Chidori and Sosuke in the class. A few good friends deliberately arranged it together. Not only could it be said that the journey from departure to the return journey was alone, even the place of residence was arranged separately.
On the second day, Xiao Ran set off with a large family. Except for the two people who did not follow Dongfang Undefeated and Duomen, Basac, who had not been seen, did not know where he heard the news. He knew that everyone wanted it. After going to the beach, I ran back with a shy face. The other people who came to the earth together, including the Valkyrie, all got on the luxury bus and also started their own three-day beach hot spring tour.
The bus, the plane, and the long journey of several hours ended. Xiao Ran and the others also arrived at the destination. A group of villas were located beside a long sandy beach. In front of each villa, there was an independent beach with pavilions and boats. With big trees, the environment is quite good.
And not far from this group of villas, there is a coastal hotel, and that hotel is the place where the students who come here live.
Just after Xiao Ran got out of the car, the first person to see was Leonard, who did not know when he also came here.
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