Chapter 2597: Can't understand

What Leonard was going to do, Tessa didn’t understand and couldn’t understand, but what Leonard was doing now made Tessa feel terrified. He even took someone to forcibly occupy the headquarters base of the Allied Forces and sent high-level representatives from various countries. I controlled them all, saying that they wanted to borrow their bodies, but it was terrifying to think about how to borrow Tessa.
Of course Tessa has never thought about the existence of a race that can transfer the soul to occupy the body, so he does not understand what it is to borrow the body. From Tessa's thinking, this kind of borrowing may be a real'borrowing'. , Such as borrowing a certain part of the body, or treating these people as hostages to make certain demands, and what is the meaning of the former, Tessa does not know, if it is the latter, Tessa feels that there is no need at all, Tessa I don't think there is anything in this world that Xiao Ran can use this way to get.
But Tessa is more afraid of another point. What she is worried about is whether Leonard does this Xiao Ran knowing, why he re-developed amalgam, why he wants to occupy this place, and whether Xiao Ran knows whether it is Xiao Ran's decision or Renner. De's own idea, if it is the latter, then Leonard is clearly developing his own power by doing this, so what does Leonard want to develop his own power? Is it that he has betrayed Xiao Ran? If it is, Xiao Ran knows this again.
Tessa is absolutely unwilling to see Leonard betray Xiao Ran. As for the redevelopment of amalgam, this is a little irrelevant in Tessa's heart. Leonard finally climbed out of the abyss, Tessa did not want Leonard to do it again. Going wrong and falling into the abyss, even more unwilling to deceive Renard into Xiao Ran, who is now in the universe, is always a little concerned but confused, because both of them are the people she cares about.
   Leonard wanted to leave, but Tessa stubbornly stood in front of Leonard. As long as Leonard didn't give an explanation, she would never back down.
   "What are you doing?"
"Let the amalgam dominate the world again." Leonard stepped back slightly, let Tessa fall into his eyes completely, and the corner of his mouth curled up: "Of course, this is what he knows and allows him, what you care about It’s actually just this little sister."
   "Why..." Tessa stiffened a bit, and murmured these three words: "Why?"
"It's for you, to protect you, stupid sister, forever." Leonard said in his heart, but when he looked at Tessa, he didn't say this sentence. Instead, he said: "Don't use the same vision Looking at the current amalgam, what we need is the shell of amalgam, which can let us integrate into the world faster. Amalgam can be us, but we are definitely not amalgam. Do you think we have such power? Will people from those countries just let us in so easily?"
"Soon, we will be officially on the stage, stealing the country, and truly based in this world. This is not a good thing for most powerful countries, but for your Mithril, it will not be a bad thing. , I know you don’t trust me. If you have any doubts, you use that warship to go to the universe and personally know everything you want to know from him. Wouldn’t it be better?

"I hope Mithril will be able to prepare next. This world is about to start a huge change. No one can stop it. If you can’t keep up with the pace during this change, or you choose the wrong one during the change, The road, that will definitely become the dust that the wheels of history roll over. If you really care about Mithril so much, in the end, don't make a mistake in the next choice."
Leonard's voice fell, and the door of the originally closed conference room suddenly opened. Kane led a group of people filed out from the conference room. When they saw Leonard who was stopped by Tessa, Kane's footsteps stopped. After a while, a light smile appeared on his face: "It looks like you haven't finished your work yet. There is still more time now. I'm not in a hurry to start the next step."
Tessa looked in the direction of Kane, and the expression on her face suddenly became a little strange, because she saw the representatives of various countries standing behind Kane. Everyone's face was full of coldness and indifference, with no face. The expression and eyes were sharp, and the breath revealed was completely different from before, and the sense of strangeness was as if I had never known these people.
With doubts and surprises in her mind, Tessa followed the gap and looked into the meeting room, which was cleaner than expected. Except for the chairs were a little messy, there was no blood stains, and in such a short period of time except for torture. Is there any other way to make these people become like this at the same time, hypnotized?
   But what about those who have lost consciousness?
"Are you weird?" Kane looked very kind to Tessa, glanced at Leonard and said, "I don't think your sister will be someone like Kagali, but she also has her persistence. And especially smart people are more likely to think about it. If you don’t want a situation where she doesn’t understand you and lead to a confrontation, I suggest you explain it to her, hehe, after all, hehe, you care about her so much anyway. Is not it."
   "When the time comes, she is really going to go to the universe, then you are not asking for trouble, you two brothers and sisters are not always good for that one to intervene."
   Leonard turned to look at Kane, his expression indifferent, some shame flashed in his eyes, and he turned his head and took a step and walked away without paying attention: "Let's follow you."
   Kane walked to Tessa and smiled leisurely: "Don't worry, although this guy is rare, he really cares about you."
   "Thank you." Tessa looked at Kane and asked, "You are?"
   "I'm Kane." Kane said: "The members of the Burning Legion are responsible for intelligence and special services. Their current job is to assist Leonard."
   Tessa nodded and looked behind Kane: "Mr. Kane, they?"
"It's just being controlled." Kane smiled slightly. Compared to his original appearance, his attitude when facing Tessa at this time was particularly strange, especially the smile on his face, and he also appeared very patient. "You should know that we are from the universe, and in the universe there is not only human beings. You can regard us as pure soul creatures, so you can freely change your body. Now these people are no longer It’s the old ones, but my subordinates."
At the moment when Tessa, Richard and Jerome had expressions of horror on their faces, Kane said again: "But you don't have to imagine us so evil. The difference between us is only the form of life. It’s not that different. Being possessed by them is not to devour their souls, but just a means to an end."
"As for what we are going to do, Leonard has already told you just now. In fact, it is because we need to stand in this place instead of wandering in the universe. In this way, we need a place to stand. A complete country is our greatest A good choice, maybe we can use force to achieve our goals, but it is certainly better to be recognized, because we also have no intention of starting a war on this planet."
"We want to be our own people, instead of continuing to be involved in the subsequent response to all crises as outsiders in the wild, what I can tell you is that the problem of the dimensional beast is far more serious than imagined. The power of the Dimensional Beast cannot resist the real attack of the Dimensional Beast at all, and outsiders have no obligation to protect your homeland. Only by becoming a part of this homeland can we invest more to protect this place."
   "We need logistics, materials, space, and rest. It is always more appropriate to control a piece of our own territory to provide everything we need than to cooperate with you and obtain the corresponding materials from you."
"But it is not easy to do this step, so we need to borrow the influence of amalgam. Amalgam has indeed been wiped out once, but the influence of amalgam on the world is far more than that, even now. There are people who belong to amalgam lurking in various countries, and they even have a lot of consortia, warlords and even some small countries. If we use the influence of amalgam and add other operations, we can more easily integrate into this Planet."
"We don't want to start a war to use this method, but war... Hehe, to be honest, the war between the planets is just a game for us, and the real purpose is to avoid meaningless sacrifices. , And after this step is reached, we will also have more other actions next. As for whether to ignore these national forces, or to suppress them by means, or to make everyone truly unite, we also need to see our next step. Progress, as for your Mithril, don't be too nervous about it."
Said this, Kane nodded and smiled at Tessa: "That's it. We are not afraid of becoming an enemy with anyone, but we don't want Mithril to become an enemy with us. You can think about what I said, and finally join forces. I am afraid that from today onwards, the coalition army may not cease to exist, and we will take over all the issues concerning dimension beasts."
   After that, Kane left with a group of people, leaving only the three Tessa who didn't know where to go.
   In a certain office, Leonard was calling someone on the phone. Kane walked in alone and sat in front of Leonard.
   A few words ordered the matter, Leonard hung up the phone and looked at Kane: "Go?"
   Kane said leisurely: "No, maybe we want to see what we are going to do next, and we are still staying in this building now."
   "Do less boring things in the future." Leonard took a deep look at Kane and said, "I don't know when your evil taste was so similar to Cruze."
"No, at least Cruzer's bad taste is not on this point, and mine is not a bad taste." Kane's mouth curled up: "Just to avoid the misunderstanding between your brothers and sisters and affect us later. It’s just a plan."
Reynard did not entangle this issue, but directly said: "Today's matter is definitely not hidden. We didn't want to hide it. It happened to take advantage of this opportunity to contact other countries in the name of amalgam. It’s up to you to perform the specific operations. I will continue to expand the influence of the amalgam. Kruzer is still responsible for the cleaning and stabilization of the amalgam.
   Kane nodded slightly: "It's nothing more than controlling and buying, it won't delay your next plan."
It is of course impossible to cover up what happened at the joint army headquarters today, but Leonard and Kane did not intend to cover it up, otherwise they would not occupy this place with such a big fanfare. Some people know what happened here today and why it happened. He just wants to tell some people that as long as they want, no one will stop him anywhere. The fastest mobile terminal for 33 novel updates: https:/
This is only the first step of the next territorial plan, and the enchantments will replace the original representatives and return to their own countries, and cooperate with more intelligence personnel to complete the penetration and control of countries, just like Kai What En said is nothing more than control and bribery.
Whether it is money or power, there are countless good things in the hands of the Burning Legion that are enough to make many, many people lose their minds, stronger bodies, and longer life spans. This is something that everyone can't ignore~www.mtlnovel .com~ But the Burning Legion can take it out.
And the next step is to disband the coalition forces and use the influence of governments to promote the protection of the earth. This plan is of course specially tailored for the Burning Legion. The purpose is to shape the Burning Legion into the patron saint of this planet and give it to Burning. The Legion has a suitable identity that can be easily accepted by ordinary people. Of course, in the process, the Burning Legion will also begin to gradually take over a small country currently controlled by amalgam.
The final step is the development plan, but no matter which step the purpose is ultimately to serve the territory, in order to gain prestige and obtain support, it will also be a relatively long-term plan, perhaps one year or two years. Fortunately, this mission should have such a long time to complete all the arrangements. The fastest computer terminal for 33 novel updates: https://
The plan was made by Leonard, Kane, Kruze and others. Xiao Ran didn't spend too much time in it. Even without Xiao Ran, the plan made by everyone was quite perfect, even if something was missed. Make changes according to the actual situation at any time. After all, the general situation is under control, and minor problems will not bring much influence.
The reason why Kane talked so much to Tessa was not entirely because of the bad tastes. Mithril is very special in this world and knows the legion best. Kane does not want to make plans because of the relationship with Mithril. What are the twists and turns, not to mention Kane is very clear, even if Mithril really did something, with the relationship between Leonard and Xiao Ran, it is difficult to be cruel to do something about the Mithril with Tessa. What, not to mention Leonard would not want Tessa to be sad, and Xiao Ran would also not want to see such a scene.
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