Chapter 2600: New dimension beast

"Turn on the communication to access the Legion channel, present all the information on the front screen, and send the information directly to the Technical Research Department after the completion of the self-inspection of the body without asking for inquiries."
Xiao Ran’s voice fell, and dozens of large and small boxes popped up on the huge cockpit screen throughout the week. The small boxes were arranged according to the rules, and all of them showed the dimensional channels in different regions. In these pictures, there are already many places where dimensional beasts have appeared. The fastest computer terminal for 33 novel updates: https://
Among the dimensional beasts that appeared, Xiao Ran saw a new breed that had never appeared in this world before. Although the dimensional beasts that appeared before had several different colors, they were only two in terms of appearance. Like a dinosaur, there are no particularly obvious arms, and two huge colored crystals are carried on the legs.
The newly-appearing dimension looks significantly higher in level, and there are several different categories. The first one has the ability to fly like a flying dragon. The appearance of the crystal has also changed and it looks more like a pair of wings, but Obviously, the flight was not due to the pair of crystal wings, and there was another crystal on the chest, with sharp sword claws, which looked more like a real dragon, released from the communication channel According to the information, this higher-level dimensional beast has reached the level of B-level.
The second type is also the form of a dinosaur, grade B+, the body is thicker, at least 50 meters in height, and the power is very terrible. It has real claws. The crystal is located on the forehead and abdomen, and there are two shoulders. A huge blade hits the corner, and it breaks wherever it hits.
The third type is a four-legged giant beast, grade B, but with outstanding defensive power, the defensive power of the dimension beast itself is already very strong, but the defensive ability of this dimension beast is even more advanced, and it also has a difference in color. But the appearance is almost the same. It is like a rhino but is obviously more terrifying than a rhino. The crystal is moved to the head, and there are multiple collision angles all over the body. Although it cannot fly, it runs extremely fast on the ground.
The fourth type is a dimensional beast with a red body and a height of about a meter. It looks like Godzilla in appearance, but it is definitely lighter than Godzilla, hideous and terrifying, with arms on both sides. It seems to have grown an axe, which has extremely high flexibility and speed. Although it can't fly, it can jump to high places when it jumps up. What's more terrifying is that the number of this dimensional beast is very small. , But it has reached the level of A-level, a pure agile melee type A-level dimensional beast, with only few and very general long-range attack methods.
   The last multi-legged type, the length and height are more than two hundred meters, the movement speed is not fast but the firepower is very strong, the living is a turret version of the biological weapon, this is only B-class, but the firepower is particularly outstanding.
So far, there are only these kinds of dimensional beasts that have appeared newly, but there are also a lot of dimensional beasts that emerge from every place where a dimensional channel appears. The waves appear as if they are endless. Fortunately, Maru is here. I made preparations at the first time, and arranged for manpower to be scattered to various places to support. With the support of the real core strength of the reserve, plus the mutual support of the divided areas, it seems that the battle of these dimensional beasts is still absolute. Dominant state.
"The terrifying number and level, and the way it appears is so unprepared." Xiao Ran squinted his eyes slightly while looking at the battle scenes everywhere in the picture, and said in his heart: "If you only rely on the power of this world, If the major forces around the world do not unite and put all the λ-driven mechas on the front line of the battle, it will be impossible to resist the invasion of these dimensional beasts."
"Miscellaneous soldiers below level B are enough for those in this world to eat a pot, not to mention that there are so many B-level main dimensional beasts now, and there are a few A-level dimensional beasts, no matter where these dimensional beasts appear It will definitely bring huge damage and loss everywhere."
"The turret type with long-range firepower, the giant beast type that rushes into the battle, the dragon beast type that fights in the middle, the flying dragon type is also available in the sky, the more flexible and terrifying A-level kill type, they all have a fairly coordinated arrangement, but... …There should be fortress type, sky firepower type, auxiliary type, and even higher-level commanders. The reason why it did not appear... is it because this time is a test again, or that a more powerful dimensional beast is still preparing ?"
"This configuration is no longer an ordinary situation. With so many turret-type dimensional beasts, it feels more like holding a position. Is it true that there will be more powerful dimensional beasts or characters like commanders? Where do you come from?
(First issue, domain name (remember_three
   Xiao Ran's gaze swept across the thirty-odd dimensional channels on the screen again, frowning slightly: "Hello, how long will it take."
   "The self-check is 28% complete, and there are six minutes remaining."
   "Master Xiao Ran, I can directly transmit all my knowledge and changes to this machine to you through the power link."
"Although the main reason for the self-inspection is not for this, it does let me know what kind of changes have taken place because of your machine." Xiao Ran nodded and closed his eyes, and slightly leaned back against the back of the chair. In an instant, a series of information poured into Xiao Ran's mind.
In just a few seconds or something, Xiao Ran digested all the information, and then glanced at the first image on the screen, something like dragon scales rotating around the body, and raised his brows: "A companion? Dragon? The scale machine? Because it is combined with the Dragon God machine, it becomes a subsidiary body with the ability to store GN particles? At the same time, it has the data of the Dragon God machine itself, so this is a little dragon? Because of the moonlight butterfly system, so theoretically Can you summon such a thing infinitely?"
   "So Ying Long, you already have the ability to summon dragon scale machines?"
"Yes, Master Xiao Ran." Ying Long replied, "It's just that I can't do it now. I can only display this ability after awakening with the Dragon God Machine. My current mature length cannot display all my abilities. Ten percent, according to the core memory, my most powerful power should be light, and... Dragon Jade? But I didn’t get this kind of companion dragon jade that can let my power be fully utilized."
"Long Yu, let Luo research and study to see what it is." Xiao Ran nodded and said: "In addition, you can use the power of mind to stimulate the power of wind, rain and lightning. I remember that Dragon King machine can also use lightning. And the power of the mountains, Ying Long Hao Lei Gun is your ultimate skill, yes, after combining with the Dragon God machine, can you still pull out a spear-shaped weapon, a dragon spear with thunder power? Not bad Ying Long, because of yours It is related to the fact that the enhancement of the body has almost increased by one level. If you wait for your strength to fully grow, it is estimated that this dragon machine will also need to be strengthened to keep up with your rhythm."
Ying Long’s calm voice appeared again: "Master Xiao Ran, this time will not be too long. According to the current growth rate, with sufficient resources and energy, I will grow to a mature stage within three years, and at the same time I will integrate into this. I found out that the dragon machine itself has the ability to evolve itself because of the special material Zefield crystal. So even if I don’t make any external enhancements to the dragon machine, as long as I can maintain it with the dragon machine for a long time. Fusion, then under the influence of Zefeld Crystal and me, the Dragon God Machine will also grow simultaneously."
"That's a good thing." The corner of Xiao Ran's mouth curled slightly. Of course Xiao Ran knew that the Zhfeld crystal had the ability to infinitely multiply and evolve, but it was a small surprise that it could bring such an effect with Ying Long. Xiao Ran also knew that Ying Long’s growth must have a limit, but this limit cannot be touched for the time being, but Xiao Ran is not sure whether the Zifeld Crystal has this limit, but thinking about it, he can know that it should be too. It is something that has a growth limit.
A few minutes passed. Harrow’s self-inspection was completed and the information of Ying Longshen was passed back to the Technical Research Department. After receiving Harrow’s reminder and opening his eyes, Xiao Ran also wrote a report for the first time. The current description of the Dragon God Machine was also submitted, and then everything other than the current combat communication was turned off.
From the screen, because of the follow-up support of advanced pilots, the battle situation is not one-sided, but it can be regarded as quite smooth. There is not much change in a few minutes, but the number of dimensional beasts is too much. , The firepower in the rear was too fierce, and A's Dimensional Beast would deliberately avoid the senior pilots of the legion to attack and kill other pilots, causing some seniors to distract themselves.
This made it impossible to end the battle for a while, but in Xiao Ran’s eyes, the actions of the Dimensional Beast were like protecting the Dimensional Channel, protecting the stronghold, so that the subsequent unknown number of Dimensional Beasts would come and die one by one. Yes, it means to die, because no matter how many B-level and below dimensional beasts appear in front of a group of pilots with A-level strength, it makes no sense.
However, the Dimensional Beast maintained this rhythm of death. Although it was protecting the Dimensional Channel, it was more like deliberately involving and dispersing the combat power of the Burning Legion, and entangled the combat power of the Burning Legion. same.
"I don't know if Ma Liu found this." Xiao Ran thought for a while, contacted Ma Liu, and said directly after Ma Liu's figure appeared on the screen: "Did you find it?" 33 novel first published https: //https://
   Maru said: "The abnormal movement of the dimensional beast? It is not a breakthrough, not a destruction, but a defense. I have noticed it. This is strange, like deliberately delaying our power outside the dimensional channel."
   Xiao Ran asked: "Are there any movements in the universe's reconnaissance aircraft network?"
"Not yet." Maliu shook his head. According to the feedback from drones all over the solar system, there is no strange movement in the universe. Maliu said: "Apart from these dimensional channels that have already appeared, nothing has been found. There are other places where there are fluctuations in the dimensional channel. I also arranged for a batch of drones to be redeployed to replace the warships to set up a monitoring network for the earth."
   "If there are no dimensional channels that were missed when the monitoring network was built, then the current dimensional channels will be all."
   Xiao Ran groaned and nodded slightly: "I feel that it won't take long for the real main force of the dimension beasts to appear. These are not the ones that have appeared now, but there should be the real main force of the fortress-level dimension beasts and commander-level enemies."
"This is the same as the intelligence team analyzed, and I also have this idea." Ma Liu said with a deep expression, "It's just that I can't confirm which channel the main force of the dimensional beast will appear in, or come out from a new channel. I was still preparing to leave only the Burning Legion and fifty warships to the fortress. The other warships and half of the high-level combat power were all sent out to reinforce all the teams outside the passage. You must also be ready to be deployed at any time ready."
   "There is no problem on my side, and I must pay more attention on the bridge side. Once there is a situation, just drop me down."
   "Hmm." Maru nodded and said, "Also, Kluzer, Uzès and others, I have teleported their units remotely, and they will enter the battlefield directly."
   " I will continue to stand by."
When the communication was interrupted, Xiao Ran kept quiet and kept staring at the fighting situation on the screen. Ten minutes passed, half an hour, an hour, more than 30 dimensional channels were still braving the dimensional beasts, A-level dimensionality. The beast almost occupies one-tenth of it, but there are still no major changes. Xiao Ran has been sitting in the cockpit of the fuselage without any slack.
Xiao Ran also saw Master, Nazi, Duomen, Kira, Carapace, Uzès, Kluzer, Graham and other units in the screen, as well as other A-level and S-level combat powers. These powerful combat powers were all roughly equally thrown in front of the gates of each passage, killing the Dimensional Beast one by one, but the Dimensional Beast still fell from the passage like no money.
Xiao Ran was waiting. The Dimensional Beast might also be waiting, waiting for the Burning Legion's combat power outside a certain passage to weaken, and then seizing the best opportunity to make a surprise attack. Even Xiao Ran clearly noticed that all dimensional passages were long due to The maintenance of time is gradually expanding, and it has also caused a shock in space. The amplitude of this shock has become more and more intense. It seems that the space around the dimensional channel has also begun to oscillate, and it also makes Xiao Ran faintly. A not-so-good feeling came out, and it gave Xiao Ran a very familiar sense of sight.
   "This feeling... is the same as when I was in that world... It is a dimensional earthquake!? Isn't it a natural dimensional earthquake, is it a dimensional earthquake forced by the chain of these dimensional channels!"
   Xiao Ran was startled, and quickly pulled out the keyboard and cracked his hands with his hands: "Hello, contact Luo."
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