Chapter 2608: Leonard's new plan

Time has passed for many days, and the shock caused by the previous Dimensional Beast Invasion War has begun to slowly dissipate, leaving only the people on this earth with shadows and fears that will never go away, but this emotion After the Burning Legion successively sent four squadrons to land on the earth, they were temporarily controlled to a certain extent after the unconditional exaggeration and boasting of the major forces on the earth.
Up to now, the first fleet, that is, the fleet directly controlled by Maru has all landed on the territory of the small Western European country that is now completely controlled by the Burning Legion and Leonard. This will be the Burning Legion’s future in the world. The fundamental place cannot be lost, so Maru took the fleet to guard it personally.
   This country was originally very, very small, how small is it? It is so small that it is not conspicuous on the map, but although it is small, it can barely be regarded as having a certain influence in Western Europe. This country just happens to be on the verge of being next to France that has now been incorporated, a small country called Luxembourg.
   But in this world, this country has been controlled by amalgam for a long time, but it has not been known to others, and now this is even less important to the major forces. The fastest computer terminal for 33 novel updates: https://
It is precisely because of the terrain and national conditions that this small country controlled by amalgam has a certain influence, but it is not so noticeable. At the same time, it is close to France. This is also how France will attack Leonard. There was no movement at the Joint Army Headquarters, and at the same time, it was the first reason to come closer. Because the distance was too close, this side also received a lot of infiltration. With the addition of a series of subsequent operations and arrangements, it gradually It has become like this, and the fact that the Joint Army Headquarters will be in France is actually a coincidence, a coincidence that is still useful for Leonard.
And because of the special conditions of France, the first is the first force to come by, and also serves as the core location for the next development, and the second is because of the location of the joint army headquarters, so after Maru took the first fleet to the earth , The squadron originally stationed in France was not transferred back because of this, but remained there as a signboard.
The remaining three fleets, namely the United States in the Americas, Japan in Asia, and Australia in Australia, are stationed at four points to guard the earth. In fact, only four small fleets are not enough to take care of the whole. Earth, but the emergence of these four fleets can at best draw people's hearts and improve everyone's sense of security. When there is a real need to fight, the main force still depends on the large fleet in the universe.
Now that the layout of the territory has been completed, the next step is to develop and demand people’s hearts. Besides, France, not all countries have expressed their willingness to join Leonard during the negotiation, but Leonard still chose in the end. After all, the larger the population base, the greater the difficulty of completing the territorial needs. Now that the original two countries, one large and one small, have been merged to meet the requirements, there is no need to find more The trouble to do.
The idea of ​​these forces wanting to be merged is also very simple, because now the only force that can resist the dimension beasts is the one represented by Leonard. If all parts of the world are attacked by the dimension beasts, it will be worse than the last time. If a larger-scale attack is required, there will naturally be countless people who worry that the power represented by Leonard will not be able to take care of them, and that the big countries will not be able to take care of them. It is also normal for small countries to have such worries, but not only because of this, there are many. The reason why people want to rely on is of course because of their interests. They want to be a member of the Burning Organization to ensure that they get more interests.
For this reason, Leonard also formulated a new plan, so that the anti-dimensional beast coalition forces are no longer just in name, but to make the coalition forces a real major alliance, and at the same time establish a brand new organization that overrides all countries. The governing body of the new united, and this operation is quite spiritual.
However, in order to protect this earth, so that more non-Burning Legion’s combat power can also play a more role in the face of dimensional beasts, and to draw more people’s hearts, of course there will be more ways and benefits for the country. To achieve this step, Leonard also decided to give something to the outside world. At the same time, it can also increase the pride and recognition of this force. In short, it will be a good thing for himself. This new plan has also been divided into several stages. 33 novels first published https://https://
For the implementation of the new plan, Leonard also rarely returned to the universe and returned to his homeland fortress. It is worth mentioning that Xiao Ran did not follow Maru’s first fleet to the earth, but stayed in the fortress. The mobile teams that were excluded from the four fleets were all left in the home fortress, and it was more convenient for Xiao Ran to see the overall situation here.
The arrival of Leonard made Luo, Kyriam, Durandal, Ingram and Uzès, who have been busy for a long time, also come out of the department and sit together, because Leonard also has things. It needs to be resolved by the genetic research department and the technical department, and Xiao Ran's words are added to report the current situation and explain the future plans.
A group of people sat together, and Leonard first explained to everyone the progress of the recent period. This aspect was mainly reported to Xiao Ran. After finishing this, the people present did not have much to say. After all, Lei Nader has done a good job, there is nothing they need to mention.
Xiao Ran also just nodded: "Since you are responsible for the following tasks, you can just look at the arrangements and arrangements for yourself in any situation. Those who need our assistance here will definitely support them all, as well as the earth. You and Kane are in charge of the intelligence of the report. Have you noticed anything wrong?"
Leonard shook his head. He knew the real meaning of Xiao Ran's question, so he said: "If you want to say whether anyone has disappeared suddenly, then every day, many people disappear for no reason, but since The intelligence gathered from various countries did not find any special connection to these disappearances, and there was no news that humans suddenly turned into monsters, so I really have no way to answer this question clearly."
Durandal also said: "I also want to tell you about that cell through this meeting. After our countless experiments, that cell did not find too high infectivity from that cell, at least from the dimensional beast. The biological tissues that fall from the body will not cause infection, and once they are separated from the dimensional beast, they will soon lose their activity. After the human is completely transformed into the dimensional beast, this cell will disappear and become the cell tissue of the dimensional beast itself. ."
"However, this type of cell has strong phagocytosis. If more than a certain number of cells are attached to a biological sample, there is a high possibility that they will be swallowed and transformed. In all, it is only the body of these dimensional beasts. In terms of the special cells carried, the possibility of infection is very small, so I speculate that there should be something like the mother that is making the original body of this special cell, and then using some means, directly or It is indirect dissemination." The fastest mobile terminal for 33 novel updates: https:/
   "Then you can relax a little bit in this respect." Xiao Ran also smiled and shook his head and said, "But no matter how small the probability is, it will be possible, so we still have to pay attention to whether the detection method is available."
"It's already done." Durandal nodded and said, "One is for drug testing, the other is for equipment testing. In this regard, Luo has arranged for me to make some samples of the equipment for me, and it can be 100% detected. This kind of special cell is the same in terms of drugs. It is not difficult to manufacture and can be manufactured at the world level, so it can be promoted and used on a large scale."
   Leonard said: "After that, give me the samples and technical information."
Durandal smiled: "This was originally for you to put on the planet below to use, but so far we have not been able to find other ways to suppress this cell except for singing. Maybe it needs It takes a long time to find it, and the reverse transformation is even more clueless."
"Next, we will also conduct more tests and research. Maybe then we can use drugs to completely weaken the dimensional beast without even singing. For this cell itself, we also want to see if It can absorb all the genetic technology contained in this cell and finally transform it into a product that we can use."
   Xiao Ran nodded, but did not object to this: "Yeah."
The progress of the genetic research department was not smooth. Xiao Ran looked at Luo again. After so many days, Luo also had sufficient research and analysis on the slightly damaged organism, and saw Xiao Ran’s Looking over, Luo also said:
"The machine called the Dimensional General has already been resolved almost. After our research, the machine should be a machine with a dual system of machinery and biology. It is similar in type to Super Robot. Of course, these are completely different. As a result, we found many bodies of dimensional beasts that have been completely destroyed in that body. Through communication with Durandal, we confirmed that this is a higher-level body tissue, and at the same time, it uses common mechanical technology. The ones that were built were not as advanced as Yinglongshen in terms of integration, and were basically in a state of non-interference, with very few interactions."
"In terms of capabilities, the distorted dimensional equipment owned by the body is currently being repaired, but through the current repair process, we also found that the dimensional related capabilities of this body should have been very powerful, at least with the support of existing data. It is calculated that these things are completely beyond all our existing technologies, and can be completely attacked to tear the dimension, assimilate and distort a small part of the dimension, and make this machine twist when it is in this dimension. Dimension and space achieve rapid movement, avoiding attacks."
"It's just that the utilization and efficiency of this machine in related aspects are not particularly high. Therefore, the ability and effect that it can exert when fighting with you is only a very low level, which only accounts for a percentage of the full power. It’s about thirty. As for why this happened because the machine was damaged too badly, there’s no way to know. It’s not clear if it’s because of energy. We are now continuing to study and analyze."
Xiao Ran thought for a while: "Then, since the body tissue of the Dimensional Beast constitutes a part of the Dimensional General, then this part of the Dimensional General will also be affected by the singing of Shirley Lu and the others, thus affecting the performance of the entire body? "
   Luo said with certainty: "Yes, maybe it can achieve the effect of making the biological and mechanical imbalance and greatly reducing the performance of the body."
"Then this is really a good thing." A smile appeared on Xiao Ran's face and said: "The difference between the s-levels is not too big, or not too big. If the singing can weaken them by 10%, Twenty percent of the power is definitely a big advantage for us. Even a-level pilots can combine with the s-level to have the power of a battle, which greatly changes our available combat power. Increased."
"But Luo, we must squeeze out all the value of this One is not enough to believe that there will be other dimensions in the future, anyway, continue to capture it, since this machine has high value Place, it must be absorbed and become our thing."
   Luo smiled: "Isn't the technical department doing this?"
   Leonard watched Xiao Ran and the others finish their dialogue, and took the initiative to open a new topic: "Should I leave some time for me."
Everyone immediately looked at Leonard. Leonard raised the cup in front of him and took a sip without rushing. Then he said: "I am going to form a new unity below to completely replace the original coalition and the resistance. , The amalgam and the Burning Legion also need to be integrated into this organization and let us take the lead."
"This time we don’t have to give any means, as long as we propose to believe that all the forces on the earth will rush to join in, because they will be afraid that after the emergence of the dimensional beast, we will only help the forces that join the new unity and give up those who do not join. of."
"At the same time, although the current strength of various countries is not worth mentioning in front of us and the dimensional beast, the foundation, reserves, manpower, and productivity of these forces in some aspects should not be underestimated compared to ours now. If we can use these resources Completely integrate, select outstanding talents, give them updated ms technology, deformed fighter technology, as technology, etc., and then send people to provide technical guidance. I believe that a group of enough can be formed in a short period of time. The combat power that confronts ordinary dimensional beasts, and it is also convenient for us to select real talents from them, and start training from now, so that these people can be enriched under our combat power system as much as possible."
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