Chapter 2611: The alarm goes off again

The unified'real estate' was just established, but now it is only established as such a name. It would take about a month or so according to Leonard's calculation to start the unified organization, but this is just starting to operate. And if you want the integration to fully embark on a normal development, it will take at least three months, and there will be a lot of things that need to be carried out in the name of integration. Fortunately, these tasks are not mandatory. Nader and Kane will do it themselves, and representatives of various forces will join in the integration, and they will also fully cooperate with all the work of the integration.
But whether it’s a month or three months, whether it’s long or short or short, there shouldn’t be too many problems in this regard. After all, integration certainly cannot be used as effective combat power in a short period of time. It will also be the strength of the Burning Legion itself. The purpose of establishing a unity is not to let the major forces send people to death from the beginning. However, starting from the day when the military conferences of the major forces are over, they can actually begin to mobilize accordingly. Arrangement, and selection of outstanding personnel.
At the end of the meeting, Kane did not forcefully request that the things raised in the meeting were not allowed to be said. Kane and Leonard knew very well that even if there was such a request, there was definitely no way to hide it for long. There are already many connections between the big forces. It is no surprise that this information leaks out. Sooner or later other forces that have not joined the unification will know the benefits they will get after joining the unification.
And this is precisely the effect that Kane and Leonard need to achieve. In addition to excluding those forces that have not joined the integration to the first protection sequence, it makes them feel afraid, feel fear, and feel that they are not able to fight the dimension. In addition to the confidence of the beast, these benefits will make them feel envious, regret, and eventually will be willing to give more things and willingly join the integration.
The mobilization of the army, the construction and transformation of the factory, the preparation of materials, the selection and arrangement of personnel, the selection of transfer quotas, the strengthening of quota allocation, etc., these tasks began on the second day after the meeting ended within the forces that joined the unified forces. Getting busy, dozens of technicians were sent from the home fortress to the earth under the protection of more escorts, and they were assigned to many different forces. The job of these personnel is to guide the construction of the factory and the manufacture of the new machine body. .
However, not every force is qualified to join the integration. The foundation and ability to build their own MS heavy industry, so in addition to the ability of some major powers to build alone, more or more forces are joint transformation or transformation. It was to build a new MS official seal, and finally arranged to build eight factories. At the same time, each force must provide materials and equipment according to the quota allocated by the strength of the country. 33 Novels
As for the internal, that is, Luxembourg after the merger of France, Renard has also taken a series of measures to increase the recognition of his country by the people, improve his domestic popularity, and put forward many new measures. Several key points in terms of people's livelihood are even more vigorous.
For example, in terms of medical care, with Durandal’s support, many diseases are no longer terminal illnesses at all, and the cost of treatment has been suppressed to a very low level. With regard to these serious illnesses, Chinese people can now enjoy It can be treated at a very low cost, and it can be completely cured within a few courses of treatment. On the contrary, colds and fevers, which are normal minor illnesses, also have a reduced price, but they are relatively small compared to major illnesses. Too much.
At the same time, the birth plan for the adjuster that was opened to integrate other member forces has also begun to be promoted in the forces. Compared with the quotas and requirements of other member forces, there are no quota restrictions in this force, as long as certain requirements are met. Both couples can apply for adjustment surgery.
   Not only that, but longevity drugs are also appropriately opened to certain circles, but the exchange and acquisition also need to meet certain requirements set by Leonard.
In addition to these, some new civil technology inputs for the world, reductions in hydropower taxes, etc., are issued almost every day, and every day will bring some new changes to the country, and There are also some things that Leonard is going to take out, but the timing is not yet ripe.
And for so many new initiatives, although the Burning Legion is behind them, they also require cost and capital. However, no matter how much you invest, even if you invest all the accumulation of the entire amalgam, you can see it in Leonard. It is also completely worth it. Moreover, those forces that join the integration have to pay the'protection fee', and the military investment in domestic development will become very, very small. Using this part of the funds to support the New Deal is also a sufficient measure.
As for the requirements mentioned before, it is not complicated. A thing called contribution has also appeared within the influence as the basis for judging whether the conditions are met. The contribution cannot be transferred and cannot be traded, and it will not be lost. The corresponding contribution to the country can apply for corresponding treatment.
For example, one hundred contributions can be tax-free by 5%, five hundred contributions can apply for the next generation of adjusters to give birth, one thousand contributions can replace better jobs and get better income, etc. The more you recognize this country, the more you recognize Leonard’s status as a ruler can also get more contributions. A series of contribution arrangements are arranged around how to pay more recognition to this force and get more benefits. Certain special professional groups also have other calculation methods, but in general they are still included in the contribution system.
However, this contribution system was not announced with fanfare, it was not announced at all, and only a few people knew that there was such a thing at the beginning. However, with the technical support provided by the Home Fortress, the entire The country has slowly begun to be included under the comprehensive monitoring of Super AI, slowly collecting all aspects of information, and after all the arrangements are completed, it will gradually know who truly supports this force and who is false. Statements and actions in reality and on the Internet will also be recorded as the basis for judging contributions, and this aspect will never be made public.
When the contribution system is gradually known, the people of this force will definitely support the development of this system for more benefits and related interests. It does not matter how much sincerity is in it at the beginning, but the benefits will be gained over time. More and more people will definitely support this system more sincerely and more accustomed to, and support Leonard, who makes this system possible. This is also a means and arrangement for Leonard to buy people's hearts.
All sorts of measures and the integration of things together make things on the earth very complicated, but Xiao Ran does not have to deal with these things by himself. It seems that it is the first time that things related to the territory do not need to be dealt with by himself. For Xiao Ran. In fact, there is no trouble, besides paying attention to the situation of Chidori and the earth, he has almost completely become a hands-off shopkeeper.
Soon, half a month later, the Dimensional Beast still did not appear in this world, but no one would doubt what a terrible situation the next Dimensional Beast would appear to be, especially when many people started slowly. Knowing that the original dimensional beast turned out to be transformed from human beings by some people or things, this kind of thinking even occupied the mainstream of the world.
One world and one earth already have billions of people. If they are all transformed into dimensional beasts, it would be equivalent to billions. Humans are definitely not unique to this world, otherwise there would be no such thing as dimensional beasts. This kind of thing, how many humans will exist in another world, one billion or ten billion, and now there are only so many dimensional beasts on the whole earth. The most of them is because the 33 dimensional channels appeared at the same time last time. When the time, how much can all add up, when there is no burning organization, dozens of dimensional beasts are already a disaster. It would be a horrible scene to have hundreds of thousands, millions, and tens of millions at one time. Therefore, the calm of the past two months did not alleviate the shadow of the world. On the contrary, he cared more about the Burning Organization, the power of Luxembourg, and the integration of this new organization.
Now, half a month later, the first batch of people selected from the pilot training school have entered to study. As for teachers and instructors, there are countless corps who can take on these duties. Whether it is the participants, or Regardless of the protagonists of the legion with high-level strength, or ordinary soldiers in the legion, those with B-level strength and systematic training are completely sufficient.
Those high-levels in the various forces have also scraped all the reinforcement places allocated by Kane, and now they have all strengthened to complete the reinforcement of Tigaman. It depends on the physical strength of the person being strengthened. Kane is strengthened. It is only guaranteed that it will not be harmful to their bodies and that they will be able to gain strength, but when the maximum B-level combat strength is limited, none of these pampered people can reach B-level after strengthening, and no D-level ones. , All are only C-level, but even C-level is enough for them to guarantee their lives in most dangers in this world.
   Although they have C-level power, it does not mean that they can exert C-level power, but this is no way.
At the same time, the first batch of thousands of new residents appeared in the home fortress. They were directly placed in the living module where Chidori wanted them to live. The addition of thousands of people also made that module lively. , And these various people who originally had noble identities on the earth, the smart ones were honest from the beginning, and the unwise ones were also well educated, so that they could recognize their own identities. Just a group of asylum seekers is just a group of ordinary people, living here must follow the rules here. (First issue, domain name (remember_three
In this module, these people are not the only ones here. There are also some members of the Legion who are placed at home in this place. In addition, for this group of people, Xiao Ran also specially placed a group of members of the landing troops in this module, and there are also super AI surveillance is sufficient to ensure that these people will not cause any troubles, and at the same time, this module and other linked modules are completely blocked. Only those who have a pass can enter and exit. Of course, people in the legion can enter and exit normally without a pass at all. .
This group of people were sent voluntarily and came to take refuge, but they can also be regarded as a group of hostages who are not considered hostages. And when these people enter their homeland, many people on the earth will work harder because of this group of people. Work for the Burning Legion.
   One day, the five major fleets located in different parts of the earth circle sounded the alarm at the same time. After receiving the news, Xiao Ran hurried to the fortress's space port while taking out his communicator and contacting the command office of the home fortress.
   "Sir Xiao Ran."
   Xiao Ran nodded gently: "What's the situation?"
On the other side of Xiao Ran’s communication, a young female CIC in the command room asked in a soft voice:
The response of the Earth’s dimensional channel has been detected. The number is three, located in the defense defenses of the Second Fleet and Third Fleet. But the third channel is not in our garrison Maru asks whether we need to dispatch the third channel to destroy it.
   "Let Leonard decide the first fleet to cooperate and the fourth fleet to strengthen defenses." Xiao Ran said: "What is the enemy's combat power?"
   "At present, the channel has just been opened, and there is no way to confirm that the enemy will eventually appear combat power, but so far, more than fifty A-level combat power has been detected, and S-level combat power has not been discovered yet."
   Xiao Ran said: "As soon as the channel was opened, there were already more than fifty A-level combat power. It should only be a matter of time before the S-level combat power appears. Let the fleets wake up."
   Xiao Ran interrupted the communication and contacted Luo's personal communicator instead, and said, "Luo."
   Luo is still wearing a white coat, and from the screen, he is on the road just like Xiao Ran: "I know, the dimensional channel appears again, but I haven't had time to know the specific situation."
   Xiao Ran told Luo what he had just known, and then asked: "How is my body."
"You can't use it yet. You can't be dispatched this time." Luo shook his head. Xiao Ran had handed Ying Long Shen into Luo's hands before. The peculiar changes in Ying Long Shen was also a very good research material for Luo, but the same Because of the changes in Yinglongshen, Luo found that Yinglongshen had some "malnutrition" after the inspection, so in recent times, apart from assigning departments to observe and study the changes of Yinglongshen, it is also to respond. The growth and changes of the Dragon God can be maintained more healthily, so he has always stayed on Luo's side, but now there is definitely no way to use it.
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