Chapter 2620: Join

The guy Kiliam hides extremely deeply. He is the kind of person who can do things with three-point strength and never uses five-point strength. He is definitely a guy of the same level as Uzès. He has technical combat effectiveness and a strong individual. Ability can also be regarded as a superhuman level, mysterious but righteous, and a very reliable partner.
Judging from Xiao Ran’s understanding of Kiliam, the reason why Kiliam has turned into his current state of not showing his full strength is not because Kiliam is deliberately hiding, perhaps he never wanted to hide. , Because he never shied away when the legion really needed him, but in Xiao Ran's opinion, this guy still has some things and some barriers in his heart, so he has been restraining his strength, but he really wants to meet a certain need He took out all his strength to deal with the enemy, and that Kyriam would not hide a little bit.
A project that is very important, but not a particularly difficult project, can be given to Kiliam Xiao Ran to be completely relieved, and it is only a research project that is not a combat mission, so there is no need to say anything more. With the support of the entire legion, Xiao Ran will not have any doubts about whether the results can be achieved. The key is time. However, in addition to starting to gather the whispers on the earth and let Kiliam lead this project, Xiao Ran also needs Find another more critical person to cooperate.
After talking to Luo, Xiao Ran left the technical department and returned to his office. The person Xiao Ran was looking for was Chidori. As the most special existence among whispers, he seemed to be afraid of technical matters. Interest, but her importance needless to say, not to mention that the one that Xiao Ran really wants to cooperate with is Sophia in Chidori's body. Chidori, as Sophia's peer, is always inevitable.
However, this time was different from last time. After all, there was something serious to say, so Xiao Ran didn't take the initiative to go to the module where Chidori was, but rather formally let people bring Chidori to him from that module.
When Chidori arrived, Xiao Ran was still looking at the combat report the day before. When Chidori and Sagara Sosuke entered their office, they tapped to turn off the virtual projection in front of him, and then stood up. The two nodded their heads and raised their hands: "Here, I need you for some things. Sit down first."
In his home, Xiao Ran uses a huge office, but there are not too many extras in the huge office, a huge desk, and then a chair behind the desk and a number in front. A chair, then a round table with a sofa next to it, plus a wine cabinet, basically nothing else, quite refreshing but full of sci-fi sense, everything in the entire office seems to be integrated, at least for For those who do not go in and out often, it is difficult to find a relaxed feeling under this decoration.
Chidori and Sagara Sosuke, who came to Xiao Ran's office now, are like this. They were a little nervous and a little nervous. After sitting on the chairs as Xiao Ran said, they looked at Xiao Ran eagerly.
"Wine, coffee, drinks?"
Chidori gave an uncomfortable smile: "Drinks are good."
Xiao Ran clicked on the table and tilted his head slightly: "Bring in two drinks."
Soon, an outside secretary brought in the drink Xiao Ran wanted and placed it in front of Chidori and Sagara Sosuke, and then walked to the wine cabinet to pour Xiao Ran a glass of wine and put it down.
After the secretary left, Xiao Ran said to the two of them: "Don't be so nervous, let's drink something first and we will talk slowly."
Sagara Sōsuke sat with his head upright and didn't move much, but his serious expression still somewhat explained his current mood. As for Chidori, he raised his cup and drank slowly against the straw, feeling anxious and a little absent-minded: "Yeah. "
When Qiandiao put down the cup in his hand, he looked at Xiao Ran and asked hesitantly, "Well, what is the matter for Mr. Xiao Ran calling us over this time?"
Xiao Ran didn't answer but asked instead: "You probably have heard about the battle on Earth the day before, right?"
Chidori nodded: "I have heard of it."
"Yeah." Xiao Ran took a sip of wine and said slowly: "In the recent past few dimensional beast invasions, more and more powerful dimensional beasts have appeared from our battles with the dimensional beast. At least for the earth, Those powerful dimensional beasts are at least an existence that can destroy a country, and the same dimensional beasts have shown more aggressiveness towards the earth."
Chidori didn't understand why Xiao Ran wanted to tell her this, but when Sagara Sosuke heard these words from Xiao Ran, he obviously showed a surprised expression.
"In fact, because of yesterday's battle, we have learned a little more about the dimension beast. Through some special methods, we have explored what the world the dimension beast lives in is like, I think it is necessary to explain to you."
"The space where the dimensional beast lives is a small world, a small fragment of the whole world. The whole world is almost the size of the earth, but this is not the main thing. The main thing is that we have found more than one billion in that space A large number of dimensional beast legions and hundreds of them have super combat power capable of suppressing or destroying a continent alone."
"According to my personal guess, if the Dimensional Beast Legion does not trigger a method similar to the Dimensional Shake to integrate the world, it will fully invade the world within half a year to nine months at the latest. Once the Dimensional Beast actually invades, With the power of the Legion under my team, although they are sure to wipe out these dimensional beasts, the earth will also be destroyed in this way."
Chidori's pupils shrank, not knowing whether it was because of fear or other reasons, but felt that the vest was cold and trembling uncontrollably.
Xiao Ran said: "You don't need to be so nervous. I won't let the Dimensional Beast Legion successfully descend on the earth. It's just that being so passive is not a good thing for us or the earth, so we are also looking for it. There is a way to proactively solve problems."
"To tell you this is not to make you scared, but to have a solution in your body that can solve our current dilemma. I need you to cooperate with our research as much as possible next, and because of some special reasons, the person in your body, Sophia will also be of great help to us. Next, I hope to get your permission to communicate with her. If the communication can be successful, it is estimated that in the next period of time you will take on the responsibilities of the intermediary on both sides to join Into one of our projects."
Chidori was about to stay for a while, feeling quite complicated. He watched Xiao Ran and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Xiao Ran, can you tell me why I contacted Sophia?"
"It's okay to tell you?" Xiao Ran groaned, and said, "Sophia's ability is very special. He has the ability to create parallel worlds. This is very important to us, and it is also one of our multi-handed arrangements for the Dimensional Beast Army. , I hope that with her power, the dimensional beast can be trapped like another world that never ceases to reincarnate and can no longer threaten any world."
"After all, the number of dimension beasts is too terrifying, and once the dimension beasts are allowed to enter this world... then the humans in this world will also become the transformation material of the dimension beasts. In fact, all the dimension beasts have been researched by us. It is certain that it was transformed from humans through some special means, if the fortress of the dimensional beast enters this world..."
"The situation we are about to face is likely to be even more terrifying. As for another reason, this is related to the internal secrets of our army. At least there is no way to disclose it to you. If we can reach an agreement with her, let me know. You have nothing to do."
Sagara Sosuke fell off the chair, a rare shocked expression appeared on that comedy's face, and he stood on the chair with one hand and looked at Xiao Ran in disbelief.
Qiandiao Yao also became sluggish completely because of Xiao Ran's words, wondering if there was a problem with his ears, hesitatingly and tremblingly asked: "Mr. Xiao Ran, you said, you said that the dimension beast was changed from a human?"
"It was converted from human beings as a certain material, but it has nothing to do with humans. Whether it is genes or souls, it has been transformed into other species at the level of life, and it is already another world. I found a continent in the world of dimensional beasts. Perhaps these dimensional beasts were transformed by the natives of that continent, but that doesn’t make much sense to us. All we have to do now is Protect this world from being invaded by dimensional beasts, and prevent humans on earth from becoming materials for the transformation of dimensional beasts."
"Chidori, Zongsuke, I hope you don’t tell anyone else about the things I’m telling you now. Even in my army, only a few people in my legion know about it and have been given a ban. After all, Monsters are monsters, but when the monsters were originally transformed from humans, they are likely to cause some unnecessary thoughts. At this time, there must be nothing that disturbs the military's morale. Otherwise, it will be the same for this world. It’s a disaster."
"At least you can feel it. Those dimensional beasts are simply monsters that only know about destruction and killing. They have nothing to do with human beings. If you don’t want this world to become a homeland where dimensional beasts raid, I hope you can Cooperate with our work."
"Although we do have a way to destroy the dimensional beast, then the earth will be destroyed because of this, so we can't just use the idea of ​​fighting to think about how to solve the dimensional beast, and we can get the help of you and Sophia. The help to this world will be great."
Sagara Sosuke stood up and placed his hand gently on Chidori's shoulder, feeling that his shoulders were being held, Chidori looked at Sagara Sosuke, and saw the seriousness and love in Sagara's eyes. Resolutely, this look immediately gave Chidori more courage and made her feel at ease.
"I agree."
Chidori and Sagara Sosuke both looked at Xiao Ran and spoke at the same time. Chidori chose to agree, while Sagara Sosuke chose to refuse on behalf of Chidori.
Xiao Ran looked at the two guys who were still staring at each other with their souls communicating, and in the next second they said completely opposite answers, he couldn't help but tilt his head and smile slightly, and then the two guys looked at each other again. , Both of them were confused and didn't understand each other's thoughts at all, which made Chidori tremble with anger and Zongjie trembles with panic.
"Zongsuke!" Chidori stood up from the chair and roared, and a folding fan slapped Zongsuke's head fiercely, and shot Zongsuke, who was still stunned, directly flying out, looking bitterly at him On the ground, Sagara Sosuke gritted his teeth and cursed: "Asshole."
After speaking, he turned his head and looked at Xiao Ran: "Mr. Xiao Ran, I agree, if it is something I can help, I will definitely not refuse."
"Chidori!?" Zongsuke got up from the ground and looked at Chidori confusedly, but at this time Chidori also agreed to Xiao Ran's full cooperation for some inexplicable reason, which made Zongsuke's words meaningless. .
Xiao Ran glanced at Sagara Sosuke, shook his head and said to Chidori, "Thank you, Chidori, but you can rest assured that this is just a simple cooperation that won't cause you any problems."
"Songsuke Sagara, I know what you're worried But now it’s time for everyone with power to unite to protect the earth. No one can be alone. I’m about Chidori. I will explain it to the Mithril side, but also next, including Mithril, and all the forces under the whole integration must start to act according to my will, even Tessa must join the same project team as Chidori."
"This earth is yours. If you don’t even care about yourself, then why should we as outsiders care about you? There is no need to let my precious soldiers sacrifice for you. You can consider it carefully. , For the earth, we are just guests who can leave at any time, but for you, if you who have not even entered the universe, if you cannot rely on dedication and unity, how can you resist the invasion of the dimensional beast? In half a year, the future of mankind will be doomed in the last half a year. Whether to fight or give up, Sagara Sosuke will be your choice."
Sagara Sosuke’s answer is of course not problematic, but the premise is that all this has nothing to do with Chidori. Seeing that Chidori wants that firm back, Sagara Sosuke slowly lowered his head: "I understand, Mr. Xiao Ran. , I hope to be able to join your army."
"You are welcome to join, your body will be delivered to you soon, a brand new and more powerful body, but you need to do some learning and strengthening before that."
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