Chapter 2526: Claim

When silver crystals gradually appeared on the surface of the dimensional beast, the speed of this crystal diffusion became very fast in a short time, almost covering the entire body of the entire dimensional beast in a short time. The crystals on the body will also be completely covered by this silver crystal and then swallowed. The final result is that the dimensional beasts are completely covered by this crystal, and sharp and large crystals rushed out of these dimensional beasts. It's like the flesh and blood that penetrates the dimensional beast grows from the inside, but as time passes for a while, the entire dimensional beast has all become crystals, and the original dimensional beast is not visible.
As for the infection, as Durandal said, the contagion is very high, and the speed is getting faster and faster. The phagocytic performance of the virus against the dimensional beast is also quite terrible, and it has grown up in a dimensional beast. The virus doesn’t need to grow again. Once a Dimensional Beast is caught in the universe, it starts to devour the flesh of the Dimensional Beast and penetrates into the body. It takes less than three hours to turn all the trapped Dimensional Beasts into The crystals.
On the surface, this kind of virus is absolutely powerful in dealing with dimension beasts. As long as it can spread into the dimension beast space, it may not take long to turn all dimension beasts into the same crystal. It is irreversible, just as the gn particles increase by the power after the same frequency, the virus is also getting faster and faster when dealing with the dimensional beast, and it can completely solve the threat posed by the dimensional beast without any effort.
However, Xiao Ran did not dare to throw the virus into the Dimensional Beast Space, Durandal did not dare, Uzes did not dare, and everyone involved in the creation of this virus did not dare.
Since it is a virus, it cannot escape the iron law that is easy to mutate. Any change in the infection process can cause the subsequent virus to mutate, not to mention that it still has such a powerful ability to swallow and re-enhance. Viruses, the natural mutation of viruses is slow, but this mutation process can be accelerated by the stimulation of strong external factors, and this kind of stimulation of course refers to the dimensional beast, in case it will belong to the original in the process of swallowing the dimensional beast If the human DNA chain is also swallowed, it will not only be a disaster for the dimensional beast, but also a disaster for humans.
Fortunately, at present, this kind of thing is only a special product made for the dimensional beast. It combines many things. For humans, it is just a special cell. Modulation will not have an effect on anything other than the non-dimensional beast. It is only a virus that appears for the dimensional beast, but no one can guarantee what this kind of thing will become if it grows and multiplies without limit. The reliability of this kind of thing is not completely determined, and it is absolutely impossible before controllability. It was used on a large scale, and even now it was an experiment that suppressed the dimensional beasts to a certain amount. In this experiment, Durandal gained a lot of first-hand information.
After the sample collection was completed, the Burning Legion fired a small Devourer warhead directly towards the place where the dimensional beasts that had turned into crystals were located, annihilating everything and cautiously leaving the fleet behind, only including the Burning Legion. The departure of several warships within it was the end of the battle, and the battle to test the effects of the virus once tested the dimensional guidance and dimensional blockade.
Although the effect of the dimensional blockade has been confirmed, the center of gravity of the legion is still on the side of the earth, but with the collection of this combat data, the center of gravity of the legion will definitely begin to move to the Jupiter universe, limiting all battles. On Jupiter's side, avoid causing greater damage to the earth.
In fact, in the previous battles with the Dimensional Beast on the earth, I don’t know how many mountains have been flattened, how many plains and grasslands have been destroyed, the endless mountains have been completely disconnected, and the earth has been torn apart. Climate and ecology have a certain impact. I don’t know how much time it will take to recover naturally, and some things can never be recovered. Although the Burning Legion has a certain ecological recovery technology, it is There is no such effort to take care of those problems, and the earth cannot withstand a war between a legion and all dimension beasts.
The return of the Burning Legion was not a direct jump to the earth, because the entire space around the earth has been completely sealed off. Xiao Ran and their jumps can only be restricted to the blocked area, even far away from the moon's orbit. Fortunately, before the completion of the blockade, the homeland fortress has already left the earth and left the blockade. At least it does not take too long to merge with the homeland fortress, but if you want to enter the earth, you must pass by the normal method.
As soon as they returned to the fortress, Durandal, Luo and the others began to get busy again. The work of analyzing the various data obtained from the battle must also be carried out immediately, finding out the problems and then improving them. When they are busy, they don’t care about anything. It's on, and even if Xiao Ran wants to make the next step, he still has to wait until the two sides put the final results together.
But this is the case for the Legion, but it is completely different on the earth. Leonard first announced the space blockade in the name of the new Luxembourg ruler. The good news that the dimensional beast will not appear on the earth, and then Kane again The same news was announced in the name of unity, which immediately caused a huge wave of cheers on the earth. The entire earth has been oppressed by the threat of the dimensional beast for too long. Now it can be said that the good news is that the whole people are happy. The harvest has gained a lot of support.
A few days later, Luo and Durandal came together to find Xiao Ran, and began to report to Xiao Ran what they had gained in the past few days.
Luo: "After re-analyzing the data obtained last time and analyzing the operation of the dimensional blockade equipment, we can now confirm that the equipment we have manufactured is completely effective, and the dimensional beast has no way to break through, and can only be guided to appear in Jupiter universe, I’m very pleased to inform you that there will be no more dimensional channels on the earth. If you have to force a breakthrough, it is more likely to flow into other worlds, or be crushed by dimensional turbulence. ."
"In the future, the main battlefield can only be the Jupiter universe, but there is no way to continue to guide the appearance range to be smaller on the Jupiter universe. After all, we have to consider whether the space caused by the too dense channel Turbulence and dimensional chaos, if Jupiter is also involved at that time, the danger of the earth is estimated to rise instead of decreasing, but in response to this problem, we can make some other arrangements and arrangements in the Jupiter universe."
"But in the future we will continue to increase the intensity of the dimensional blockade of the earth to ensure that this matter is foolproof, and the two things can be carried out at the same time."
"It's OK if there is no problem." Xiao Ran nodded and said: "Then the Earth's fleet can start operations. I plan to keep the Fourth Fleet on Earth, and all other fleets, including the home fortresses, will move to the Jupiter universe."
Luo nodded: "Yeah."
Durandal also said: "The issue of Dimensional Beast Virus is still not available on a large scale. The growth rate of the virus is too high. The faster it grows, the chance of mutation will increase accordingly. I dare not give it to you now. It is guaranteed that once the virus is released on a large scale, it will bring about the consequences, but at least one thing is foreseeable, that is, this kind of cells can weaken the dimensional beasts again and cause a great obstacle to their combat. I think if the scope is released It works."
"Since we are not sure what the consequences will be, then we have to think about the worst." Xiao Ran shook his head and said: "Cells, genes, viruses, these things are different from machinery, and if they are not correct, they will be the same. A huge disaster. This kind of disaster will not only affect one planet. Once it spreads to the entire universe, we don’t need to care about this universe. But if other worlds are left out, we can find out what we can do. I don’t understand the method of restraint, but you can also fundamentally impose restrictions on the lifespan of this cell, the number of divisions, and absolute weakness."
"We don’t need to completely use this kind of thing to exterminate the Dimensional Beast, as long as it can have a weakening effect, it is a good thing. With the power of the singer, the Dimensional Beast will definitely be weakened to a large extent, and you can give up certain effects. But it must be safe."
Durandal nodded and agreed. The dg cell and the Zfeld crystal can now be completely controlled and used anyway, and the virus produced is also highly safe, even if humans are directly exposed to it. There is no problem at all, but the speed of multiplication is indeed too fast, so it is necessary to achieve 100% complete control of the security to be truly used as a killer, otherwise once mutation occurs, it will become a killer for yourself.
"All right." Durandal laughed and said, "Just as you said, the gene department is working harder. The main problem is actually the dimensional beast itself. What you should worry about is that the dimensional beast belongs to humans. That part of the dna was not completely transformed but was swallowed and caused the virus to mutate. I will try to limit the speed of multiplication."
After speaking, Durandal looked at Luo: "I guess you need some assistance from your side. You can try to use nanotechnology to achieve the control effect, or simply use dg cells and Zfeld crystals to create nanometers for the dimensional beast. robot."
Luo's eyes suddenly twitched, and he looked at Durandal with a dazed expression, and then at Xiao Ran, who seemed to be able to operate it, with a dull look.
Xiao Ran felt that Durandal’s words were highly feasible. At the beginning, he used only viruses that were difficult to control to target the dimensional beasts, and it could progress to a nano-robot made by combining technology and genes to target the dimensional beasts. Anyway, it's a spreading problem, and nanorobots are certainly easier to control.
Before Luo could speak, Xiao Ran said to Luo: "Dylandal is right. You can move in this direction. Isn’t there a Moonlight Butterfly system in Yinglongshen, but Moonlight Butterfly is aimed at man-made objects. Inorganic matter is swallowed and destroyed and then transformed into organic matter. On the other hand, it is not too difficult to find a dimensional beast that can be targeted at the dimensional beast. Ingram, Uzès, and Shirakawa are all called and arranged. "
Luo looked at Xiao Ran and Durandal dumbfoundedly: "You are really going to exhaust me to death."
Durandal said solemnly: "As far as your physique is concerned, it would be difficult for you to be exhausted."
Xiao Ran tilted his mouth at the beginning, and then said to Luo: "Just do it. In addition, some people are separated from the technical department to continue the research on the dimension generals. The genetic department also sends people to assist, mass-produced. The significance of semi-biological weapons to us is also very important."
"Understand, understand." Luo raised his hand to surrender, and said helplessly: "I will make arrangements as soon as I go back."
"Yeah." Xiao Ran smiled and said: "It just so happened that I was thinking about a question some time ago. It has been not a short time since the establishment of the legion, but for the entire legion, we only had it once a long time ago. The whole army is sorted out, but now the army has become larger and larger, and various new things are emerging in an endless stream. Everyone's strength is also improving. I want to sort out the army again after this mission. In terms of technology, In terms of personnel, military arrangements, territories, etc., whether warships or airframes, they all need to come up with a charter ~ especially warships, although our current warship power is already compared It’s not bad, but there will be problems if you face the breakthrough of the s-level monomer. The enemies we encounter will become stronger and stronger. There may also be more and more groups of dimensional beasts. I hope to create an update. This type of flagship has greater firepower, stronger defense, more load capacity, faster speed, and even greater size. One ship can top many macrosses, and one ship can destroy a planet with one shot."
"In terms of weapons, we should also develop some new types of weapons, weapons with special effects, micro-missiles, med bombs, Devourer warheads, and even the reaction bombs that are now used as conventional weapons. The macrocross gun is mysterious, and its power is increased. Ten times one hundred times, we now have so many worlds as support, we should develop upward."
"Otherwise, if this continues, one day we will encounter a powerful enemy who can freely cross the dimension, and an enemy who can destroy the universe as simple as squeezing an ant. We now have no resistance at all."
Xiao Ran paused, and said: "For example, the demon Caesar with the full power of the seven demon gods, the emperor of Gaeta, the ultimate evolution of Gaeta... even Prometheus itself, it is time to prepare."
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