Chapter 2629: agree

Leaving the fortress, entering the jumping channel, approaching the moon, and entering the moon, Xiao Ran did not waste any time along the way, and arranged on the way for those technicians related to Zhilema in the legion to gather on the moon.
In the lunar research module, Kyriam took Xiao Ran and saw that it was a so-called positioning device, a set of seemingly complicated and messy equipment, there were line pipes everywhere, surrounding the middle one in the whole room. The special chair, but now it is empty, and it looks more messy and complicated than when I came last time.
The positioning of the world in which Sophia’s body is, of course, relies on Sophia’s soul attached to Chidori’s body at this time, so the core must be Sophia undoubtedly, so Xiao Ran doesn’t need to ask what these things are for. With such a clear state, Xiao Ran didn't have to figure out how it worked.
But Xiao Ran needs to pay attention to other issues: "This is the positioning device? Is it safe?"
Kiliam looked at the messy line pipes and the slightly rough equipment in front and said: "Safety, after all, is made with the safety of Chidori and Sophia as the first priority. It looks messy. Some, even if you don’t believe me, you have to believe in our industrial foundation, but this is just a test product that will be improved later."
Xiao Ran nodded, "There is nothing wrong with linking to another world?"
"No, Sophia can clearly feel that her body is truly her own, not a peer like Chidori, so there is no problem, but because the test has just ended, so the most critical test The feedback was all provided by Sophia herself."
Killiam frowned slightly and said,
The problem is that we have no way to determine whether the information Sophia’s feedback is true or not. Blindly past is also a problem. The lack of security is equivalent to killing one’s own life. If it is delivered to Sophia, if the information returned is false, those who send it will be in danger."
Xiao Ran said, "Let me talk to her and talk about it."
"It can only be so." Kiliam nodded and said: "I will also contact the technical department here to see if there is any way to determine the situation in the world over there."
"Now it is difficult for the technical department to mobilize manpower. The new project has to be completed before the Dimensional Beast's total attack has just been launched. It is related to whether we can kill the Dimensional Beast and complete the task directly.
Xiao Ran waved his hand and said, "I will talk to Sophia in person first. If the result is good, there is no need to be so troublesome."
Not long after, Xiao Ran saw Sophia, using the body of a thousand birds but not the rich expression and eyes of the thousand birds, and walked in front of Xiao Ran more like a lady.
"Please sit down." Xiao Ran raised his hand to let Sophia sit down. Kyriam also sat on the side and remained silent. Sophia looked at Xiao Ran and sat indifferently in front of Xiao Ran.
"Miss Sophia, you have been working hard during this time." Xiao Ran was polite before entering the topic of the conversation: "I heard Kyriam talk about your progress during this time, so I ran from Jupiter in a hurry. Come here, I don’t know if Miss Sophia has cared about what happened outside this period of time? There are also some hierarchical divisions within our legion."
Sophia nodded lightly, but there was not much expression on his face: "If you want to say that the earth is no longer in the dimensional channel, if you move the battlefield to Jupiter, then I should know that the level of the body represents the body. The difference in combat power, the A-level body and the A-level pilots have the ability to suppress multiple countries on the earth, even with the λ drive, it is difficult to resist, and the S-level, either destroys the entire planet or destroys the entire civilization. My understanding should no problem."
After staying in the module of the Burning Legion for so long, many people in contact with them are also members of the Burning Legion. Although the backbone of this project is indeed the Whisperer and her, but the core and responsible for the operation of this module, they still live The people of the Legion must have known a lot of information about the Burning Legion after so long.
Xiao Ran was not surprised by this, and nodded and said, "Yes, that's the situation. Now we have a lot of S-level pilots in our legion, and more A-level pilots, but we are still preparing for the battle with all our strength. The decisive battle with the Dimensional Beast, because there are too many Dimensional Beasts, so many that it is difficult to kill us while standing, and the S-level combat power possessed by the Dimensional Beast is even higher than that of us. The war will be a difficult and fierce war."
Sophia looked at Xiao Ran, her eyes seemed to tell Xiao Ran why you are saying this to me, after all, as a technician, Sophia can hardly provide much help on the battlefield.
Seeing Sophia's eyes, Xiao Ran just smiled and said, "I remember I told you that the Dimensional Beast has the ability to locate the world and cross the world."
Xiao Ran continued to smile: "At that time, I told you that if you don’t eliminate the Dimensional Beast, you can’t do it if you want to reset the world, because you will always face the attack of the Dimensional Beast. At the same time, we also reached an agreement. We are willing to put in all our power to save you from another world. Of course, because of the relationship between the dimension beasts, all the so-called powers can only be at the level that you are now exposed to. After all, the threat posed by the dimension beast is even greater."
"The abilities of the Dimensional Beast can also find another world where your true body is now through your existence, and then cross the world that destroyed you in the past. At that time, nothing can be restored, so no matter what you Any thoughts, but at least our attitude towards the dimensional beast is the same. We need you, and you need us."
"We need you to help us protect this world, so as to protect all the worlds that may be invaded by dimensional beasts, and you also need us to save you from pain and gain a new life. From this point of view, we actually have There are many places where you can be in communion, your abilities and everything about you are extremely special, and the Burning Legion allows you to display all of your special features, and also allows you to conceal all of this, so that you can truly be yourself. The power of protection."
"So, Miss Sophia, I'm here to invite you again. I hope you can join the Burning Legion and truly become a member of the Burning Legion and join our big family. We have not much time left. Dimensional beasts are approaching step by step. At least before the arrival of dimensional beasts, we can truly let go of all the repulsive ideas and unite together, and work together to solve the dimensional beasts. I don’t want to solve it when facing the dimensional beasts. After the Dimensional Beast, you will have to face the problem of being ready to reset this world."
Sophia bowed her head slightly and did not give any answer. Xiao Ran was not in a hurry or urged. Didn't she not give Xiao Ran an accurate answer the previous time and also joined the project research? The pressure on the dimensional beast is not only their Burning Legion In bearing, Sophia's pressure is also not small to a certain extent. In Xiao Ran's eyes, Sophia's real problem is that she does not know what she is expecting and what she needs.
Xiao Ran can give Sophia a lot. It can be said that as long as Sophia needs something and Xiao Ran in the Legion can take it out, but for Sophia personally, Xiao Ran only needs the technology to create the world. Well, of course, the value of this technology must be quite terrifying. Besides, it is naturally the current world.
Sophia was silent for a long time, one hour, two hours, during which Xiao Ran did not say a word, and even his movements rarely changed. Kyriam did not say anything at all, as if he was completely invisible, sitting with his hands in his arms. There is no sense of presence.
Suddenly, Sophia slowly raised her head, looked at Xiao Ran, who had been waiting for her reply for two hours, and slowly opened her mouth: "Yes, I can join you, but you must also promise me a few requests. I know once I joined you even after you have dealt with the Dimensional Beast, I don’t have much possibility of resisting and rejecting you, but if you want me to help you willingly and join you, you must agree to these conditions, otherwise you will even die. It is to give up this world completely, and I will never promise you any terms."
Kiliam's eyes opened and then dropped again to maintain his little sense of presence. Xiao Ran smiled slightly and said quite sincerely, "Please tell."
"You want me to join your technical department. I don't want to. Even if I join you, I want to be able to live a completely free life. This is the first point."
Xiao Ran groaned and said, "I can agree that you will have a completely free life and be treated accordingly by all the highest-level technicians in the legion. But I still hope you can join the technical department. If your ability is so wasteful If so, it would be a pity."
Sophia said calmly: "If you disagree, then there is nothing to talk about."
"Haha, good." Xiao Ran nodded and said: "I agree to your condition, but I also have a request. I hope you can assist us in completing the true multi-world creation technology. After completing this technology, what do you want to do? ."
Sophia was silent for a while and said, "Yes."
Xiao Ran asked, "What else?"
Sophia said: "Help me complete my revenge. This shouldn't be a big deal to you."
"No problem, this is not even a condition. You can state all the conditions."
For a while, Sophia didn't know what to ask. Revenge, freedom, and the future were all there, and there was no need to worry about life. After a brief thought, Sophia felt that there was nothing to mention.
Xiao Ran shook his head when he saw Sophia and said, "I know, in addition to these, I will give you the high-level authority of the legion, a special point of high-level authority. In that case, even if you really have anything else you want to do, rely on yourself. The authority is enough to complete, and there is no need for me to promise you any conditions and requirements."
"The regiment's senior authority and the treatment of the most senior technicians are enough to allow you to live happily in any world without worries.
Sophia looked at Xiao Ran and said, "There is no problem with the world connected through that device. Mr. Kiliam also knows that the problem is only in time. The time in that world is almost stagnant relative to this world, because This world emerged based on my thoughts and gradually evolved into what it is now, because thoughts can be infinitely fast. One year, one thousand years, and ten thousand years are all eternal moments for that world."
"I am not in a good condition in the other world. I am in a state of dying, so you must be fully prepared before and after the teleportation, otherwise once my body enters this world, I will only face death."
"On these two issues, it would be easy to say if they can be resolved."
Kiliam finally began to show his sense of existence: "I already have some ideas about time. At that time, Xiao Ran will personally go to your world and bring your body out of that world. At the same time, the body is dying. It is also easy to handle. We have very high-level medical technology. As long as the medical cabin is prepared, even the worst situation can be maintained. Once the problem of the dimensional beast is solved, we will have countless ways to restore you to normal. Replace you with a stronger body."
Sophia’s head turned to look at Kiliam: "Actually, you can’t come and go freely in my Otherwise, it won’t come to this world after the dimensional beast appears. I don’t seek reinforcements when I know that the dimensional beast has a terrifying number...
"Yes." Xiao Ran interrupted Sophia's words, with a smile, somewhat deliberately but not so deliberately.
"We came to this world because we detected that the sub-primary barrier of this world has become fragile, but the current situation is that the sub-primary barrier has become more fragile, and there may be more terrible dimensional earthquakes at any time, leading to dimensional chaos. Therefore, it has become more unpredictable for the dimensional leap, and there is no environment for jumping again. After all, we are not dimensional beasts. The dimensional jumping technology they master is more advanced than ours, so we only have to wait for us to eliminate the dimensional beast. After mastering their technology, we will not dare to make a dimensional jump until the dimensional barrier has recovered to a certain level, because we have no way to find the right path in a completely chaotic dimension. Once we get lost, we will only die."
(It’s a bit busy these days, the child will start elementary school soon, and the distance is a little far away. So I’m preparing to move. The house near the school is really hard to find. It’s hard to find a house and there are a lot of problems. There are so many things to deal with. Break again, never rest~~~~)
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