Chapter 2645: Don't think about it, give me the task

"Huh? Huh? What?" Wrynn's face suddenly showed a dumbfounded expression. He couldn't recover from what Xiao Ran said, and suddenly he was a little confused about the current situation.
You said that you are a visitor from another world, and I prepared a dinner for you here, but you told me that you came here as a businessman to trade with me.
I agreed to your deal, but you told me that you were not a businessman but a mercenary. The business you were doing turned out to be for me to hire you.
No more mercenaries. Look at what kind of business you are talking about, undead natural disasters? Burning Legion? Orc undead dragon? Is this something that ordinary mercenaries can do? Do you know how difficult these things are to deal with? Even if you are a visitor from another world, you can't speak so easily.
Xiao Ran smiled slightly and gently raised his hand: "It seems that I scared you."
Wrynn shook his head to recover, and smiled pretendingly, "Where, it's the guest what you said is really surprising. Please, we can talk about employment at the dinner party. Now I I want to introduce you to everyone."
In fact, Wrynn didn’t know how to introduce Xiao Ran. Xiao Ran’s situation was a very simple matter. The Archbishop of the Holy Light was prompted by the Holy Light. The mysterious powerhouse from the order side of another world came to Stormwind City, Dara. However, the archmage also received a vague prediction, saying that a mysterious powerhouse would appear in Azeroth, and then bring huge changes to Azeroth.
As for how the Holy Light and the Archmage got the information, Xiao Ran could only say that the ghost knew it, but he couldn't escape the role of the title of the mysterious person. The reputation of 999 was quite useful.
Xiao Ran, who wears a mask in Wrynn’s eyes, is indeed filled with a mysterious feeling from top to bottom, but I don’t know where the mysterious Wrynn is. Of course, if you want to be clear, it won’t be mysterious. Xiao Ran could not feel the slightest fluctuation of the holy light, nor could he tell whether Xiao Ran had undergone rigorous training, and the luxurious clothes he wore did not seem to be suitable for combat. There was no staff and no robes. Whether it is a mage or not, but without weapons or shields, it is not like a warrior profession.
Wrynn knew that Xiao Ran came to the palace by asking for directions all the way, and he probably saw what Xiao Ran's purpose was. Otherwise, the big palace would have to ask for directions in Stormwind to find it? This is clearly telling others that he Ran Alex Shaw is going to come to the palace, just because of the prompt of the Holy Light and the vigilance of the wizards, Wrynn wanted to personally receive and test this so-called The mysterious powerhouse then created this banquet, but how powerful Xiao Ran is in the end as an enemy or a friend can only be tested slowly during the banquet.
The banquet is a good banquet, with delicious food and good-looking performances. The atmosphere is harmonious and harmonious. There is no such thing as a dog-blooded bridge where some people stand up and deliberately stretch their faces and then get beaten. The guests are happy for more than half of the banquet, and Xiao Ran did not show it. She always smiled to those who toasted to herself and drank all the wine in their glasses. A little bit of wine will not make Xiao Ran drink too much, and Xiao Ran will not feel that she is a guest. So many people toast are targeted.
Wrynn has always been paying attention to Xiao Ran. Although Xiao Ran's eyes cannot be seen because of the mask, Wryn is keenly aware that as long as someone raises a glass to Xiao Ran, even if Xiao Ran's face is turned in another direction, he will be in the first place. For a moment, he turned his head and raised his glass to respond. From this point of view, Wrynn could see that Xiao Ran was unusual.
After observing for a while, Wrynn decided to take the initiative and smiled so coolly: "The guests are still satisfied with today's banquet?"
"Very good and characteristic." Xiao Ran smiled and nodded, put down the wine glass in his hand and said to Wrynn, "King Wrynn, you are welcome, just call me Alex."
"Hahaha, in that case, I'm not welcome, Alex, you can also call me Varian." Wrynn smiled and said, "Alex, I think your dress is very unusual. , But I can’t tell whether you are a mage or a warrior. Your clothes are luxurious and your style is unique. Surely Alex, you have an extraordinary identity in your world, right?"
Xiao Ran nodded and smiled: "Of course, if Varian understands you, I am also equivalent to a king in my world, but my world is still peaceful and I don't want to be entangled in a little chores. , So I’m more willing to wander in various worlds and see the unique style of different worlds.
"Oh." Wrynn was a little surprised, and said: "It turns out that Alex, you are also a king, so today's reception is a bit rude."
Xiao Ran shook his head: "Where, as long as you are happy, even eating homemade barbecue in the wild is rich. If you are not happy, even the delicacies of the mountains and the sea are tasteless, but I am really happy here, Varian, your sincerity. Feel."
Wurien felt that Xiao Ran was really a talent. He spoke nicely and made people feel happy. Just a few words just clicked to his most comfortable place.
Wrynn laughed and said, "Haha, Alex, what you said is correct, as long as you are happy, you will be rich, hahaha."
Xiao Ran smiled and said, "Varian just now, you asked me if I am a mage or a warrior. In my world, you mean the system is equivalent to two professions. I have learned about your world before. Mage, warrior, paladin, druid, and warlock are all different professional systems, but although there is no such division in my world, there is no professional system similar to this world."
"Speaking of it, I think I’m more like a puppet master, operating a huge puppet to fight. If it’s correct, there should be something like magic mecha in this world, right? The puppet I said is probably It's something similar to mecha, but I also have some special abilities, so I don't have to use mecha to exert my power."
Wrynn nodded: "That's it."
Xiao Ran smiled slightly: "Of course, I am still very confident in terms of strength, and our two worlds have a slightly different understanding of war, so what I said to Varian before is true, I hope I can collect some things that are unique to your world, such as knowledge, inheritance of professional systems, materials, special food, creatures, etc., but now I can’t use the things I carry in exchange for enough gains. I can only show off my strength as a mercenary."
"Of course, compared to other forces, I am more willing to cooperate with people on the side of order to eliminate those who bring destruction, sacrifice, destruction and war to different worlds."
"But from my point of view, even if it is a race that is causing damage and pain to the world, we can actually explore why it became like this. Even if most people in a race have become Crazy, but there should still be some people who admire and yearn for peace. Simple war can’t solve any problems. If we can work together to reach an agreement from many aspects, it will be easy to see the dawn of peace. Letting go of prejudice and favoritism to achieve a certain degree of fairness, it is not difficult to achieve multi-racial harmony."
"In my country, perhaps because of the relationship between resources, but true peace and communion have been achieved, not just the inter-planetary racial harmony, but the entire detected racial harmony in the universe."
Xiao Ran said this, glanced at Varian, and said, "Although I am sorry, I prefer to tell the truth. After I came to this world, I saw people and people, races and races full of suspicion, hatred, and inexplicable things. The arrogance, contradictions, but no one is willing to stand up to truly resolve these contradictions, but just want to use war to solve the problem, but besides bringing more sacrifices and greater hatred to the world What kind of benefits can it bring?"
"I don't deny that some races have been destroyed and flooded with destruction, even in my world. Of course, this race can be an enemy, and everyone can unite to face it. It is also the direction in which this world should develop, not Infighting endlessly, Azeroth is big and big enough to accommodate all these races to live and develop together, but all races have chosen the most wrong path, and I don’t know if this is an inevitable in the development stage. ."
Xiao Ran suddenly said so many things, which made Wrynn a little bewildered for a while, really bewildered, and a bewildered word was written on his face.
Xiao Ran took out his personal communicator and placed it on the table in front of him, tapped twice to look at Wrynn again: "Varian, are you interested in seeing my world?"
Wrynn nodded dumbfoundedly, and Xiao Ran used his personal terminal to play a video, a video equivalent to the length of a movie. Xiao Ran's actions naturally attracted the attention of everyone in the hall. As the video played, it quieted down slowly.
What appeared in the video was the universe at the beginning, and then quickly traversed a huge fleet of invisible borders. Countless airframes shuttled through the fleet, properly promoting their own scale of force.
Then came the war. Countless bugs of the MUV world appeared in the universe, densely packed as if spreading across the entire universe, all visible to the eye were such disgusting monsters, some planets were completely occupied by these disgusting things, but in that huge fleet Under the offensive, it was vulnerable, and even the planet was destroyed, and once again properly promoted his powerful force.
The war footage is not long. What follows is the situation in some territories. In the ship regiment, the insects and humans blend in harmony, the unity and cooperation of many different races, and many strange races appear in the video. Humans are naturally among them, but even if there are separate settlements in the video, everyone can still live together in harmony.
"Is this an orc? And the cat tribe, the kobold? What is that, murloc?"
"Unbelievable, unbelievable, this is unbelievable, does it turn out to be like this in the starry sky?"
"The most unbelievable thing is that all races can live together unsuspectingly. Wouldn't there be contradictions?"
"Is there a problem with your focus? What kind of mecha only needs one to destroy a planet, and the countless monsters are turned into ashes in an instant in front of that mecha! "
Gradually, some voices appeared in the hall, and Wrynn's face became more confused, but gradually it was also covered by surprise and doubt.
Xiao Ran looked at Wrynn, "Don't you think this world is the real future?"
Wrynn smiled bitterly: "I can understand but it is difficult to do it. I can't imagine how long it took to do this in your world. Relatively speaking, Azeroth may be very young now, maybe One day in the future, there will be the same grand occasion as in these pictures of you, but I don’t know if I will have the opportunity to see that day, and there are too many and complicated problems in Azeroth, and the hatred is already very deep. It will be very difficult to do."
Xiao Ran nodded in agreement: "It is true that every peace is hard-won, but I believe that such a grand occasion will happen one day."
Wrynn suddenly appeared in his mind a scene of a human and an orc hooking up and back to clubbing together, and that human suddenly became him, and the orc became a warchief, and he shook his head vigorously. The subject changed: "Is this your kingdom? You already have such a huge territory in the universe."
"Not only the universe, but multiple worlds. My territory includes multiple worlds, all of which belong to my legion." When he said this, the corner of Xiao Ran's mouth curled slightly: "In fact, it is really true about my legion and this world. There are some coincidences. This world has a Burning Legion, but the burning represented by the burning is exhausted. In Minecraft, my Legion is also called which means that the light of hope and peace will never go out. , After knowing that this world also has the Burning Legion, I suddenly wanted to make the two Burning Legions face a wave of thoughts, to see who can use the name of the Burning Legion, is their destruction and destruction , Still my hope and future."
"But I guess it's the same. We have the ability to destroy stars alone. No, it should be said that I alone can destroy most of the entire Burning Legion. But for this world, I am just a brigade. Or, I can shoot, but what can I get?"
"So Varian, are you making a deal with me? You collect things that I find interesting, and then sort them out with a target price. What kind of tasks can be obtained, and then I will complete your tasks in exchange for what I want No matter it’s the Undead Scourge or the Burning Legion, I think there can be a price. This price can be calibrated by you. Gold coins, materials, knowledge, and professional inheritance are all good. For you, it’s just storing the original. Take things out, copy the knowledge and inheritance, and the price relative to the harvest should be yours."
"If you choose to refuse, then I can only find other people to complete my transaction. Although I don't want to join chaos and create chaos, the power of order should not be the only power of humans. After all, I am also That’s why humans are the first to come to you."
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