Chapter 2659: I want grandson

The different blade is transformed from the core, and the core is originally something created by the original. As long as the core technology and essence are mastered, the things that can be manufactured can of course be repaired. Of course, Xiao Ran must not understand it, but now this Isn't there another who created a different blade and recreated this world?
For this god, Xiao Ran has already seen that the other party has a desire to die. Since the last civilization was destroyed because of his relationship, it has been countless years now. It has been like this. Being stuck in this crevice, it’s hard to do it with a single click. Everything is done by machinery and technology. Skin and flesh are like dead wood. It’s always better to live than to die. If you don’t want to watch this world be restored , There seems to be some strange connection between the half of the body that stayed in this world and the half of the body that was transferred to another world.
Therefore, although the current gods will not take the initiative to find death, they have an indifferent attitude towards all things. The two holy grails of the heavens were brought down by the turmeric McPenny that had turned into ashes hundreds of years ago. But if God really valued some of those guys, how could this be done as ordinary people? Isn't it because the indifferent relationship made the Holy Grail of Heaven flow down the realm?
And now let Xiao Ran get all the stored technical data at will, also because it doesn’t matter, whether it’s compared to the holy grail of the sky, different blades, or everything else in the entire world tree. The who has had countless years really doesn’t care anymore. On the contrary, he has some interest in Xiao Ran, especially the identity of an outsider like Xiao Ran, which he has pursued. After being alone for a long time, I find an interesting person to talk to and get it. The most important thing is to understand the problems that may have plagued a lifetime.
The Holy Grail of the Heavens and the real injury do not matter. He will not treat them. If they die, they will die and they will be gone. It has nothing to do with him, that is, the loss of two tools, but now Xiao Ran suddenly proposed it, God also He directly told Xiao Ran that Yibian's core damage could be handled, it was just a small matter.
The gods were originally not interested in saying anything about Mie Duo, but he was also very interested in Mie. I really waited for the strange blades of the Yila group to say a lot about the past and the present of this world, and then Mie Hezhen sent away the place where he could repair the core, but for the cannibal species, the separation of the blade-eating species really couldn't do it.
Then everyone except Xiao Ran's was invited out of the control room. God told Xiao Ran a lot, because he also knew that Xiao Ran was the one who was in the same position as him, or even higher, among all the people. Xiao Ran also said a lot to God, talked about a lot of topics, talked about a lot of things, such as Xiao Ran's experience in various worlds, the problems God encountered when rebuilding this world, etc. The two talked for a long time.
Until the next day, Xiao Ran walked out of the control room where God was, and had been boring for a day. Many players who started playing mahjong and landlords, as well as those who were completely confused, Niya, Baihu, etc. Surrounded in the direction of Xiao Ran.
Xiao Ran said to the gamers: "The old boy gave me the highest authority of a ladder, and I promised him that he will help him do some things next. I am going to leave these things to you to deal with, but now you can work together First complete my own tasks, I can do things a little later."
After finishing speaking, Xiao Ran looked at the members of the Yila group again: "Mie has been beaten back to its original form and has become the core again, erasing the memory belonging to this life. This guy is too seriously affected by Maipeni. It’s not that people along the way don’t have the same goal. Leaving him behind will bring danger to the world. The difference is that technological creations belong to alternative artificial life forms, and technological creations create lives. As long as they are smarter, they will know that they will There is a back door left in it, and you belong to a semi-biological machine. The core is your biochip. Clearing the internal memory can only be regarded as a basic operation."
"The real core will be repaired in about three days. As for destroying you, you can be treated as if there is no such person. In addition, you should also know that there are fewer and fewer giant beasts in the world, and there are only a few left now. The degree of this and the problem of lifespan also appeared. Naturally, the reason is that you and the infinite collection core of the Hall of Faith disrupted the original normal ecological cycle, making the number of new giant beasts almost zero."
"Originally, giant beasts were an important part of the reconstruction of the new continent. According to your god’s original plan, enough giant beasts will eventually become a real continent, completing the transformation from life to matter and becoming the real paradise of all lives below. Without taking into account the hearts of the people, it is already difficult to wait until that day. Some plans must be carried out in advance."
"Next, you need to contact all the countries, go through all the super giant beasts, inform the rulers of these countries to prepare them, and all the super giant beasts will become one, and you need assistance Good friends like me to complete their task."
"As for the core, I don’t want the core that belonged to Ira. This is what I promised that God, but you need to give the core to someone you think is trustworthy. From now on, this world tree It will also become a paradise for all different blades. As for what will happen in the future, that is not in the scope agreed by me and the god. In the end, this world will depend on you to change it. It is all about what it will become. Your own business."
Xiao Ran waved his hand to indicate that everyone could leave. Xiao Ran had harvested more than 3,000 cores, and he would also get two Holy Grails of the sky, and obtained all the core technical data. For Xiao Ran, the harvest is already very rich, and the rest It doesn’t matter whether or not the core of the world is so big. The gods of this world need the remaining core to continue to maintain the reconstruction of the world, and the impact that Xiao Ran has on is so great. Anyway, it will take hundreds or even thousands of years. It can only be done in units of years, and it will be another situation at that time.
Before and after Xiao Ran stayed in the world of Xenoblade for almost 20 days, the mission was over and returned to reality. Needless to say, the mission was completed easily, and later, he directly used force to force all of the world. The surrender of all forces opened the final chapter.
As for the truth, Xiao Ran finally chose to give up. Although Xiao Ran knew from the mouth of the gods that if they could be completely separated, the man-eating species could be restored to the core state, but the gods did not have such ability. Xiao Ran was alone here. The world can't do this too, it's much harder than separating plasticine.
So I simply let Zhen stay, and transferred his share of the Tongtian Tower authority to the other party, also thinking about the hope that Zhen could do more for this world, and the dwarf Nya, although with the player's Participation, with the destruction of Xiao Ran’s violent plot, but in the end I still have the inertia to get to know the real protagonist Rex in the original game. As for the sparks that will collide after the two, it is not known, but flame, light, The Holy Grail of the Holy Trinity of the Soul, and now even the crystal weapon and the crystal coffin with a full body have been stuffed into their own inventory to pack and take away, along with all the collected cores.
In addition to these gains, Xiao Ran's other gains are obviously not much. He left the world of Xenoblade and returned to the real game town. The arrival of the evildoer also found Xiao Ran the first time. The arrival of the evildoer followed Xiao Ran to complete this mission. It was from the beginning of the soy sauce to the end, the whole process of doing nothing or knowing what to do, and never imagined that a mission would be easier than a trip. Xiao Ran's way of doing the mission was so embarrassing that the evildoer had come.
After the two sides met, Xiao Ran couldn't help but feel a little surprised watching the various messy things big and small that the evil spirits brought out, a lot of game currency, and the serious expression of the evil spirits coming. doing what?"
The evildoer came with a serious look: "Fair trade, I don’t want all the gains from this mission. The armor you gave me is of high value, and it is also very helpful to me. I can’t afford to pay enough and I can only put it on me. I will give you everything except the equipment you have now."
"Haha, no need." Xiao Ran shook his head and said with a smile: "That thing is not as important as you think it is for me. It may be of high value to you, but for me I can still take it. One hundred, one thousand, or even ten thousand, these things of yours are actually useless to me when I look at them. You can save them by yourself and I don’t need them."
The evildoer came and closed the trading interface, watching Xiao Ran silent for a while, and suddenly said: "Is what you said before is true?"
Xiao Ran was a little puzzled: "What?"
The evildoer came and shook his head: "It's nothing, please tell me if there is a need for me. I am not used to owing favor to others."
"There are indeed some things to be arranged for you to do, but don't worry, you first help me contact the previous gamers and ask them who are willing to continue to help me." Xiao Ran took out a terminal and threw it to me. The evildoer came and said, "Use this to contact me when the time comes."
Leaving the real game and returning to reality. Although it is not as long as the past twenty days, it is still a few days away. According to what Xiao Ran knows, the minimum real world mission is one day in the real world. There are also seven days, which seems to be adjusted according to the length of the mission. It is not like Prometheus. No matter how long you stay in the mission, there is only one day compared to Prometheus. From then on, it can be seen that the real game is at least The mastery of time is far inferior to that of Prometheus. For time, only the flow rate difference can be adjusted, and it cannot be anchored like Prometheus.
After returning home, the disappearance of a few days did not cause any panic. Now the family knows that Xiao Ran is doing things for the country. Sometimes it is normal to get busy without paying attention to the family, and there are people who vaguely know that Xiao Ran is going to cover up. , So nothing happened.
It has been several months since returning to this world, and a period of time has passed since the move. For this family, life is better day by day, and the treatment is better day by day, and the same day by day habit.
When Xiao Ran returned home and just sat down, Mom Xiao came over with two cups of tea, and sat face to face with Xiao Ran with a serious expression: "Drink tea."
"Eh, mom." Xiao Ran looked at Mom Xiao, and didn't dare to ask more if she didn't know what was going on. He lifted up the tea and took a sip, put down the tea cup and looked at his mother honestly.
Mother Xiao asked earnestly: "Xiao Ran, do you know how old you are this year?"
"Huh?" Xiao Ran was stunned, how old he was, but if you compare the birth year and month of this world and calculate it according to the current time, you will quickly get a result: "It's almost thirty. Right?"
"Yeah, it's almost thirty." Mama Xiao sighed and patted her thigh, with a sad look on her face: "By the way, I heard your friend Xiao Wang said that he is divorced. I heard that a prodigal wife likes it very much. Bet, the family’s savings are gone. How can this be done? If your environment is better now, you can help him. How can you live a lifetime by yourself when you are young."
Xiao Ran looked dumbfounded when she listened to Ms. Xiao's words, and looked at Ms. Xiao's distressed and painful face, she opened her mouth and didn't know what to say. She was so good at talking, so she would cheat people. Oh learn. What is this? Is it reminding him to find a girlfriend to marry and have children? Why don't I bring your granddaughter back to you from another world?
"Before our little Zhou child downstairs, a beautiful girl who got married was only 24 years old. Recently I heard that she was about to hold a baby."
"Also, the high school Xiaoli in your class before is ready to have a second child?"
"Oh, your good friend Xiaoyu got married two years ago, too, Xiao Zhang, yes, hey, he gave birth to a pair of twins."
"Have you talked about the WeChat calls I gave you? Now you have a stable job and a place to live. The country treats you so well. Mom doesn't know what you want to do."
Xiao Ran quickly raised his hand and surrendered: "Mom, Mom! I know it's OK, you can think about it after I stabilize."
Mother Xiao patted the table and stared at Xiao Ran fiercely: "No, now you have to give me an answer, whether it is successful or not, when will you bring it back! I will tell you, I want to hold my grandson, and when will you hold my grandson? Bring a grandson back! I can't see anyone who is busy working day by day. I can't see my grandson if I can't see you? Can you give me a word!"
Xiao Ran paused with a wry smile: "Give, give, give, I will try my best, I will try my best, grandson, but it also takes time."
"One month, I don't care what you do, one month you must bring your girlfriend back."
After speaking, Mother Xiao lifted up two cups of tea and stood up and turned to leave. Xiao Ran smiled helplessly at the tea cup that had only taken a sip.
Dad Xiao came over and sat next to Xiao Ran, sighed and patted Xiao Ran on the shoulder: "Your mother is also worried that someday you will not be able to go home for a year or two because of tasks. Dad knows your situation and supports you very much. Now the practice of giving back to the country, but you said that you still have to leave after all. We can wait for you, and we can survive with the medicine you gave us, but you always have to leave a thought for your mother, right? Think about it."
"Dad, it's easy to find one. It's easy to do everything under our current conditions, but it's really difficult to have a child." Xiao Ran sighed and said: "Different life levels are difficult to crystallize, and life levels are different. The more I want children, the harder it is."
Dad Xiao also started to play helplessly: "Then I don't care, anyway, you have to leave some thoughts for us, who will inherit such a big family business?"
"I try my best, I think of a way, but I have to meet the right person." Xiao Ran was a little speechless, but for some reason, a beautiful and intoxicating face was drawn in front of him, and Xiao Ran couldn't help but touch his chin: "Ordinary people can't do it. The difference in life level is too big, but the players should be fine. They have grown up many times and they have completely separated from the category of normal people. There are things like mother and son river in real games, or else Give yourself a... ugh... forget it."
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