Chapter 2707: Incense, really incense

Thirteen territories. Today’s Burning Legion already has thirteen territories. Prometheus is definitely the only one in the first class. Although two of them are under the affiliated legion, there are two There is no way to develop this territory for the time being, but if the capital of the thirteen territories is really leaked out, it will scare countless participants.
The development of the legion up to now can be regarded as having a firm foothold in the super zone. Even if several giant legions unite, it is impossible to cause any trouble with the burning legion super division. Of course, this is not possible now.
As for the real area, the Burning Legion is still very low-key except for a shop. During the mission, the members may have conflicts with other legions, but so far they have not really fought any legions. The reason is probably that shop. More or less it reflects the relationship between the overall background of the Burning Legion. People in the real zone should be more cautious. Naturally, they will not start a clan battle until the real situation of the Burning Legion is figured out, let alone the legions on the real zone. The members are really not as dead as the super zone.
And the overall strength of the Burning Legion in the real zone is also the kind of super legion that does not have to worry about any provocations, the existence of the big brother level in the legion.
With so many more territories, Xiao Ran is also planning to open up two territories to the outside world to test the waters. Some legions own territories as their own private property and never make them public, but some legions own territories but treat territories as one. As a stable source of income, Xiao Ran prioritized the secrecy of the Legion more seriously, and those benefits were not so important.
However, it is now time for the Burning Legion to announce its existence to the real zone. Taking out one or two territories to open up can not only earn a profit from it, but also delegate some tasks for other participants to complete. , For example, in the MUV world.
The endless bugs can't be killed. It has always been a training place for the legion. It is completely possible to open this place for other participants to enter. If they go in and kill countless insects, it will have no effect on the legion. On the contrary, if they can Finding the large brood of bugs actually helped the Burning Legion.
In addition to the MUV world, the world of the Six Gods can also be opened. There are not many valuable things in this world, that is, the technology related to the robot of the Six Gods needs to be paid attention to. There is no big problem with opening up. These participants are in this world. There are no problems with rest or plunder, and these participants can also be entrusted to investigate the situation of other forces in this universe.
The brave world can actually be opened up. The special thing in that world is super AI, which is of little value to the army that also has completely super AI technology. Anyway, even if it is opened up, those participants don’t want to get out of these worlds. What technology has been acquired.
But for the time being, Xiao Ran is going to open the two worlds of MUV and Liushen. The time to open is not now but after the next mission is over, but some preparations can already be carried out in advance, and Lao Luo’s shop has already moved in. In the territory of the Burning Legion, most of them are commissioned by a small number of members of the Legion. It has always been a very poor business, but some of the working legions have always entrusted Lao Luo to help, anyway. A leisurely appearance.
But even so, Lao Luo did not think about and proposed to close the store in the territory, and Xiao Ran helped Xiao Ran a lot when he first entered Prometheus. At this time, the Legion has no need to continue to hide. It's almost time to retaliate against Lao Luo.
Once those territories are open, participants will inevitably have a lot of supply and maintenance items after they come in. Although Xiao Ran himself can also let the Legion operate these things, it is absolutely impossible for those participants to have Prometheus for the maintenance of the body. The shop is reliable.
During the rest period of this mission, because many new members joined and the understanding and in-depth relationship of the four new territories, the legion that could not purchase detention time eventually purchased two months of detention time for arrangement and processing. For these things, the detention time ended two months later, and every participant in the Legion who had been defeated and took refuge in the battle was simply grateful that making such a choice at the beginning was definitely the most correct choice for them after entering Prometheus.
Even Noren, who once owned a giant legion, is completely convinced after knowing the true background of the Burning Legion, and there is no more grievances, not only the number of legion territory, but the entire legion has completely self-contained, what kind of All battleships can be manufactured, as can any type of body.
Not to mention the battleship body, and the Burning Legion has the ability to produce blood serum on its own. This is quite terrifying in Nolan’s eyes. In addition to the blood serum, there are many in the Legion recognized by Prometheus. The inheritance system is also extremely terrifying, and the two inheritance systems of Invincible Oriental and Xianxianyu are simply too suitable for the participants of the super zone to learn, especially the versatility of Xianxianyu is even greater.
As a myth-class pilot, even the members of the affiliated legion are treated inferiorly to the members of the normal Burning Legion, but Nolan has also received a lot of equity subsidies, even the airframe and the battleship legion have equipped him with brand new better one.
Noren can be said to have contacted a lot of legions in the super zone, but he has never seen any legion that has the Burning Legion so shocking, scared, scared, and no legion has the Burning Legion. It makes people feel that incomparable pride, and it is even more unlikely that any legion will have the horrible benefits of the Burning Legion. It is so good that people can't believe it as if they are in heaven.
In addition to these external things, what makes Noren even more incredible is the mission course mandatory in the legion. Noren was unwilling to take the mission course at the beginning. He was not interested. It is impossible for you to let me. I have to go there. Anyway, I am also a mythical pilot. What kind of missions have not been contacted, what kind of enemies have not been faced, I have to try first to know if this kind of course is suitable for me.
Yes, I have to take this course before I know that this course is really suitable for me and suitable for every participant. Only after I have personally experienced it can I express my opinion, this course is good, all new members, you You have to participate in this course. This course is effective, it can be seen to improve, and it is useful for you in any future tasks.
Yes, you see, I chose the right direction for the previous mission. I set the goal on the Gera Empire to choose to liberate the planets colonized by the Gera Empire. It was on the side of justice, yes, in the mission world. This is how the task should be. The aggressor will never join, the colonizer will never choose, and the hegemon will ignore it. We must help the weak and choose justice.
But the most important thing is to have a wink. You can't do things that you can't. Keep a low profile and build a good relationship. Our failure this time is because we didn't wink. Although we chose justice, we didn't learn to take advantage.
Oh, yes, there will be a protagonist team or protagonist force for each mission. You must choose the protagonist’s power to join. The growth of the protagonist’s power is very inexplicable. Perhaps a pilot who does not know how to drive the body can only take one month. He will grow into a legendary pilot inexplicably. When he meets a life-and-death battle or the protagonist’s team which suddenly burps, he will burst out of the strength of the myth-level pilot and advance smoothly. Their upgrade is unreasonable and must be protected. Such a weak protagonist team, when the protagonist grows up, they can hold their thighs in peace, and must prevent the protagonist from committing a second or IQ offline forcibly increasing the difficulty.
Really fragrant, this course is really good, this course is worth learning for every participant.
Nolan can guarantee that no legion will arrange such a course, but there will not be any legion’s leader who can generously share the laws of various world tasks and forces, and no union can master these laws in this way. The key to the thoroughness is to be so thorough that even the intelligence of many multi-mission worlds is completely shared with the members of the legion.
These legion members who have been in class simply need to determine which mission world they came to when they enter, and then at what key node to do, who to protect whom, which force to join, and where to have it. Things of extremely high value, where has an extremely powerful pilot, where can find the means and helpers that can reverse the situation, the integration of these materials is completely a white paper of Prometheus' Escape.
Noren finally understands why the Burning Legion is so powerful. He has so much information and information, and he also discloses the inestimable information to his members. It is strange that these arrangements are combined with the fact that the Burning Legion is not strong. I also understand why the Burning Legion is called a shit-crushing stick in the super zone, and why it will grasp the key nodes everywhere in the mission and be able to emerge at the most appropriate time. It is basically because of these mandatory courses. It is because of the incredible atmosphere of the Burning Legion.
One day after class was over, Nolen and his retainers, both mythical pilots, came out of the classroom, watching the members of the Burning Legion walking around, and suddenly pulled down one of them. .
"Classmate, can I ask you something?"
The person who stopped looked at Nolan with a strange expression, looked up and down at Nolan and his eyes, and said, "Quickly, I will have a battle class soon."
Nolan asked politely: "I'll just ask what is going on in these classes. The Legion has had these courses a long time ago?"
"Newcomer?" The man raised his eyebrows and said, "Newcomers are troublesome. Yes, these courses have been available for a long time. We have to come to class every time the task rests and sometimes have to take exams."
Nolan asked a little strangely: "Why don't you take these courses once? Why do you have to do it every time the task is over? Oh, yes, what is your name."
"I'm Harvey, Harvey of Team Essie." Harvey said with a hand in his hand, "You are still in the low-level class. What you learn is only the direction and basics of the task. There are many other things to learn. You have to understand. For specific information on some tasks, you have to study the mentality analysis of the main personnel of various tasks in different worlds, master the mentality of hostile participants, create various situation traps, acting classes, etc. In short, it is very troublesome. Every exam is very troublesome. Just two people?"
Nolen looked at the wing beside him and nodded: "Well, there are only two now."
"Two can't work. Unless you are a genius, your brains are very good. It is best to form a team and each specializes in different directions. Anyway, the assessment is conducted in a small team. Two people are too bad. I suggest you find another three. Individuals form a team of five."
Harvey waved his hand and said, "Okay, I'm going to the battle class, but I don't have the time to waste it with you. I remind you that if you don't have enough credits for the course, it will be unlucky. NND, as a participant, has to go to class. Isn’t it strange, but it’s like this in the Burning Legion. Not only do you have to go to class, but you also have to write a mission report. Oh, yes, have you written the mission report after this mission? If you don’t write it, hurry up or you will. Being called alone and criticized by a big guy in the past, big Kluzer can't afford to offend.
After that, Harvey took his footsteps and hurriedly left. He finally applied for this battle class. The S-class pilot of the Legion was super cool about the training course. You don’t have to be afraid of being defeated and you can keep it under pressure. The state of doing its best is very useful for the growth of technology, and it can also get S-level and direct and direct teaching and comments.
After Harvey left, Nolan looked at the eye wing with a dazed expression, and asked: "How much do you remember those things?"
The eye wing hesitated and said: "The basic direction is already These are similar to what we did before, but I don’t quite understand how to analyze the selection of the protagonist team. The strongest is not necessarily The weakest does not necessarily seem to be very complicated."
Norman glanced at the standard personal terminal of the Legion in his hand and sighed: "Go and work, study hard anyway. I really didn't join the Legion. I don’t know. After joining, I was shocked. It turns out that the Burning Legion is like that inside and outside. It’s horrible. It’s really lucky and wise to join us. If it weren’t for I had a bad feeling that I would be unlucky when I left, we probably wouldn’t know if I was there anymore.

"Let's go, there will be a battle class next. In the past, there were some points earned in the last class. Mythical pilots would be sent out as teachers. If such a legion can't be strong, then it really makes no sense. Ten places have already been reported. How about you?"
The eye wing looked at the information displayed on his personal terminal, and nodded and said, "I am also full, and I am going to the 31st training ground next."
"Mine is at the thirty training ground, just next door, let's go."
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