Chapter 2721: 1 person occupation

The whole process of the fleet was stable and calm, and there was nothing on the road. The federal interception fleet had to solve Xiao Ran and the fleet. This kind of thing appeared, but now the road to the moon is only one-third of the way. , In other words, if you take a hundred steps and half ninety, it is not impossible that you will be intercepted on the rest of the journey.
But Xiao Ran didn't want to just wait like this, and he wasn't the kind of person who likes to wait for trouble to find his head, no matter if the other party came or not, Xiao Ran was going to make some fun for the other party first.
After opening the communication, Xiao Ran said directly: "Xinye, you go to the moon first. There is a federal military base over there. Go around and leave something for them. If you encounter danger, let Hades help."
"Good lord." Xiangyu Xinye replied, and directly pulled the machine's speed to the maximum, bringing up a white light and quickly disappearing in front of Xiao Ran's eyes.
Less than a minute later, Kardias quickly contacted Xiao Ran on the carrier plane: "What happened, did the Federation come?"
"No." Xiao Ran looked at Cardias, who was a little nervous, and shook his head. "I don't know if they will come or not. Anyway, I sent someone over. Isn't there a federal base on the moon? It’s good to see them."
"Moon base." The expression on Kadias's face became a little serious: "We don't need to intercept us halfway to the Anaheim Federation. We only need to deploy our troops outside Anaheim. There are countless ways to keep us away."
Xiao Ran nodded gently: "It seems that you also think that the Federation will definitely send someone out to intercept us. I think so too. There are only a few body guards for such a good opportunity. To win this fleet is equivalent to taking all of us directly. It’s a great opportunity."
Kardias got a little bit square, frowning and asked: "What do you think, we are now acting more like we are throwing a snare. The moon belongs to the Federation after all."
"It won't be anymore soon." Xiao Ran smiled leisurely, and said: "I sent someone over to block the gate of the base over there. If you show your strength a little bit, the Federation will not dare to do anything at will. After today After that, even if there is a sure way to solve us on the federal side, they will no longer dare to do it."
"Because those who sit taller will also be afraid of death. I can send someone to block their door today, and tomorrow I can block the capital of the Federation by myself, and will also tacitly acknowledge our actual control of the moon. "
Cardias was speechless. The fact that he was going to block the gate alone was a bit beyond his imagination. After all, the Moon Base is the Moon Base, and the main forces of the Federal Army in the universe are gathered there, although the current Federation The army is not as crowded as the EFF when it used to fight Zeon, but the EFF is even more powerful than it was in the past.
Aiwa Shinno who left alone moved faster than expected. After leaving the fleet’s field of vision, he entered the FOLD jumping channel directly, only shuttled through the FOLD jumping channel and then arrived near the moon. The coordinates of the federal base controlled the body into a meteor and rushed towards the federal lunar base.
Not long after Aiwa Shinno approached the Federation base, Aiwa Shinno, who did not deliberately conceal his whereabouts, was discovered by the people at the moon base, and in Aiwa Shinno’s eyes, a full federal fleet is slowly moving from the moon. In the base, there are still many mobile suits escorting these warships nearby.
Xiao Ran said, let him go to the lunar base and leave something. For Aiyu Shinno, of course he knows what to leave. As for whether the fleet is going to intercept the fleet, it doesn't matter, it just needs to attack anyway.
The double cannons ejected from behind the shoulders, and the red electromagnetic energy began to gather between the muzzle and quickly turned into a rotating energy ball, and finally a burst of expansion exploded and fired two red electromagnetic beams and rushed towards the fleet. The two front warships.
Two red light beams with a diameter of six or seven meters hit the bridge of a battleship directly. The other one penetrated from the front of the battleship and finally penetrated through the back of the battleship. The two light beams also remained before disappearing. It left traces of scorching heat on several other warships.
Although the coverage of these two attacks is very small, their penetrating capabilities are extremely powerful. For the Federation warships, it is basically a matter that can be solved by a single shot. The two warships that were hit directly exploded, causing the air currents. The spread of the shock wave also made the surrounding warships affected by this and began to oscillate and unbalance.
To deal with these warships with the same target, Aiba Shinno does attack, attack, and attack again, speeding up into the fleet and bringing chaos and leaving damage in various ways. It is also difficult for the MS troops rushing to meet on such occasions. The tail of Sumiha Shinno, even in his own fleet, dare not to attack with large firepower indiscriminately, blindly following behind but it does not have any effective effect. On the contrary, his warship only needs one shot from the other side. The attack can penetrate and break through, and at this time Xiangyu Xinye also really has some Char's stand-alone posture.
Until a few minutes later, Aiwa Shinno rushed into the space harbor of the moon base with the body that had already had some scars. This behavior also caused more panic on the moon base side, but by this time Aiwa Shinno was He didn't continue to attack, but stood on top of the largest warship that could be found, and the weapon was directly aimed at the warship below, and he was trapped in heavy encirclement.
But even though he was surrounded by a lot of surroundings and seemed inevitable, surrounded by countless mobile suits in the Federation, no one dared to attack Xiangyu Xinye.
"Let all your warships and fuselages return. As long as I find that any of your ships have left this base, I will directly detonate the warships below, including the fuselage, and attack all your mobile suits to maximize the explosion and completely destroy this base."
After speaking, Aiba Shinno completely shut down all communications and looked at the screen calmly and indifferently.
He is not worried about his current situation at all. Mao is so worried. Even if the body is exploded, it will not have any effect on him. Instead, it will release his shackles. The body will explode or the battleship will explode. Detonating the entire base at the same time did not pose much threat to him, so the current Xiangyu Xinye is as stable as Mount Tai.
In fact, he really wants to jump out of the body and become Tigaman, and Shinno Saiya has the ability to completely destroy this base with a single shot. It is not a matter of an anti-matter cannon.
The reason why the fort is a fort is that it cannot be attacked from the outside, but the strongest fort will definitely have weaknesses, and the weakest place for the Lunar Federation base is their interior, especially the spaceport. So many warships will definitely detonate. Following the detonation of countless mobile suits around, plus the Mie nuclear furnace contained in the body itself, the continuous detonation but the chain reaction will definitely be very terrifying.
Just because of the threat of Aiyu Shinno, the federal forces in the moon base can be said to be completely panicked. In their perception, it is simply too much to change the base of one person to another base while completely weakening the federal cosmic power. It's a good deal, if there was such a pilot who could rush into Axis to detonate, they would also take the initiative to send the pilot in.
It has become a foregone conclusion that this base has been detonated after many people have opened it. People in high-ranking officials will be a little bit unable to sit still. Once this base is detonated, everyone in this base will have to die. But no matter what, now you have to stabilize the person who rushed in with your own strength, even if it only holds for ten minutes, twenty minutes, so that some people can take advantage of this opportunity to quickly evacuate.
The moon base is trying to contact Xiangyu Xinye, but Xiangyu Xinye has blocked all external communications and has made any response to the moon base. Anyway, as long as you dare to send a warship away, I will dare to detonate the base.
When the senior officials of the Federation knew that the moon base was actually "occupied", they were still a little confused, and when they reacted, they thought it was just a joke or something, but after they really understood the situation, the senior leaders of the Federation also began to be unable to sit still. .
What the hell, one person not only destroyed almost a fleet but also rushed into the base, not only that, when he was surrounded by countless bodies in full view, he even hijacked the entire base. The brains of you are Have you been eaten by a dog? Did you lose all your vigilance by being calm for too long?
It’s not right to be blocked by one person. Just one person blocked so many fleets of your entire base at home. This kind of thing is almost unheard of. I don’t know how to express and tell my feelings about this matter.
In short, the federal high-level officials are in chaos, but they have the same idea as the officials on the moon base. Steady, must be steady, no matter how much the price is paid, they must be steady. The moon base is too important for the Federation It is simply more important than the meaning of Lundberg’s existence. If the moon base is lost and those fleets are lost, the universe will be equivalent to leaving the reins from their hands again. This is something that the Federation absolutely does not allow.
Anyway, I don't know if it was because of Xiangyu Xinye's relationship. After that, Xiao Ran and their fleet went forward quite peacefully. They arrived at the Lunar Anaheim headquarters without even a little condition.
A place that is not a city is better than a city, a huge factory capital, battleships, mobile suits, weapons and everything related to war can be manufactured here. Wars have started and wars have grown. It has been standing for nearly a hundred years. Because of Laplace's Box, it is also because Anaheim has such strength.
After the fleet entered the port of Anaheim, countless Anaheim management had already waited in the port in person. Everyone had an expression of worry and panic on their faces. Only after Dias' calm expression was he regained confidence in his heart.
"President, you are finally here."
"President, it will be fine if you come."
"Yeah." Facing the crowd's onlookers, Katias just nodded calmly, took a step back and revealed Xiao Ran: "From today onwards, Mr. Xiao Ran will serve as the meeting of Anaheim. Long, I will assist Mr. Xiao Ran in the management of Anaheim in the future. Don’t call me the chairman."
Xiao Ran greeted everyone with a smile: "Everyone, I am Xiao Ran and the largest individual shareholder of Anaheim. From today onwards, Anaheim will be taken over by me with full authority. Next, I will arrange some for you. I will also list the tasks, specific tasks and projects and give them to each department, but what I can tell you is that our focus will be shifted to MS mass production and battleship mass production."
"I have the ability to deal with anything, no matter what. The atmosphere in Anaheim was a bit wrong before. I arranged for some people to disappear suddenly. Those who disappeared are not for any reason. Those who disappeared. The people in Anaheim are actually spies sent by the Federation to lurking in Anaheim in order to steal Anaheim's technical information and monitor everyone in Arnhem.
"Since I want to take over Anaheim, then I will naturally carry out a thorough cleanup of Anaheim, and will never allow the Federation or Zeon spies to appear in Anaheim. Next, your safety There is no need to worry about The Federation will not dare to take any action against Anaheim from today. Okay, let’s all go to work and inform the heads of various departments to reach their maximum in three hours. Meeting in the conference room."
Xiao Ran waved his hand. Under the tacit nod of Cardias, those who had originally come to greet Cardias also left with hesitation, but after these people left, Xiao Ran followed Cardias directly to the meeting. Chief Office.
In the office at this time, Leonard and Hades were already waiting in it, but Al Elf, who was acting together, was not here. Al Elf should have gotten in if nothing unexpected happened at this time. The things to do in the lunar base are also very simple. Record the occupation of the federal lunar base and wait until the right time is announced. But the other purpose is to contact the high-levels of the lunar base and stay obedient. The disobedient disappeared.
Kardias was also stunned when he saw two people in the office of the traitor Martha who belonged to him and then belonged to the Kardias family, but after seeing Xiao Ran's appearance, he also understood how these two people responded. thing.
After entering the office, Xiao Ran directly sat in the main seat and nodded to Leonard and Hades: "Thanks for your hard work, is it sure to be cleaned up here."
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