Chapter 2750: Where is this especially used

Latest website: One is Prometheus, one is aboriginal, and the other is a participant controlled by Prometheus, and two of the three parties have a conflict in the fantasy zone. The cause is unknown, the process is unknown, but the final As a result, Prometheus lost the fantasy zone forever.
Prometheus is likely to be between the two parties, the participant is against the Antigen, and it is also likely to be Prometheus, and the participant is against the participant and the native.
What does this loss mean, it may be destroyed, it may be that the other party won the victory and broke free of Prometheus's control, but no matter what kind of it seems to tell everyone that Prometheus is not invincible, the worst The result is that both lose out.
In the fantasy zone, it is not only participants who can contact Prometheus. The aborigines can also contact Prometheus and can even be strengthened from Prometheus. Xiao Ran does not understand the meaning of this. Is it to enhance competitiveness? Forcibly increase the difficulty of a wave?
The war that engulfed the entire world can be imagined, but all the known forces and more unknown forces are thrown into one universe, mixing participants, and it is very likely that the super zone and the real zone will grow on both sides. The myth-level S-rank pilot who got up, the melee of the super-giant world composed of various hodgepodges, Xiao Ran is not clear.
There are too many secrets of Prometheus, and the fantasy zone is only one of them. What the nameless tells Xiao Ran is only those specious words, and they are just clicked to the end and not going deeper, nameless Tell Xiao Ran unspecifically what happened in the fantasy area, and Xiao Ran would not ask. Xiao Ran felt that perhaps what he knew now was all that the nameless could reveal.
The nameless looking gloomy and gloomy is not like the kind of person pretending to be mysterious. Of course, it is not impossible that Xiao Ran is deliberately fishing as a fish, and he is ready to get greater benefits from Xiao Ran, but Xiao Ran I am not going to spend a lot of money to continue to inquire. It is meaningless and may expose my most true and original thoughts. Even if I am unnamed and restricted, I can't say more about the fantasy zone.
As for why Xiao Ran cares so much about the fantasy zone, maybe she really just wanted to contact the fantasy zone at the beginning. Because of the mysterious relationship, Xiao Ran also wanted to try to contact the fantasy zone like the super zone, but he didn't expect to end up with the fantasy zone. The answer is that the fantasy zone has disappeared or destroyed.
This made Xiao Ran even more curious. It was an ordinary person who wanted what happened. But for Xiao Ran, what was more important was how the war happened and who was the winner. He didn’t really care about the situation in the fantasy zone because Xiao Ran is also preparing to deal with Prometheus, and he hopes to find something out of it, such as Prometheus' loopholes and shortcomings, to increase his chances of controlling Prometheus.
Why do you want to control, there is really no reason, just want to get rid of Prometheus's coercion to himself, to the entire Burning Legion. Michels, that is the possibility of always becoming a pawn.
As for why the big guys in the legion are willing to support Xiao Ran, it's not just because Xiao Ran is their BOSS. Which one of these guys is not a person with shameless personality, how can they tolerate a computer like a second fool to order on him? ? Isn't the typical one that is Baihe worry?
After all, even if it is free, it may be targeted by Prometheus, but if Prometheus is really controlled, then it is called invincible, that is powerful, and that is truly free.
"Fantasy zone, fantasy zone, maybe you can really find a way to deal with Prometheus there. If you don’t find the greater weakness of Prometheus, no matter whether it is the participants or the aborigines there, I’m afraid they will not So blindly challenged Prometheus."
Xiao Ran finally made a summary, and made the people present nodded thoughtfully.
"Kiliam, what progress has the research department made during this time?"
Kiliam shook his head: "There is no outstanding progress, but the deductions of some research groups have reached a dead end and there is no way to continue. Now that you know about the fantasy zone, it just happens that you can make these dead end groups reopen. Start deduction."
"This will be a long-term job."
"Come slowly, don't worry." Xiao Ran waved his hand and said to a few people: "Then first, you will inform the core members about the fantasy zone. Except for Nazi and Fades, those fakes The core does not need to notify them."
Everyone nodded, and the people who were present knew what the fake core was. Of course, it was the mythical super zone participants who had only joined Prometheus for a short time. They enjoyed the real core treatment, but they didn’t. There may be real core and members' rights and influence. Xiao Ran will not discuss anything in the legion with those people at all, just like he is always preparing to subvert Prometheus and this important matter.
The core members of the Burning Legion will always only be that part of the people. Participants who have come out of various worlds, such as Uzès, Kyriam, White River Sorrow, and Cruze present, are the true roots of the Burning Legion. And pillars.
Cruzer suddenly said: "I think it's necessary to get a designated follower card, so I can deliberately do something to try it out."
Everyone immediately looked at Kruze, each with a weird expression as if to say: You are so sorrowful.
"Why didn't I expect?" Xiao Ran said to himself and nodded lightly, then said to Cruze: "As expected it is Cruze, I am going to the Legion District now, this time Prometheus must release some blood. "
Kluzer sat up straight and glanced around, seeing the expressions on everyone's faces seemed a little strange. What did I say, why do you say that to me?
Uzes said: "Aren't you going to Xiao Ran to designate Prometheus with the designated follower card?"
Bai Heshou said: "I thought you were going to let him use the designated follower card to bring back the alien existence similar to Prometheus in his original world."
Kyriam shook his head: "I thought you were talking about bringing the Prometheus we were about to make out of the world made by Sophia."
Hades: "I didn't say anything."
Da Duck holds his head: "Qua?"
Cruzer: "???"
"Come back, you can reach the duck." Uzès took out a poke ball to take the intruder away, and then drank the tea without incident.
Xiao Ran glanced at the crowd and was silent for a moment: "I thought you asked me to ask for a follower card from Prometheus. After all, Hades is not complete. This is an after-sales issue. The description on the district mission card is deceptive, and its logic will definitely compensate."
Cruzegan bowed down: "You guys really show off, I mean trying to get a follower card, and then extra testing Prometheus, which means literally."
Everyone: "………………"
Cruze turned his head to look at Uzès: "Something got in the way just now?"
"Huh? Is there?" Uzes looked at Cruz with a blank face: "When, what?"
Everyone: "………………"
No matter what, Xiao Ran hurriedly left the territory and headed to the Legion District, because Xiao Ran found that he had no way to contact Prometheus proactively, and it was only possible to blow Prometheus out of the Legion Hall.
On the other side, Todd, who bought two inheritance cards from Xiao Ran, was sitting with a defensive core in his legion. The first strongest in the legion except him was also in the legion. One of the deputy commanders of the army.
The two people looked at the two cards on the table and were silent for a while.
"Unfathomable, unfathomable." Todd sighed, picked up the magician's career card and said while looking at it: "This Burning Legion is really unfathomable, even such an incredible heritage that has never appeared before. In their hands, it is just an item that can be traded at will, a card? Have we ever seen such a heritage again."
The deputy commander in front of Todd also nodded. This is a woman, a woman wearing a short skirt and leather jacket. She stroked the long hair hanging in front of her and picked up the Paladin's professional card, and said: "It's so special. It's not surprising that the inheritance is realized in kind, but I haven't seen this type of thing. It looks like a mass product but Prometheus has recognized it."
"I couldn't test too many things this time." Todd turned his career card and said: "This Burning Legion is still too mysterious. They always feel that inheritance is readily available to them."
The woman didn't answer the conversation but asked, "How to use it? Do I need to go to the strengthening room?"
"No." Todd shook his head and said, "Slap on the forehead."
The woman directly took the professional card and patted her forehead. When she touched the forehead, the professional card turned into a ray of light and poured into the woman's body. Then the woman closed her eyes and was enveloped by the holy light. , Todd did not have time to stop or stop, just watching the woman change like this.
Soon the light dissipated, and the woman opened her eyes again, and said with a slightly complicated expression: "What a spiritual power, what a special inheritance."
Todd said: "Talk about it."
"It's hard to describe." The woman stood up and looked around, as if she was looking for something to take advantage of. In the end, she gave up and threw a ray of light on Todd's head: "Do you feel it? I can grasp it without practicing at all. With such power, no one taught me what to do, and I was solidified to use these abilities, and then I had a special personal panel that only I could see."
"The strength of this kind of power is ideal. I don't know how to say it. It seems that the stronger the belief, the stronger the power can be used."
"It's a warm feeling." Todd cares about this: "What about the invincibility he mentioned?"
The woman paused and then looked at Todd: "It is not reflected in the panel, but it is estimated that it is related to the level presented in the root panel. I only have level 1, but the basic power is mastered, and I also got a set of meditation ideas. Light of communication?"
"It should be like this." Todd also slapped the card in his hand on his forehead. It was an indescribable feeling, as if the brain was expanded and a lot of knowledge poured in, it was exactly like what a woman said That's hard to describe.
After opening his eyes, Todd raised his left hand and there was a shining star ball, which was as big as a marble, and his right hand raised a fireball the size of a marble and appeared in his hand. Two pucks the size of marbles appeared again.
"Fire, frost, and arcane are really mysterious. I have felt the flow of magic power in my body, and I can also feel a little growth in mental power."
Todd quickly opened his panel, did not find any description of this inheritance from the Prometheus panel, but found a brand new panel, class, level, skill, and so on.
"It's weird." Todd rubbed his forehead and said, "This sense of inheritance and Prometheus are completely different systems."
"Burning Legion?" The woman curled her mouth and said, "It's really mysterious."
Todd shook his head: "You can't tell anyone about the inheritance, you must remember it."
"I know." The woman nodded and said, "But how do we improve the level, just rely on meditation?"
"You can try it. Maybe it's the same as the pilot level upgrade. I can see the experience value on the panel." Todd smiled lightly and said: "It's not by level but by level, so it seems to be clearer. Confirming our own improvement and change, and a completely different inheritance, I am afraid we can't treat this Burning Legion with a half attitude."
" I care more about another problem, brother." The woman looked at Todd very calmly and said, "If we continue to improve in this way, then when will we be able to drive the body? In case of using your glass ball marble-sized fireball into an attack?"
"Is it attacking the screen or the joystick in the cockpit? Or is it feverish and thirsty, give yourself a shot when it's cold?"
"Does our body really adapt to this kind of power? The invincibility you said is only aimed at itself, so when I am attacked, even if invincible will not be harmed, what should I do if I have no body."
Todd's expression changed suddenly, and he opened his mouth again, and finally all his expressions turned into a wry smile: "It seems to be pitted."
The woman said, "Give me his number."
"Forget it." Todd waved his hand and said: "The inheritance is indeed okay. You and I feel this, but I still underestimate the inheritance. At this time, he is not right. Waiting for us to come and find him, hey, I will contact him."
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