Chapter 2770: 1 party exposed

At the end of the online meeting, the reconnaissance power of the entire combat fleet has once again spread to farther places. Perhaps this space is too empty. Although the relationship is full of endless stars, there are no planets that are truly close to the current fleet.
The star map comparison of this world was also completely compared when Xiao Ran held the online meeting. In the case of an identical world in the Legion, star map comparison became an easier task.
Determined the distance between the current position and the earth, but Xiao Ran did not immediately let the large forces jump directly to the earth, but only sent less than fifty ghost warships, also called special reconnaissance warships of the dimensional submarine. Going to the earth first, this kind of warship can be regarded as a submarine in the universe. The real submarine hides under the shadow of the normal plane and travels in the cracks of the dimension.
Originally, this kind of warship should have been developed long ago. After all, the Burning Legion itself already has the dimensional leapfrogging technology, and has the ability to enter the dimensional gap, but no one in the entire technical department has thought of using such technology to develop the Burning Legion. This is actually a question of idea and concept.
In the end, it was not until the planetary collider completed several collision experiments and discovered something new, that someone suddenly thought of this, and because the special particles discovered in the collision experiment must have promoted the combustion legion’s quantum aspect. The research made this ghost warship arrogantly broken through the technical barriers in a different way and was manufactured.
The first experiment to manufacture was actually not a battleship but a UAV. The battleship that was developed later only produced less than fifty UAVs with internal configuration for combat testing.
After the ghost fleet left, Xiao Ran also left the bridge and returned to his room on the ship, where he used remote communication to contact several people individually.
Cruze, Uzès, Kiliam.
After connecting to the communication, Kruze also frowned slightly and said, "This mission world is really unexpected."
Youzes also nodded: "I never thought that it would be a world that we completely already have and own. This is actually an advantage for us."
"But because of this, if we gain an advantage at the beginning, will the opponent gain a certain advantage because of this."
Xiao Ran groaned and said, "That's how I think, but this advantage is really small. Based on Prometheus's mission rules and the rules of faction territory, this world is definitely an independent and brand new world. It can't be us. The world you have, do you think it will be a parallel world or a completely different timeline."
The figures of the three paused on the screen in front of Xiao Ran, and then Kruze said: "I think it should be a different parallel world, but the timeline changes and the mission rules, the faction territory rules conflict, and the mission rules As a result, it is impossible for us to enter the same world to carry out tasks, and the rules of the faction territory determine that it is impossible to carry out tasks in our world."
"But based on the time difference under the UC series, there will also be several independent mission worlds under the same world view. Therefore, it should not be impossible to change the timeline. The world we have is actually equivalent to the nature of the spread. The main line is actually There have been many changes, and it is very likely that this world is a completely new and changed world."
"I still stick to my previous ideas. This world is likely to be just a world purely for us to fight. After all, if we change to another world... Our advantage is too great. It's a machine war@ like that, the opposite should be the enemy of the world now, right?"
"The result of whether they choose the camp or not is that there is no camp. Even if they choose the camp, it will only be caused by countless people betraying their intelligence."
Uzès glanced at Cruzer without comment, but nodded in agreement.
Kiliam has been in charge of logical research. After Cruzer finished speaking, he nodded slightly: "I think Cruzer made a lot of sense. This world may not have any special meaning, it is purely for In Legion Wars, level the influence of local forces on us."
"After all, the more advanced the world is, the greater our advantage will be, and the more world we have, the greater our advantage will be."
"On the contrary, in such a world, the advantage we can get is really too small. The human power in this world can't help us at all, even if it is to cultivate land and provide materials, it is difficult to achieve... If it is this world If we can really have direct contact with our territory, the opponent won't have to fight this time, just choose to surrender."
Cruze said: "I can understand your thoughts and concerns, but this time you may really worry too much. Prometheus will not make such direct targeting. It does not make sense and violates the rules. If so, it would be fine to wipe out all the staff, so why bother."
Kiliam also said: "According to the logical judgment, Kruze is right. Even if the other party really gets the control of BETA, part of the control, it must be brought to them based on a certain balance. Maybe this time it will be a chaotic war, we, them, BETA."
"In most worlds, we have advantages, but if we replace them with a few who don’t have advantages, we won’t be able to get an advantage. On the contrary, in such a world, there is really no place where we can borrow too much, whether it is us or them. In this way, 90% or more of them will get a warning that they are not allowed to attack the earth, or another planet in the universe that is also facing BETA needs their protection."
"This is the most in line with Prometheus logic, and this world is so huge, even if it is warned that it is not allowed to attack the earth to protect the earth, the most direct effect is not to directly inform us that we can meet on the earth, you The pressure is too much."
Xiao Ran nodded: "Maybe I think too much."
It is normal for Xiao Ran to worry about being targeted. Although he is not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door if he doesn't do bad things, but...hehe, this is a bit embarrassing.
Anyway, if you really change to most other worlds, the Burning Legion will really have some advantages, even if it only provides material and ammunition support, it will not be visible in a short time, but a long time delay can drag the opponent.
(Prometheus: I don’t know what kind of territorial B is like? How many fighter forces do you have without a B number? Also mixed fighters in the world? Then just don’t play pulling, I will just kill the opposite!)
Xiao Ran did think too much and worried too much. Prometheus was not so obvious and directly targeted. After all, according to the procedures, Xiao Ran himself did not have any fault, because of these faults for various reasons. All were pushed onto Prometheus, which Prometheus himself recognized.
Even if you have to dig a hole to target Xiao Ran, at most it is to increase the difficulty of the task for Xiao Ran. An intruder is thrown in the task, just like the previous all-metal frenzy. After all, the balance under the rules Prometheus still has to be observed. , But there is no mission in this legion battle, which is also a more obvious reminder.
This kind of reminder is telling the legions on both sides to fight with you, and it has nothing to do with Prometheus.
And a warning to protect the earth is actually considered the highest level of restriction and difficulty has increased.
Kluzer and the others can fully understand Xiao Ran’s concerns. Xiao Ran is not afraid of Prometheus’s targeting, but is worried that this targeting will have an unnecessary impact on the current fleet and ordinary people in the fleet. And threats, even if the opponent really gets BETA, the Burning Legion said that it is completely worthwhile, and the appearance of the Radam Dimensional Beast will sweep all BETA.
Number of heaps? The Radam Dimensional Beast is completely worthy. No BETA will be the best nutrient and parasite of the Radam Dimensional Beast. There will be as many Ladham Dimensional Beasts in the world as many BETAs, and the strongest can reach S rank. The Radam Dimensional Beast, simply throwing something out, has evened this gap.
Cruzer actually hoped that the other side would be on the BETA side at this time. How interesting is this. When they came with countless BETA... Intensive ultra-long-range attacks, and continue to count forward to swallow the dimensions. Then they fired several black hole cannons as they proceeded, and they were already surrounded by countless Radam dimension beasts as they proceeded.
Then finally cleared a path, and more Radam dimensional beasts appeared again. When they continued to move forward, they finally appeared in front of the Burning Legion, but found nearly five hundred S-class pilots, wow.
In this case, the opposite party must be very angry, want to cry, and will definitely miss the feeling of fear again, the big devil burning legion, cool~~~
Can the Devourer of Dimensions not be effective if hit halfway? Are you kidding me, do you think Ghost Ship is so useless? Is the drone carried by the Ghost Ship so useless? Unless the opponent has a way to fight the ghost warship, it is definitely a robot sending a bomb, and it is impossible to avoid it.
What's more, when you really want to fight, the stopping device can not be used casually at any time. The Burning Legion rarely uses this thing. The number of tests is more than the number of times it is used for combat, but can you say that this thing is not good?
After waiting for a long time, the ghost warship fleet leaving for detection finally sent a message that the earth is safe and sound, and the earth is in the stage of war with the BETA.
However, the Ghost Fleet found traces of hostile legions. More than tens of thousands of legions have directly entered the solar system, but they did not approach the earth but were hidden at the edge of the solar system.
This discovery shocked Xiao Ran's heart. The hostile alliance had already entered the solar system, and the action was even faster than the Burning Legion.
In fact, it’s not one step faster than the Burning Legion, but a bit more reckless than the Burning Legion. The Burning Legion only sent ghost fleets with special abilities, and directly sent more than 10,000 fleets to force entry. The solar system is really reckless. Is this preparing for a small-scale encounter with the Burning Legion?
The core combat meeting was opened again because of this news, and another video meeting.
Looking at the people on the screen, Xiao Ran led the meeting's agenda: "What do you think?"
Then Xiao Ran saw Xia smile, Kruze smiled, Uzès smiled, many people laughed, and then Xiao Ran couldn't help laughing himself.
Kluzer coughed slightly: "If there is no accident, the hostile alliance should have also received the warning to protect the earth and not to attack the earth, otherwise it is impossible to send a fleet to the earth directly, I am afraid they are also actively investigating. The condition of the earth today."
"In addition to the 10,000 warships being responsible for the investigation, this number and scale are probably also preparing to hunt the advance fleet we sent, and it is also used as an insurance to stare at the earth."
Xia said with a smile: "Maybe we can still sit and play mahjong on the earth with the other side."
All the people in the meeting laughed at Xia’s words, and then Kluzer said again: "It’s not wrong to say that, but at least we can confirm that the earth is definitely important to them, otherwise we will not send So many warships have passed by, but they must have never thought that we did not send the advance fleet at all, just sent less than fifty ghost warships."
"After more than ten hours, I guess they will start to be did we not appear on the earth, and will start to guess what is going on here, whether we have another planet to protect Where is this planet, or guess whether we are on the side of BETA."
"Their action this time completely exposed them to our eyes. From now on, we don't have to make any arrangements for the earth, and we can completely throw the responsibility of protecting the solar system on them."
"But there is also another point to consider, that is, after all of them enter the solar system, our situation will be very awkward, because we cannot use weapons of mass destruction there, because we cannot attack the earth, and finally Both sides will fall into a stalemate, and we cannot attack them at will to defeat us."
Everyone nodded and began to think about what to do if the situation became such a stalemate. Xiao Ran said without anxiousness: "Isn't this the best chance for the magician and Hades to play at this time?"
"The magician managed to get in. Hades executed the assassination plan. We do not launch large-scale operations or attack the earth. We only destroy their bodies and warships, and deal with their combat personnel. We use small transport ships. Isn’t it fun to play with them slowly when the special machine starts and stops the device?"
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