Chapter 297: Meeting with Miss Huang

The last chapter (Chapter 296) has been revised, and the repetitions have been replaced with the latest chapters. After all, you can’t make the book friends who have subscribed feel disadvantaged or inappropriate. Today, apart from that chapter, there are still two changes, that is Saying that Yizui today has been updated for three chapters. I'm sorry again, I'm really sorry, if the opening is repeated, please clear the cache and open it again.
On the third day, a plan based on Katie Manikin was placed in front of Xiao Ran. After Xiao Ran read the plan, he nodded slowly and immediately accepted his fate. Katy Manikin’s battleship will be the flagship to command this action against the devas.
After the plan was determined, the entire base began to get busy again. Each machine was transported out of the warehouse for the corresponding personnel to receive. They will have one day to familiarize themselves with their new machine and the familiar process There is nothing too difficult. After all, the operation method is not the slightest difference from the original AEU body method. Even if the pilots of the Federation of People's Revolutionary Federation are used to drive, there will be no problem.
   A-LAWS is preparing, and the gods are also preparing, and after so many days, everything that needs to be prepared has been prepared, and the body has been sent to the universe in batches. On Miss Huang's side, Xiao Ran did not send the plan made by Katie Manikin and others, but only asked Miss Huang to meet in the ladder track.
  After agreeing on the time with Miss Huang, Xiao Ran threw the things of the base to Goodman, and took the lead with Hicksa and Nalo to the ladder track.
When I walked into the orbital elevator private room, under the arrangement of Laguna, the fourth position of a private room besides Xiao Ran, Naluo and Xiksa, happened to be the seat of the lady emperor. After Na Luo closed, Miss Huang also took off her sunglasses and looked at Xiao Ran.
  Ms. Huang asked, "So what's the matter in such a rush to meet in this place?"
   Xiao Ran buckled his seat belt without rushing. Then he said slowly: "You should have seen the plan."
   "I've seen it, it really is the plan that Katie Manikin put on top, if I didn't know it in advance, this time it was really a bit hanged." Miss Huang shook her head with a sigh. Then he said confidently: "But now that I already know the plan against us, I'm sure that after eliminating those terrorists, I can safely evacuate the Celestial pilots."
"No." Xiao Ran shook his head, staring at Miss Huang with both eyes, and said earnestly: "What I want is that you fully cooperate with Katie Manikin's plan, so that this time the Celestial Man will be finally eliminated by A-LAWS. And disappear into this world."
  Miss Huang was taken aback for a moment, and her eyes suddenly looked at Xiao Ran with unbelievable expressions: "What are you talking about? Let the heavens and humans disappear?"
"Yes, I will personally direct this action." Xiao Ran nodded lightly and said slowly: "And I will do my best to defeat the Ptolemy and the Four Gundams. Not only the gods, but the gods. Those bodies will also be destroyed by more than two-thirds in this A-LAWS operation."
   "Alex!?" Miss Huang cried out Xiao Ran's code name in shock: "Why? Why did you do this?"
"The Earth Federation has emerged, and the world has begun to unify." Xiao Ran stared at Miss Huang and said: "I think you know very well what the existence of heaven and humans represents to this world, an existence that concentrates the contradictions of the whole world. . What will only bring is more disputes, and day by day the strength of heaven and man will continue, and the Earth Federation will strengthen the force of A-LAWS day by day, until A-LAWS becomes uncontrollable and becomes a dissociation. Outside the world, the organization that truly rules the world, in order to avoid this situation, the heavens and humans must be eliminated."
"Furthermore, according to Aeolian’s plan, the first step of the plan has been completed. For other countries that have not yet joined the Earth Federation. We must use more tender means, or coercion, to induce them to join the Earth Federation. To make the earth truly unified."
"Even if a war is launched, the unification of the earth must be completed, and the existence of heaven and humans will only make the Earth Federation do not dare to do anything to deal with the resistance forces. You should also be very clear that once the resistance forces attack the earth The Federation takes action. Heaven and human will only become the target of exploitation again and again."
"So, for this you have to sacrifice the Celestial God and the Ptolemy?" The emperor gave a sad smile and shook her head. The root of the contradiction in this world, let alone people like me, it is my honor to make sacrifices for this world, but they, Christine and others, are different. They are still young and can still see the transformation of the earth. , Enjoy the real life that belongs to them."
Seeing Miss Huang's miserable but smiling expression, Xiao Ran didn't know whether he was feeling angry or funny. He rolled his eyes a little helplessly and said, "When did I say that I would sacrifice all of you, I Only the Ptolemy and the Four Gundams are sacrificed, and the sacrifices are only the bodies of the gods. That's all. I want to make the illusion that the gods and gods have been wiped out to the world, and let the gods and gods return from the bright spot. Go to the dark."
Miss Huang's expression was stunned again, watching Xiao Ran completely speechless for a while, and after she cleared her thoughts, she turned her head and wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes awkwardly, and said angrily: "You just Why don't you say it clearly, it hurts me..."
"Haha." Xiao Ran laughed. Naluo and Hikesa also laughed softly. Xiao Ran said, "In short, the next devas' actions will also be the last actions of the devas, in my imagination. In this battle, the gods and gods will give the world an illusion of being wiped out, but we will observe the development of this world in the dark until one day the world deviates from the track again, then we will Come to this world again with a brand-new attitude and lead the world to real change."
"Well, that's right." Miss Huang wiped her tears and said: "Today's celestial beings have indeed become the most concerned existence of the Earth Federation, and others who are unwilling to join the Earth Federation regard us as people who can help them. , In order to resist the invasion of the Earth Federation against them. In this way, the devas will become purely used tools and conflict with our original goal. If the devas can disappear at this time, it is indeed a very good thing. The right choice."
Xiao Ran slowly nodded and said, "As for how the world develops. We just need to be bystanders to watch, Miss Huang, what you need to do is to work out a way that makes us look resolutely resisting the loss. The plan was also defeated, but the first real goal is to protect the safety of the four pilots and the Ptolemy."
  , Xiao Ran told Miss Huang all his arrangements, and waited for Miss Huang to nod and listen to it. Xiao Ran finally added another sentence: "In Aeolia’s plan, the appearance of changers will guide the change of the world, but in fact, changers have already appeared, and our withdrawal can better enable these changers. Start to implement the second step of the plan."
   "The changer...really has appeared?" Miss Huang asked in shock.
"That's right." Xiao Ran nodded and said: "I have been in contact with the change makers. They will try their best to ensure the safety of the Ptolemaic personnel during this operation. In fact, in front of your eyes, There is a changer that human has evolved."
  Naluo and Xiksa instantly turned their gazes to Xiao Ran, with an unbelievable look in their eyes. Especially Hicksa, who stayed by Xiao Ran's side, didn't realize that this gentleman would be a changer.
   Not to mention Miss Huang, staring at Xiao Ran dumbfounded: "Are you a changer?"
"Yes." Xiao Ran smiled slightly, nodded and said: "I am a changer, but I can only be regarded as a changer who has not yet fully evolved. Before that battle in the desert, I only had this part. Only ability, but in the battle in the desert, I seem to have been sublimated, but it is strange that I can only be considered a true purebred changer when I drive the Secret Angel Gundam. Human beings are more powerful than ordinary people, and I deeply feel the ability of changers. That kind of strength is simply not comparable to ordinary people."
  Miss Huang covered her mouth in disbelief: "No wonder... No wonder Secret Angel Gundam has repeatedly fed back abnormal operating data in the previous battle. It turns out that... it turns out..."
"Yes." Xiao Ran nodded and said: "But I have no interest in leading the world to change, and the changers I mentioned seem to be very unconvinced with me. They are just a kind of creation. The changer, of course, will not convince me, a purebred changer who has not yet fully evolved."
"So I made an agreement with those changemakers. I gave them four years, no matter where they lead the world, what they have done to the will not interfere. After four years, if the world deviates from the track and is full of contradictions again, then the heavens will reappear, sanction them, and lead the world on the right track again."
"Hehe, I can feel that you have concealed a lot of things in it and you didn't tell me." Miss Huang shook her head and said with a smile, "However, you choose to hide naturally because of your reason, and I will not continue to ask. Since you have chosen to give Their four years, I am afraid it was also due to some last resort reasons, and the original changers you mentioned, the reason why they agreed to these, I am afraid that you will become an uncontrollable obstacle in their plan."
"Huh..." Miss Huang exhaled and looked at Xiao Ran and said: "Another condition of the transaction is probably to protect the safety of the Ptolemaic personnel, isn't it? Sure enough, in the second step of the plan, God Human beings should be eliminated..."
Xiao Ran glanced at Miss Huang and said, "It is true that it should be eliminated in the plan, but I and Aeolia’s plan are the same. Even the elimination of the heavens and the humans is only a formality, it is just that the changers are wrong. He understood Aeolia’s plan. The transaction was actually made to give Tianren more time. At least in the current situation, Tianren’s technology should also be enhanced again, and the four-year period is also for Give the heavens a time to prepare."
Xiao Ran said this, after thinking about it for a while, he groaned, and said, "By the way, Aeolia left a back door in which the body can reach the angels, allowing the body to fight with three times the performance in a short time. , After you go back, let Ian and Tieria find this back door." (To be continued.)
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