Chapter 341: remind

At this moment, Bucky Lulu picked up the communicator at hand, and after listening to it, he showed a stunned expression, and then looked at the people on the screen who were connected to the communication. ⊙ small,
"What's the matter?" Maru asked suspiciously looking at Bakiruru's expression.
"The previous search team found something in this satellite." Bucky Lulu sighed and said, "I'll talk about it after we meet, about Kira and Kagali."
"About me?" Kagali on the grass pheasant was taken aback for a moment, then he stiffened and fell silent. Maybe Kisaka, who knew something, patted Kagali on the shoulder and lightly headed.
Maru was also taken aback for a while, and then said, "In that case, let's gather on the Archangel."
As soon as Maliu’s words fell, Xiao Ran walked out of the elevator where the Archangel entered the bridge, looked at Maliu and the figures that appeared on the screen, and said directly: "I know something about this. , Yes, Kagali and Kira do have something to do with each other. The specifics are waiting for you to come over, Bucky Lulu, remember to arrange the manpower for patrols. Everyone is in the second state of readiness. Since the Earth Army has appeared equipped with nuclear energy The body, maybe the next attack will launch a nuclear bomb directly at us, and also be prepared to give up here and go to other places at any time."
Bucky Lulu stood up and offered a military salute to Xiao Ran: "I see."
When all the communications were hung up, it also meant that the people on the other warships were about to go to the Archangel. Maru looked at Xiao Ran puzzledly: "You said Kira and Kagali are related? What do you mean?"
Maliu's question made the entire Archangel up their ears, trying to hear about Kira from Xiao Ran.
"In the strict sense, they should be regarded as brothers and sisters, but there are some things involved in it. It's not easy to say." Xiao Ran smiled, and didn't say too much about Kira's personal issues, just said: "But there is a blood relationship. ǎn is very obvious."
"Kira and Kagali are really brothers and sisters!" Maru shook his head incredibly, "It's too hard to believe."
"These are other people's private matters. It is not appropriate to discuss too much." Xiao Ran smiled and patted Maru on the shoulder, and glanced at the people on the bridge. He warned: "You too, don't go out and talk nonsense."
"Got it!" The people on the bridge of the Archangel replied in unison.
Before long, a large number of people gathered in the Archangel, Kagali, Kisaka, Andrew, Lux, Lux, Bucky Lulu. Maru, Xiao Ran, and Shirley Lu, the others who should have been here were all called out.
Kagali came holding a photo. After seeing Xiao Ran, she rushed to Xiao Ran's face and handed the photo to Xiao Ran. With tears in her eyes, she choked and said, "This photo is My father gave it to me, and he said I am not alone. Do you know that the two children above are really me and Kira?"
Xiao Ran took the photo from Kagali and turned to look at the back of the photo. It says the spelling of the names of Kagali and Kira, and then slightly: "Yes, you and Kira are indeed brothers and sisters, and they are twins. It’s no problem if they are sisters and brothers, the woman above is yours. mother."
Kagali got the exact answer from Xiao Ran, tears in her eyes couldn't help but flow down: "But...but why do I only know now. Why did Kira have not been with me since he was a child?"
Kagali cried not only because she had an extra family member, but also because she thought of the representative of Asha who had always regarded herself as the jewel in her palm. Kagali was also very normal when she cried for the feelings of missing relatives and the feeling that she was not alone.
Lacus gently floated to Kagali's side, hugged Kagali in her own arms, and lightly patted Kagali on the back so that Kagali could no longer control it, lying directly in Lacus's arms and loudly 'S crying.
"I don’t know the specifics. I don’t know too much." Xiao Ran groaned, and then said, "On this 4 satellite, there is a genetic research institution. At that time, many experiments were done to make the adjuster more perfect. Kira was the product of this experiment. While still receiving...that, he was taken out of the mother’s body and put into the artificial uterus. Through various means of adjustment, he eventually became a perfect adjuster, known as the product of the strongest adjuster."
"And Kagali is the other one in the maternal body that hasn't been taken out at the time. Although it sounds a bit strange, it's roughly the same."
Kagali's crying slowly stopped, and she looked at Xiao Ran and asked in a crying voice: "Then my father, is my father Asha?"
"Asiha representative should have been one of the supporters of this research institution at that time..." Xiao Ran looked at Kagali's expectant eyes, and lightly said, "Yes, scientifically, he is the provider of that. , But from our knowledge, he is your father."
Kagali weighed her head heavily, and Ewha smiled with rain: "Thank you."
"But why do you know this?" Andrew asked suspiciously.
"Actually, I also conducted an investigation on Kira. To be precise, I conducted an investigation on Kira's special ability, but the results were surprising." Xiao Ran shook his head and said, "Kira There is a very special power in the genes of s. Once this power breaks out, it can greatly improve Kira’s abilities in all aspects. Regarding this, it has been displayed many times when driving s. I believe it. Silan, you should feel deeply."
"That's right." Aslan turned her head and glanced at Kagali before saying: "At that time, I suddenly felt that Kira's actions on s would suddenly become very powerful."
"That's it. After the investigation, I called this ability s. This is a kind of ability that only highly talented people will have. Once this ability is turned on, the individual will become very powerful, reactive, spiritual, and perceptual. , Speed, etc. will be greatly improved, and in this process. There will also be a slight permanent increase in ability, which is why Kira grew from an ordinary student so quickly to now."
"Anyone with this ability will have the power to change the world."
"In fact, there are not many people with this ability. As far as I know, there are only a few people." Xiao Ran smiled slightly, glanced at the people present, and said: "Aslan, you have already activated this. Is this kind of ability right? What you see before and after opening the ability should be two different worlds, right?
Aslan stared at Xiao Ran in a daze. After being silent for a while, he turned his head: "Yes, I started with Kira in the battle near Orb. At that time, I seemed to be crazy. Then he attacked Kira, but Kira..."
"The first time you turn it on, it will be like that. You will be controlled by mental obsessions and do some incredible things. At that time, your obsessions may have appeared because of Nigor and Diego. Xiao Ran smiled at Aslan and said: "But this will not happen again in the future."
"Then who else are there?" Lux asked.
"You." Xiao Ran looked at Lux and said: "You are one of them, and Kagali. You and Kira are twins. There is no reason why he has what you don't. As for the last person, you are not. Yes. So I won’t say anything.

Lux was stunned for a while, and Kagali also looked at Xiao Ran in a daze. The two seemed to be unbelievable at what Xiao Ran said that they had the ability.
After thinking about it for a while, Andrew looked at Xiao Ran inexplicably: "Then you. Why don't you talk about yourself? You have such an understanding of this ability, and you just said that once you turn it on, you can get permanent Sexual ability grows. At that time, I knew you in the desert, but in a short time, you have grown to what you are today. Could it be that you also have this ability?"
"I, hehe." Xiao Ran shook his head and smiled, and said: "Indeed, I do have some very special abilities, and it is true that I broke out because of the battle during the time of the Archangel, but my abilities and Kira and the others It is not the same. It is just a controllable and sustainable explosive ability in a short period of time. This ability is not derived from the potential of the gene itself. It is not obtained through genetic adjustment, but evolution, a real ordinary person. Towards the evolution of advanced life forms."
"I call this kind of evolution change." Xiao Ran looked at everyone and said, "For someone like me, I call it a changer, but unfortunately, for very special reasons, there is probably no one in this world except me. There will be changes like mine again, at least before there are key things, and in a certain period of time."
"Innovator?" These three words appeared in everyone's hearts, but in the next second, Xiao Ran's pair of lights burst out of light, completely different from human eyes, and the smile on his face disappeared instantly. After the trace became absolutely sensible indifferent, everyone was stunned.
Not only that After Xiao Ran started the mental explosion and his eyes popped out, the whole person exuded a powerful aura, as if he had completely changed himself.
Xiao Ran closed his eyes, and after opening his eyes again, he returned to normal, the force of pressure disappeared completely, and a serious expression appeared on Xiao Ran's face.
"The reason why I tell you these things now is that I hope you can be careful and be prepared." Xiao Ran not only has a serious expression, but also a more serious tone: "In the battle just now, I found an organization that has been hidden in the shadow of the world. , An organization called a librarian. This organization possesses all the technologies of either a or the Earth Army, and even a terrible technology, photocopying people."
"This kind of photocopying technology is very terrible. Once you get your body cells, get your body information, or even get your memory, you can create a person exactly like you in half a year or even a shorter time. exist."
"The ability is the same, the appearance is the same, the fingerprint is the same, and the memory is the same. Perhaps because of the physiological relationship, there are only some personality differences. Aslan, what will this world look like." (To be continued...)
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