Chapter 360: Death under the light curtain

Kira and Aslan went to intercept the nuclear bomb, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye. They dropped Kagali and gave it to Xiao Ran, making Xiao Ran an extra oil bottle that he had to take care of. Even if Kagali’s skills are not good, Kagali is at best as good as the miscellaneous soldier, so Xiao Ran has to pay attention to Kagali’s situation at any time, lest the Yanhong attack is not known where it came from. The stray bullet that ran out hit.
   However, it was not the first time for Xiao Ran to fight in this situation with dragging oil bottles. At least in Prometheus, Xiao Ran would often let himself face such situations. The daily training arrangements of Xiao Ran, Graham, and Na Luo will be trained to protect Shirley in battle every day, so under such circumstances, there is nothing unaccustomed to fighting.
The three people changed to drive their own bodies to protect the Black Hawk that Shirley was driving, and they would also arrange to respond to various emergencies. They may have been used to the battle with fuel bottles behind them, but they didn’t feel anything. What's wrong is, at most, a part of energy is involved.
Xiao Ran has always included the Yanhong assault in the dense range of gn particles. In other words, the Yanhong assault has always been in his perception. Coupled with the rapid thinking ability brought by the awakening skills, it also makes Xiao Ran's perception The whole world has slowed down, and I can calmly face some unexpected situations.
But what is the difference between Kagali and Shiryllu? Kagali's offensive intention is much more than that of Shiryllu. If Shiryllu's body is driven by Xiao Ran or someone else. Behind him, he would never attack Kagali recklessly, but would move quickly to dodge and reduce the pressure on other people, and would not actively rush into the enemy's encirclement to put himself in danger.
But this is not the case with Kagali. Maybe she can see what is surrounded or not surrounded, but even if the key is to see it, she won't think too much. She directly drove the bright red assault and carried the shield. He shot while rushing over. I really regard myself as the trump card savior. Although Xiao Ran will always find the trend of Yanhong's assault at the first time, and quickly follow up to eliminate enemies that Yanhong's assault can't take care of, but every time it is like this, Xiao Ran also feels that Some headaches.
If there is only Kagali alone, that’s fine, at least Xiao Ran will not be too tired, but the key point is that besides Kagali, there are three m1 heretics that will also cooperate with all the actions of Yanhong assault. This makes it should be Xiao Ran, who only looked after one machine, reluctantly changed the machine he was looking after into four. Those three M1 heretical pilots were the three little girls guarded by Kagali. That is, the three female pilot test pilots of the previous m1 heresy, and they can be regarded as Xiao Ran's direct subordinates. Watching the three of them go to death, it is not the style that Xiao Ran can make, so they will all the four. People are protected under their own firepower.
There were four people dragged down. Xiao Ran wanted to quickly enter Genesis on a single plane. It had become a delusion. He could only lead four people forward slowly. To ensure the safety of the four people, Xiao Ran even notified Harrow to transfer the six drones. Protect four people. It was not until the arrival of the drone that Xiao Ran felt the pressure greatly reduced.
   But no matter what time, two of the gun gate type gn units on the Lightning Aegis are always around Kagali's side, blocking the stray bullets flying around for this reckless girl. It will also attack the assaulted enemy towards the back of Yanhong, and rescue Yanhong from the danger.
When the two units of Liberty and Justice once again smashed through countless nuclear bombs in front of the plant, the huge of light once again illuminated the starry field extremely brightly, but the next second Maru’s voice was again in lightning. There was a sound from the cockpit of the Aegis: "There are still eight nuclear bombs that have not been successfully intercepted. Freedom, justice, and assault. Storm and Thunder are all at war! The three heretics cannot be contacted! Mk-Gundam cannot leave, Xiao Ran! "
"Received! Damn it!" Xiao Ran gritted his teeth and glanced at the Yanhong Assault and the three M1 heretics on the screen. He pushed the joystick and rushed in the direction of the last eight nuclear bombs: "Kagali , Be careful! I will intercept the last nuclear bomb!"
   "I'm going to help too!" Kagali quickly replied, and followed Xiao Ran in Yanhong assault, and the three m1 heretics also quickly followed.
   "Hand speed bursts!"
   Xiao Ran's two hands suddenly turned into two phantoms, just like two more hands, moving in the cockpit at an incredible speed.
Operating the Lightning Aegis to continuously flip in countless rays of light, various maneuvers were done effortlessly with the assistance of the solar furnace, and at the same time the shield and the beam energy cannon also fired beams of light. , It quickly sweeps all the enemies that appear in front of you, and at the same time, both hands can be set on the operation panel without affecting the operation of the body.
  'S expressionless face, both eyes were drawn like a quick sweep up and down, left and right, and the corners of his mouth also murmured a voice that only he could hear:
"Three enemies in the upper left corner, aiming... gn-attack mode changed... aiming completed, shooting... two enemies appeared behind, aiming... gn- mode was changed to continuous lock shooting mode... two machines were destroyed by m1 heresy. Taiwan, use the right-hand beam energy cannon to attack, hit, and move on."
"Take over the Black Hawk multi-locking aiming system. The Black Hawk's current position is... ten seconds later. The round can be performed. The body is locked. There are two machines in the front, one machine on the left, and two machines on the right. The beam deflection armor cannot be used. Accelerate by 10% to avoid the attacks of the two aircraft on the right. You can use a shield to block it on the left. The front can not be dodged at the distance of Yanhong assault. The gn particle shield cannot be turned on to reduce perception. Use gn- to block.
In the next instant, the Lightning Aegis thruster flashed again, and the speed increased by 10%. The two beams of light directly passed behind the Lightning Aegis at the moment when the speed of the Lightning Aegis increased, and the attack on the left was also affected. The Lightning Shield raised the shield in his hand and directly blocked it, and the two gn-s ejected dense gn particles, making the gn- covered with a thick layer of light film, appearing accurately in the attack path of the two beams in front The upper part blocked the beam, and instantly turned in one direction and ejected two pink beams, hitting the cockpit of the two daggers in front, and directly dissolving a big red hole, followed by two consecutive explosions. .
After doing all this, the duration of the burst of hand speed flickered, and as Xiao Ran re-secured both hands on the two levers, he also said loudly again: "Maru, let Shirley start. !"
Seeing a stream of light flying from a distance on the screen at a very fast speed, Xiao Ran placed his sight further away on the eight nuclear bombs that fortunately flew out of the nuclear explosion area, with an expression on his face. It became extremely indifferent again, and the gleam in his eyes instantly burst into shocking colors.
   Shirley Lu’s singing hadn’t sounded, Xiao Ran’s eyes flashed, and countless red lock boxes suddenly appeared on the screen: "Quick lock!"
Except for the two gun-gate gn units for personal protection against the blushing assault, all the gn units on the Lightning Shield instantly pop up. Raise the armed shield with the left hand and the beam energy cannon with the right hand. The sea monster in front of the chest is back. The energy cannon lights up at the same time, and all the armor pieces on the heavy armored backpack with the Black Hawk bounce off.
   "Didi Didi!" In one second, the countless locked voices became a line, and the next second Xiao Ran directly pulled the trigger with both hands.
As soon as Xiao Ran pulled the trigger, the Black Hawk’s heavy armored backpack instantly fired the largest number of missiles that could be fired at a time, and the beam sniper rifle below also spewed beams. On the Lightning Shield, the sea monster on his chest reappeared. The rank energy cannon flashed red, and a red beam flew out instantly. The nine beam muzzles on the shield fired nine beams and adjusted their angles again, one after another. The same goes for the beam energy cannon held by the right arm.
   And all the gn- also scattered around the side of Lightning Divine Shield, spraying out a beam of energy.
Countless light beams flew out, turning the Lightning Aegis into a mobile fort, harvesting all enemies in front and nearby, whether it’s the zaft or the Earth Army, countless missiles flying in the universe, carrying them at extremely fast speeds The long trail hits one enemy after another, bursting out one after another red fireball burning for a few seconds and then quickly dissipating.
In particular, the siren re-positioning energy cannon on the chest of the Divine Shield Gundam passed a long distance. It was prepared to hit eight two-wave nuclear bombs, passing through several nuclear bombs in the two-wave missiles. , While tearing the nuclear bomb apart, it also brought out several huge of light.
From the beginning of the shooting, dozens of beams will emerge from the Lightning Shield every second, and miniature missiles will be launched from the Black Hawk’s heavy armored backpack every second. However, in just ten seconds, the Lightning Saint The shield is a large area at the center. From the left and right sides, continuous bursts of fire light burst out and finally merged into a line in the middle, bursting the entire battle area with fiery red light, and the entire lightning shield's aiming attack Within the scope, each light burst represents the destruction of a machine body, and when this line composed of light bursts becomes a face...
Under such light mapping, the black lightning shield is like a real death god. This black body erected under countless spheres of light, with countless light beams and missile spews, is so imprinted. In the hearts of countless people. (To be continued...)
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