Chapter 38: Fisherman

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   (There will be a second chapter in the early morning, and friends who can’t wait can get up tomorrow to read it. In other words, this holiday is still very tiring)
On the bridge of the Archangel, Maru, Bakiruru and others had left their comrades behind because they had no choice but to leave alone. However, a text message from the Menelao made Ma Liu and Bucky Lulu stood up instantly, and at the same time showed an expression of incredible surprise.
   "Rebellion!?" Maru struck the armrest and yelled in a panic: "Contact Menelao immediately. I want to talk directly with General Halbaton!"
The intelligence controller Dalida, the curly-haired man with glasses on the bridge, tried to contact the Menelao, and replied loudly with an anxious expression: "There is no way to contact Menelao. All communications with the Archangel have been unilaterally cut off."
   After hearing Dalida’s answer, Maru looked a little dizzy: "Turn the rudder 180 degrees and head towards the Menelao. Let’s go to the Menelao for support!

   Maru's command made everyone on the bridge startled, especially the steerer, who looked at Maru with a stunned look.
"Damn it!" Bucky Lulu clenched his fist tightly and turned to look at Maru: "Captain, calm down, there is no use for us to stay here! It will only become a drag on the entire Eighth Fleet. You must not turn the helm at this time and let down the lives of those sacrificed soldiers!"
   "But General Halbarton..." Maru lowered her head and said softly in a trembling voice, "Shall we just pretend that we didn't see it and run away by ourselves?"
Bucky Lulu gritted his teeth and walked to Maru, slowing down her voice a bit: "This is not to escape. Our departure is also to save them. Only when we leave Zaft will we stop attacking, ha Only then did General El Barton have the opportunity to mobilize personnel to suppress the rebel group."
It’s not that Ma Liu didn’t understand the current situation, but she couldn’t accept that she had to face her own attack while fighting the enemy. This made her too unacceptable. After a long silence, Ma Liu looked up at the big The huge battleship that had been slowly moving on the screen and blocking the rear of the Archangel took a deep breath: "The maximum combat speed is out of the combat area, and the descending orbit is calculated. Gnaku completes all the fixed tasks in the shortest time and informs all People are ready to land on the earth."
   Unanimous words rang out from the bridge: "Yes."
   And Miriaria, who was sitting in the CIC position, also simultaneously sent these messages to Xiao Ran and Kira.
"Menelao has a rebellion. The gendarmerie and landing forces are completely unable to resist. The insurgents are moving towards the bridge. This ship has decided to block all attacks in the direction of the Archangel before the insurgents reach the bridge. Please Archangel The number speeds up and immediately leaves the combat area and heads to Earth."
   "The battleship is ready to land on the earth immediately, the assault Gundam must not be too far away from the ship, Lightning Gene is ready to return at any time."
   Xiao Ran, who was driving the Lightning Gene, after smashing a Gene that rushed towards the Menelao, also saw the message from Miriaria to him. After reading this message, Xiao Ran only sighed and shook his head, but he was not surprised by this incident.
It seems that as long as you receive the same faction mission in this battle area, it is not only the four participants on the Menelao who received the mission prompted by the system, but also Xiao Ran also received the same mission. .
However, although Xiao Ran directly rejected the first mission so far, he hesitated on the second mission because he knew that the Eighth Fleet would be completely destroyed here, and he faced more than in the original plot. There is no doubt about the total destruction of Zaft’s combat power, because the commander is Kruze, but Kruze, who is trying to start a greater war, will not let Zaft’s hatred again. Opportunity, not to destroy the Eighth Fleet again, is really not the style of Kruze's combat, so the first mission was refused without hesitation.
But on the second task, Xiao Ran’s hesitation was not without reason. After receiving Miriaria’s message, he understood what was going on on the Menelao. Those four should have been. Participants under surveillance should have received the same mission. For the C-Class's body data, they were prepared to take Halbaton directly after being subdued, so they set off toward the bridge. I was still hesitating to refuse, but after seeing the message sent to him by Miriamia, it explained that the gendarmerie and the landing force were not opponents at all. Xiao Ran also rose to take over the task and enjoy the benefits of the fisherman. idea.
In Xiao Ran’s mind, he also felt that those few participants seemed to be really likely to take Halbarton out of the battleship and escape from this area. After all, from the previous two encounters with other participants, there were others besides him Xiao Ran. The abilities of the participants seem to be a little weird, being able to see at a glance who is the adjuster, who is the ordinary young participant, and has a bald participant that can’t be penetrated by bullets, so Xiao Ran thinks these are on the Menelao Participants of may also have other abilities to ensure that they can complete the task, otherwise they will not make such a move.
Although the mission did not prompt any punishment for failure, Xiao Ran did not believe that there would be no punishment after the mission failed, but after thinking about it, Xiao Ran still gritted his teeth and accepted the second camp side mission, the mission of protecting Halberton. Because compared to the unknown punishment for failure, the rewards of the task are really exciting.
Looking up at the rear of the Archangel, blocking the direct path of the enemy's pursuit and attack, but also stopped Xiao Ran from continuing to shoot the possible Menelao towards the melee center, Xiao Ran narrowed his eyes: "Accept. Faction mission two!"
"Accept the side mission of the camp to protect the wise general Halbaton. Before the end of the battle, Halbaton’s life will be safe. The completion of the mission will reward the construction materials of the C-level body. If the mission fails, he will be expelled by the earth army camp and be driven by the earth army and the Zaft camp. Pursue."
"Hush." ​​Xiao Ran gave a soft whistle and finally heaved a sigh of relief. Unexpectedly, the punishment for mission failure would be to be expelled from the camp and then pursued by the two camps. This is not a big deal for Xiao Ran at all, because His final faction goal is not the Archangel at all, but Orb, or the Three Ship Alliance. When he joins the Orb or the Three Ship Alliance, he will be pursued by both sides anyway. This punishment is simply It doesn't hurt or itchy.
After taking over the task, Xiao Ran turned his head to look at the Assault Gundam who was fighting the Duel Gundam Storm Gundam. As soon as he pushed and pulled the joystick, Lightning Gene raised his arm and shot in the direction of Storm Gundam. Immediately afterwards, a series of red light beams that were faster than before struck Storm Gundam one after another.
"Is this guy crazy?" Diego sat in the cockpit and kept operating Storm Gundam to avoid Lightning Genn's attack. He found that the frequency of Lightning Genn shooting was three points faster than before. For one of the time, just avoiding these attacks made him have no time to take care of him, and he couldn't even care about fighting Duel Gundam from afar.
Because of the series of non-stop high-frequency firing of Lightning Gene, the pulse cannon held by the steel hand gradually heated up because of the lack of heat, and slowly even the muzzle turned red. UU看书www.uukanshu .com, but Xiao Ran did not stop shooting because the muzzle turned red. After shooting more than a dozen shots again, he finally released the trigger under the alarm in the cockpit. At this time, the storm was as high as that of Lightning Jean. Attacked and avoided far away.
Seeing the far-reaching storm on the screen, entangled or fighting beam swords, or fighting and attacking the two machines, Xiao Ran directly pressed the communication button: "Call the Archangel, I can’t do it now. Attack, Lightning Gene requested to return."
   "Lightning Gene is allowed to return home, please return home from the first ejection port."
"Received." Hanging up the communication, Xiao Ran operated Lightning Gene to unplug the power supply connected to the Pulse Cannon, and the ejector behind him kicked on with his legs, and quickly flew away from the Archangel. After passing a long distance towards the front of the Archangel, he flew towards the opened ejection port of the Archangel after an arc turn. As soon as it flew into the ejection port, Lightning Gene also turned. After getting over, the deceleration jets on the whole body continued to spray continuously, and finally hit the resistance band inside the Archangel to stop.
Immediately after getting off the Lightning Gene, the entire ship’s light waves rang out from the Archangel:
The Archangel is about to fully enter the gravitational range of the Earth circle. Please make preparations for descending immediately after the work is completed. En’s containment work must be completed within three minutes, and the descent procedure will begin after five minutes."
Xiao Ran left from Lightning Gene, and watched as a ticket of staff in yellow costumes jumped out from various places, and he could hear Sergeant Markto’s already husky voice: "Hurry! Everyone move faster. Fix Gene!"
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