Chapter 402: Birdman

The chaotic study is not a place to talk. President Grasse and Xiao Ran left the study, walked out of the gate of the mansion and came to the courtyard outside. They walked slowly in the courtyard like this, like a pair of old couples scattered after a meal. Xiao, and Xiao Ran also reported the appearance of the primitive demon to President Glass.
President Grasse did not express too many opinions, but just let Xiao Ran do it. The entire fleet will obey Xiao Ran's orders and arrangements, and will fully cooperate with Xiao Ran's actions. President Grasse is now a complete iron. The heart is not intervening in Xiao Ran's affairs, and does not affect Xiao Ran's prestige, just thinking about retreating and pushing Xiao Ran up.
President Grasse’s actions made Xiao Ran a bitter smile, and he only felt that this old man was a bit self-willed. When Xiao Ran left the presidential palace, although he did not get President Grasse’s opinion, at least he had passed the matter on. In Glass's ears.
As for the decision made by President Glass, perhaps he wanted to continue to expand Xiao Ran’s prestige in the ship regiment in this last time, and perhaps he also wanted to see Xiao Ran’s ability among them, whether to serve as president or as a general There is a big difference. The coordination of various aspects of resources to adjust the balance between the ship regiment, the defense army, and the ship regiment is not comparable to those defense forces that only need to consume materials and win victory.
The operation of the ship regiment must not only consume, but must also be supplemented. After all, the vagrant ship regiment like them is not very big in the first place. The resources that can be produced are some basic materials that satisfy life. Naturally, resources are also in the middle. Or something like this, which raises a lot of contradictions. If you can handle it well, you can naturally ensure peace inside and outside the ship group. If you don't handle it well, it will cause the ship group to have many twists and turns.
   In fact, Glass had thought about it himself, anyway, after retiring, he would simply help Xiao Ran behind for a while. Let Xiao Ran spend this period steadily and thoroughly familiarize himself with the management of the ship group, but Glass didn't know, even if all the ship group was thrown to Xiao Ran. There was no difficulty at all for Xiao Ran.
   Xiao Ran has long been proficient in dealing with government affairs and military affairs, and it is easy to do these things. Moreover, Xiao Ran’s methods are strong and direct. If he really wants to let him know who has violated the situation after he takes charge of the ship group, he will definitely take it directly. Copy it, be the master by yourself.
   So President Glass was completely careless in this regard. When Xiao Ran left the presidential palace, he was not going back to the headquarters of the Defense Forces. Instead, I went to s.m.s and stayed there until the afternoon before leaving with Shirley Rumaliu and others.
   By the next day, Angelo, the big boss, came to the United Defense Army in person, and Xiao Ran asked Billy and Moses to contact other economic companies, big and small, all to sit in the meeting room of the Defense Army. And Xiao Ran himself slowly looked at the list of all the personnel infected with the V bacteria in the ship group.
The number of people on the list is really not too small. There are nearly 20,000 people. Although it is only a small percentage compared to the 25 boat group with a population of 10 million, there are people inside the boat group and Complex relationships between people.
   From a professional point of view, more than half of the people on the list are soldiers in the defense army, and the rest are candidates recommended by some companies. Among them, there are another 500 people. Companies large and small have their own recommended personnel among them, and what other unexpected agencies are there. Research institutions, as well as outstanding citizens of the city, etc. occupy more than 3,000, and the rest are all children.
   I roughly looked at the occupational statistics, Xiao Ran also had the number in mind, and looked up at Moses and Billy: "Are everyone here?"
   Moses nodded: "All are here, waiting in the conference room."
   "Let's go." Xiao Ran nodded, stood up and took care of his clothes, and after Billy opened the door of the office, he walked out and was in the headquarters of the defense army. No matter where Xiao Ran went, someone would stop and salute Xiao Ran, but Xiao Ran, who had long been used to it, would naturally not be the same for a long time. Nodding to others.
   came to the meeting room, and the whole meeting seemed messy. Even if Xiao Ran walked into the meeting room, it just lowered the pitch of the meeting room a bit, but the one who was supposed to talk was still talking, and he didn't mean to stop at all. After all, with the exception of a few TV stations, most of the others are just a group of bosses in the entertainment industry. They consciously have some, but there is nothing to say about discipline.
Xiao Ran hadn't responded yet, but Moses frowned, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes. Without getting Xiao Ran's permission, he picked up the microphone in the conference room and said angrily: "Please keep quiet. Those who speak please leave here consciously."
Moses' voice reverberated in the meeting room, and it also made the meeting room quiet for an instant. At this time, Xiao Ran also patted Moses on the shoulder, took the microphone in Moses' hand, and swept the crowd around. Slowly said,
I don’t know if you know me, but it’s not important. You just need to listen to what I said, and then do what I say. Those who can’t do it can leave immediately, but Those who leave will become people who are not welcomed by me from today, do you understand?"
The faces of the businessmen below were more or less pale, and they rushed to poke their heads. How could they not know Xiao Ran, the hero of the ship regiment, the highest military officer, and the only candidate for the next president, present. Among the people who dare to sing against Xiao Ran clearly.
   The expressionless Xiao Ran looked at these businessmen and quickly nodded, sitting upright and looking at him seriously. While feeling funny in his heart, he also said faintly: "Very well, it seems that you understand what I mean."
"I am going to hold a concert led by Shiryllu and Lanhua in the boat team, and all of your artists will participate as assistants. I have noticed that you are infected with V bacteria on your hands. And the artists who have been cured, although their ability is not enough, it can be used as a foil. All the artists who carry V bacteria must not shirk this concert for any reason."
   "Shiryllu will be the person in charge of this concert. You can do whatever she asks you to do. What she means is what I mean, and I hope you don’t go against my meaning."
"But I want to tell you. Any artist who refuses to participate, or participates in perfunctory matters. I will use force to drive him out of the ship group. Life and death is up to the sky. At the same time, I am warning you, don't let my arrangements be overcast. Fengyang violated."
   The businessmen shook their heads neatly, and there was a hint of disbelief and fear in their eyes.
"For those of you present, I hope you will unite and cooperate, do this concert for me, and educate the people below you, don’t have any problems, you just need to remember. This time the concert The meaning of the club is not as simple as letting everyone have fun. Success or failure is not only related to me, but also to your lives and property."
Xiao Ran glanced at these merchants, then looked at Angelo, who is also the brother of Xiaozhengtai Luca in the sms, and said: "Mr. Angelo, I have to trouble you again this time, not only on the ship. The lights, pictures and vocal effects outside the group will also be entrusted to you to take the lead."
   Angelo is different from those merchants. Knowing the current dilemma that the ship group is facing, although he didn't understand the significance of Xiao Ran's doing this, he still nodded. All the support was expressed: "No questions, I will arrange all the staff to start dealing with this matter later, this time with the help of these brokerage companies and TV stations, it should be done faster, but I don’t know how to do it. To what extent."
"I want the entire planet to be able to hear the singing of Shirley and Orchid, especially the one in the universe." Xiao Ran looked at Angelo and said, "However, except for the ship group, as long as there is a voice in other places, it can pass through. Just fine."
   Angelo frowned, but looked at the firmness in Xiao Ran's eyes. He pondered for a while and nodded slightly: "But I can't guarantee that their voices spread all over the planet."
   Xiao Ran smiled and said, "That's probably what I mean. It's better to do as much as you can. But I hope you can give me a specific time."
   "Three days." Angelo stood up and pointed three fingers at Xiao Ran: "I can do my best. It can be done in three days, but I need the military's power."
"No problem." Xiao Ran nodded, and turned to look at the businessmen before: "Have you heard, three days, three days can meet my requirements, so you must prepare the concert for me within three days. All the matters and the work completed is the time when the concert starts, understand?"
All the businessmen closed their mouths tightly, and kept their heads lighted up and down. It was not until Xiao Ran turned and left that these businessmen collapsed on their chairs like collapsed. Xiao Ran's words scared them. If you just put life and death on your lips, how can these guys not be afraid.
As for those with better psychological quality, some of them were able to get on the stage a little, so they ran directly to Angelo and played the sound. But no matter what these people asked, Angelo just smiled slightly: "No matter what Xiao What the general asks you to do, just do it well, rest assured, you will not be wronged, but you only need to remember that what General Xiao said just now is not a threat but a fact."
After saying this, Angelo took his assistant and left the headquarters of the Defense Forces, causing a group of people to look at him and stare at each other, but within a few minutes they rushed out of the headquarters meeting room. The phone was also taken out and dialed one by one.
   "Moses, help Shiryllu these days and get this done."
"Billy, you should also select the people on the list, especially those children, those who have the talent to sing with their hearts, are deleted for me, but you don’t have much time, only two days at most. But you can mobilize any force to help you accomplish this, do you know."
   Moses and Billy nodded, and Xiao Ran waved his hands: "Go."
   Moses and Billy led the way, and after leaving the headquarters, they ran in different directions, one to the municipal building and the other to s.m.s.
Cruze, who was originally with Xiao Ran, went to the hotel where the senior officers of the Earth Unity and Fleet were held. So far, he has not sent any news back to Xiao Ran. Xiao Ran sat in the office for a while, but now there is nothing better. I did, after thinking about it, I decided to see Luo and Basac on the Lord Angel, and arranged for Luo to learn things by the way.
When he came out this time, Xiao Ran did not bring anyone, even the average driver did not bring one. He found a big-wheeled convertible off-road vehicle and drove slowly out of the city by himself, leaving the main island towards the Archangel. Drive.
   The weather this week was very good. There were not too many natural disasters. In normal times, the sun was shining slowly and people were very comfortable. Xiao Ran just drove the car and enjoyed the warm daylight.
Suddenly, Xiao Ran only felt that his eyes were dark, not that his eyes were really dark, but that the sky was suddenly darkened, but the other places he saw in his eyes were still the same, and he immediately raised his head reflexively. I saw a big bird appearing in the sky, just covering myself under its shadow.
   Xiao Ran stepped on the brakes instantly when he saw the big bird. After stopping the car, he instantly stood on the chair of the car and looked at the big bird slowly falling from a distance.
"Wow!" Big bird howled and landed on the car, staring at Xiao Ran with red eyes. To be honest, Xiao Ran's mood was a little nervous at this time, and he looked on. On the indifferent and fearless is completely different, but regardless of the eyes or movements, Xiao Ran did not show the slightest tension in his heart.
   "I didn't expect that you would really agree to see me." Xiao Ran looked at the big bird as if he had seen an ordinary person, and said, "Don't you think it would be difficult for us to communicate with you in this way?"
Xiao Ran's voice fell, and the big bird suddenly showed a burst of red, blue, and white light with heavy spots of light, and then a birdman with wings appeared in front of Xiao Ran, and the birdman moved his head closer to Xiao Ran and moved. He moved his nose, then retracted his head, and said, "How did you discover my identity."
   "I have seen some records about you." Xiao Ran also glanced at the birdman in front of him, and said with a deep groan, "May I ask you for assistance on behalf of this ship group, or is it a deal?" (to be continued)
  Ps: Only this chapter, Yizui really can't afford to write, and I can't stand up because of stomach pain. I wrote this chapter for 5 hours, and I really can't hold on. But I still ask for a monthly pass [end of this chapter]
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