Chapter 41: Abandoned child

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When Xiao Ran left the bridge nonchalantly, at the moment when the elevator door closed, Xiao Ran tightly squeezed his fist and waved: "YES! Although it may not be possible that the landing place of the Archangel is exactly the same as the original plot. , But such a big movement will definitely attract the attention of Zaft and Desert Dawn, so it is not much different from the original plot."
Fortunately, Xiao Ran didn’t feel dumbfounded at this time, and walked a lot lighter. This was also due to the simulated gravity system in the Archangel. If it weren’t for the existence of this system, I’m afraid it would be more than Xiao Ran. Everyone on the Angel will stagger when they walk.
At the same time that Xiao Ran arrived at Gnaku to meet the people in the maintenance team, the Archangel also slowly fell to the ground under a slight shock. In fact, at Xiao Ran's level, it is really difficult for him to imagine the reality. Next, how does a spacecraft the size of the Archangel float in the air without obvious floating devices?
After the Archangel stopped, Xiao Ran and several of Gnaku's people climbed to the top of the Archangel and looked at the assault Gundam whose shield had been completely scrapped. The maintenance team also took a breath, not only The shield, the fuselage of Assault Gundam also more or less melted due to the high temperature, the most obvious is the two sharp corners of Assault Gundam’s head, which have almost melted more than half, and this It was already night and in the desert, but now that he should feel cold, he can only feel the rush of heat.
"It's also troublesome to repair now." Maddock, who has been promoted to sergeant, reluctantly made his standard moves, stretched out his hand and scratched his hair, and after a painless complaint, he immediately opened it. After attacking Gundam's cockpit door, as Xiao Ran said, Kira had indeed fainted. If the whole person had not been directly restrained by the seat belt, otherwise he would have collapsed long ago.
After the maintenance team carefully brought Kira down, they rushed to the hospital on the battleship, where there were new medical doctors transferred from the Eighth Fleet due to the lack of personnel on the Archangel, not just military doctors. At this time, after the Archangel merged with the Eighth Fleet, it not only received supplies in terms of materials, but also greatly supplemented its personnel. The Archangel, which has always been staffed with the lowest personnel, also received supplies in terms of crew. For the first time, there was a broken 100 situation.
Watching Kira leave, Xiao Ran also sat in the Assault Gundam. As soon as he sat in, he was so hot that he almost fainted. He quickly turned on the air replacement device in the cockpit. Assault Gundam drove back to Ganaku, and the cockpit door was never closed.
After placing the Gundam, Xiao Ran also specifically found Sergeant Maddock: "This place is an enemy-occupied area. There is no reason why Zaft's people who come down from the Archangel will not be able to see it. For maintenance and repair, the enemy may come at any time."
"I understand this." Sergeant Maddock looked at the damaged Assault Gundam and said: "Although it looks serious, the internal structure has not been damaged. It will be repaired very quickly, but your body ..."
Xiao Ran nodded: "I know that this Gene can't fight on the ground without special settings. No one understands the OS except Kira, and because of the first attack, the lower limbs appear structural. The damage is fine in the universe, but fighting on the ground may not last for too long and then it will disintegrate. At that time, not only can it not become combat strength, but it will also become a drag."
"It's fine if you understand." Maddock picked up the tablet computer at hand and called up the information about Gene. While pointing at the thing on it, he said to Xiao Ran: "It's not only that, except for the lower limbs. In particular, the backpack part completely exceeds the maximum weight that Gene can bear on the earth. You were not allowed to reinforce the skeleton before. Now once the backpack is disintegrated, you will lose energy and cannot fight, or the skeleton Fracture becomes a target, in short, your Gene is now useless."
Xiao Ran smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, Genn can't use it on the earth. I have prepared for it. I have time to remove the parts of the original Strike Gundam. Kira can capture a Genn. I want to capture one on earth. There should be no problem with Tai Deen, and you will have to trouble you to modify the body at that time. I think this journey in the future may be more dangerous than the road in the universe."
"Listening to what you said, I really find it very troublesome." Madok sighed and said helplessly: "Forget it, let's hurry up and fix the Assault Gundam, and we need to debug the Skymaster. , But when it comes to Skymaster, I think you can pilot Skymaster to fight."
   "Airmaster is a fighter type after all, and it is completely different from MS operation. I haven't learned how to drive that thing. Let's forget it." Xiao Ran waved his hand quickly and rejected Maddock's proposal.
   After leaving Ganaku, Xiao Ran went directly to the captain's room where Maru was. When Xiao Ran walked in, he saw the three people who were already waiting in it.
   Before Xiao Ran sat down, Bucky Lulu asked very directly: "Major Xiao Ran, what did you mean by what you said on the bridge just now."
   "Just like what I mean literally." Xiao Ran shrugged, greeted Maru and Mu, and sat down on Maru's bed, the only place to sit down. Ma Liu was stunned when she saw Xiao Ran's actions. She just wanted to open her mouth and looked at Xiao Ran as if nothing had happened, hoping to get an explanation for the previous sentence from Xiao Ran's mouth.
   Bucky Lulu said, "I don't understand."
Xiao Ran shook his head and pointed his finger at the display on the front wall: "The red place is our location in North Africa, and the blue place is our destination Alaska. As you can see, it’s almost half the earth apart, even if It would take a lot of time for us to get there without the enemy's obstruction. After all, the Archangel does not have the speed of an airplane.
"In the enemy-occupied area, we want to go to Alaska, not only to face the enemy on the ground, but also to face the enemy on the sea, fighting one battle after another, and even going around to avoid fighting. For other roads, we must always break through the enemy's blockade. Then how much time will we spend?"
"It's funny after thinking about it. The place where the Archangel landed is too suitable. I don't know how many people can sleep with peace of mind for a long time. A warship that Zaft vowed to sink is now in them. UU reading do you think how much military attention we will attract Zaft’s attention?
Xiao Ran said, and then looked at the three of them with interest:
If Halbarton The general sent the information about the assault Gundam to the moon, and I want to ask you again, what is the most lack of the Earth Army now? And without General Halbarton, do you think there will be someone besides him who will send troops to rescue us at all costs Huh?"
After listening to Xiao Ran's words, the three of Maru became silent. The meaning of Xiao Ran's words was very clear, that is, they had become abandoned sons of the Earth Army to Zaft to buy time. They could not deny Xiao Ran. What has been said, after all, it is very likely that this will become a reality.
"You can't be sure at all. All this is speculation." Bucky Lulu suddenly raised her head and said in a questioning tone: "And this is Zaft's sphere of influence, and the Earth Army does not have this strength. This place comes to rescue us! Even if they want to rescue, they can't contact us because of the neutron jammer. What is the purpose of shaking the military heart by saying these words!"
"Of course it is to deepen your dislike of the Earth Army, and to deepen your dependence and goodwill on me. It is also to save you, Bucky Lulu." Xiao Ran shook his head and said to himself in his heart, then spread his hands to Bucky Lulu. Lu said: "Then I'm talking nonsense. What you said is correct. In short, leaving from here is the most important thing. Anyway, as long as the Archangel persists, there will always be a day when things will become clear." A great event for pie, a cool mobile phone is waiting for you! Follow it~ Click/Chinese web official account (WeChat add friend-add official account-enter qdread), participate now! Everyone has a prize, now follow qdread WeChat public number!)
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