Chapter 413: Threat of Birdman

When Cruz brought Admiral George to the bridge, the Earth Unity Army finally recovered after losing nearly four layers of troops. It reorganized the battle clusters in an orderly manner and retreated quickly, leaving behind a break. The team started to attack in the direction of the twenty-fifth ship regiment.
When Admiral George entered the bridge, the first sentence he heard was also the voice from the intelligence control seat: "The enemy fleet has lost nearly four layers of troops, and the number of deformed fighters lost exceeds 800. The main troops began to retreat, and the flagship issued The letter asked if it needed to be pursued."
   The heavy footsteps made Xiao Ran turn his head, and smiled slightly after seeing Cruzer and Admiral George walking in: "No need to chase, open full-band communication."
   Xiao Ran stood up, took the communicator and walked in front of Admiral George, and smiled: "Although it is very similar to admiral George, it seems that this is not the time."
Admiral George grabbed the communicator blankly and put it directly to his mouth, and said angrily: "Notice to the Earth and Naval Fleet, I am Admiral George Brown. I feel very sorry for what happened just now. Anger, who really wants to bury me here, and what purpose do they use to attack a spaceship carrying our senior officers."
"Now I order all ships to immediately give up resistance and stand by. I have reached a settlement agreement with the 25th Fleet Regiment. From now on, this fleet will abandon all military missions to the 25th Fleet Regiment. The two sides shall not attack each other. , I will also immediately return to the fleet flagship to thoroughly investigate what happened today."
While General George was conducting full-frequency communications, Xiao Ran also commanded the seat of intelligence control: "Notify all troops, immediately stop attacks on the Earth Unity and the fleet, reorganize the entire army, and send people to the battlefield. Clean up, implement humanitarian relief operations, and immediately count our losses and submit the list to me for review."
   "Yes, the President."
   The warships of both sides ceased fire at the same time, and the warplanes of the battle also quickly moved apart and began to retreat. The insects also gave up their continued attack on the Earth Unity Army under the communication of the V-infected.
   And just at this time. A huge figure suddenly appeared in the blank area of ​​the confrontation between the two sides, and the nerves of both parties were immediately tightened again. After seeing the huge figure, Xiao Ran quickly grabbed the communicator and solemnly ordered: "Everyone. No fire is allowed without my order!"
Although Xiao Ran’s order was given to all the members of the 25th Ship Regiment’s Defense Forces to receive it directly, the ship’s defense force who saw the huge figure did not dare to relax at all. The huge figure made everyone feel it. A kind of terrifying pressure, only a few people know the identity of this huge figure. ,
The number of    Ship Regiment Defense Forces is about 500,000. And the Earth system and war fleet with several times the size of the regiment defense force will naturally have more than several times the size of the regiment defense force. Among so many people, those who clearly know the identity of this huge figure, the entire ship regiment plus the people from the Earth Unity and the military fleet, may be less than 50 out of millions.
   Not only Xiao Ran gave the order, even Admiral George's face became extremely pale the moment he saw this figure, and the whole person panicked: "All the troops are on guard, no one is not allowed to fire without an order!"
   When the communication was released, Admiral George said in a trembling voice: "Why, why is it here. Why is there a primitive demon here!"
Xiao Ran slowly turned around, looked straight at Admiral George, and said lightly: "Don’t understand, this primitive demon is my real backstop against your earth unity army, otherwise you think I’m on the ground Dare to reunite with the earth and the military."
   Admiral George's eyes widened, and he tremblingly pointed at Xiao Ran with his fingers: "It's you! Do you know what the original demon is! Are you not afraid of raising tigers!"
   "Of course I know, maybe better than you know." Xiao Ran raised his eyebrows. Said: "But we can even live together with insects. Are we afraid of being friends with a primitive demon?"
   The huge figure that suddenly appeared was the birdman who had previously traded with Xiao Ran. This huge figure was the real form of the birdman, and it looked like a huge meatball monster.
   Coincidentally, at this time, all the ships sounded a somewhat frivolous voice. But the tone is indeed full of threats and killing intent: "I said that you humans are really interesting. You like to provoke some existences you can't provoke, and you also like to beat yourself. This is really a funny beauty, but I warn. You, how you fight is your business, but it’s better not to affect this planet. Don’t fight against the attention of the VAJRA queen, otherwise I will be regarded as your declaration of war on me, I will put the battlefield on your mother Star is fighting with you."
   After the monster finished speaking, a white light appeared all over and disappeared between the two fleets in the blink of an eye.
   "Xiao Ran..." Admiral George breathed heavily and pointed at Xiao Ran with trembling fingers: "You are fine, fine."
   Xiao Ran smiled slightly: "If both parties are in peace, of course it is the best."
   An hour later, Kruze personally drove the B-class VF-27, carrying the technical information that Xiao Ran handed over to him to drive General George away. Three hours later, after the Earth Tradition and the military fleet sent a letter to the 25th Fleet Group to express their gratitude, they all began to jump and leave the star field.
After the Earth Unity Army left, the entire ship regiment's defense forces, including the people on the planet ship regiment, burst out loud shouts, laughter, and joy, and finally turned into a unified singing. It was a long, long time before calm was restored.
   Maru looked at the terrestrial unity and war fleet leaving through the jumping channel, and looked at Xiao Ran with some worry, and said, "Kluzer is leaving like this, there will be no problems?"
"If there is a problem, it won't be our problem." Xiao Ran walked behind Maru, put his left hand on Maru's shoulder, and said: "Don't worry, that fellow Kluzer is afraid of death and won't take it. I'm joking about my life."
   Maru also pressed Xiao Ran's hand on her shoulder with her hand, and nodded gently: "Yeah."
One week later, it seems that everything in the ship group has returned to its original state. The work, work, school and school are not affected at all. However, the two and a half hours of concert every night is always going on. A lot of people will be attracted to watch the scene every day.
Xiao Ran has officially moved into the Presidential Palace, and Catherine, the daughter of the former President Glass, has become Xiao Ran's chief assistant officer, helping Xiao Ran deal with various things. Billy and Moses are also called assistant officers. Also take it to the next level.
Shirleylu, Mario, Graham, and Nalo have all moved into the presidential palace. There is no need to go to the old house that was crowded with too many people, and Basac also doesn’t have to stay on the main Angel every day. He moved in, but he also left early every day and returned late. Rarely one day when he was in the presidential palace, Luo still settled in. In addition to being busy on the day of the battle, he brought back many things to Xiao Ran. I have never seen him in person.
   Maru still goes to S.M.S to study every day, and Shirley will sing a few songs every day. Although tired, she feels very happy.
However, Xiao Ran has been very busy these days. Since the departure of the Earth Unity and the fleet, there has been no actual action. The autonomous fleets who have only verbal appeals finally came to something practical. Starting from three days, the various fleets The envoys arrived in the Twenty-Five Ship Regiment in an endless stream. Not only people came, but they also brought their support. A large amount of military supplies were transported to the planet to accumulate.
   Xiao Ran was busy meeting this and that, negotiating cooperation, negotiating support, and contacting representatives of two or three shipping groups a day. Everything was the same, but it made people feel very sad.
Compared with the difficulty of sending people to ask for help at the time, President Glass, in today's situation, there is no need for Xiao Ran to go to anyone for support. Some people send their doors to support the 25th Ship Regiment. On the day of the battle, the Ship Regiment cooperated with the insects. The displayed power surprised these autonomous ship groups, especially the appearance of primitive demons that shocked them even more. It also allowed these autonomous ship groups and forces to see the powerful background of the 25th ship group and bring them to life. The actual benefits come.
And counting the time, Kruze has almost arrived on Earth. As for the development situation there, Xiao Ran really has no news at all. Although he maintains absolute trust in Kruze, he is worried about Kruze’s comfort. Avoided.
With the gathering of more and more representatives of autonomous ship groups representatives of border forces, unknowingly, these people from various places in the galaxy gathered together and opened in hotels from time to time. The meeting was held, and taking advantage of this opportunity to deepen the mutual connection and relationship between the autonomous ship group and the border forces, the proposal of a cooperative alliance was finally put forward, and the general items were quickly sorted out and sent to Xiao Ran.
The Autonomous Trade Alliance is the name of this alliance. It is an economic and technical cooperation trade system composed of autonomous ships and border forces. When Xiao Ran saw this proposal, he was also quite interested, and these ships and forces recommended Xiao Ran to serve. The first president also made Xiao Ran feel full of sincerity.
However, after Xiao Ran carefully read the sorted out proposal, he was not satisfied with the content of the proposal. The current proposal is too simple. It only proposes the alliance’s trade freedom, breaks the technical blockade and sells his best military products. Apart from this similar thing, there is only a general content that when a certain member force is attacked, other member forces are obliged to help. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation.)
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