Chapter 420: Exclusive faction = exclusive territory

Xiao Ran quickly canceled the confirmation option after seeing whether to change. There are still people on the Lord Angel. Xiao Ran is not sure where the people on the battleship will go once the battleship is replaced. This kind of death is best not It's better to try. +small,
It didn’t take long for Xiao Ran to see the No. 3 Gnaku in the center of the Lord Angel directly descend and flat on the floor. A dozen hellos also hopped out and ran directly to the opposite side of s. A row of Haro’s engineering robots began to slowly transport the things on the Lord Angel as the main force.
In this peculiar space, whether you want to move things into the battleship or move things out of the battleship, it is actually very simple. It can be done without too many hands and machinery. Above the entire hangar, there is a robotic arm that seems to be less than half as thick, and it is placed anywhere with an undamaged absorber that is beyond normal people's perception.
More direct, such as s, can be directly transmitted to the battleship through the operating platform. As for the supply of too much ammunition, it will be too slow if it is transported one by one with a robotic arm, so of course it is only necessary to use an engineering robot. Is the best choice.
Xiao Ran and Maru, Luo, and Nalu greeted them and asked them to tell the three newcomers about Prometheus, and then they took Basac and hurriedly left their living area. One teleported to the factory. District then found Lao Luo.
When Lao Luo saw Xiao Ran rushing over with the old customer Basac, he turned on the isolation device without saying too much nonsense, and threw a big cigar to the two of them. Then he smiled and said to Xiao Ran. : "Why, what good gains are there."
"Yeah." Xiao Ran got his head away and directly sent the two Tianjin Tier 4 battleships to Lao Luo on the operating platform, and said, "Help me sell these two battleships."
"Good stuff." Lao Luo glanced at the two battleships and gave Xiao Ran a thumbs up: "Just repair it and sell it. Important parts of the interior are basically undamaged, and it comes with hyperspace jumps. This Things that can be met and not found are very popular with the Legion, and I will sell you a good price."
Xiao Ran asked, "How do these two battleships compare to the Lord Angel?"
"Hehe, as for the material level of the battleship, there is not much difference, but in other respects, if I give 100 points to the Lord Angel, I will give 300 points to the two Tianjin Tier 4 ships." Old Luo waved his hand with a smile and said: " Basically there is no comparison, but you should have your own ideas when you sell the two battleships with the Lord Angel. And you must have got a better battleship, so I won't say anything."
Xiao Ran smiled. He did get a better battleship, and he won't need to worry about battleship issues for a long time in the future. On the contrary, he should worry about how to find more battleship personnel. I understand how many people there are in those corps, and it is not even clear who the combatants should be if they all control the warships.
The reason why Xiao Ran left the Archangel instead of one of the two Tianjin Tier 4 ships was because Xiao Ran also believed that it was in some worlds. There are also places where the Lord Angel can give play to its advantages. The current Lord Angel is much worse than the tier, but in the future, the warship can be strengthened to catch up with the tier, but it really needs to be strengthened to that level. Point. The Lord Angel currently had no meaning for Xiao Ran.
"What about the price?"
Lao Luo thought for a while, and said, "The price you can get is probably less than 3 million, more than 2.5 million, and 3 million is almost the highest price."
"Then trouble you to sell it for me as soon as possible." Xiao Ran said. Said: "There is still some time in this rest period, I want to make more preparations."
"Don't worry, I will deal with it for you in the shortest time." Lao Luo patted his chest. Said: "Is there anything else to say together."
"Not anymore." Xiao Ran shook his head.
Lao Luo was a little surprised: "Your kid is not a stingy person. If you are in a hurry, you will definitely throw the body to me for processing. This time you will take two battleships out. Could it be that you used the ultimate mission card to get these? thing?"
"There are some other things, but they are of no use at the moment." Xiao Ran shook his head helplessly and asked: "Lao Luo, what should I do if I want to build a legion?"
"Legion, why are you thinking about establishing a corps again? Did you get something exclusively for the corps?" Lao Luo looked at the Basac standing next to Xiao Ran in surprise. Basac saw Lao Luo put his gaze on In his own body, the boring Tan Tan Shou said that he didn't know anything, and said: "I don't know, I don't even know what the ultimate mission card is. I have been playing soy sauce in the mission world from the beginning to the end."
Lao Luobai glanced at Basac. The two had known each other a long time ago. If Basac said that, he had been repairing and remodeling the body at Lao Luo from the beginning, but the two said that they should be particularly familiar with that. No, it's just the familiarity of old customers and regular customers.
However, Lao Luo has a good vision. From the past, we can probably see that Basac can be regarded as a trustworthy person, and if anyone knows a lot about Basac, Lao Luo is really one, after all. The Basac’s body was all repaired here by Lao Luo. When the body was replaced, and where it was often damaged, I could probably see some of the personality of the body owner.
Xiao Ran shook his head and smiled, and said, "Don't guess, it is indeed exclusive to the legion. One legion camp and the other should be regarded as a legion specialty. I don't know what it is for now."
"Legion camp?" Lao Luo heard what Xiao Ran said, but he was a little confused, but he soon reflected it, and his two eyes stared out: "You are talking about the exclusive camp of the legion!?"
Xiao Ran looked at the look of Lao Luo with staring eyes, and couldn't help being proud, and smiled contentedly: "Although I don't know what the so-called exclusive camp is for, I still want to get it. It should be very useful, but I don’t know what else this thing is special about besides the introduction."
Lao Luo only felt his head dizzy, and his feet slapped softly on the big sofa behind him, staring dumbly at Xiao Ran's speechlessness for a long time, until more than ten minutes passed before Lao Luo was cruel. He smoked two cigars and looked at Xiao Ran incredulously: "You guys are enough. Although every time you can bring me great surprises, this surprise is really too exciting. What did you do in the mission world, you will get such a reward."
Xiao Ran smiled and said, "That is to say, according to the regulations, he became the supreme leader of a force, that's it."
"Regulations?" Old Luo was stunned for a moment, his eyes were full of puzzlement, and Basac was also blank.
"Don't you know?" Now Xiao Ran was a little surprised: "I thought you knew everything."
"Do you think I'm the illegitimate son of Prometheus, just like you? How could it be possible to know everything, that is, the exclusive camp. I was fortunate enough to go to the exclusive camp of a legion before I knew it." Lao Luo was not angry. He gave Xiao Ran a white glance, and raised five fingers at Xiao Ran, and said, "You know, from a long time ago until now, the exclusive faction I know does not exceed this number."
"Five?" Xiao Ran looked at the five fingers raised by Lao Luo, and said thoughtfully, "Speaking of which, the conditions for obtaining an exclusive camp are actually quite harsh. It's difficult, but one legion is too much."
"You don't need to tell me what the conditions are." Lao Luo waved his hand to Xiao Ran, and said solemnly: "You know these by yourself, the existence of the exclusive camp is actually a lot of participation in Prometheus for a long time. Everyone should know, but how to get the exclusive camp has always been a mystery. Legions with exclusive camps are not handed down before, or they keep this secret firmly."
"In other words, the price of this information is very high." Xiao Ran raised his eyebrows.
"No matter how high, no one will be willing to exchange." Lao Luo shook his head and said: "Do you know what the exclusive camp represents? A subsidiary camp completely belonging to the Legion, one completely free of Prometheus An exclusive territory outside, a logistics base with unlimited development potential, an arsenal with complete facilities, and even a cornucopia that can gather countless treasures. Do you think those legions that already have exclusive will be willing Does one combat merit or something enhance the opponent’s strength?"
Xiao Ran thought for a while and shook his head: "No, I won't be replaced by me. But besides these, does this exclusive camp have other meanings?"
"It is more appropriate to say that it is an exclusive camp than it is to say that it is an exclusive territory. I think you should know that the exclusive territory is located in other worlds, and you can go back to the rest period after each mission." Lao Luo said seriously to Xiao Ran : "And a world is infinitely broad, don't you know what it means?"
Xiao Ran was taken aback for a moment, and only heard Lao Luo continue to say: "Moreover, once the legion acquires an exclusive territory of a world, then this world will not appear in a second exclusive territory, and the world where this exclusive territory is located will not appear in the future. It will become Prometheus' mission world again."
"But there is more than one same world. People of different periods have entered the same world. Therefore, the same world as this world will still become the mission world. It just means that the world of your exclusive faction will not become Mission world." (To be continued.)
ps: Chapter two, ask for a monthly pass, there is another chapter~~~~~~
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