Chapter 471: White light

The white light spread out, and what appeared was a fireball that was as hot as the sun, but the fireball was too small and not as bright as the sun, and it dissipated in a short time, not as strong as the sun, and never extinguished. The scattered white flowers will always bring up dozens or dozens of such fireballs. Under the white and fiery red light, there are countless existences that have pierced the light with long The long wake rushed into the arus fleet without returning, and rushed to the front of the Dolcia military state fleet.
Time seemed to stop, but the missiles and beams launched did not. Some beams dissipated due to the bursting of the reaction bombs, but fortunately, the beams that passed through the scope of the reaction bombs continued to rush towards the already determined aims. Especially the beam launched from the Galaxy Diva directly broke through the white light and hit the arus fleet ahead. After bringing up countless huge fireballs and white pink smoke, it also forced the arus fleet. There was confusion.
When more light came out, a warship belonging to arus was also torn apart huge gaps by the reaction bomb, and then shattered, exploded, and dispersed. The power of the reaction bomb is not comparable to that of the high-explosive bomb. In the Macross f world before the appearance of the med bomb, this weapon was the killer of the entire Union Army. It is conceivable how powerful it will be.
In the world of Macross f, the use of this weapon requires approval and procedures. But in this world, on the Galaxy Diva, Xiao Ran’s words are formalities, and for the first time, people in this world have seen such terrifying weapons like nuclear bombs as densely launched as missiles under such battles. After coming out, Arus was also the first force to experience this taste, but this taste was quite bitter.
Seventy percent of the reaction shells flew to arus, which brought them more than 30% of the space fighter force loss. Among the more than 100 warships, they lost more than 20 ships before they could react. , But also to the straight formation of the arus's fleet, which caused the direct loss of more than twenty warships. Almost twice this number of warships were damaged, the degree of damage may be light or heavy, but the heaviest warships were much better than those warships that were silently turned into fragments.
Under this wave of attacks, these warships without any energy defense at all can be said to have suffered heavy losses for arus. Immediately one third, a wave of reaction bomb offensives did not directly defeat these arus generals. It should be said that the moment the first white brilliance bloomed, these guys were blinded.
But the next reaction was to become angry from embarrassment, one word: hit. This word has exhausted a thousand words, if you add three words, then it is: hit hard.
In an instant, the arus side was like taking medicine. All the space fighters began to dive toward the 77th module and the Galaxy Diva. The battleships that could still fight were slowly moving forward to block the damaged battleships. From behind, countless attacks were also ejected.
In the direction of the Dorcia military state, 30% of the number of reaction bombs is not a small number, but the soldiers of the Dorcia military state are more well-trained, so when a Taiwan tile flies into a huge face The shield stood in front. The end result was that these tiles disappeared in an instant. Except that only seven or eight battleships were damaged due to bad luck, the remaining battleships hardly suffered much loss.
But in this way, there are no more mobile units in the entire Dorsia military state except for the warships. If you encounter Xiao Ran driving the body alone, or Moses and Billy rushing over with the drone , The warships of the Dolsia military state will completely become the living targets of these super-flexible units.
A wave of missile offensives caused such an effect, which was completely unexpected by the Dorcia Military State and Arus, and never imagined that it would be on the Galaxy Diva, in this unworthy New Gior. There will be such a large number of nuclear bombs.
Arus became angry from embarrassment, but it didn't take long before he began to fear, and he also remembered the threats Xiao Ran had mentioned directly, but it was too late to fear and regret. They can only take down the Galaxy Diva and take down the entire seventy-seven modules in one go, and then it is possible to relieve their worries. At this time, they have no choice.
Sitting in the cockpit of Justice Gundam, Xiao Ran looked at the reaction bullet that had caused such a result, and a pity also flashed in those eyes that burst out. Although there are more reaction bombs available in the Galaxy Diva, it is impossible to achieve this result.
Having learned the lesson, the Arus and Dorcia forces will never ignore any missiles issued by the Galaxy Diva. As long as there are missiles launched, they will definitely be intercepted as soon as possible. If the reaction bomb is launched again, it may just be launched. It is directly destroyed, but it will affect the Galaxy Diva itself.
After this pityful gaze flickered, Xiao Ran pushed his hands forward at the same time, and directly rushed to the arus space fighter unit that came with the fire of revenge with countless green light spots. The first order after the outbreak of fighting was also issued in the communication channel.
"Nalo led the rear of the UAV unit, Moses, Billy, and the YF-19 fighter squad to protect the Galaxy Diva and the module, and ordered Haruto and Ryukino Saki to attack, so that the propulsion of the No. 1 and No. 2 ships on the module was full power. Turn it on and break out of the enclosure."
Xiao Ran just finished speaking, the first wave of the space fighter's offensive fell on Justice Gundam. Xiao Ran also opened the gn particle shield for the first time. Under such an attack, speed is no longer the key factor in determining victory. , But defense, firepower, hit ability, and ability to dodge these attacks.
Xiao Ran controlled the body under his seat, which had grown countless times larger after being equipped with tactical armor, and was equally flexible and interspersed among the attacks of space fighters. Attacks that could not be avoided, Xiao Ran would not reluctantly evade. Under the protection of the gn particle shield and the ps armor, although it is sufficient to carry the attacks of so many cosmic fighters at the same time, it can also be safe and sound under a dense wave of attacks.
After dozens of cosmic fighters rushed directly in front of the Justice Gundam and burst out with full firepower towards the Justice Gundam, finally a burst of spark appeared in front of the Justice Gundam, and it was enough to emerge immediately. Cover the smoke of Justice Gundam Tactical Arms.
Just as the pilots of these cosmic fighters were happy, dozens of beams shot out directly from the smoke, and the smoke was swept away by the beam. The Justice Gundam Tactical Armament was also accompanied by the beam from the smoke. Came out.
"Boom boom boom~~~~"
Although no sound could be transmitted in the universe, through the scattered gn particles, Xiao Ran still felt dozens of successive explosions sound in his ears through the huge perception that Xiao Ran got because of the gn particles~www.mtlnovel .com~All the space fighters that stood in front of Justice Gundam were all destroyed in this instant, and none were spared.
Xiao Ran, who had directly killed so many people, was still expressionless at this time. Apart from the light bursting from his eyes, he couldn't see any fluctuations in his face.
I saw Xiao Ran holding his left hand on the top of the sub-operating lever and directly pushing it to the top. The right hand controlled the main operating lever to influence the actions of Justice Gundam, shuttled back and forth among countless light beams, and his eyes flashed one by one. At the same time, the five fingers of the right hand will also press the buttons on the joystick respectively, making the Justice Gundam Tactical Armor continuously attack and bring out fireballs one after another.
When Xiao Ran controlled Justice Gundam and directly used a huge robotic arm to cut a space fighter flying in front of him in half, he also glanced at Harrow in the cockpit with the corners of his eyes, and said: "Ha Luo, turn on-the system turns on... the trans-am system... the gn large fangs are activated, the solar furnace is activated, all the gn dragoons are activated, and the missile launcher is activated."
"Received, received, Hello, received." (To be continued.)
ps: Chapter 3 is completed, and one chapter is still missing in the end~~~~ I am finally finished.
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