Chapter 5: Meet the participants

"Why are they here!?" Xiao Ran looked at the few people who were slowly approaching not far in front. The shock in his heart could not be concealed completely on his face. He had seen these people and had a more impression on two of them. Is profound.
Without thinking about the identities of these six people, Xiao Ran was definitely a participant like him. In the previous news, he had seen the faces of several of these six people, and among them, Xiao Ran was the most familiar. They were the two most impressive of the five participants who led the airport hijacking incident at that time, one who looked tall and strong and the only woman among the five hijackers.
This tall and strong participant smiled grimly at this time. The clothes on his upper body are no longer known where they were dropped, but from his body, more than a dozen conspicuous bullet marks can be clearly seen. The bullet marks were clearly left in the muscles after the bullet hit him. Although they looked serious, they might not have much effect on him at all. The muzzle in the hand of this participant was still emitting white smoke at this time, and there is no need to think about it as he was the one who fired the shot.
Another female participant looked less serious than the former. Her neat hair was a bit messy at this time, and her clothes were not damaged, but she showed a touch of infested red on her shoulders. There was a trace of pain on his face.
The other four people are not any of the partners who participated in the hijacking of the airport with these two before. Thinking about it, you can know that even if humans have alien species beyond ordinary people, they cannot be protected by countless guards. There was no harm and no loss in the surrounding situation, and the three men should have died in the battle.
These four people, Xiao Ran, had some impressions. It was the travelers and hostages with strange expressions that had appeared in the news before. Although they were not all the participants at the time, Xiao Ran still did not expect anyone to join this group to do things regardless of the consequences. , Crazy to the hostage-taking team.
   "But why are they here?" Xiao Ran's heart was full of doubts.
"Unexpectedly, there is still such a big fish waiting for us." The five-and-three-thirty strong man grinned grinningly, and saw a trace of sullenness in his eyes as he watched assault Gundam: "The kid above, quickly get down to me, or your friend It's dead!"
"Kira..." Mirialia hid behind Xiao Ran and Sey in fear, and raised her head to look at Kira who was attacking Gundam. Her eyes were all bewildered and pleading, not begging Kira. Jumped from the assault gundam, but begged Kira to save them.
Kira, who was standing in the Assault Gundam, looked at the six people in disbelief. At this time, all their guns had been aimed at Xiao Ran and the others, and the shot that was fired at Xiao Ran just now explained these six people. Absolutely speaking, as long as he does not go down, those six people will definitely kill Xiao Ran and all of them, but even if he leaves Strike Gundam, there is no guarantee that these lunatics will let them leave safely. Ra was struggling, the expression on her face changed uncertainly.
In the face of the six men who suddenly appeared vicious and vicious, the three boys, Sai, Thor, and Kazuyi also seemed a little at a loss. Said was a little better, although he was afraid, he was still in a row with Xiao Ran. The three stood behind and said loudly to the strong man: "Why do you guarantee that he will let us go after he leaves the mobile suit."
"Haha!" The strong man stunned for a moment, and then he was born with a big laugh. It seemed that his laughter was particularly contagious. Even the other people around him also laughed, and his face was indescribable. ridicule.
The strong man fired another shot. This time the bullet hit the ground in front of Xiao Ran and Sai Yi, scared Xiao Ran and the others could not help but back off a few steps, the strong man smiled disdainfully: "As long as he comes down obediently, I I promise to let you go."
Xiao Ran kept silent, thinking about a solution to the current situation in his mind. He was pointed at with guns by six people, and only Kira and Assault Gundam on his side were the last guarantees. If you don’t know the plot later, , Xiao Ran is an ordinary person living in this world, so Xiao Ran naturally hoped that the other party was telling the truth, and let them leave safely after Kira got down, but this was just hope, because Xiao Ran also couldn't guarantee that what the other party was saying was The truth.
But in fact, Xiao Ran is neither an ordinary person in this world nor an ordinary participant who knows nothing. He is an earth person who knows almost all the plot of Gundam SEED. He knows that the Archangel will appear later, and he knows that soon the satellite It would collapse. If you did not board the Archangel, if you boarded the Archangel without the protection of Assault Gundam, whether it was him or Kira, it would become a cold corpse after a few hours.
Xiao Ran don’t die here like this, don’t die here if you haven’t seen the world well, have felt the world, he has the advantage of knowing the plot, don’t stand in the huge cosmic fortress of Prometheus without relying on this advantage Just die here, he wants to live, so strong men they must die!
"Sey, Thor, Miriamia, Kazuyi..." Xiao Ran gritted his teeth and said in a cold voice with his fists, "Kira can't come down, this group of people will never let us go... …They are the terrorists who took hostages in the airport before. We have seen their looks. Kira will definitely die together if Kira gets down from the mobile suit. If Kira can’t get down, we will not necessarily die. Kira will live. You What to choose!"
"Teacher..." Miriariya was stunned. Not only she, but the three of Seys were also stunned. They slowly raised their heads to look at Kira who was struggling. Kira also seemed to feel the gazes of several people. At this moment, the eyes of the people seemed to converge. The eyes of Miriarias slowly changed from fear and dazedness to firmness. Kira seemed to understand their meaning, and the expression on his face suddenly became Shocked, shaking his hands and slowly turning his head to look at the strong man and the other six, his eyes burst out with unprecedented anger.
Kira's eyes became dull suddenly, and the whole person seemed to calm down, but in his heart he was roaring: "Unforgivable, unforgivable, why, why come to disturb our peaceful life? forgive!"
   "This..." Xiao Ran stared at Kira, whose state was obviously wrong just now, and was shocked: "This is unscientific, is it exploding?"
   "Have you decided yet?" The strong man's face was full of impatience, and the gun in his hand was pointed at Xiao Ran's head again.
"Don't be afraid, don't panic..." Xiao Ran stared at the six muzzles aimed at these people with his two eyes, I don't know why at this moment he only feels unusually calm in his heart, shocked after Kira exploded. The transition to calmness took less than a second and adjusted to the best mentality: "I counted to 3, and everyone rushed towards the MS. Believe me, believe Kira, Kira and I will definitely stand in your way. front."
   "Hmm." Xiao Ran heard the soft response behind him, and began to count slowly: "1...2...3...Kira!"
At the same time that Xiao Ran counted 3, Thor and Kazuyi directly pulled Miriaria and rushed towards the foot of Strike Gundam. Saiy also leaped hard to the side, and even flew. Three meters away, it almost fell at the feet of Strike Gundam.
The strong man and the six others also reflected in a second, with a vicious expression of raising the gun and shooting, Xiao Ran narrowed his eyes, bit his teeth, turned and grabbed, and directly took Miriaria, Thor and Kazuyi. Pounced on the ground and directly avoided most of the bullets.
But in this second, Kira was sitting in the driving position again, roaring and pushing the control lever, even before the cabin door of the cab was closed, he controlled the assault Gundam while extending his foot and Hand, and head rotation directly fired the anti-air Balkan automatic gun located on the head.
"Bang, bang..." "Um..." The sound of two bullets entering the meat and a painful sound of gritted teeth and endurance reached the ears of Miriaria and the three of them, and their faces suddenly showed fear. He looked, but then only felt that the top of his head went black, the clang of bullets hitting the steel, and several people found that they were safe. And yelled out in a panic: "Teacher! Teacher!"
   "Boom, boom, boom!"
The power of pistols and machine guns is not comparable to the power of the Balkan automatic gun that strikes the head of the gun. They are also shooting but the power and sound are completely different. The strong man and others never thought that a teenager who looked like a teenager would be able to With such quick action and decisiveness, the time between their firing and the automatic gun firing is less than three seconds. What can be done in three seconds?
You can breathe once in three seconds and blink several times, but for most people, you can’t do anything, but for a strong man, three seconds can make a strong man run 30 meters away, but It's a pity that even if the strong man started to run wild as soon as the head of the assault Gundam turned, the time from the automatic gun shooting was only a little more than a second, and he ran a dozen meters at most.
   Can the bullets fired by the automatic guns be fast when the speed is more than ten meters per second? Of course not, especially after Kira heard the cry of grief and anger from Miriarias, Kira's eyes burst out with endless cold light, and her mouth widened and shouted silently: "Go to death, go to death! "
The initial speed of the shells of the automatic gun has reached more than kilometers per second. It is not a strong man that can avoid it. It is just a moment of time that the fist-sized shells passed directly through his chest, carrying countless Her blood foam hit the ground heavily, and the strong man also flew more than ten meters away under the effect of inertia, and then scattered into countless fragments.
  Perhaps the strong man is the strongest among the six people. Almost all the others only had time to show a panic expression and then completely lost consciousness.
Six participants, six extraterrestrial races that were much stronger than the earthlings were slaughtered in a few seconds, until Kira's eyes returned to normal, watching the flesh and blood on the ground tremblingly lift. Raised his own hands: "I killed...I killed..."
"Kira! The teacher was shot!" Said's loud voice interrupted Kira's bewilderment and fear. He looked around in a panic and directly pulled out the first aid kit from a place with a cross mark in the cockpit. Busy jumped off Gundam, UU reading www. immediately saw Thor and Kazuyi intermingling with Xiao Ran with a miserable face. Kira who saw this scene suddenly felt the guilt and confusion in his heart a little bit.
Two bullets hit Xiao Ran's right shoulder. The bullet almost penetrated the bone and exposed two sharp corners from the front. The pain from the shoulder almost caused Xiao Ran to faint directly, but the mental tension was caused by data. The ancient body still made him hold it back, and smiled at Kira with a pale face: "Are you okay, I'm sorry, as a teacher, I asked you to do such a thing..."
   Kira trembled all over, then shook her head silently.
"Haha." Xiao Ran let out a flat smile: "Don't think too much. These people are the terrorists who hijacked the airport before. Although I don't know why they are here, judging from their costumes, they may have been killed. Too many innocent people, such people are not qualified to live in such a world, and their death is deserved. If they do not die, it may be us who died."
   "Teacher..." Kira looked at Xiao Ran in a daze, and finally nodded heavily: "Yeah."
Miriaria's eyes were red, and she grabbed the first aid kit in Kira's hand and began to treat Xiao Ran's injuries. Xiao Ran also took advantage of this time to look at the watch on her wrist, and she was shocked. Eyes turned white.
The 30-point stamina was only hit by two shots, and it was not a fatal replacement that would have cost him 18 points of life. If he scored one more shot, he would really die here, although it is safe at this time. , But Xiao Ran still felt afraid for a while.
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