Chapter 505: Arrive in Shinjuku

Three days passed by, and the dirty transport ship was also cleaned up by Boss Ya. The thick dust and spider webs that can be seen everywhere have been swept away, and all the places that can be seen are also sprayed. With the new color, the inside of this transport plane was almost completely changed in three days. (Baidu search network updates the fastest and most stable)
During these hours, Luo Ze went all out to understand the purchased unit, compared the units one by one against the contents of the technical data, and finally figured out something that he didn't understand before. However, he finally gave up the idea of ​​designing outer armor by himself, and chose the first of the two options given by Boss Ya.
Boss Ya finds someone to design and make, but will send the armor specification drawings to Luo's hands.
Luo chose this way entirely because he did not understand this new type of ceramic armor material, and could not guarantee that the things he designed would be so in line with this machine whose research significance was higher than its combat significance.
If it was said that his own Red Heresy wanted to change the armor, Luo might have dealt with it himself, but during the research on that unit, Luo found some He Red Heresy, and Justice Gundam, and Xiao Ran in the entire team. The body is different.
Luo doesn’t know the other suits, but the suit sold to them by the boss of Ya has two modes: normal mode and combat mode. You can also fight in normal mode. This is a normal combat mode, while the enhanced mode is just one. After strengthening the combat mode, under this mode, the output of the entire machine body will be greatly enhanced, and the overall performance will also be unusually improved.
And Luo also found out. In the normal mode and the enhanced mode, there is something called a nirvana that is integrated into the system and operation of the body. Once the nirvana is used, the body will burst out with super energy, and it can also make the body Obtained a wonderful ability when using nirvana, and didn't know how to explain it.
In addition. Luo also found a flamethrower on both arms of this machine body. What also surprised him was that the temperature of the flame ejected by the flamethrower was a bit exaggerated, although he had not actually tested it. However, judging from the data, the sprayed flame is completely enough to kill an ordinary d-class body in seconds, and there is still no need to add any fuel. It is just a flame transformed from the energy provided by the body's energy system.
These findings made Luo a little confused. He felt that his cognition seemed to be subverted under the technical impact of this machine. The difference between the normal mode and the enhanced mode was ignored. The unreasonable energy system would strengthen the machine and bring about it. A nirvana with incredible abilities. A flame that is directly converted from energy without fuel, Luo has never come into contact with such an unscientific thing. Although the things Luo touches are also unscientific, at least it can be explained by real mechanical technology.
But after contacting him and getting all the technical data of the machine, Luo finally really felt what a super system was. That is another department completely different from the real department. Perhaps the two departments have a lot in common in some aspects. However, the same reason cannot be used to explain the same phenomenon.
Although he didn't know more about the super system, Luo also had a basic concept of the super system in his heart, that is, powerful and unknown. What a machine can bring to Luo is not to let him enter the gate of the super system, but only to let him see the gate.
Because the machine they bought is not a powerful machine in the super series, but it is just a very general and general existence. It combines the real and super series of two different types of technology mashups. It is also one. The station is most suitable for technicians like Luo to start contacting the super system.
Originally, they didn't intend to stay in this place for long, but the two who left after buying things stayed for a week for this and other reasons, completely breaking the original plan of Luo and Basac. Three days have passed. After the transport ship was cleaned up. Luo and Basac did not continue to stay in this city to wait for the outer armor to be completed, and wasted time staying here. Instead, they drove the transport ship towards Japan.
Now they have lost too much time in this place, and they have bought everything they should buy. It's also time to move on to the next important task, which is the group looking for traces of the East's undefeated. In a week here. It also left the last little bit of gold prepared by Basac. Even Basac did not expect that he prepared so much gold that he could use in this world without knowing how many days he spent in this world. It was all spent out.
As for what happens to the outer armor that Boss Ya finds to make after the two leave, there is no need to worry about them, Boss Ya promised to complete the outer armor manufacturing work within the scheduled Contact them and send them to The place designated by the two people is free of travel expenses as a bonus for this transaction. Anyway, except for the more severe smog in this world, there is no interference, and it is very convenient to contact.
The speed of the transport ship from the truck to the world is faster, I don’t know how many times faster, and the speed of this transport ship is really not slow, the control room is not small, three or five hellos directly took over inside. Everything departed in the morning, but arrived in Japan in the evening. Transport planes have more space than trucks. Even if there are so many things in them, the hangar is relatively empty. Of course, it is still worse than the battleship. It’s too far, but it’s certainly more comfortable to ride than a truck. After all, there is a room of your own, so you don’t need to sleep in the cargo hold.
After entering Japan, the transport plane headed all the way towards Shinjuku. According to the news that Luo and Basac found, the last place the Unbeaten East appeared was on the way to Shinjuku, or in Shinjuku, a human-friendly one. The humans who singled out ms with one or two cloth belts, and the humans who dismantled the ms, whether it was Luo or Basac, were looking forward to it.
As for whether you can find Dongfang undefeated, and whether Bai Dongfang can be unbeaten as a teacher, while looking forward to it, the two of them also have no guarantee. They are happy, and they will not be sad if they fail to do their best. One of the things Xiao Ran had to let them get was a lot. (To be continued.)
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