Chapter 538: Legion, burning.

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After seeing the skills of other liaison officers, he looked up at Winnie and said, "I'm sure it's the matter of establishing the army here, so what else do I need to do?"
Xiao Ran's words made Winnie's smile even more pleasant. She stood up and bent slightly to face Xiao Ran, smiling and saying, "Please wait a moment."
Seeing the smile on Winnie’s face, Xiao Ran raised her eyebrows slightly, as if she understood something, she saw Winnie click on her table, the next moment Xiao Ran only felt a flower in front of her, and then Xiao Ran realized that she should be in the hall. But he appeared in a large independent room, whether he was still under the chair, or the table, or Winnie who was sitting opposite seemed to be teleported here at the same time.
But after thinking of the empty tables in the hall, Xiao Ran understood that in fact, only himself and Winnie were being teleported. The tables and chairs were just the same thing as the outside hall.
Before Xiao Ran asked where she was, Winnie smiled and explained: "This is the closed gates in the outer lobby before. If there is anything about the Legion in the future, you can directly enter the free reception. Room, if I don’t have a job, it will appear as soon as possible."
"I know." Xiao Ran nodded, looked at Winnie and asked: "Then what should I do now%∟long%∟wind%∟wen%∟learn, ww↘w.cfw≤x.n●et."
Winnie kept the seemingly cute smile, blinking both eyes, and said: "You have completed the mission to build the legion and have obtained the qualification to build the legion. The most difficult part has been completed by you. The next steps are It's very simple."
"First of all, you have to prepare a combat merit point as the cost for the establishment of the union, and you will get a resident of your own legion in the base area as a place for legion members to gather. You can also build in the legion resident. To develop."
Following Winnie's voice. Several screens also popped up in front of Xiao Ran, showing an introduction about the territory of the legion, and the specific points of a battle that Winnie said were also explained in detail in these screens.
At least half a million combat merit points can be used to get a small legion station. As for how small it is, it is about four to five times the size of Xiao Ran’s current hangar. This includes the battleship parking area. In the current team hangar, it is possible to park a warship at the same time, but in this small army station. However, two ships can be berthed at the same time. If other things are to be built in other places, it will be very, very crowded.
Next is one million combat points. This should be a standard station size, about ten times the size of the current Xiao Ran hangar, and then a large station with 1.5 million combat points, 15 times the size, and The giant station with two million combat points is twenty times the size.
of course. Even if a giant resident is twenty times the size, it is not really a giant. This is just a resident with nothing. Even a small resident of 500,000 can still be used to determine the size of the resident in the future. Expanded. Of course the same is true for the giant station.
Except for the size, the functions of the resident are the same. There are not many differences. The only thing is that the initial investment is more. The more convenient it is to plan, and if you want to upgrade from a small station to a huge station, each upgrade will cost a total of 600,000 merit points. In other words, it is more than 300,000 combat merit points more expensive than directly purchasing a giant resident.
In addition, the larger the station, the more legion buildings can be accommodated, and the size of the station will also have a certain relationship with the number of legion members that can be recruited.
The size of the resident can be said to be relatively cheap, but for the construction of the resident, it is an investment that takes at least a period of time to see the profit. It can be said that the cost of the two sets of mechanic equipment that Xiao Ran purchased at the beginning can be said to be terrifying. , The manufacturing of a missile production line also used a lot of merit points, not to mention the other production line drawings that Xiao Ran still held in his hands. In addition to the factory, there are also other things that need to be built, which means that the door is easy to enter. Development is difficult.
However, the size of the residence actually has no effect on Xiao Ran. Xiao Ran only needs to choose a suitable size as a facade in Prometheus. After all, he holds an exclusive territory in his hand, and it is still a developed one. Completed exclusive territory, a territory that can be used as soon as the legion is built. This territory can be used as a resident and developed as a resident. It is basically a resident of the legion, but not in Promi. It's nothing more than the internal station of Seus. Once the legion is built, it will be a matter of going from Prometheus to there.
The existence of the exclusive territory did not know how much time, experience, and merits were saved for Xiao Ran, and how much trouble Xiao Ran did not know.
The small ones are too small, and the giant ones are too big. With the idea of ​​temporarily saving merit points, Xiao Ran chose to buy a standard-sized army station worth millions of merit points.
With millions of merit points flowing out, Xiao Ran randomly chose a place. The entire base area is completely surrounded by Prometheus, and it forms a 90-degree right angle with other areas. There is no geographical problem, so what to choose The location of the place is not important at all.
Perhaps because Xiao Ran chose a station with 1 million combat points, Winnie would also get some commissions, and the smile on her face became even more lovely: "The army station has been selected. Now we have to give your army a station. Name, and then make your own emblem for your legion, the emblem can be temporarily not anxious, the name is needed now."
When Xiao Ran came, he never thought about the name. After thinking about it, a lot of names popped up in his head, such as Doraemon, Bikachu, Snow Beer and other messy names. The son came out, thinking for a few minutes, Xiao Ran didn't even think about what name he would give his legion.
For example, the names of many organizations in the animation are not bad, such as Tianren, Zeon, ZAFT, Mithril and so on, but when I think about it, these names are a bit too much, Xiao Ran does not want to have a name that sounds too domineering. , But a plain, not too sharp name, it doesn't matter if it is mysterious.
Suddenly, Xiao Ran didn't know how to do it. With a twitch of his head, he said two words directly: "Burning."
"Burning?" Winnie nodded, and confirmed this two-character word as the name of the legion that Xiao Ran had established.
Winnie looked at Xiao Ran and asked, "Okay, the Burning Legion has been determined, so will the emblem be decided now or will it be decided later?"
The name that Xiao Ran said when he drew his head turned out to be the famous Burning Legion in World of Warcraft, but the name sounds like that. Burning, people who don't know will think it is very ordinary. Now that even the name was confirmed, Xiao Ran thought about the emblems, it's better to deal with them all together.
Under Winnie’s guidance, Xiao Ran put his hand on the table and thought in his mind that it was also in World of Warcraft, the lion head of the Alliance and the red emblem of the tribe. Both emblems Xiao Ran thought it was good and thought about it. I want to enlarge the tribe’s emblem as the background, and change the color to black on both sides. After placing the lion head in the middle of the tribe emblem and covering that point, it becomes the tribe surrounding the alliance, and the color is also changed to black. At first glance, I suddenly felt a bit weird. After changing the color to white, I felt much better, so I determined this pattern as the emblem of the Burning Legion.
That’s all for the emblem. The color is not so important. Whether it’s black or blue, it needs to be modified according to the body’s painting. Anyway, there’s no request for a banner. It doesn’t matter. Up. Choosing two skills, dark sight and sleep sounding, there is nothing to think about at all.
The resident is selected, the name is there, the emblem is also there, the merit points are also handed in, and the skills are selected. It can be said that everything to build the legion is OK. No formalities are required in Prometheus. Wait for Winnie to lower her head. After fiddling with him for less than a minute, he clapped his hands and smiled and looked at Xiao Ran.
At the same time, Prometheus's mechanical reminder appeared in Xiao Ran's head: "The Legion is successfully established."
"Legion name: Burning Legion."
"Legislative Commander: No. 678, Xiao Ran, Authority: Major."
"Station number: 96."
"Legion size: 1/50."
"Legion Material Measurement: 0."
"Legislative Merit Points: 0."
"Legion skills, dark sight, sleep soundly."
"You have your own corps. As a corps commander, you can use all the materials and merits in the corps, you can formulate the rules of the corps, you can set the treatment of corps members, and you can make your followers join the corps and enjoy the treatment of the corps. Incorporate warships owned by individuals into the corps..."
A series of voices popped out of my mind, and all the prompts were expressing a question to Xiao Ran. If this corps is his, it means that everything in the corps is also his. He is the most supreme person in this corps and has rights. The biggest person, he can specify all the rules of the legion, so that everyone who joins the legion abides by the rules he specifies.
However, if you really want to develop a legion, you must maintain a balance while ensuring your authority and rights. This is one of the things that Xiao Ran has learned the most after experiencing so many worlds. (To be continued.)
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