Chapter 546: enter

ps: Ask for monthly ticket, recommended ticket, reward, and a chapter
For ordinary members, apart from allowing them to enjoy the treatment and benefits of the corps, they also need to pay to the corps, to pay part of the battle merits obtained, and to pay the props, parts, and parts that they do not use. If you have to pay your loyalty, of course you will pay more, and you will get more.
When I came to this world, I had been living in the mode of accepting orders and executing orders, so executing orders was not an unacceptable thing for participants. I spent a period of time in Prometheus and experienced several times. After the mission, almost all the participants, even if they had never been in contact with the military before coming to this world, would become someone more or less familiar with the military, so they obey the strong, obey the superior, and be loyal to their own camp. It is also common for the participants.
It’s normal to pay for the legion and get rewards from the legion. You can get repairs, inspections and supplies of the machine at a lower price, and you can buy the things, props, and machines you need from the legion at a lower price. Skills and even battleships are possible, and of course you can also get some other things in the legion.
The supplementary rules of the Burning Legion have been led by several people from Kruze, and they have been completely completed with the participation of the 25th Ship Regiment︽∟dǐng︽∟ǎn︽∟小︽∟. , A supplementary rule and level authority that refer to the unified military regulations and the s..s manual to ensure the supreme leadership of Xiao Ran and give the legion members relative freedom.
To put it simply, it is the binding of loyalty, bound to Xiao Ran, bound to the Burning Legion, and restricts some legion members’ behavior to the outside, and they are not allowed to reveal their identities. You must not tell your origins, etc., especially about the secrets of the legion, such as the existence of exclusive territories, the identities of other members of the legion, and similar things.
These rules limited the behavior of participants who joined the Burning Legion, and obeying Xiao Ran was put first to ensure that they would not cause harm or betrayal to the Burning Legion or any members of the Legion. And once you quit the Legion, you will erase all the information about the Legion in your memory, completely forget all the Burning Legion, you have to return the rewards given by the Legion, etc.
In addition, there are also several rules that are specifically aimed at people on Earth. For example, when dealing with people on Earth, the memory that is cleared is more than the memory of the Legion.
An hour before the mission started, Xiao Ran and everyone else gathered in the only building in the legion base, waiting for the time when the mission finally started.
Maru, Shirley. Including the only participant of Basac and other nine people, this mission will perform a mission that is completely different from the individual mission. In the mission of the Legion, every member will be rewarded regardless of participants or followers. But the difficulty is overall. Everyone works together to complete the task with the same goal. The reward is indeed everyone's, and it is no less than the reward level of the individual task.
It is equivalent to saying that the tasks performed by individuals or teams are more targeted at individuals. For example, requesting to destroy ten enemy planes is a personal goal. At most, it means that he has completed helping his teammates to entangle the target or damage the target, waiting for his teammates to break through and complete the task.
But for the Legion, a maximum of ten people can join in a small mission. There is no difference between the difficulty of nine people and the difficulty of ten people. The same task of destroying the enemy may require destroying a hundred fuselages, but this is not Limited to who broke it. As long as the body destroyed by one of the members will be counted.
It’s just that relatively speaking, after accepting a mission in the name of a corps and entering the mission world, the more likely it is that the participants encountered are members of other corps. This is also the reason why Xiao Ran did not meet other members of the corps in the previous missions. One, in addition to low difficulty. Xiao Ran is not a member of the legion and cannot join the mission in the name of the legion mission.
After the difficulty is promoted, in fact, you will more or less encounter people from other corps in the mission world, but even if you meet these corps members belong to the hostile camp, you don’t have to worry too much, because basically the conflict between the corps mission and the personal mission It's not that high, so you don't have to be afraid of going against the legion, because there are totally other ways to do it.
Another ship of the same type of the Galaxy Diva was also transferred to the Legion by Xiao Ran. Apart from the different colors, this battleship and the Galaxy Diva are identical, and everything including systems, weapons, and defenses have been replicated in general. The transformation will not cause any unaccustomed command and operation. And the battleship was transferred to the legion, so that this battleship also belonged to the legion's assets, of course, it was still Xiao Ran's. There was no change, except that the legion members could use the battleship with Xiao Ran's permission.
And this time, the nine of Maru and the others will use this warship called the Warden to perform missions in which world it is still unknown. The one that was carried was modified to remove the Tachibana, installed on the solar furnace, equipped with the tactical compound armor originally belonging to the dark heresy, and added the wing-shaped backpack of the dragoon without a backpack, and Added two sword gate thrusters of the fierce bird.
Cruze’s Goddess Gundam and Basac’s test machine No. 1 were used as prototypes. They referenced heretics, God Gundam, and Fierce Bird. In the end, Luo under the guidance of Lao Luo, greatly improved and strengthened, and made it by himself The b-class fighting body. On the other hand, Luo's body was directly repaired and transformed using Test No. 1 machine, and it became a body with almost the same appearance as the Red Heresy. The main weapons were the physical sword obtained from Xiao Ran and the red dragon backpack behind him.
However, Xiao Ran, Al Elf, Juggs, Ryukino Saki and Naro were not allowed to carry any aircraft or battleships, except for some props and human weapons, which were basically Enter the mission world empty-handed.
Xiao Ran instructed everyone to be careful when performing the task. After following Cruze's arrangement, Shirley also hugged Xiao Ran tightly with a look of dismay. This is the first time that the two have to perform the mission separately, and I don’t know how long they will stay in the mission world. Of course there will be reluctance and worry, although Shirley Lu could have used the method of paying for the battle. Participate in this mission. But when everyone chooses to carry out the task, her power can still help everyone, and naturally she will not be a deserter alone.
After releasing Xiao Ran, Xue Lilu carefully sorted Xiao Ran's clothes, looked at Xiao Ran and said softly, "Be careful."
Xiao Ran shook her head and gently shook Shiryllu's hand: "I know. You must also remember, never go to dangerous places, and don't leave Moses and Billy alone."
When Shirley listened to Xiao Ran's words, she turned her head and curled her lips slightly. Maru smiled slightly beside Xiao Ran, and said to Xiao Ran, "Don't worry, I will take care of her."
"You too, pay attention to safety." Xiao Ran glanced at Maru, and also ordered.
The relationship between the three is now known to everyone. Moreover, in the world of the revolutionary machine, Xiao Ran and Maru also clarified the relationship, and they lived together for a period of time, and they were very familiar with each other and there was no contradiction.
As the start time of the mission slowly approached, Bobby had boarded the battleship and began to inspect the battleship, Luo was also carrying out the final cleaning of the supplies, and Maru also entered the battleship with the reluctant Shirley. Before leaving, Moses and Billy promised Xiao Ran that they would protect Shirley before leaving.
Watching all nine people leave and enter the battleship. Only Xiao Ran, Al Elf was left. Na Luo and the five of them were waiting for the start of the mission.
Until Prometheus started to prompt, everyone looked at each other, and Xiao Ran also said: "After entering the mission, I am not sure if they will appear together. Remember to turn on the communicator at the first time, and then merge."
Al Elf and Jacques said, "I understand."
Ryukino Saki and Naro also replied, "I see."
"Novice mission world, Gundam. The countdown begins...5...4...3...2...1...Now enter..."
When Xiao Ran heard the word Gundam sounding in his ear, he knew the world he was about to enter. The Gundam without any suffix only represented one, and that was the world of Yuanzu Gundam or known as Gundam 0079. It is also the first work among all the animation works of Gundam, and among subsequent works. Zaku, Gundam, Earth Federation, and satellite colonies are all inherited here.
The ten-second countdown flashed by, and everyone was at the moment when the countdown reached zero, their eyes went dark, even more completely dizzy than the narcotics, and after opening his eyes again, Xiao Ran’s ears also sounded promi. Hugh's voice was so mechanical and emotionless.
Mission World: Gundam
"This task is a group novice task, task difficulty: unknown"
"No. 678, this mission is the Burning Legion recommendation mission. Your physical attribute value will be suppressed to 25, except for spirit. All skills will be suppressed to level 1, driving skills will be limited to level, please pay attention. You A tracker will be given to determine the location of the person nominated."
"Please note that you do not have any identity in this world. If all the members of the Legion who participated in this election mission die, then the recommended personnel will become free people after the characters are over, and they will voluntarily choose whether to join the Burning Legion. "
"You are detected as the chief of the Burning Legion. Please set the successor of the Legion before the mission begins."
"Lao Lue Cruze."
"It has been determined that a member of the Legion, the follower Lau Lu Kruze will become the successor of the Legion."
"This mission will release a group of novice main line missions, and 100 (95) novices will participate. After completing the three main line missions, they can get basic rewards and can choose to return to the fortress."
"Main Mission 1: Survive for ten hours."
"Failure penalty: None."
"Main Mission 2: Will be opened after the main mission is completed."
"It has been synchronized with the language of this world, and all the languages ​​and characters that appear in this world will automatically be converted into your native language."
"The basic knowledge of this world has been acquired (temporarily), and it will be cleared after leaving this world."
"This world belongs to the novice world. You can get your own body again in this world, but you will be forced to accept side missions based on the body level you get. If the mission fails, you will not be able to get the current body, and the combat merits of different levels will be deducted. The negative... kill!"
"Warning, it is forbidden to tell any inhabitants of this world about the Prometheus Fortress. Every sentence deducted from military exploits will be deducted 500, and those with insufficient military exploits will be eliminated."
Xiao Ran slowly opened his eyes, and habitually scanned everything around his mind for the first time. This is a spacious and bright room. Looking at the furnishings, it should be a living room with sofas and TVs. The floor-to-ceiling windows can directly see a small courtyard, and at this time the other four people who followed him into the task are also stumbling and opening their eyes on their sofas.
The presence of all the people together made Xiao Ran a sigh of relief, but the reminder that there was no identity in it, and the fact that everyone appeared together, made Xiao Ran think of the scene when performing the novice task, a group of new people who seemed to be familiar. Gathering together to bloodbath the cosmic harbor of Heliopolis, Xiao Ran really thought that those guys were funny, but now that maybe those people's identities should be the same as his own.
But even so, Xiao Ran felt that those people were still funny, just rob the spaceship, and even wanted to rob Kira’s Assault Gundam, but they all fell into a mess~www.mtlnovel .com~ is really inexplicable.
"Then, my novice task is actually also a legion's election task. Those senior participants who made mistakes and collisions all indirectly died in my hands?" Xiao Ran's eyebrows twitched, and he was shocked. With a smile, he stood up and looked at the four of them. While they were talking, they looked for them in the living room: "To what extent are your attributes restricted?"
"All twenty-five ǎn." Jigusi was the first to speak. At this time, he did not wear his helmet-like mask. He squeezed his hand and shook his hand, which seemed unaccustomed.
Naluo followed and said that all her attributes were limited to twenty-five. After hearing the words of the two, Al Elf frowned slightly and said, "The physique has not changed. The rest Is limited to twenty-five ǎn."
Ryukino Saki stood up, raised his hand and said, "Me too."
"Is it different?" Xiao Ran slightly lifted his head, picked up a cellphone-sized object from the coffee table, and said, "I probably understand. This should be based on bloodline. Physical fitness is an important attribute of your bloodline. No reduction, just like the spirit in my attributes." (To be continued.)
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