Chapter 612: Amada Shiro's choice

Xiao Ran organized this meeting. In addition to telling these pilots that he must obey his orders, the bigger reason was that he wanted to meet Shiro Amada. After saying something and mobilizing, he announced that he was disbanded, but After being disbanded, Xiao Ran still said into the microphone: "Leutenant Amada Shiro stay. ~ Novel,"
Shiro Amada, who was about to leave with the others, was stunned when he heard Xiao Ran's voice in the loudspeaker. He turned around and gave Xiao Ran a stunned look. Under the various eyes of other people, he ran towards him. In front of the table and chair where Xiao Ran was sitting, a military salute was made towards Xiao Ran: "Sir."
"Second Lieutenant Amada Shiro?" Xiao Ran glanced at Amada Shiro up and down, which was considered knowingly.
Shiro Amada replied loudly: "Yes, sir."
"Yeah." Xiao Ran nodded slightly, and looked at the tablet placed on the table. The tablet displayed on the tablet was the information of Shiro Amada. Xiao Ran asked: "Can you tell me the real reason for being tried by the military court? The reason why Zeon’s people communicated is just nonsense in my opinion. I want to know what happened at that time. I don’t want to listen to lies, but the real reason.

"What you say will become an important basis for whether you can participate in the action this time, and it will also affect my personal view of you."
After Xiao Ran finished speaking, he looked at Shiro Amada indifferently. Although he was behind the mask, Shiro Amada still felt the scrutiny gaze coming from the mask.
Shiro Amada lowered his head slightly, pursing his mouth and did not speak for a long time, but Xiao Ran just looked at each other faintly, giving Shiro Amada enough time to think.
About a few minutes later, Shiro Amada looked helpless and opened his mouth with some bitterness: "Like what I said in the military court, even if it is Zeon, even if it is an enemy, there will be people who can communicate with us. People, that's it."
"Really?" Xiao Ran nodded lightly. Said: "I know, you should know the attitude of our heretical MS team towards Zeon Army, and you also support what you said, but I think you are still hiding something that has not been said. Today's mission is for you and your team. No need to participate, stay at the base."
"Sir!" Amada Shiro raised his head in amazement, and said with some excitement: "Sir, I want to join this operation!"
Xiao Ran glanced at Shiro Amada: "You must remember that you are still carrying the suspicion of spies and rape. In such an important battle, I don't have to let you participate in the operation. I don't know the true situation. Under the premise, I cannot analyze the credibility of your person."
Shiro Amada gritted his teeth, clenched his fist and looked at Xiao Ran firmly: "I am applying for this mission."
"You are excellent. After reading your information, I wanted you to join my army, but your information made me hesitate." Xiao Ran looked at Shiro Amada and said lightly, "You can tell me what happened. If you are sure that you do not have any suspicion of betrayal and determine your credibility, I will let you join this team and let you join the heretical MS team. I will also deal with you about the exchanges between you and the Zeon army and let you No longer bear this charge, but first, you have to make me feel that you are trustworthy."
Shiro Amada squeezed his fists tightly, and his eyes stared at Xiao Ran directly. The emotions in these eyes were very complicated, tangled, unbelievable, hesitant, and embarrassed. Too many emotions are contained in it, the heretical MS group's preferential treatment to Zeon Army is well-known throughout the Federation, so Shiro Amada is also struggling whether to tell the truth.
But what to say, could it be said that he fell in love with a Zeon army pilot. An enemy who killed them who didn't know how many comrades in arms?
Shiro Amada couldn't speak. If he said this, he felt that there was more and more possibility that Xiao Ran would be arrested by someone.
Xiao Ran might have thought of this too, and couldn't help but smile, shook his head and said, "You don't have to worry that if you tell the truth, I will get you to be arrested. I have another purpose to let you join the heresy MS team. I need to gather one. To criticize elite pilots who share common aspirations. In my cognition, I am not equal to the Earth Federation, so the rules of the Federation cannot restrict me. I have my own rules."
Shiro Amada looked at Xiao Ran who had said this in a daze. He didn't quite understand what Xiao Ran meant. Xiao Ran just smiled mysteriously at Shiro Amada and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't understand what I mean, but I can tell you that even if you really have something to do with one of Zeon, I will ignore it, and maybe choose to help you."
"My goal is to make this world no longer have wars and real peace, so for me, whether it is Zeon or Federation, it is no difference between human beings. If your position is higher, then you will know that I am and before. Zeon’s red comet, now Neo Zeon Char is a good friend."
Shiro Amada looked at Xiao Ran in amazement, his eyes were full of unbelief. A senior officer of the Federation was actually a good friend to the enemy. Even if Char's independence now forms Neo Zeon, it is also a threat to the Federation. But just like this, the person in front of him can still occupy a high position firmly, leading the strongest MS force in the Federation.
"Really?" Amada Shirou asked incredulously.
"Of course." Xiao Ran nodded and said, "I can assure you, so now can you tell me, what is the relationship between you and the Zeon army?"
Although Xiao Ran knew about Shiro Amada's situation, he still had to let Shiro Amada say something by himself. Otherwise, how would Xiao Ran explain where he knew these things? He wanted Shiro Amada to join his rebel camp, naturally. I hope that the other party will join in and be grateful for joining, so that I can use it with confidence.
And Xiao Ran’s goal is not just Shiro Amada. The woman named Aina Sakhalin, Xiao Ran, is not going to let it go. She has the potential to become an ace pilot. It’s a shame to let it go. In Xiao Ran’s view, Aina · Sakhalin's strength is still better than the current Amada Shiro.
"I... I also have a friend over there..." Shiro Amada said intermittently after being silent for a while: "But... but like me, she doesn't want to treat the other party as an enemy, even if it is an enemy. , Then there is also the possibility of communication. War is not everything. We are all humans, and it is possible for humans to communicate. If we can understand each other, then we can make the world no longer cruel."
Xiao Ran nodded slightly, but shook his head again: "Although the idea is good, it is too naive. You said she should be the one you love. It is a kind of happiness and cruelty to meet and love each other on the battlefield. ."
"The Federation and Zeon are now crazy. Why did this war fight? Is it because Zeon wants to be independent? No. In Zeon's view, it is because of the harshness and oppression of them by the Federation, but it is true. The reason is only because of two words, benefit."
"Some people at the top of the federation, the interests of certain groups, the interests of the Zeon Zabi family, because of the conflict of interest, the war broke out." Xiao Ran looked at Shiro Amada and said, "As long as these interests exist, the war will last forever. If it continues, even if it can subside for one or two years, it will always reappear."
"And those who dominate the war are connected by certain interests. They will continue to promote the war for their own interests, thereby gaining greater benefits in the war. If these people do not disappear, they will also be the controllers of the Federation. , Then the war will not disappear either."
"Have you ever thought about it. In wars launched because of the interests of these people, the people who really benefited are these people, and those who paid the pain and sacrifices were ordinary soldiers and civilians who did not benefit at all. This is what The most real cruelty in this world."
Xiao Ran spoke slowly, and Shiro Amada's expression also began to become astonished, and changed from astonishment to silence, and finally frowned.
"The sad thing is. As a victim of cruelty, I don’t know why I fought and for whom I sacrificed. Is it a relative? A friend? Or that inexplicable hatred? No, everyone is treated as a pawn. This is true for the soldiers of the Union Army. The same is true for the soldiers of the Zeon Army, and the same is true for the civilians. Because of the conflict of interests of the interests, they are guided to put hatred on the wrong people, even death. The real reason I died."
"Zeon let the satellite fall on the earth. Isn’t there a little bit of the Earth Federation in this? They knew that this would happen, and those high-level people ran away by themselves, but they concealed the news and allowed the deaths of billions of people. Who are the sinners? Those Zeon soldiers?"
"No, it's the top of the Federation. It is the Zabi family who made this decision by Zeon. They are the real evil in this world." Xiao Ran looked at Shiro Amada and said, "The soldiers are innocent. At least most soldiers are like this. , They obeyed their vocation and did cruel things without knowing or being deceived. Just like the thing, the Zeon soldiers who did it didn’t even know what mission they were performing. After that, living in guilt and pain every day, do you say these people are good or evil?"
Shiro Amada shook his head blankly: "I don't know."
"Hehe, you don’t know, I don’t know either, but I know those who are living in guilt and pain, but are willing to stand up persistently and vowed to bring true peace to this world again. They put their guns on The Zabi family, who has led to the cruel war in the world, has been targeted at the top leaders of the Earth Federation who caused all this, and is always ready to pay for the true understanding of this world and eternal peace."
"Some people also want to create future peace together for the people they love."
Xiao Ran said that he stood up and looked at Shiro Amada, who was separated by a table in front of him, and said slowly: "Well, if it is you, when you get a chance to change the world and restore the world to true peace. , What would you choose to do?"
"But in this process, you may encounter a lot of difficulties. There will also be wars and sacrifices. What choice will you make?"
"True peace?" Shiro Amada was a little dazed.
"Yes, for real peace, there will be no war on the earth. All human beings are moving towards a goal. In the future, there can be real communication between people. If you are willing, you can make people aware of your Mind."
Shiro Amada shook his head vigorously: "Is this true? Will something like that really happen?"
Xiao Ran smiled slightly: "Of course, the evolutionary direction of human beings should have been this way, communicating and understanding each other. When human beings evolve, they will have the ability to communicate with each other, but only because some selfish people do it for their own sake. Forced by interests has changed the true direction of the world and embarked on a wrong path. People have become full of contradictions and doubts."
Shiro Amada was a little confused: "Human evolution?"
"Hehe, don't talk about this, if you make the right choice, sooner or later you will see such a person." Xiao Ran smiled again and asked: "Then can you tell me your choice? If it really appears, it can change the world. As I say, true peace, if everyone understands each other, how would you choose, whether to continue to be the of some people, or to be the pioneer of the road to peace."
"Of course it is peace!" Amada Shiro said loudly, "If this world can really become like this, I certainly hope that the world can be peaceful. There will be no wars or sacrifices. Everyone must live happily. Make this world so cruel."
"Welcome you... Amada Shiro." Xiao Ran stretched out his hand to Amada Shiro, smiled and said: "Welcome to join the heretical MS team. From now on, you are a member of the heretical MS team. If your team members pass by you They can also join the heretical MS team."
Shiro Amada's eyes widened suddenly, UU reading was incredibly surprised and said: "Here MS Team? Can I join?"
"Yes." Xiao Ran nodded, still smiling: "The Zeon army's girl, if she has the same ideas as you, and is willing to work hard for the peace of this world, she is welcome to join as long as She joined the heresy MS team, even if she is unwilling to fight, I will try my best to protect her from any threat."
Shiro Amada opened his mouth wide in disbelief, and didn't react until a minute later. He jumped up happily and held Xiao Ran's hand with both hands: "Thank you, thank you, sir. I'm joining, and I want to join the heresy MS team, too. Let her join!"
"Haha." Xiao Ran smiled again, but his expression became very serious, and said: "But you have to remember that you are not only in the heretical MS team, you must also shoulder the responsibility of the heretical MS team. One day we will Declaring war on the Federation, no, like declaring war on those who have led the world on the wrong path." (To be continued.)
PS:   Today, tomorrow, and the next three days, the update will have some minor problems. I am drunk and start to have diarrhea again. It’s almost...There are also some things that need to be dealt with. Up. SJGSF0916 Baidu search "" to see the latest and most complete novels!
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