Chapter 658: Rebir's identification

The fleet in Brown City on the moon was destroyed, and a large group of privileged class missions were impounded in Brown City. The chaos of Neo Zeon and the disappearance of General Rebir finally made the senior leaders of the Federation feel a little palpitating, but General Rebir’s affairs can be alone. Apart from the fact that the Moon and Neo Zeon acted at the same time, it was impossible to disconnect them.
This is a provocation, a serious provocation, and the EFF once again picked up the put down soldiers, and the fleets located in the universe began to set off toward the moon, whether it was to rescue the privileged persons imprisoned in Brown City, or to In this temporary reaction, the first to break through the outpost Granada base of Neo Zeon to block the attack of Neo Zeon, the moon is unable to bypass an important key.
The Federal Army on the ground also began to prepare. Federal military bases all over the world have sounded the war alarm, but it seems that there is procrastination, and the Earth Federation, which has to fight for everything, is sending out the whole army. When preparing for the station, it was only a little bit before the last time Xiao Ran and the others agreed.
On the earth, four black, white, blue, and purple fighters of different colors are parked on an endless plain, surrounding the only mobile suit Shenyi Gundam in a fan-shaped pattern. Ozma and other four are also there. Making preparations to leave the earth and return to the universe.
And Kluzer and another old man with gray hair and beard, but with his head high and chest up, stood not far away and watched the red sun that was about to fall in the distance.
Cruze suddenly smiled slightly, which made his smile look a little mysterious under the mask. He looked at the old man beside him and said lightly: "General Rebir, it's not long before the last time. Haven't made up his mind yet? "
This old man is the General Rebir rescued by Cruze and the process is quite simple. Brera sneaked in, and the fighters attacked all the surrounding facilities indiscriminately. Brera took advantage of the chaos all the way to find someone stunned and taken away. The whole process did not exceed ten minutes. When General Rebir woke up, he had already appeared on this plain.
After Rebir woke up, Cruze also told General Rebir about the current situation. Then he waited patiently for the other party's reply, either joining or rejecting, but no matter what Rebir chooses, Xiao Ran's order is to take Rebir back, so Cruze will not directly kill him after Rebir refuses. Here.
"Federation...Federation..." General Rebir sighed, feeling more sorrow than death, and sighed leisurely: "I have done so much for the Federation. In the end I suffered such treatment, resentment. Who doesn't have it, blame it. Everything I have now is given to me by the Federation. How could it be possible for a country that has struggled for decades to abandon it like this."
"Now the moderates have joined you, even the civilians without me have joined you. There are so many congressmen, military bases, fleet commanders, it makes no difference whether there is me or not. I only hope you succeed. After that, don’t do what the Federation has done to the universe and the earth."
Although Rebir spoke euphemistically, he still refused Cruz's invitation, but Cruz gave out his own unique laugh. The Ozma people who were not far away felt their scalp numb. Just for one sentence: "Then I would like to ask General Rebir. Did you fight for the Federation before. Or did you fight for some privileged people who killed the donkeys?"
General Rebir said categorically: "Of course it is the Federation."
The corners of Cruzer's mouth curled up: "Then since you were able to fight for the Federation before, why are you reluctant to continue fighting for the Federation because of what those people did to you?"
"Today's Federation is no longer worth fighting for. The actions of those people have caused the resentment of the universe to such a degree. The disputes that were finally settled have been deliberately provoked again and again, and billions of people have died in a war. It used to be for protection, it was a last fight, it was the hatred between different races, but the battle that is about to start now is the choice of mankind itself, even the Federation is about to split, then who I will fight for, for you or for them ?"
Having said this, General Rebir laughed self-deprecatingly: "After all, your thoughts are no different from those of the Zabi family before, overthrowing the current federation to rule the world. And those old friends of the federation have never been here. What should be understood in the war."
Kluzer nodded slightly, and said: "I take the liberty to ask another question. If there is no today's matter, the federation will treat the inhabitants of the universe completely differently. Everyone is working hard to make this world a bright future. , But suddenly one day some people feel that the current leadership has violated their interests and rise up to create wars everywhere, then what would you do."
General Rebir squinted at Cruzer and said: "No matter what you say, I will not join you. I can answer your questions, even for the peace and future of the world, for the true righteousness. I am too old to walk, and I will fight for the Federation."
"For the sake of justice?" Kluzer's tone was a little confused, and asked: "Then do you still have it?"
General Rebir fell silent, looked at the sun that had already set again, and shook his head slightly: "Today's Federation is like the sun that is about to go down, but if the sun suddenly bursts out with the light that the rising sun should have, then My righteousness will live forever with this light."
"Haha." Cruze smiled suddenly, and stretched out his right hand to General Rebir: "Then you are welcome to join us."
"What?" General Rebir was stunned. He didn't say that he would join Cruzer, who was clearly a rebel. But Cruzer's actions seemed to be pretending to be stupid and didn't understand, or to say so on purpose. In general, this made General Rebir a little dissatisfied: "I didn't say I want to join you."
"Didn't you say that, if the sun shines as the rising sun should, then your righteousness will last forever." Kluzer retracted his hand and said again to General Rebir, full of grace and etiquette: " Introduce myself again. I am the Earth Federation Law Lu Kruze. Although the position is temporarily unavailable, we will soon have it. We inherited the Earth Federation since the first year, not the current counterfeit, and guard in the dark. Following the true original constitution of the federation, in accordance with the provisions of the original constitution, sanctions will be imposed on the pseudo-earth federation and related persons who have taken the initiative to provoke war by harsh space residents."
"What did you say!" General Rebir turned around abruptly, clutching Cruze's shoulder tightly: "What did you just say?"
"The original constitution, the original constitution that was never made public when the Earth Federation was founded, the original constitution that disappeared completely in a sensational bombing case." Kruze didn't care about the shoulder that was grasped by General Rebir . Instead, he said faintly: "We people have been inherited from the true Earth Federation, and it has been decades now. During these decades, the hidden whereabouts have been developed, and a group headed by M1 heresy has also developed. A series of technologies, our organization is the orthodox of the Federation, but it has always been afraid to identify itself."
"In addition to performing their duties, there is no special hierarchy in the organization, which just symbolizes the principle of equality in the original constitution. But equality also requires someone to lead, and our commander-in-chief is the commander of the heretical fleet. Alex, his real name is Xiao Ran, this time to save you is what he asked for. I must hope that you can join us and restore the glory of the true Earth Federation."
"Is there really a primitive constitution?" Rebir didn't seem to care about the whole bunch of things Cruzer was talking about. He just asked the question he cared about the most: "You tell, does this primitive constitution really exist!"
Kruze smiled slightly: "Of course it is true, otherwise why would the moderates and Maxi of your faction choose to join us, you can naturally distinguish the original constitution from the true and false when you join us."
"It turned out to be true..." General Rebir let go of Kruze's shoulders, and the whole person seemed to become confused, but before long he looked at Kruze with a sharp look: "Okay, I promise You, but if what you just said was a lie to me, even if you fight for your life. I also promise that the civilians will join you now. Eventually they will shoot you."
Cruzer spread his hands out: "I won't be joking about this issue. Welcome you again, General Rebir, but you may be disappointed. I don't think Xiao Ran will continue to use the name of the Earth Federation. I'm afraid that knowing that guy will create an Earth Unity Army."
Cruzer guessed correctly. Xiao Ran would not continue to use the name of the Earth Federation, which has been rotten on the street. After all, the reputation of the World Federation in this world is ridiculous. If you continue to use this name, I am afraid that the previous reputation will be inherited. Xiao Ran is also a person who is too lazy to think of a name. The possibility of choosing the name Earth Unity is very great.
Rebir looked at Cruze's outstretched hand and snorted, "It doesn't matter if you shake hands. You look like Alex. No, the unruly named Xiao Ran looks exactly the same. He doesn't dare to see people in his true colors when he wears a mask. They are all scheming and very confident right?" Kruze touched his mask, haha He smiled and said, "If you want to talk about wearing a mask, he didn't do that when I met him. But General Rebir was right. That has always been so scheming."
After Cruzer finished speaking, he turned to look at Ozma's side: "Ozma, inform that General Rebir over there has agreed to join us, and tell Luca that the things I give him can be sent out on time. It's almost time for them to make an official appearance." (To be continued~^~)
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