Chapter 729: The current state of powerlessness

Xiao Ran is really in trouble at the moment. If the mission does not appear in this weird situation and is directly in Orb, he can completely bring Orb's Space Army to the universe and push everything in Yunius 7. Give old fox Durandal and LOGOS, and then do a big action with the UC world.
But the problem now is that his faction is limited. He can go back to Orb desperately, but even if the main mission is successful, before the conditions to trigger the faction change are found, then Prometheus will release The main line mission will also be the main line of the joint army, so standing in Orb’s camp will cause the main line mission to fail one after another.
Xiao Ran didn't dare to try the consequences of the failure of the main mission. Of course, the consequences of failure were not that Xiao Ran could not bear. At most, he would get some punishment after deducting some merit points, but he just blatantly violated Prometheus's announcement. It’s better not to do this kind of task. Inability to complete and deliberate incompleteness are two concepts. The former is insufficient ability, while the latter is intentional.
Xiao Ran’s main mission has never failed, but he doesn’t know if the main mission fails in addition to these seemingly minor penalties for deducting the merit points, but there is no other greater punishment in Prometheus. Participants will deliberately not complete the task of Prometheus, and this will definitely not be due to the great integrity of the participants.
And in terms of identity status, it is completely different from all the mission worlds he has passed through before. When he used the ultimate mission card to enter the mission world, his status was to leave during the interval. But this time he took on a more important plot figure in the coalition army. In this way, his interval state becomes unknown.
It doesn’t matter if he can return to Orb at all costs and let the main mission fail, but is now Orb really the Orb he left at the time? Even if he returns to Orb, can he take over the military and political power again? For Xiao Ran, everything that happened in two years was blank. Even how'he' changed from a retired Orb boss to a soldier of the coalition army is completely unclear. If Kagali is really on board the Minerva, then in the past two years A great change has definitely taken place in Zhong Aobu, and Xiao Ran's original plot and trajectory have returned to some extent. Only then did Kagali become so weak and appear in Armory One as in the original plot.
Before all of this was unraveled, Xiao Ran found the trigger for the change of faction, and before the trio of Maru, Kruze and Luo got their own body, it was not because of their own strength. It’s a sensible thing, so the best thing to do is to play your current identity well, and do what he can and change as much as possible without violating the main mission requirements. select.
at least. He must also find out as soon as possible what happened in the coalition army, PLANT, and Orb in the past two years after he left. As he is currently the senior commander of Phantom Pain, he is attacking. It shouldn't be difficult to figure this out.
"As for Junius 7. I'm sorry, although I don't want this to happen, but now I don't have the ability to stop it. I can only do it as I am now." Xiao Ran felt a faint heart. Sigh, he clearly knew that the next thing was a disaster, but in such a situation he had no ability to stop it. This kind of powerlessness made Xiao Ran very uncomfortable and very uncomfortable.
Xiao Ran has been in Prometheus for such a long time. Although there have been great changes, human nature cannot be changed so easily. In addition, Xiao Ran has never thought about adapting himself into something. Look like. So the kind in my heart is not willing to see loss. The simple kindness that he didn't want to see sacrifice was still preserved in his heart.
So he wants to save some innocent people and make sacrifices and losses less. His character is not a Virgin, but a pure human nature. But reason also told him that now he can't just rush to Junius 7 directly. Otherwise, the old fox will definitely calculate it into his plan.
"You must take yourself out of this matter, and you can't take the initiative to go to the direction of Junius 7. In order to avoid being caught by the tail of the Minerva, the old fox in Durandal is confirming our identity, and even me. After that, the bad thing was planted on my head. It was wrong. As long as the old fox is willing, as long as there is anything wrong on my side, whether he can confirm my identity or not, he can plant all these on my head in advance. , Jianfeng pointed directly at the unity of the earth. When I can change my camp, I will be involved in this bad thing. It is really tiring to deal with these old foxes."
Xiao Ran rubbed his head with a headache, and hummed in his heart, and even if he could bring the Minerva over in advance, it would be useless. Not to mention what Durandal thought, but after all, the Minerva could not be carried and bombed. Separating the equipment of Junius 7, the kind of nuclear bomb that can burrow into the ground and explode, even if it passes in advance, it will hit the outpost without any effect, but will let him take the initiative to get involved in the incident.
"If it's the Galaxy Diva, how can there be so much trouble." Xiao Ran shook his head slightly. This time he started alone and it was a world as high as SEED. Although his identity was different, he seemed to have returned to him. When entering this world for the first time, that kind of cautious step by step approach.
Shaking his head, Xiao Ran decided to proceed according to the original plan of the Gadi Lu. It was not that he was selfish and cruel to witness everything happening and remained unmoved, but that he really had no way to solve the current problem. What we can do is to slowly hook the Minerva in accordance with the development of the plot, and prevent the Minerva from deviating to other wrong directions and failing to catch up with the destruction of Junius 7.
And even if he guided Gadi Ru to Unius 7 by "coincidence", the situation would be the same as the Minerva’s first arrival. It would not help the situation at all. All these premises cannot He himself was implicated in it, and finally became a scapegoat launched by both the coalition army and the PLANT. Once his identity was identified by the coalition, the scapegoat would eventually become Orb.
"If you do it, you have to hide in another place, or just fight it as in the original plot. This feeling of powerlessness is really terrible." Xiao Ran shook his head and exhaled gently and said: "According to the original The plan remains unchanged. It is precisely because we don't know if ZAFT will catch up, so we need to continue as planned."
The Gadi Lu was heading towards the predetermined route, and the Minerva had been following the trace of the Gadi Lu. In a flash, more than an hour passed, and Xiao Ran was adjusting the Chaos Gundam in Ganakuri. The OS, the person in charge of the maintenance team seized the time to adjust the body. Originally, Chaos Gundam had two armed pods that could be used, and it also had the function of launching missiles, but for Xiao Ran, the number was still too scarce. Therefore, we must hurry up to supplement the Dragoons of Chaos Gundam.
As for this kind of supplement in quantity, it is not difficult for the technicians on the Gadi Lu, as long as it does not affect the operation of the body itself, connect several energy pipelines and fix the dragoons on the legs. The bottom and the back are good. However, because of the two-way restriction of manpower and equipment, Xiao Ran only asked the personnel in the maintenance squad to add a total of four holy shield daggers to the body's back and legs to supply dragoons, and Xiao Ran was responsible for the adjustment of the system. .
With the efforts of all the maintenance personnel, it took almost two hours to connect the energy pipeline out and install the Dragoon. Although the appearance looks like a temporary rush out, it can even be on both sides of the body. On both sides of the thighs and on the back, you can see the energy supply pipelines of the Dragoons, but this is the limit that can be made at present.
Not long after Xiao Ran completed the modification of the airframe system for the operation of the Dragoons and connected to the four new communication channels for Dragoons, a large heat source was discovered on the bridge side, and it was moving at a very fast speed. Chasing in their direction.
Xiao Ran hurriedly jumped out of the cockpit of the fuselage, and quickly rushed to the bridge. Ian Lee only heard the sound of the bridge door opening behind him, and he had already determined that the person who came in was Xiao Ran, and did not look back. He said: "Sure enough, it has caught up. It is really a powerful high-speed ship."
"Distance whole army is equipped for combat, and all pilots are ready for the waiting room." Xiao Ran patted Ian Lee on the shoulder, and said: "Don't talk to the opponent unless you can confirm the combat power of the opponent's warship Entanglement occurs, but if you let the other party chase it, sooner or later it will catch us.
"After entering the meteorite belt, I will drive Chaos Gundam to attack, and gather the enemy's power on my body as much as possible, so that Stella, Olu and the others will guard the battleship, and other people will make arrangements according to the situation."
Ian Li was stunned, turned his head to look at Xiao Ran, and frowned slightly, "Is it too dangerous for the colonel to do this? If the opposing warship has more than estimated combat power, once the colonel is involved in the battle, it will be very difficult. Difficult to provide support."
"It doesn't matter." Xiao Ran smiled slightly and said: "I think the quality of the ZAFT machine is not worse than that of the Divine Shield Dagger, and there are still several machines that can provide mobile support, even if it can't beat them, it will cause them a little. It’s okay to run away after trouble."
Ian Lee was speechless when he said this, he could only nod silently, and commanded: "Immediately prepare the Chaos Gundam attack procedure, and all pilots will board the plane and stand by." (To be continued~^~)
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