Chapter 749: The possibility of neglect

Xiao Ran turned his head slightly, but the movement in his hand showed the afterimages on the keyboard without the slightest change. He smiled and said, "Yes, this is a battle against PLANT. Don't Stella want to participate? "
Stella shook her head with a weak expression. This girl looked dull and weak when she wasn’t mad and fighting. She whispered,
If Neo asks me to fight, I’ll fight, Stella doesn’t Afraid to fight."
Oulu smiled and interrupted and said: "Then we can do a big job, if we meet the body that will change equipment this time, I must make him look good."
"Oh, then I don't want to hear you calling me for help." Sting curled his lips disdainfully and said, "I don't know who was unable to fight when the enemy's combat power was insufficient last time. That ship."
Oulu replied uncomfortably: "Sting, that ship is not easy to deal with, and it wasn't the support of the other party that it came back? You were sitting on the ship in both battles, and you didn't even have a chance to fight."
Sting shrugged his shoulders relaxedly: "That's because Neo wants to use my body, so I can't fight. If you give me your body to drive that time, I will definitely hit the ship. Coming down."
Stella looked at the quarrel between the two on the screen and ignored them at all. Instead, she asked Xiao Ran, "Neo, are we going to change the battleship now?"
Xiao Ran shook his head and said, "It's you who are going to transfer to the battleship. I'm going to try this machine first and make some adjustments to the machine by the way."
Stella's eyes widened, and then bit her mouth and said disappointedly: "But Stella wants to be with Neo."
"Go to the actual combat training, Neo, let us go together too." Olu's eyes widened suddenly, compared to Stella's loss, this guy was full of excitement and looked rather disdainful. Glancing at Sting: "I also want this guy to see who we are better."
"If this is the case, then add me." Sting looked indifferently, there was no major emotional fluctuation due to Oulu's provocation, and the reason why he couldn't fight was only because of the young man's competitive spirit. And caused.
"I want to go, this is troublesome. The base only approved my application to leave..." Xiao Ran shrugged and said helplessly, turning his head to look at the avatars of the three people on the side screen. There seemed to be a flash of lightning in his mind that struck Xiao Ran's ears, and his eyes under the mask instantly narrowed.
Xiao Ran, who was planning to comfort the three of them to board the ship first and then rendezvous, turned into another sentence: "But if you really want to go with me, you must be prepared to accept punishment. Okay."
As soon as Xiao Ran said these two words of punishment, the expressions of Oulu and Sting became pale in an instant, and Stella was so afraid that they began to tremble. The three of them were strengthened people, and their physical conditions were actually quite similar. Oops, it’s all because of drug suppression that makes the three people look no different from ordinary people in normal times, and they are stronger than ordinary people, but once they are out of the fixed medication time, their health will be worse after the last time the medication has passed. The situation will also bring huge pain to the three of them. The taste of that pain is like ten thousand ants eating their hearts. It is not something that ordinary people can survive.
But Olu said stiffly with a trembling voice: "No... it's just punishment. I can hold it, but I don't know if Sting dares."
Sting gritted his teeth, and said stiffly: "Go, and it's not that Neo is to support us, I won't worry."
Although Stella was afraid, she lowered her head and said like a mosquito, "Stella wants to be with Neo."
Having said this, Xiao Ran also seemed to cheer for the three of them, saying: "If you decide, then you can rest assured, even if you will accept punishment, I will try my best not to let you take too much time, wait for me first. Now, I adjust the body."
Xiao Ran said that he drove his body into the huge base port. In addition to the Gadi Lu that they left just now, there are more joint warships parked here, and a brand new one. The Wendam is also being transported towards these warships through the supply channel.
After Xiao Ran stopped the machine on the ground, he temporarily shut down all communications of the machine, and shut down all skills except the system. Parked in this huge port is like a stiff stone statue. You can sit on it. Xiao Ran in the cockpit. At this time, both hands had knocked out countless afterimages on the keyboard, and his eyes also burst with golden light at this time, but this time it was not just for fighting, but just In order to be able to modify the body and the X11 backpack OS at full speed as soon as possible.
Seeing every parameter adjusted to the value that suits his own operation under his own hands, while modifying countless data such as energy, weapon, friction parameter, Xiao Ran's brain is also running quickly.
"The first task of the main line requires the completion of the robbing of three units, and the prerequisite for changing the camp is to complete the first task of the main line. The remaining conditions are unknown."
"And the main mission is to seize the body, it is better to say that it is the guarantee of the three small powers, Chaos, Gaia, and the abyss."
"After completing the main task, I secured the three small powers and three Gundams, and completed the prerequisites for changing the camp, which means that the importance of the three small powers and the three machines has become less important while completing the task."
"In the original plot, Neo died in Oulu. Stella died. It seems that after Sting died, he started fighting for the Archangel and Orb, thus restoring his memory. Before he could restore his memory, Ni Ao’s responsibilities have passed away with the wind with the death of the three small powers, and the importance of being Neo’s identity has gradually disappeared."
"From the perspective of the requirements for changing the camp, it seems that to ensure that the seizure of the body is contacted and then the task must be completed before the change of the camp can be carried out. This seems to illustrate some problems. This is not because there is no connection or just a restriction. The completion of task one is to change one of the trigger conditions of the faction."
"Contacting the original plot, in my current situation, the conditions for changing the camp are likely to be related to the three small strong. They are not becoming less important, but becoming part of the changing conditions of my camp. One link... is their death."
"However, according to Prometheus's practice, any task will have at least a glimmer of life for the participants, and the same is true for the indigenous people who will not interfere too much with Prometheus, that is to say. The San Xiaoqiang does not necessarily have to die, even as long as they have completed the task they should have done, that is, grab the body and send the body data to the joint hands, it is considered that their task is completed, and they will get their first line of life. ."
"Then even if the three small powers did not die but just left the coalition army completely, it would mean the same to the coalition army as if they died, then will the final result be my chance to trigger the faction to change the conditions?"
Xiao Ran was almost certain that the trigger for his change of camp was related to the three small strong, because the role of Neo and the three small strong is too deep, and the same is true for the development in the original plot, and even if it is to change the camp The requirements and conditions are also for the things and people he can touch, not the Obb side that he can’t reach. The only things Xiao Ran can touch now are Gadi Lu and the three small strong. .
While Gadi Lu only played soy sauce at the beginning, there was no chance to play at the back, and there was nothing too special about it, but the top three were different, and the importance was much higher than Gadi Lu. Too many, even according to the current situation, the Gadi Lu and Xiao Ran have not been involved too much. Once they wait for the PLANT defeat and evacuate, they will land on the earth, and it is even more impossible to have Gadi Lu What contact was made.
The reason why Xiao Ran urged San Xiaoqiang to leave the moon base with him for actual combat tests was to take advantage of this opportunity to urge the three of them to flee the union together with him, and see if it would trigger a prompt to change the camp. , Even if this prompt is not triggered, Xiao Ran will at most take three people to Orb, but the probability of this possibility will not be too great, after all, except for the three Xiao Ran is There really isn't much to do with the coalition army.
When Xiao Ran knocked the last character, it also announced that all the OSs of the body and the backpack had been modified by him. After the modification was completed, the OS was enough to make the overall performance of the body rise again. Although the body was still the same, there was no change in Xiao Ran’s. But the hands will be very different from before. These differences are reflected in the details, such as reflecting speed, fixed movements and so on.
And Xiao Ran also blocked the back door left by the joint side on the system, but in order not to arouse suspicion, he moved the direction of that back door to another place. Once the joint army used the back door left in the body system, the only result was It can only lead to overloading of PS armor, but is there really such a thing as overloading of PS armor without continuous attack?
After restarting the body, the front and left and right screens also lit up again. After Xiao Ran reconnected to the communication, the communication of Stella, Olu, and Sting was also connected again, Xiao Ran's feet As soon as he stepped on it, the fuselage flew with a more flexible and lighter posture than before. While Xiao Ran was driving the fuselage towards the exit of the universe, he did not forget to say to the three of them on the communication channel:
"Come with me, turn off all communications to the coalition army, leaving only communications for our four machines." (~^~)
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