Chapter 765: Mina is visiting

In the evening, it was originally a wedding reception for Kagali and Yura Serran as usual, but Kagali was taken away by Liberty Gundam to an unknown destination. Yura Serran and his old man brought a lot of original Orb’s Cabinet officials and military officers were all imprisoned, so this cocktail party became a welcome reception for Xiao Ran, and it was also the place where Xiao Ran expressed his apologies to the frightened delegations. ? W.suimeng.lā
Among them, the small neutral countries that have been attached to the third force under Orb are the happiest. They are also neutral countries like Orb, but they are also forced to join the so-called world because of the joint hegemony. In the security alliance, the appearance of Xiao Ran can change their current situation to a certain extent. Everyone knows that Xiao Ran is not a master who is afraid of fighting, and the key to doing everything is really strong.
Once Obu took the lead, they immediately gathered all the forces together. The United really dare not actively provocation under the strong military pressure of ZAFT at this time, and some people can even tell. Uncertainly, a united person will jump out soon to stabilize Orb's mood.
In addition to the representatives of these small powers, another person who is pleased is of course the few people sent by PLANT to congratulate them. Although Orb was planning to join the World Security Alliance, after all, Orb and PLANT has had a lot of cooperation before, so he will still do these etiquettes according to the old fox of Durandal before he really turns his face.
Aub was opposed to joining the World Security Alliance. The PLANT representatives seemed very happy. After all, what Aub said was the third largest military system, and the World Security Alliance was targeting PLANT. Now Aub announced that he would not join. , It has greatly reduced a lot of their pressure. What's more, Xiao Ran was also preparing to declare war on the joint, which also allowed the PLANT representatives to see the hope of cooperation and put Obra into their front.
So throughout the night, from the beginning of the reception to the end of the reception, there were countless people around Xiao Ran, but they also knew that today was not the time to talk about those things, but around Xiao Ran to say some compliments.
It wasn't until the reception was over that Xiao Ran, under the protection of a group of guards, left with a rush of head and moved temporarily into the newly built mansion of Ashar's.
Today, Xiao Ran’s guard level is too high, not only because of Xiao Ran’s current status in Orb, especially because of the fact that Xiao Ran was kidnapped by the United after retiring two years ago. It is the people, many people sighed in their hearts, and raised his guard level to the highest level not to allow the same thing to happen, of course, this also represents the thing that Kagali was taken away.
There are many people around Xiao Ran in any action. The entire area around the Ashar residence where he is temporarily staying is under total martial law and the military is directly responsible. Although this is somewhat unnecessary for Xiao Ran, he will not stop him. The people below wouldn't let them do this. Now Orb's nerves are too nervous. Apart from so many things in succession, Xiao Ran is unwilling to tease their nervous nerves anymore, and just follows their arrangements.
Just after entering the unfamiliar Askha’s mansion and sitting down, Bucky Lulu walked to Xiao Ran's front with a small electric device, turned on the small computer directly and reported to Xiao Ran while watching the contents on it: " Your Excellency, the Mars delegation, the PLANT delegation, and the delegation of the third neutral force headed by Orb have all just requested a formal meeting with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and hope that we can respond as soon as possible. In addition, the Atlantic Federation, Europe Both the Asian Federation and the East Asian Federation have proposed to hold talks with adults."
"In addition, all the partisans and allies of the Serran family have all been detained, except for a few who fled, and you need to decide on their final handling."
"The military also issued a formal statement in the afternoon. It will unconditionally support you, my lord. At the same time, it has also issued orders to all the external teams. They will all return within a month at the latest. The Orb Army has already Fully entering a state of combat readiness, the selection of outstanding pilots will also begin tomorrow."
"The government, the military needs you to make arrangements and sign for the vacancies in the arrest of the Serran family and their party members."
A lot of things came out of Bucky Lulu's mouth, and Xiao Ran took a long breath and sat up straight again. After thinking about it, he said: "The government and military personnel add to the cabinet and the national defense headquarters. Select the appropriate personnel and hand them over to me to sign and accept my destiny. All of the talks are agreed to. Time depends on the arrangement. You must also be fully prepared in terms of combat readiness, so that the Suguang Society can start to expand immediately and recover the original loss as much as possible. The technical staff of the company will then begin to carry out the research and development of the ace pilot's body. I will tell them the specific requirements after the Dawning Society is ready."
"In addition, find a place to establish a post-disaster relief camp in Obune, and officially begin to receive refugees who have suffered in the war, but normal people or adjusters can receive it. Relief supplies must be prepared in advance, and a news event will be arranged three days later At the press conference, I want to go on stage in person."
"Finally, I will clean up the Selan's mansion, and I will move to do it over there. After all, this is the residence of the Ashar family. Too suitable."
Bucky Lulu nodded while writing down Xiao Ran's words. At this time, a steward-like person walked in lightly, bowed slightly to Xiao Ran, and said, "My lord, a guest came to visit. , I hope to see you."
"At this time?" Xiao Ran was taken aback for a moment and asked, "Who is it?"
The butler said: "It's the lady above."
As soon as the steward said, Xiao Ran knew who this so-called eldest lady was, Lund Mina Sahak, the of the shadow warrior of Orb, and one of the heirs of orthodox Orb like Kagali. The leader of the Imperial Pillar of Heaven, the true advocate of the heresy plan, is independent of the universe because of its different ideas from the Ashar family.
"Why is she here? Will she come to visit me?" Xiao Ran was a little surprised, but still nodded to the housekeeper: "I see, you bring her in."
"Yes, sir." The butler nodded and turned to leave, and Xiao Ran also looked at Bucky Lulu, and said, "That's it. I arrange things as soon as possible. You go first."
Bucky Lulu also nodded and left, and within a few minutes Xiao Ran saw Mina Lund walking in in full costume.
The steward brought Mina to Xiao Ran, and then directly turned away quietly, while this Orb’s shadow army Mina stood in front of Xiao Ran and looked at Xiao Ran so seriously, and Xiao Ran did the same. I stood up on the sofa and looked at each other.
The long hair went straight down. Although his face had characteristics and softness that were unique to women, Xiao Ran could also feel a kind of arrogance from the opponent. Seeing him, Xiao Ran thought of the first time he came to this world. At that time, another person with the same appearance who was killed by him, Luo and Cong Yunjie was also Mina's brother, Jina.
Xiao Ran didn't ask why the other party was here, and Mina didn't let this doubt remain for too long, just watching Xiao Ran with a faint smile on his face, and said without rush or slowly: "Unexpectedly, in the end, Let an outsider take charge of Aub, the Askha family, the Sairan family, including my Sahak family, turned out to be your stepping stones. Starting from the Dawn Society, you have forced me into the Sahak family. If you don’t let go of the Shuguang Society, you can only succumb to the imperial pillar of heaven.
"Then I got the trust of the former representative of Ashar and carried out the quarantine. Today, the last Seram family and their party members who can threaten your status are arrested. It can be said that the entire Orb will be yours. Opponent, even if Kagali comes back, and as long as you deny his identity, she will never get Orb's right again."
"You count the whole of Orb from top to From a university assistant who is nothing in a short period of time, he was in charge of Orb for the second time, and it is Orb's highest voice. Leader, your abilities are indeed very surprising. I’m afraid no one would have thought that the Orb built by many families would end up in the hands of an outsider who is nothing. Even if you control everything about Orb now, are you Knowing how many families really mean to you? How much do they hate you for taking their rights?"
Xiao Ran nodded, smiled and said: "I have to clarify one thing first. I have never calculated anything about Orb. It is a coincidence that I can get to this point today. In addition, Kagali’s departure is their own choice. I didn't do anything here, and the Serran family's approach indeed violated Orb's ideals. As the minister of Togu represented by Ashar, there is nothing wrong with my decision."
"As for the people who hate me against me, in the critical situation facing Orb, I can only take special measures against them. I believe no one will choose to jump out and touch me at this time. Unlucky, even if I let them go, the military and the people would not let them go. But you, independent of the imperial pillar of the sky, would visit me at such a time, which makes me feel strange local."
Miner looked at Xiao Ran, leaned forward slightly and said, "I'm just here to remind you not to put Orb into danger." (To be continued.)
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