Chapter 769: Number of participants

From Xiao Ran’s words, Aslan learned of Kagali’s helpless choice, shaking his hands and finally chose to be silent. He might understand Kagali’s actions, but the pain and pain in his heart could not be controlled. And knowing that Kagali was finally taken away by Kira, she was also relieved.
As for Xiao Ran’s disappearance for two years because of being
by the coalition, Aslan frowned deeply after learning about it, and after contacting Xiao Ran’s claim of arresting the Seran family and his party members, Lenovo In the past two years, the Seran family has become more and more rampant, and it seems to have understood something.
And finally learned from Xiao Ran that Aube will soon go to war with the United States. A joint fleet under the banner of the World Security Guarantee Alliance is coming towards Aube. Aslan also understood what he saw along the way. What is the purpose of the assembly of the Ober fleet and the busy defense headquarters?
Aslan has feelings for Ober, not only because Kagali is the prime minister of Ober, but because he is also his only home in the two years since he was separated from PLANT. At this time, this is filled with love. The home of countless people was about to be attacked by war once again, and Aslan couldn't help squeezing his fist after learning of this.
"I want to stay." Aslan struggled for a long time, finally raised his head and looked at Xiao Ran: "I want to stay and help. Aub must not be like before, otherwise Kagali will be very sad. , And Orb is not accepting the failure like the previous one. If he fails this time, everything will be over."
"No." Xiao Ran looked at Aslan, frowning and said seriously: "You are ZAFT now. People from the ZAFT army must not appear in Orb's fleet, otherwise Orb will give people a The illusion of alliance with ZAFT."
"It doesn't matter if the ZAFT army is on the battlefield. It's the ZAFT army's own choice. Their own strategy has nothing to do with Orb. But you can't. You can't drive a mobile suit to appear in Orb's fleet to fight with us." Having said this, Xiao Ran also glanced at the FAITH mark on Aslan’s chest, and said in a deep voice,
Even if you have FAITH in PLANT that can act according to your own will, you are in Orb, representing PLANT, representing With the ZAFT army, Orb must not have anything to do with PLANT."
Aslan opened his mouth and looked down at the pilot uniform that belonged to the ZAFT army he was wearing. For a moment, a dazed expression appeared on his face, but then he recovered and clenched his fists and clenched his teeth. With his fist resting on his lap, it seems to regret that he had chosen to leave Orb at the beginning, and such a change happened in Riob in a short time. Obviously there is power, but this power cannot be used as Orb’s power to protect this country.
"Aslan." Xiao Ran called out Aslan's name. After the latter looked up at a loss, Xiao Ran suddenly smiled and said: "Although Aslan Sara can't appear in Ob, Ale But X Dino can. Alyx Dino is the of the former Prime Minister Kagali Yula Asha. He is a member of Orb, so he can naturally fight for Orb."
Aslan was stunned for a moment, and then nodded heavily: "Thank you, Master Xiao Ran."
"This is Kagali's country. It's natural that you want to protect it. Of course I won't stop you." Xiao Ran took a sip of the coffee in front of him without a rush, and then shouted towards the door. : "Bucky Lulu, come in."
As Xiao Ran's voice fell, Bucky Lulu, who had been guarding outside the door, also walked in. When she reached Xiao Ran's side, she nodded slightly to Aslan, and then said to Xiao Ran, "What's the matter, my lord? ."
"Mu said sorry to him and asked him to hand over the body to Alyx for temporary use. I think Aslan would be very suitable if he drives that body." Xiao Ran put the cup down again and continued: " The other machine, which seems to be the one called Dawn Gundam, asked Director Symonds of the Dawning Society to deliver it to Mu."
"Dawn... Gundam?" Bucky Lulu's face was puzzled. Agnes, who didn't speak much after Aslan arrived, was a little surprised, but Aslan was truly puzzled when he heard Xiao Ran's words. And surprised: "Which machine? Dawn Gundam?"
Agnes didn’t know that the situation inside Orb was normal, but neither Bucky Lulu nor Aslan had heard of Dawn Gundam, and even did not know the existence of Dawn Gundam. That only means that the Dawning Society’s now serves Director Symonds of girlfriend Mu’s security measures are too good, even the real owner of Dawn Gundam, Ka Jiali, doesn’t even know that there is such a machine, but Xiao Ran knows, even if he doesn’t know the world. All the plots, but the last mission came to this world and took control of Orb for so long, he naturally knew some things.
With the use of such a large resource and technology, Xiao Ran was not like Kagali's ignorant one day, saying that there had been a few movements from the Dawning Society in his heart, how could it be hidden from his eyes.
Xiao Ran knew that she was puzzled when she saw Bucky Lulu's expression, but he didn't explain too much to Bucky Lulu. After they saw the machine, they would naturally get an explanation, so he waved his hand: " Go ahead, take Aslan with him. His clothes are not suitable for being here, hurry up and we don't have much time."
"I see." Bucky Lulu nodded, and Aslan also stood up and slightly bent over towards Xiao Ran, and then left the office with Bucky Lulu. Until the two left, Agnes drank the coffee in the cup in front of him, then stood up and slightly bent over to Xiao Ran, and said, "Then I should also prepare."
Xiao Ran also stood up and extended his right hand to Agnis once again. When the hands of the two were loosened slightly, Xiao Ran also smiled and said: "This time, I represent Orb to give Gui again. I would like to express my gratitude. If your delegation has any needs, please do not hesitate to mention it. I will also ask the following to meet all your requirements as much as possible."
After Agnes left, Xiao Ran sat alone on the sofa with her eyes closed, but she kept thinking about what to do after Orb, what she should do in the next tasks, and how to improve. His true status and support in Orb was filled with thoughts for a while, until Esch, wearing an Orb uniform, knocked on the door and walked in.
After seeing Esch, Xiao Ran also lightly nodded to the beautiful and incongruous woman, raised his hand to beckon Esch to sit opposite to him, and then asked: "How are things going."
Esch nodded and replied: "All the participants in the current Orb influence have been contacted, unless the participants who deliberately hide their identity have been found."
Xiao Ran nodded and asked, "How many people did you contact with them?"
"Adding to the fact that there are fifteen or six of the four of us, there is a set of connections between the participants, and we have also shown the identity of our participants. As long as we can contact one person, the latter will be easier. "
In fact, this method is very simple to say, especially after Eich and the others are driving their own body on the stage. As long as they leave symbols and marks on the body that only participants can understand, they are naturally willing to join them. Participants who contact take the initiative to contact them, and similarly, other people who are willing to contact other participants will also find ways to leave marks and symbols in places that are easily noticed.
Of course, this method is only one of the relatively low-tech ones, and the higher-tech one is to communicate with participants through specific communication fluctuations. Xiao Ran does not have much contact with participants. , So the specific band is naturally not clear, and this band can only be received by the communicator produced by Prometheus.
There is also a lower technical but very effective method, which is to stand by the sidelines, bring something that can identify the participant and stand outside the parked their bodies. There will also be participants and them. contact.
And Esch adopted these three methods at the same time. After five or six participants contacted them, the subsequent contact with other participants will be faster and more convenient.
And Xiao Ran was also a little surprised when he heard what Esch said there were so many participants: "How come there are so many people?"
Essina’s lips curled up with a nice and said:
I only found out after contacting them that there were only four or five participants who had joined the Orb camp. The others were After this mission, he chose to jump to the Orb camp. After all, in our memory, Orb was the last victor of the last war. Although a little weak now, smart people and gamblers don't care about this."
"Heh." Xiao Ran shook his head and smiled after hearing what Esch said, "It seems that there are still many smart people and gamblers among the participants."
Eshy nodded and smiled: "But you are a participant, but you don’t know the participants at all. It’s a bit strange. If the adults take the initiative to identify themselves with other participants in the future, If you contact, it will be very troublesome."
"I took it down." Xiao Ran chuckled.
After Aslan left with Bucky Lulu, he immediately changed the pilot uniform that represented the ZAFT army and put on the Orb uniform that originally belonged to him. The first place they went was naturally. It was the main angel of the savior of Xiao Ran parked, and Aslan was stunned when he first saw the main angel, and when he entered the meeting of Gnaku and Mu, he saw the station and him. After the savior obtained from Durandal was almost the same body, he was also astonished to the point where he could barely speak. (~^~)
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