Chapter 777: Break

The Blue Disaster was restricted by Jagris’ Δ Gundam, but after seeing that his teammate was hit, he also blocked the movement of Δ Gundam with full firepower, and the six guns were directly facing each other in the next instant. The Midnight Gundam was approved, but he just wanted to attack the pilot’s hand movement and stopped for a while, gritted his teeth and re-operated the body, raising his arms and holding the Grim shield in his hand, launching two strings of Fire Snakes towards Midnight Gundam.
The current situation is that Crimson Forbidden and Midnight Gundam face each other closely, but the physical short knife held by Midnight Gundam is directly inserted into the Crimson Forbidden heat sink, and the heat sink is still shooting out sparks and smoke. Even at this distance The position of Crimson Barrier is higher than Midnight Gundam, but once six beams hit Midnight Gundam, the real unlucky thing is the Crimson Barrier close to Midnight Gundam. After all, the beam reflection ability of the eight-foot mirror armor will definitely affect the recent Crimson Barrier At that time, I am afraid it was not fire support, but an assist player for the enemy.
But even so, when the two fire snakes were spreading towards Midnight Gundam, Midnight Gundam was driven by Xiao Ran, with his arms directly exerting force, especially the short sword stuck in the chest of Crimson Forbidden, pulling down. While the chest heat sink and internal armor that had already penetrated were torn apart, he also pulled the Crimson Forbidden, which had lost power on his left arm, in front of him, using Crimson Forbidden as a shield to block the two fire snakes.
Countless bullets hit the back of Crimson Gundam. Because of the PS armor, Crimson Forbidden did not suffer too much damage, but the sparks and the impact on the body were also not small, even Xiao Ran The shock of being attacked by bullets can be felt in the cockpit of Midnight Gundam, and the true yellow Raider behind Midnight Gundam also did not miss this excellent opportunity to attack Midnight Gundam, pulling out the beam saber from his waist. A dive rushed towards Midnight Gundam.
But Midnight Gundam is not fighting independently. Xiao Ran had previously ordered Sting to cooperate. Also because of the existence of Chaos Gundam, Midnight Gundam also blocked some of the soldiers who attacked Midnight Gundam, and Sting has been there. Paying attention to the situation of Midnight Gundam, after seeing the real yellow plundering action, it immediately changed to the MA form. The muzzles of the two dragoons popped out, and the beam rifle also fired a beam at the same time. Flew straight towards the attack route of the True Yellow Plunder Gundam.
Facing the attack of Chaos Gundam, even if he was reluctant in his heart, the pilot of True Yellow Predatory still controlled his body and changed its direction instantly, reluctantly letting go of this opportunity to attack towards Midnight Gundam, several beams. And the missile just swept across the side of the deviated True Yellow Raider Gundam. Although it was evaded by the True Yellow Raider, it also hit a Wyndham squad behind. The missile plus beams made one attack. The team was destroyed directly.
Seeing that his attack did not work, Sting snorted softly, and actively drove the MA form Chaos Gundam towards True Yellow Raider, not allowing this machine temporarily out of Xiao Ran's control to hinder Midnight Gundam. Thing.
When the Crimson Forbidden is close to the body, the large sickle held in the hand cannot be attacked, but it becomes an obstacle to the Crimson Forbidden, not to mention the puncture and tearing attacks on the body have caused problems in the position and burned. After the flames, his left arm completely lost the ability to move, and even the cockpit alarm began to scream sharply, and Midnight Gundam was indeed undamaged here, that is, a short knife was inserted in the Crimson Forbidden and not pulled out.
It can be said that under such circumstances, the situation of Crimson Forbidden has become very dangerous. The one-handed and damaged Crimson Forbidden wants to break free from the shackles of Midnight Gundam, but the pilot of Crimson Forbidden is not slow to respond, and Xiao Ran's actions are even more serious. Quickly, after blocking the two fiery snakes of the Blue Calamity with Crimson Forbidden, while Agris on the other side drove his body to attack the Blue Calamity once again, Midnight Gundam's knee hit was also repeated. Appears, it can be said that it hits the blushing forbidden abdomen without any hindrance. While releasing the short sword with both hands at the same time, it also separates the two units due to the knee collision, but Midnight Gundam quickly took out two beams. The saber, the left hand pierced the beam saber directly into the crimson forbidden right shoulder and the gap in the middle, so that countless sparks burst out, and a huge hole was dissolved so that the beam saber passed through without hindrance, and the right hand held it. The beam saber did not turn on for the first time, but after passing through the two sides of Crimson Forbidden beam energy deflection armor, it reached the position of Crimson Forbidden cockpit door.
I only heard Xiao Ran humming in the midnight high, pressing the index finger of the operating stick held by his right hand, and suddenly a pink light beam appeared directly in front of the beam saber against the crimson forbidden cockpit, in such an extremely short time. Inside, the beam saber directly melted the crimson forbidden cockpit door and then disappeared in a flash.
When the two beam sabers in the hands of Midnight Gundam were extinguished, all the red forbidden thrusters and the light from the eyes flickered a few times, and the whole body collapsed as if it had lost energy, as the thrusters flashed until Extinguished, the body began to fall towards the sea.
After Xiao Ran quickly sent a message, he had time to pay attention to the surrounding situation.
Under Aslan’s lead, the Murakami Squad and Assault Gundam attacked around the combined fleet. After a wave of attacks, they immediately lifted up completely regardless of whether they hit the target or not. If you continue to attack, you won’t engage with the coalition at all, and all the attacks are directed at the warships of the fleet. Whether you can hit the target is also not considered. Although the coalition also has actions to hinder the attack, Under Aslan's leadership, the performance and attacks of the Savior Gundam with multiple locking systems caused the United Army Wyndham who came to stop them to lose a lot.
More than a dozen participants mainly focused on the five derivative machines of the G series and five participants. Although the other party’s true red shield belongs to a B-class machine, it still cannot do what Xiao Ran can do. The extent to which the performance of the Aegis was squeezed out, not to mention that the number of participants on the Orb side was half as much as the other side, but it was also able to successfully contain the five G series units and the five participants.
In the combined fleet, there are already several warships braving the black smoke and slowly sinking, and there are also about seven or eight warships burning flames but floating firmly on the sea surface. At least half of the sinking warships are It was Oulu who drove the Abyssal Gundam to destroy it alone. This combined fleet seemed to lack underwater combat power. It should be said that most of the entire combined fleet, except for the ace troops, belonged to the lack of underwater power.
Even if there are a certain number of underwater mobile suits, it is still a bit worse than the Abyss Gundam manufactured by ZAFT, not to mention that the pilot of Abyss Gundam originally came from a special unit of the United Army, and is still a A strengthener with good technology, even the adjuster of the ZAFT army is not an opponent, let alone a normal man-pilot of the general joint army.
Therefore, Oulu and Chaos Gundam were simply unstoppable under the surface of the sea. It didn't take much effort to kill a lot of underwater forces in this fleet, and at the same time, they seized the opportunity to destroy several warships.
The entire battlefield is now surrounded by light beams and black smoke. In addition to the loss of one of the strongest B-class fuselages, the battleship has also suffered a small loss, but if you want to say that this can hurt the fleet It's far from that level, and there are more and more mobile suits in the combined fleet appearing in the sky, and it is becoming more and more difficult for one's own side to fight, and even the body has been damaged. Xiao Ran is in After squinting his eyes, he directly issued the order to retreat.
Xiao Ran's order should not allow others to hesitate or refuse. After all, as a commander, no one would refute Xiao Ran's order. After all the planes gathered together and launched a wave of attacks against the MS units that were lifted into the air, they turned around. Begin to evacuate the battlefield.
At this time, because he obeyed Xiao Ran’s orders, Orb’s fleet did not continue to march towards the joint but adjusted an angle to avoid frontal contact. Otherwise, I am afraid this time Go and go, but it has developed into a real frontal war.
In the Archangel, Kagali in the cockpit of the Red Assault Gundam looked at the Orb Army MS retreating. The damaged body was also evacuated with the help of the undamaged body. She breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. Gritting his teeth in the cockpit in front of him, he knocked hard: "Asshole, asshole, he is a asshole, what qualifications does he have to take Orb's army..."
"Kagali!" Kira suddenly yelled angrily, but after looking at the screen with the bewildered and tearful eyes that Kagali raised her head, the kind of anger that actually didn't mean anything. The mind turned into tenderness, and he sighed and said softly: "You and the teacher are different people. There is nothing wrong with your sacrifice and concession for Orb, but the teacher's approach is also correct. You are all firming up Orb's ideas but you have chosen a different approach. No one is wrong or right.
"The teacher's ability to lead Orb is the right granted to him by Ashar, and it is also the right granted to him by Orb. Maybe I was wrong to bring you out, but if you stay in Orb, now you have become Seran. The family members were put under house arrest, and Orb became a united Orb. Perhaps he would avoid a war with the united because of this, but he cannot avoid a war with ZAFT, do you understand.
(To be continued~^ ~)
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