Chapter 779: Staff recommendation

Xiao Ran looked at him lying horizontally surrounded by a bunch of technicians and maintenance personnel, the crimson forbidden lines of various equipment connected, and after hearing Symonds' words, he glanced at her and nodded slightly. This time, driving the Midnight Gundam to attack, although it did display the inherent performance of the body, Xiao Ran also felt that there were still many restrictions when driving, and he was not so used to it.
Although the body has an eight-foot mirror armor that can be immune to beam attacks, to a certain extent, it greatly enhances the defense ability against beam attacks, but this ability is deprived of the defense effect against live ammunition, but for now In other words, the eight-foot mirror armor is not only weak in the face of live ammunition weapons, but the impact is not too great.
But at the moment when the eight-foot mirror armor was attacking by absorbing the reflected beam, Xiao Ran could actually perceive that in that short moment, the body itself had actually lost more operational possibilities, and could not use itself while reflecting the beam. There are many reasons for the attack by the weapon, but the most important one is the rigidity caused by the energy absorption of the eight-foot mirror armor after being attacked.
At the same time of energy absorption, it will also cause the body itself to be bound by the position of the beam attack. If it is a normal MS beam attack, then the influence of that position on the body itself can be said to be very small, but if it is replaced by a battleship That kind of high-power attack, on the other hand, even if Midnight Gundam can be blocked and reflected, it will also be bound by a strong energy position, and it is difficult to move, and if it is under such a situation, it is subject to entities from other parties. When attacking, there is a high possibility that people will be destroyed.
Of course, it’s just a fool to stop the bombardment of battleships. In general, the eight-foot mirror armor has indeed increased the body’s defensiveness a lot, but it has caused some negative effects on combat warfare. No matter, at least the eight-foot mirror armor itself is definitely not comparable to the PS armor in terms of hardness and durability. A knee bump like Xiao Ran's has actually caused a lot of cracks in the knees and the calf armor.
And there is no floating weapon to use this, and it has a certain impact on Xiao Ran. After all, the attack of the floating weapon is weird. The 360-degree attack without dead ends has a great advantage, but because There is no relationship with floating weapons, so all Xiao Ran's technology is embodied in the body itself, and the operation and control of the body has reached the extreme level, and it can also exert a good combat ability.
But the weakness is equally obvious. If Xiao Ran is driving his own Justice Gundam, he can at least suppress the two units of True Yellow Raider and Crimson Forbidden at the same time with one to three, and at the same time, he can launch an effective attack against the Blue Calamity. It can also guarantee that there will be no miscellaneous soldiers around him, and this is still in the situation of melee, and this is incomparable to Midnight Gundam, and it can only be done like Freedom Gundam. When there is a chance, multiple locks and all guns are fired.
The real key issue lies in the body's energy, skeleton and output. The energy uses a new type of battery energy independently developed by Suguang. Even if the new energy battery pack is coupled with the energy provided by the backpack, the energy consumption is in the battle. There is only one who is not close. If Xiao Ran is really fighting with full firepower, then the energy will inevitably be consumed very quickly, and it will not be able to support him to fight for a long time, especially when facing the same ace machine. This can be more prominent at the time.
The Dawn Gundam and Midnight Gundam both use the skeleton of the G series body. The flexibility seems to be enough, but compared to the new generation body, it is a bit backward and not higher than the new generation body frame. Not to mention flexibility, there are gaps in compression resistance, firmness, and overall performance.
The most obvious manifestation of the defects in the skeleton and energy is the body's output. This output includes not only the frequency and power of the beam attack, but also the propulsion ability. The size of the body's power is like the sickle when the crimson forbidden fell from the sky. Even if Xiao Ran reacted and caused Midnight Gundam to pull out the physical dagger to support it, it was also suppressed by the power of Crimson Forbidden to reduce its height. If the skill is not good enough, the sickle might be easy to appear a lot. problem.
Of course, this is what Xiao Ran got when he drove Midnight Gundam, and what Symonds got was more of a lack of data. In summary, although it was similar to Xiao Ran's idea, it also considered the defense against live ammunition weapons and melee combat. Problems, but how to change and how to make adjustments cannot be done today.
When Director Symonds summarized the data obtained, Xiao Ran also made some comments. In fact, there are not many things that can continue to be changed in the body. From the beginning of the design, I never thought about using a nuclear engine, so now It is also impossible to change the body of a nuclear power engine, so the energy can only be started from the backpack, as the savior is up to X11 to use the backpack to supply nuclear energy.
The body frame and line of defense are the inevitable restrictions after design and manufacture. There is no way to change it, but after all, Midnight Gundam is not a specially designed fighting body, and the flaws in this aspect can be ignored.
Finally, there is an effective defense against live ammunition attacks. In fact, this aspect is not so troublesome to improve. Two shoulder shields or a shield that can be used for attack can be solved.
But to be honest, Xiao Ran thinks that no matter how improved Midnight Gundam is, it doesn’t make much sense to him, because he has a Justice Gundam that is obviously more advanced than Midnight Gundam. There is no need to risk and drive Midnight Gundam safely. .
This time driving the Midnight Gundam is also just to cooperate with Simmonds, to thank the Ashar who arranged this machine, it is more a symbolic approach, and it is difficult or impossible for him to follow. Will use this midnight Gundam to continue fighting, even if Midnight Gundam will continue to fight, it won't be Xiao Ran who will continue to drive.
After telling Symonds that he would not continue to drive Midnight Gundam to fight, Symonds also nodded naturally. In fact, for her, Xiao Ran driving Midnight Gundam to battle is already a rather risky and irresponsible behavior. .
Symonds nodded, and looked at the clearly thick Justice Gundam with special abilities. He also felt that the machine did look much better than the Midnight Gundam. Then he hugged his hands slightly above the abdomen, highlighting his own body.
Simmonds looked at the machine on the ground, then at Midnight Gundam, and then turned to Xiao Ran and said: "The Midnight Gundam you are going to deliver to, you can't just leave this kind of combat power, and you have brought back this It took a few days for the machine to be repaired and analyzed, and I should find a good pilot to use it, right?"
Xiao Ran nodded and groaned. The two airframes really had to be delivered to qualified pilots to reveal the effects of the airframes, but the problem now lies in the fact that the person who can really operate the two pilots, Xiao Ran, is really real. I don’t know who to choose, and once Aslan leaves the savior up to X11, he will also be free. That is the lack of three ace pilots, which is really a headache for Orb, who is currently weak. thing.
Director Simons looked at Xiao Ran's pensive expression, smiled slightly and said: "Seeing you are embarrassed, then I recommend two people to you?"
"Huh?" Xiao Ran looked at Simmonds and nodded slightly: "Who is it?"
"At present, Mayo Asuka, who is currently serving as a test pilot for the Dawning Society, is not long to officially become a test pilot, but he has demonstrated excellent potential that ordinary pilots cannot match. After proper training, he can definitely become a qualified pilot. The ace pilot, the other one who retired from the army after the last war, and returned to the army after your return, is enough to be called the strongest heretical fighter fighter, Barry Holland."
"Mayo Asuka? Barry Holland?" Xiao Ran raised his eyebrows slightly. He had heard people say that Mayu Asuka had become a test pilot of the Dawning Society, and he was doing pretty well. Unexpectedly, at this time, I heard Simmonds say the name and Simmonds was very optimistic about the little girl's appearance.
And the other Barry Hole made Xiao Ran feel stranger. After a while, Xiao Ran asked: "Mayo Asuka, I know, but two years ago she was just a little girl who didn't understand anything. Now she really has the ability to drive such a machine to appear on the battlefield?"
Symonds covered his mouth and smiled softly: "It's not because of you. That girl has always regarded you as an idol. After the adult disappeared, she found Bucky Lulu and wanted to join the Orb Army, saying that she wanted to help you and His elder brother guarded the country like he did, and he showed great potential when he was training. Although not the youngest of the pilots at that time, his performance was top, but because he was really too young, And there is no war relationship so that Bucky Lulu sent to the Dawning Society as a test pilot."
"But I can guarantee that even if that fellow Mu wants to deal with the serious Mayo, it will take a long time to get a headache."
Xiao Ran nodded slightly. As a real Asuka Mayo, who has the same blood from the same father and mother, should indeed be similar in potential to True Asuka. For example, the ability to explode SEED is very likely to appear in Mayu. In his body, such an ability alone can actually lay the strongest foundation for Mayo to become an ace pilot. (~^~)
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